ITEM 5.1 MacIver MSA FundsCITY OF 0 t� ezo MINNESOTA Cy DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner November 13, 2017 PRESENTER(S) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Flaherty 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 17-94 Advancing Municipal State Aid Street Funds for construction of 85 th St and Maciver Ave Extensions ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND USTIFICATION: City council has determined construction of 85 1h St and Maclver Ave (state aid streets) is a priority to be completed in 2018 due to the ever increasing traffic on local streets (83 rd St, 80th St, and Mason Ave) and the opening of the Prairie View School. Due to the availability of funds within the Municipal State Aid account, municipalities are allowed to advance state aid funds up to five times their annual construction allotment. Basically, this borrowing ahead would be reimbursed by the City using future state aid construction allotments until the advancement is paid back. Financially, this is the best option for the City as other options such as bonding include soft costs and interest payments while advancement of state aid funds amounts to a 0% interest loan with no soft costs. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Resolution 2017-94 • Engineers Estimate • Location Map • Request to Reserve Advance Funding • Otsego State Aid Account Summary POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Resolution 2017-94 requesting Municipal State Aid Street Funds Advancement BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: State Aid Yes RESOLUTION NO. 2017-94 MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET FUNDS ADVANCE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Municipality of Otsego is planning to implement Municipal State Aid Street Project(s) in 2018 which will require State aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid Construction Account, and WHEREAS, said municipality is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) through the use of an advance from the Municipal State Aid Street Fund to supplement the available funds in their State Aid Construction Account, and WHEREAS, the advance is based on the following determination of estimated expenditures, Account Balance as of date 8/15/2017 Less estimated disbursements: Project # 217-112-02 Project # 217-102-08 Project # 217-102-09 Project # 217-113-01 $430,788.54 actual $365,000.00 est. $2,000,000.00 est. $1,150,000.00 est. Total Estimated Disbursements $1,456,380.00 (Final 7 oth St.) (85 th St. Reclaim) (85 th St) (Maciver Ave) $3,945,788.54 Advance Amount (amount in excess of acct balance) $2,489,408.54 WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statures 162.144, Subd. 6 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8820.1500, Subp. 10b, and WHEREAS, the Municipality acknowledges advance funds are released on a first come -first -serve basis and this resolution does not guarantee the availability of funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE COMMISSION OF TRANSPORTATION, be and is hereby requested to approve this advance for financing approved Municipal State Aid Street Project(s) of the Municipality of Otsego in an amount up to $2,489,408.54. 1 hereby authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to the Municipal State Aid Street Construction Account of said Municipality from future year allocations until fully repaid. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted WHEREAS, the advance is based on the following determination of estimated expenditures by the Municipality of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, at a duly authorized Municipal Council Meeting held in the Municipality of Otsego, Minnesota on the 13 th day of November, 2017, as disclosed by the records of said Municipality on file and of record in the office. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of November, 2017. Motion By: Second By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, Clerk TY 0 t§ OF MINNESOTA g 2018 State Aid Project 85th Street 46'Wide Street Construction (Nashua Ave to Madver Ave) Estimated Item Description 2" Wear Course 5220.006 Tons $ 70.00 $ 365,400.42 2" Base Course 6525.0075 Tons $ 65.00 424,125.49 3" Bit Path 1876.875 Tons $ 75.00 $ 140,765.63 4" Concrete Sidewalk 0 SF $ 4.50 $ - Curb Removal 1000 LF $ 3.50 $ 3,500.00 Remove Pavement 2316.6667 SY $ 4.00 $ 9,266.67 Mill 11/2" Deep 50 SY $ 5.00 $ 250.00 Tack Oil 2320.0027 Gallons $ 3.00 $ 6,960.01 Class 3/4 Agg Base 49724.5 Tons $ 12.50 $ 621,556.25 Class 5 Agg Base 13957.432 Tons $ 7.50 $ 104,70.74 Bituminous (Driveways) 8 Ton $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Class 5 (Driveways) 88 Ton .$ 15.00 $ 1,320.00 Common Excavation 55752 CY $ 4.00 $ 223,008.00 Soil Corrections 50176.8 CY $ 5.00 $ 250,884.00 Erosion Control 1 LS $ 25,000-00 $ 25,000.00 Seeding 5.914674 Acre $ 200.00 $ 1,182.93 Curb and Gutter 19118.4 LF $ 12.00 $ 229,420.80 Storm Sewer 1 LS $ 450,000-00 $ 450,000-00 Signage 1 LS $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Striping 38784 LF $ 0.10 $ 3,87L8L40 Mobilization Construction Total ROW 15.75 Acres $ 85,964.98 30,000.00 $ $ $ 85,964.98 2,951,464.31 472,363.64 Wetland Bank Purchase 0.2 Acres $ 21,780.00 $ 4,356.00 Overhead MiA 15% $ JL*�' 442,71L9L65 J I . Hakanson UlAnderson TY 4,1ro Ot e OF 0 MINNESOTA g 2018 State Aid Project Madver Avenue Street 46'Wide Street Construction (80th Street to 85th Street) Hakanson I-IdAnderson Estimated Extended Total Item Description Quantity I PTo Cost per Unit r Per Unit 2" Wear Course 'I 1513.71 n s �! $ 710.00 $ 105,959.70 2" Base Course 1892.1375 Tons $ 65.00 $ 122,988.94 3" Bit Path 1876.875 Tons $ 75.00 $ 140,765.63 4" Concrete Sidewalk 0 SF $ 4.50 $ - Curb Removal 100 LF $ 3.50 $ 350.00 Remove Pavement 0 SY $ 4.00 $ - Mill 11/2" Deep 50 SY $ 5.00 $ 250.00 Tack Oil 672.76 Gallons $ 3.00 $ 2,018.28 Class 3/4 Agg Base 14419.231 Tons $ 12.50 $ 180,240.39 Class 5 Agg Base 13957.432 Tons $ 7.50 $ 104,680.74 Bituminous (Driveways) Ton $ 100.00 $ - Class 5 (Driveways)_ Ton $ 15.00 $ - Common Excavation 18584 Cy $ 4.00 $ 74,336.00 Soil Corrections 16725.6 CY $ 5.00 $ 83,6 . 28.00 Erosion Control I LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Seeding 1.72 Acre $ 200.00 $ 343.03 Curb and Gutter 5544 LF $ 12.00 $ 66,528.00 Storm Sewer 1 LS $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 Signage I LS $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 Striping 2585 LF $ 0.10 $ 5.00 2,585.00 Mobilization LS $ 31,827.71 $ 9771 31,9"2771 $ 1,092,751.41 Construction Total ROW Z.b/ I Acres 1 $ 30,000-00 1 $ 80,000.00 Wetland Bank Purchase 0 Acres $ 21,780.00 $ - overhead 15% 5 163,912-71 n. 071-1 M Hakanson I-IdAnderson TY OF 0 ot� MINNESOTfg 46'Streets - Option 2 Statp Aid - CIP Year Fund Balance Project 70th St SA Reimbursement #1 Estimated Cost ($104,3821 Projected Revenue 70th St SA Reimbursement #2 ($258,929) 2014 $1,614,798 $493,335 Nashua Ave MS SA Reimbursement #1 ($165,411) 70th St SA Reimbursement #3 ($158,051) 70th St SA Reimbursement #4 ($286,154) 2015 $1,421,360 $546,225 70th St SA Reimbursement #5 ($794,850) 70th St SA Reimbursement #6 ($442,509) 2016 $886,581 $560,677 70th St SA Reimbursement #7 ($430,779) 85th St (Page to 84th St) Reclaim ($365,000) 2017 $1,004,749 $589,483 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Design ($100,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave) ROW ($775,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($2,000,000) 2018 ($76,547) $590,890 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave)Design, Observation, Staking and Contract Admin ($500,000) 2019 ($1,985,657) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($2,100,000) $620,434 2020 ($3,465,223) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($200,000) $651,456 2021 ($3,013,767) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Page Ave) Microsurface ($140,000) $684,029 2022 ($2,469,738) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $718,230 2023 ($1,751,508) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $746,959 2024 ($1,004,548) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $776,838 2025 ($227,711) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $807,911 2026 $580,201 Queens Ave Reclaim ($300,000) $840,228 2027 $1,120,428 Assumption on revenue of 5% increase per year based on population growth of City through 2022 then 4% Project Costs of projects inflated for inflation at a rate of 3% per year ** City is allowed to advance encumber upto 5 times their annual allotment — 2,954,448.75 111712017C:\Users\Tami.OTSEGO\AppData\Locai\Microsoft\Windows\lNetCache\Content.outlook\AWONKCQK\2018 CIP State Aid2018 CIP State Aid 1 REQUEST TO RESERVE ADVANCE FUNDING The Municipality of Otsego requests that the amount of $2,489,408.54 be reserved from the Municipal State Aid Street Construction Fund for the State Aid Projects listed below. Project # 217-102-009 Project # 217-113-001 MUNICIPAL APPROVAL A Municipal Council Resolution authorizing the advance funding is attached or has been previously submitted. Municipal Engineer STATE AID APPROVAL Construction funds in the amount of $ reserved rom the Municipal State Aid Street Construction Fund. State Aid Finance original retained in SAF Finance file, one copy to Municipal Engineer Date has been approved and Date