ITEM 5.2ITEM 5.2 I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: November 9, 2017 RE: Skating Rinks Background: At the November, 2016 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Commissioners voted unanimously to offer Prairie Park as the one location for skating within the City. Also during the November, 2016 meeting, Commissioners recommended the City explore advertising the skating rink more and observe if participation increases as a result. Due to environmental factors, the ice rink saw a slight decrease in skatable ice during the 2016-2017 skating season which had an effect on participation. The City did post skating opportunities on the front page of its website during this time, and the City Council voted unanimously voted to use money collected from pull tab operations to fund a non -staffed heated shelter for skating. This shelter was ordered in December of 2016, however did not arrive in time to be used during the 2016-2017 skating season. Since the November, 2016 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Staff have not received any additional location requests for skating. So, with the addition of the heated shelter and the lack of requests for additional rinks, staff is recommending that the City remain with the one skating location at Prairie Park, but continue to monitor the use and catalog any additional location requests to determine adding additional rinks in the future. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation regarding skating opportunities during the 2017-2018 skating season.