ITEM 1 Otsego Apartments Finanical Assitance Request0 T'f 0 Ot�e F 0 MINNESOTA'g TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator & Finance Director DATE: November 13,2017 SUBJECT: Otsego Apartments Financial Assistance Request On Monday, the City Council will be considering the updated request for financial assistance from Otsego Apartments, LLC for a multi -family housing project within Riverbend North. At a previous meeting on August 28, 2017, 1 the City Council concurred that they would provide further consideration to a Redevelopment TIF District. City Staff was directed to work with a specialized consultant to determine whether the proposed project would meet redevelopment criteria necessary to establish the respective TIF District. City staff has been working with Michael Fischer from LHB. Mr. Fischer has informed City staff that the proposed project would meet redevelopment criteria, and that he is comfortable with the creation of a Redevelopment TIF District. The City has also continued discussions with Ehlers as the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) consultant for this request. Updated financial information, calculations and projections have been included with this memo for review. The applicant has developed a revised financial assistance request, which is attached with this memo for review. After the request has been presented to the City Council, the meeting will allow for the Council to ask questions of the applicant and for the Council to have discussion on the request. No action is necessary at this meeting; however, direction on how to move forward is being requested by both the applicant and City staff. Materials Attached for Discussion 1) Revised Request for Financial Assistance 2) Ehlers Financial Information, Calculations and Projections a. Based on: Apartment Complex and Mini -Storage b. Based on: Apartment Complex, Mini -Storage & Future Commercial City of Otsego 113400 90' Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330 1 Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 11r712017 40 EHLERS IF ADF AS IN P11111 I C FIRANC17 Riverbend North City of Otsego, IVIN Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments and mini -storage facility only ,)N.q AND RA Base Value Assumptions - Page 1 DistrictType: Redevelopment BASE Tax Rates INFORMATION District Name/Number: 30011 SD 728 TIF 4 County District #: Exempt Class Rate (Exempt) 0.00% First Year Construction or Inflation on Value 2018 Tax Year Commercial Industrial Preferred Class Rate (C/I Pref.) Current Existing District - Specify No. Years Remaining After First $150,000 1.50% Inflation Rate - Every Year: 0.00% Original Over $150,000 2.00% Interest Rate: 4.76% Conversion Area/ Commercial Industrial Class Rate (C/1) 2.00% Present Value Date: 1 -Aug-1 8 for District Rental Housing Class Rate (Rental) 1.25% First Period Ending 1 -Feb -19 Conversion Affordable Rental Housing Class Rate (Aff. Rental) 118303000010 Tax Year District was Certified: Pay 2018 59,400 First $121,000 0.75% Cashflow Assumes First Tax Increment For Development: 2020 743 Over $121,000 0.25% Years of Tax Increment 26 0 Non -Homestead Residential (Non -H Res. 1 Unit) 100% Assumes Last Year of Tax Increment 2045 Rental First $500,000 1.00% Fiscal Disparities Election [Outside (A), Inside (B), or NA] NA 207,100 Over $500,000 1.25% Incremental orTotal Fiscal Disparities Incremental Pay 2018 Homestead Residential Class Rate (Hmstd. Res.) 2,705 Fiscal Disparities Contribution Ratio 2,705 First $500,000 1.00% Fiscal Disparities Metro -Wide Tax Rate 342,200 Over $500,000 1.25% Maximum/Frozen Local Tax Rate: 114.110% Pay2017 Agricultural Non -Homestead 1.00% Current Local Tax Rate: (Use lesser of Current or Max.) 114.110% Pay 2017 State-wide Tax Rate (Comm./Ind. only used for total taxes) 45.8020% Pay 2017 Market Value Tax Rate (Used for total taxes) 0.19373% Pay 2017 Note: 1. Base values are for pay 2018 based upon review of County website on 11.6.2017. PrepaTed by Ehlem & Associates, Inc. - Estimates Only N.AMinnSDts\Otsego\Houslng - Economic - Redevelopmentloending Projects\RlveTbend North\2D17 T1F application\Apartment & storage only_Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11 .6.2017 BASE VALUE INFORMATION (Original Tax Capacity) Building Total Percentage Tax Year Property Current Class After Land Market Market Of Value Used Original Original Tax Original After Conversion Area/ Vap ID PID Owner Address MarketValue Value Value for District Market Value MarketValue Class Tax Capacity Conversion Orig. Tax Cap. Phase 118303000010 50,100 9,300 59,400 100% 59,400 Pay 2018 Rental 743 C/I Pref. 891 118303000020 66,400 0 66,400 100% 66,400 Pay 2018 Rental 830 C11 Pref. 996 118500262400 207,100 9,300 216,400 1D0% 216,400 Pay 2018 Rental 2,705 Rental 2,705 342,200 4,278 4,592 Note: 1. Base values are for pay 2018 based upon review of County website on 11.6.2017. PrepaTed by Ehlem & Associates, Inc. - Estimates Only N.AMinnSDts\Otsego\Houslng - Economic - Redevelopmentloending Projects\RlveTbend North\2D17 T1F application\Apartment & storage only_Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11 .6.2017 1117/2017 is EHLERS I, F?,LFR 5 !N PHO I I C Fl N;NQ Riverbend North City of Otsego, MN Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments and mini -storage facility only Base Value Assumptions - Page 2 Note: 1. Market values are based upon estimates from the TIF Application and the County Assessor's office. i PROJECT INFORMATION (Project Tax Capacity) I New Use Tota. Tax Capacity Area/Phase New Use tstimated Taxable Market Value Market Value Per Sq. Ft./Unit Per Sq. Ft./Unit Total Sq. Ft./Units Total Taxable Market Value Property Tax Class Project Tax Capacity Project Tax Capacity/Unit Percentage Completed 2018 Percentage Completed 2019 Percentage Completed 2020 Percentage Completed 2021 First Year Full Taxes Payable Tpartments Comm. Storage 91,896 91,896 164 15,071,000 1,08D,000 Rental C/I Pref. 188,388 2D,85D 1,149 0 1 DO% 0% 100% 1DO% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2020 2021 TOTAL 31,289 --TrXTf5-- 16,151,000 209,238 Subtotal Residential 154 15,071,000 188,388 Subtotal Commercial/Ind. 1,080,000 20,850 Note: 1. Market values are based upon estimates from the TIF Application and the County Assessor's office. i TAX CALCULATIONS I New Use Tota. Tax Capacity Fisca. Disparities Tax Capacity Loca� Tax Capacity ca. Property Taxes Fiscan Disparities Taxes 6tate-wide Property Taxes Mar et Value Taxes Total Taxes Taxes Per Sq. Ft./Unit Apartments Comm. Storage 188,388 20,850 0 0 188,388 20,850 214,969 23,792 0 0 0 8,863 29,197 2,092 244,166 34,747 1,488.82 0.83 TGTAr- 209,238 0 209,2Tg-- 238,761 0 8,863 31,289 --TrXTf5-- Note: 1. Taxes and tax increment will vary significantly from year to year depending upon values, rates, state law, fiscal disparities and other factors which cannot be predicted. WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM TIF? o a roperty lax s 278,913 less State-wide Ta es (8,863) less Fiscal Disp. Adj. 0 less Market Value Taxes (31,289) less Base Value Taxes (5,240) Annual Gross TIF 233,521 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - Estimates Only N:%Mh-rsota\Otcego\Housing - Economic - RedevelopmentkPending Projects\Riverbend Nonh\2017 TIF applicatiWAicartment & Storage only_Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11.6.2017 1117/2017 Tax Increment Cashfiow - Page 3 10 EHLERS It Of NS IN 1`131111C FINANCE Riverbend North City of Otsego, MN Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments and mini -storage facility only Project Original Fiscal Captured Local SGernl-Annual State Semi -Annual nual I PERIOD ,,a Sam = Eft % of Tax Tax Disparit! Tax Tax G=a. ross Tax Auditor Net Tax P Fie ENDING Tax Payment OTC Capacity Capacity Incremental Capacity Rate Increment Increment 0. 3 61A Increment Value Yrs. Year Data 08/01/19 02/01/20 100% 188,388 (4,592) 183,796 114,110% 209,729 104,865 (378) 104,487 95,123 0.5 2020 08/01120 104,865 (378) 104,487 188,040 1 2020 02101/21 100% 2139,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 289,097 1.5 2021 08101/21 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 387,809 2 2021 02/01/22 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116.760 (420) 116,340 484,232 2.5 2022 08/01/22 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 578,417 3 2022 02/01/23 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 670,418 3.6 2023 08/01/23 116,760 (420) 116,340 760,284 4 2023 02/01124 100% 209.238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 848,065 4.5 2024 08/01/24 116,760 (420) 116,340 933,810 6 2024 02/01/25 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,M 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1,017,566 5.5 2025 08/01/25 1 16,76D (420) 116,340 1,099,379 6 2025 02/01/26 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1�179,294 6.5 2026 08/01/26 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1.257,355 7 2026 02/01/27 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1,333,604 7.5 2027 08/01/27 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1.408,085 8 2027 02/01/28 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,76D (420) 116,340 1,480,838 8.5 2028 08101/28 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1,551.904 9 2028 02101/29 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1,621,320 9.5 2029 08/01/29 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1,689,127 10 2029 02/01/30 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1,755,360 10.5 2030 OB/01130 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1,820,056 11 2030 02/01/31 100% 209,238 (4,592) 2124,646 114.110% 233.521 116,760 (420) 116,340 1,883,252 11.5 2031 08/01131 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 1,944,982 12 2031 02/01/32 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233�521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,005,279 12.5 21132 08101/32 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,064,178 13 2032 02/01/33 100% 209,238 (4,592) 2134,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,121,711 13.5 2033 08101/33 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,177,908 14 2033 02/01/34 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,M 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,232,802 14.5 2034 08/01/34 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,286,423 M 2034 02/01/35 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,546 114.110% 233,621 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,338,799 15.5 2035 08101135 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,389,961 16 2035 02101/36 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,76D (420) 116,340 2,439,935 16.5 2036 08101136 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,488,750 17 2036 02101/37 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,536,433 17.5 2037 08/01137 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,683,1309 18 2037 02/01/38 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,761) (420) 116,340 2,628,505 18.5 2038 08/01/38 116,780 (420) 116,340 2,672,946 19 2038 02/01/39 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,716,355 19.5 2039 08/01/39 116,760 (420) 116,340 2_768,764 20 2039 02/01/40 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233.521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,800,177 20.5 2040 08/01/40 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,840,635 21 2040 02/01/41 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,880,154 21.5 2041 08/01141 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,918,756 22 2041 02/01/42 100% 209,238 (4,592) 2134,13413 114,110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,956,463 22.6 2042 08/01142 116,760 (420) 116,340 2,993,296 23 2042 02/01/43 10D% 209,238 (4,692) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 3,029,273 23.5 2043 08/01/43 116,760 (420) 116,340 3,064,417 24 2043 02101/44 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 3,098,744 24.5 2044 08/01144 116,760 (420) 116,340 3,132,276 25 2044 02/01/45 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116.760 (420) 116,340 3.165,029 25�5 2045 08/01/45 116,760 (420) 116,340 3,197,023 26 2045 02/01/46 Total 6,047,754 (21,772) 6,025,982 Present Value From OB/Oi/2018 Present Value Rate 4.75% 3,208,674 (11,551) 3,197,023 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - Estimates Only N:\Minnaota1Otsego\Housing - Economic - RedevelopmentTendIng Projects�Riverbend North\2017 TIF aippllcatlon�Apartment & Storage only_RedevelopmentTIF Run Model 11.6.2017 1117/2017 EHLERS Riverbend North City of Otsego, MN Full Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments, mini -storage facility, and 15,000 retail wq ANn Rz Base Value Assumptions - Page I DistrictType: Redevelopment BASE Tax Rates INFORMATION District Name/Number: 3001 / SID 728 TIF 4 County District #: Exempt Class Rate (Exempt) 0.00% First Year Construction or Inflation on Value 2018 Tax Year Commercial Industrial Preferred Class Rate (C/I Pref.) Current Existing District - Specify No. Years Remaining After First $150,000 1.50% Inflation Rate - Every Year: 0.00% Original Over $150,ODO 2.00% Interest Rate: 4.75% Conversion Area/ Commercial Industrial Class Rate (C/1) 2.00% Present Value Date: 11 -Aug -18 for District Rental Housing Class Rate (Rental) 1.25% First Period Ending I -Feb -19 Conversion Affordable Rental Housing Class Rate (Aff. Rental) 118303000010 Tax Year District was Certified: Pay 2018 59,4DD First $121,000 0.75% Cashflow Assumes First Tax Increment For Development: 2020 743 Over $121,000 0.25% Years of Tax Increment 26 0 Non -Homestead Residential (Non -H Res. I Unit) 100% Assumes Last Year of Tax Increment 2045 Rental First $500,000 1.00% Fiscal Disparities Election [Outside (A), Inside (8), or NA] NA 207,100 Over $500,000 1.25% Incremental or Total Fiscal Disparities Incremental Pay 2018 Homestead Residential Class Rate (Hmstd. Res.) 2,705 Fiscal Disparities Contribution Ratio 2,7D5 First $500,000 1.00% Fiscal Disparities Metro -Wide Tax Rate 342,200 Over $500,000 1.25% Maximum/Frozen Local Tax Rate: 114.110% Pay 2017 Agricultural Non -Homestead 1.00% Current Local Tax Rate: (Use lesser of Current or Max.) 114.110% Pay 2017 State-wide Tax Rate (Comm./Ind. only used for total taxes) 45.8D20% Pay 2017 Market Value Tax Rate (Used for total taxes) 0.19373% Pay 2017 Note: 1. Base values are for pay 2018 based upon review of County website on 11.6.2017. Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, [no. - Estimates Only N:\Mlnnsota\Otsago\Housing - Economic - Redevelopment\Pending Projects\Riverbend North\2017 TIF applicationTull Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11.6.2017 BASE VALUE INFORMATION (Original Tax Capacity) Building Total Percentage Tax Year Property Current Class After Land Market Market Of Value Used Original Original Tax Original After Conversion Area/ Map ID PID Owner Address Market Value Value Value for District Market Value Market Value Class Tax Capacity Conversion Orig. Tax Cap. Phase 118303000010 5D,100 9,300 59,4DD 100% 59,400 Pay 2018 Rental 743 C/I Pref. 891 118303000020 66,400 0 66,400 100% 66,400 Pay 2018 Rental 830 C/I Pref. 996 118500262400 207,100 9,30D 216,400 100% 216,400 Pay 2018 Rental 2,705 Rental 2,7D5 342,200 4,278 4,592 Note: 1. Base values are for pay 2018 based upon review of County website on 11.6.2017. Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, [no. - Estimates Only N:\Mlnnsota\Otsago\Housing - Economic - Redevelopment\Pending Projects\Riverbend North\2017 TIF applicationTull Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11.6.2017 I lf7/2017 10 EHLERS LEADERS IN PURI I C FINANCE Riverbend North City of Otsego, MN Fu H Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments, mini -storage facility, and 15,000 retail Base Value Assumptions - Page 2 Note: 1. Market values are based upon estimates from the TIF Application and the County Assessor's office. PROJECT INFORMATION (Project Tax Capacity) Tota. F-Isca. Estimated Taxable Loca Total Taxable Property lviarkeu- Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage First Year Prope4 Market Value Market Value Total Market Tax Project ProjectTax Completed Completed Completed Completed Full Taxes Area/Phase New Use Per Sq. Ft./Unit Per Sq. FtIUnit Sq. Ft./Units Value Class Tax Capacity CapacitylUnit 2018 2019 2020 2021 Payable Apartments 91,896 91,896 164 15,071,000 Rental 188,388 1,149 100% 100% 100% 100% 2020 Comm. Storage 15,550 0 1,080,000 C/[ Pref. 20,850 0 0% 100% 100% 100% 2021 Retail 109 7,500 815,000 C/I Pref. 15,550 2 0% 0% 0% 10D% 2023 Retail 109 7,500 815,000 -T7-,781,000 C/I Pref. 15,550 2 0% 0% 0% 100% 2023 TOTAL 240,338 iSubtotal Residential 164 16,071,000 188,388 ISubtotal Commercial/Ind. 2,710,000 51,950 Note: 1. Market values are based upon estimates from the TIF Application and the County Assessor's office. !N.i.. 1. Taxes and tax increment will vary significantly from year to year depending upon values, rates, state law, fiscal disparities and other factors which cannot be predicted. WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM TIF? o a rope y axes 330,429 less State-wide Taxes (21,733) less Fiscal Disp, Adj. 0 less Market Value Taxes (34,447) less Base Value Taxes (5,240) Annual Gross TIF 269,009 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, I= - Estimates Only NAMInnsote0tselloftusing - Economic - Redevelopment\Pending ProjectsNRiverbend North\2017 TIF applicatonWull Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11 .6.2017 TAX CALCULATIONS Tota. F-Isca. oc Loca 'Isc Isc tate-wide lviarkeu- Tax Disparities Tax Prope4 Disparities Property Value Total Taxes Per Now Use Capacity Tax Capacity Capa ity Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Sq. FtJUnit Apartments 188,388 0 188,388 214,969 0 0 -29, 244,166 1,488.82 Comm. Storage 20,850 0 20,850 23,792 0 8,863 2,092 34,747 0.83 Retail 15,550 0 15,550 17,7" 0 6,435 1,579 25,758 3.43 Retail -AL 16,650 0 Q%31 17,744 0 6,43 579 `!i 25,758 3.43 T UT 24D,338 U 274,249 u 33 21 T 447 330,42 -9 -- !N.i.. 1. Taxes and tax increment will vary significantly from year to year depending upon values, rates, state law, fiscal disparities and other factors which cannot be predicted. WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM TIF? o a rope y axes 330,429 less State-wide Taxes (21,733) less Fiscal Disp, Adj. 0 less Market Value Taxes (34,447) less Base Value Taxes (5,240) Annual Gross TIF 269,009 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, I= - Estimates Only NAMInnsote0tselloftusing - Economic - Redevelopment\Pending ProjectsNRiverbend North\2017 TIF applicatonWull Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11 .6.2017 11/712017 Tax Increment Cashflow - Page 3 4a EHLERS L [AGE RS IN PUMIC I [RANCE Riverbend North City of Otsego, MN Full Redevelopment: Market Rate Apartments, mini -storage facility, and 15,000 retail % of OTC Project Tax Capacity Original Fiscal Tax Disparities Capacity Incremental Captured Tax Capacity Local Tax Rate Annual Gross Tax Increment I Semi -Annual Gross Tax Increment State Auditor 0.36% Semi -Annual Net Tax Increment Semi -Annual Present Value I PERIOD ENDING Yrs. Tax Year Payment Date 02101119 08/01/19 100% 188,388 (4,592) 183,796 114.110% 209,729 - 104,865 - (378) - 104,487 95,123 0.5 2020 02/01120 08/01120 104,865 (378) 104,487 188,040 1 2020 02101121 100% 209,238 (4,592) 2D4,646 114.110% 233,521 116.760 (420) 116,340 289,097 1.5 2021 08/01/21 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 387,809 2 2021 02101122 100% 209,238 (4,592) 204,646 114.110% 233,521 116,760 (420) 116,340 484,232 2.6 2022 08/01/22 1 16,760 (420) 116,340 578,417 3 2022 02101/23 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,748 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 684,399 3.5 2023 08/01123 1 34,605 (484) 134,020 787,922 4 2023 02101/24 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,5D5 (484) 134,020 889,044 4.5 2024 08/01124 1 34,505 (484) 134,020 987,820 5 2024 02/01/25 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,084,304 5.5 2025 08101125 1 34,5D5 (484) 134,020 1,178,550 6 2025 02/01/26 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,270,609 6.5 2026 08/01/26 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,360,533 7 2026 02/01/27 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,448,370 7.5 2027 08/01127 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 1 34,505 134,505 (484) (484) 134,020 134,020 1,534,170 1,617,980 8 8.5 2027 2028 02/01/28 08/01/28 1 34,505 (484) 134,020 1,699,845 9 2028 02101129 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (4B4) 134,020 1,779,810 9.5 2029 08101/29 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,857,921 10 2029 02/01130 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 1,934,220 10.5 2030 08/01/30 1 a4,505 (484) 134,020 2,008,748 11 2030 02/01/31 100% 240,338 (4,692) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,081,548 11.5 2031 08/01/31 134,605 (484) 134,020 2,152,659 12 2G31 02/01132 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,222,120 12.5 2032 08/01/32 1 34,505 (484) 134,020 2,289,969 13 2032 02/01/33 100% 24D,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,356,245 13.5 2033 08/01133 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,420,983 14 2033 02/01/34 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,605 (484) 134,020 2,484�219 14.5 2D34 08/01/34 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,546,9aS� 16 2034 02/01/35 10D% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,606,325 15.5 2035 08/01/35 1 34,505 (484) 134,020 2,665.261 16 2035 02101/36 100% 240,338 (4,692) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,722, B30 16.5 2036 08/01/36 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,779,064 17 2036 02/01/37 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,833,993 17.5 2037 08/01/37 134,605 (484) 134,020 2.887,648 18 2037 02/01138 100% 240,338 (4,592) 236,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 2,940,058 18.5 2038 08/01/38 134.505 (484) 134,020 2,991,252 19 2038 02/01/39 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269.009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3�041,258 19.5 2039 08/01139 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,090,105 20 2039 02101/40 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,137,818 20-5 2040 08101/40 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,184,424 21 2040 02101/41 100% 240,338 (4,592) 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,229,949 21.6 2041 08/01/41 134,506 (484) 134,020 3,274,418 22 2041 02101/42 100% 240,338 (4.592) - 236,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,317,855 22.5 2042 08/01142 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,360,285 23 2042 02101143 100% 240,338 (4,592) - 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,401,730 23.5 2043 08101143 134,606 (484) 134,020 3,442,214 24 2043 02101144 100% 240,338 (4,592) - 235�746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,481,759 24.5 2044 08101/44 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,520,386 25 2044 02/01145 100% 240,338 (4,592) - 235,746 114.110% 269,009 134,505 (484) 134,020 3,558,117 25.5 2045 08/01/45 134,505 (4a4) 134,020 3,594,973 26 2045 02/01146 Total 6,863t982 (24,710) 6,839,272 Present Value From 08/01/2018 Present Value Rate 4.75% 3,607,961 (12,989) 3,594,973 Prepared by Ehlem & Associates, Inc. - Estimates Only W.UnnsotakOteegoWousing - Eccromlo - Redevelopment\Pending ProjectsWiverbend NortW017 TIF applicaflonTull Redevelopment TIF Run Model 11.6.2017