ITEM 4.2 Raspberry Hills0 Otkzo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 13 November 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Flaherty 4.2 — Raspberry Hills City Engineer Wagner City Attorney MacArthur AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of Zoning Map amendment, PUD-CUP/preliminary plat, and Final Plat for Raspbery Hills. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes Held by Planning Commission 2 October 2017 BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATI ON: Jeremy and Cherlynn Uzzell have submitted applications for subdivision of their 15.0 acre property located at the southwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site is currently developed with a single family dwelling and detached accessory buildings. The proposed subdivision includes a lot for the existing single family dwelling and nine additional single family lots. The proposed subdivision requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD-CUP/preliminary plat, and final plat. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application on 2 October 2017. Mr. Tony Bloduc was present as the developer, but has withdrawn from the project. Comments from the public are summarized in the attached minutes of the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission had concerns regarding configuration of the lots and directed changes to the plat design that each new lot have direct access to an internal public street. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted to recommend City Council approval of the applications. A revised preliminary and final plat addressing the Planning Commission's concern has been submitted. Findings of fact and decision regarding the applications are consistent with the recommendations of the Planning Commission are attached. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Planning Report dated 25 September 2017 • Engineering Review dated September 27, 2017 • Planning Commission meeting minutes of October 2, 2017 • Findings of Fact and Decision (Zoning Map) • Ordinance 2017-15 amending the Zoning Map • Findings of Fact and Decision (PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat/Final Plat) • Resolution 2017-91 approving a development agreement • Development Agreement • Revised preliminary plat/final plat POSSIRI F MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-15 amending the Zoning Map, approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat for Raspberry Hills subject to the conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented, and adopt Resolution 2017-91 approving a development agreement. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 25 September 2017 ACTION DATE: 4 November 2017 RE: Otsego — Raspberry Hills TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Mr. Tony Bloduc has submitted plans for subdivision of a 15.0 acre property located at the sounthwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site is currently developed with a single family dwelling and detached accessory buildings. The proposed subdivision includes a lot for the existing single family dwelling and nine additional single family lots. The proposed subdivision requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD-CUP/preliminary plat, and final plat. A public hearing to consider these applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 2 October 2017. Exhibits: ■ Site location map ■ Preliminary Plat ■ Site Development Plans dated 09/05/17 (11 sheets) ■ Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located within the Long Range Urban Service Area and is guided for low density residential uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan. The Long Range Urban Service Area is designated for that portion of the community where one plus acre unsewered single family residential development has occurred. Further unsewered development in the area is not recommended and residential development density is limited to one dwelling unit per 40 acres unless the Planning Commission and City Council finds that one or more of the following criteria are met: 1. The development will result in completion of an unfinished street network. The development will have the result of correcting or improving a demonstrated area drainage problem. 3. The development provides for dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose. The subject site is adjacent to Heritage Hills, which was final platted in 1997. Heritage Hills included two lots accessed from 851h Street via an outlot deeded to the City and one lot accessed from Odean Avenue via an outlot deeded to the City. The outlots are intended to be used as public right-of-way when the subject site is developed and a public street constructed. The proposed preliminary/final plat includes dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets to access the three lots platted with Heritage Hills, as well as the 9 proposed new lots. The dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets satisfies the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan for development within the Long Range Urban Service Area. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The subdivision of the property as shown on the proposed preliminary plat would require that the subject site be rezoned to R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service District, which allows single family lots as a permitted use. Application for a PUD -CUP is also required to address flexibility from requirement that all lots have direct access to a public street, as Lots 2 and 4 will utilize a shared private driveway to access an internal street. The Zoning Map amendment and PUD - CUP applications are be evaluated by the Planning Commission based upon the following criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F and Section 20-4-2.F the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. 2 Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed preliminary/final plat is similar in character to existing surrounding development and no compatibility issues would exist. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single Family East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South LD Residential R-3 District Single Family West LD Residential R-3 District Single Family Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the minimum lot requirements that would be applicable to the subject site under the R-3 District. Min. Lot Min. Lot Width Setbacks 85th St. Front Side Rear Wetland Area Odean Ave. 1.0ac. 150ft. 65ft. 35ft 10ft. 50ft. 40ft. The preliminary plat has been designed based on the requirements for the R-3 District with all lots at least one acre in area and 150 feet wide. Section 20-17-9.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that minimum lot area for lots created after 26 May 2009 be met exclusive of wetlands, wetland buffers, or storm water basins. The preliminary/final plat must be revised to establish outlots for stormwater basins, wetlands and the required 20 foot wetland buffer separate from the individual lots as required by Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. These outlots are to be deeded to the City. The proposed house locations shown within the lots on the preliminary plat comply with R-3 District setback requirements. Access. The subject site has frontage to 85th Street and Odean Avenue, with the existing signle family dwelling having driveways to both streets. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan designates both 85th Street and Odean Avenue as residential collector streets to which new direct lot access is to be prohibited. Because of the orientation of the existing house and detached garage, the preliminary plat proposes to maintain driveway access for Lot 3, Block 1 to Odean Avenue. The existing driveway to 85th Street will be required to be removed. The preliminary and final plat must be revised to dedicate right-of-way for 851h Street and Odean Avenue as determined by the City Engineer. Access to Lots 1, 2, and 4-10 are to be accessed via internal public streets intersecting 851h Street and Odean Avenue. The right-of-way for the public streets includse Outlots Band C, Heritage Hills, which are owned by the City. The proposed internal streets are designed as two cul-de-sacs streets rather than as a through street intersecting both 85th Street and Odean Avenue. Section 21-7-6 of the Subdivision Ordinance allows use of cul-de-sac streets only when physical conditions preclude a through street. The developer states that the proposed two cul-de-sac streets are due to steep slopes and the location of a possible wetland in the center of the existing parcel. A wetland delineation report must be submitted to verify the 3 status of the area at the center of the property. It is noted that constructing a through street would likely result in the loss of one proposed lot and may create opportunity for cut -through traffic issues in the future. The proposed cul-de-sac streets are designed within a 60 foot right-of-way and 60 foot radii for the cul-de-sac turnaround. The depth of both cul-de-sac streets is less than the 500 foot maximum established by Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. Construction of the street within the right-of-way must comply with City Standard Plates No. 108 and 112 of the Engineering Manual, which includes concrete curb and gutter on both sides. The developer will be required at their cost to remove the existing private driveways accessing Lots 2 and 11, Block 4 Heritage Hills and construct driveways compliant with City Standard Plate No. 109 within the public right-of-way. All street construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Street names are shown on the preliminary and final plat consistent with the Wright County grid pattern. As the preliminary and final plat proposes two cul-de-sac streets, the names of the two street segments are different. The north street will be designated O'Day Circle given it is accessing an 85th Street. The south cul-de-sac will be designated as 83rd Circle as it intersects Odean Avenue at 83rd Street. Designation of the south cul-de-sac as 83rd Circle will require readdressing Lot 11, Block 4 Heritage Hills, which currently has an O'Day Avenue address. Lots 2 and 4, Block 1 are to have access to O'Day Court via a shared private driveway, which also crosses over Lot 1, Block 1. We recommend that the preliminary and final plat be revised to extend Lot 4, Block 1 to O'Day Court such that Lot 1, Block 1 does not have to be involved in the private driveway. Lots 2 and 4, Block 1 have the required minimum width to a public street, but these streets are designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan as residential collector streets and new direct lot access is prohibited. The width of the private driveway is shown as 14 feet wide. A document establishing an ingress/egress easement must be submitted and recorded with the final plat. Landscape Plan. Section 20-19-3.13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires provision of a landscape bufferyard within the lots abutting 85th Street and Odean Avenue. The developer must prepare a landscape plan that complies with the requirements of Section 20-19-3.B.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance for review and approval of City staff. A security for the cost of plantings and installation of the plantings for the required bufferyard will be included with the development agreement. Park Dedication. The Future Parks and Trails Plan within the 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition land within the subject site for park purposes. Park dedication requirements will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land to be paid based upon nine new lots being subdivided from the subject site. Payment of the park dedication fee in lieu of land will be provided for in the development agreement and is due before recording the final plat. 4 Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control, and also calculations for storm water management. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The existing single family dwelling and proposed nine lots would be served by on- site septic and well systems. A utility plan has been submitted with the preliminary plat demonstrating that each of the nine lots has suitable area for a primary and secondary septic drainfield site and well location. An inspection of the septic system for the existing single family dwelling must also be completed to demonstrate that it is functioning property and the utility plan should identify additional drainfield sites for that lot as well. Easements. A minimum 10 foot perimeter drainage and utility easement (overlying side lot lines) is also provided for each lot in accordance with Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat for the proposed development consistent with the preliminary plat. The final plat is subject to applicable comments pertaining to the preliminary plat design and is subject to approval by the City Council. Development Contract. The developer is required to enter into a development contract with the City for the public and private improvements, payment of applicable fees and posting of required securities. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney prior to City Council approval of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Raspberry Hills development is consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to allow subdivisions within the Long Range Urban Service Area and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP/Final Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat and Final Plat a for Raspberry Hills subject to the following conditions: The preliminary and final plat shall be revised to establish outlots for stormwater basins, wetlands and required wetland buffers as required by Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance; such outlots shall be deeded to the City. The existing driveway to 85th Street shall be removed with the curb and boulevard restored, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The preliminary and final plat shall be revised to dedicate right-of-way for 851h Street and Odean Avenue as residential collector streets, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The developer shall be required at their cost to remove the existing private driveways and construct driveways compliant with City Standard Plate No. 109 within the public right-of-way accessing Lots 2 and 11, Block 4 Heritage Hills. 5. The preliminary and final plat shall be revised such that Lot 4, Block 1 has direct access to O'Day Circle; an ingress/egress easement shall be recorded allowing Lot 2, Block 1 shared access to O'Day Circle over Lot 4, Block 1. 6. All street construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. A landscape plan shall be submitted for a residential bufferyard abutting 85th Street and Odean Avenue that complies with the requirements of Section 20-19- 3.B.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review review and approval of City staff. 8. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the City's current fee schedule for nine new lots to be subdivided with the final plat. A wetland delineation report shall be prepared and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The utility plan shall be revised to identify a primary and secondary septic drainfield site for Lot 3, Block 1; the existing septic system serving Lot 3, Block 1 shall be inspected to confirm that it is functioning property; all utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. The developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council prior to recording the final plat. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tony Bloduc, applicant 7 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL —� CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑c n a Parcels — — — — I m,.uluurx,-nrrmr rMasrcxr, 9r rxl. x.v 1;) S 88'18'82"W 680.00 r- �— 85TH STREET NE R I I S i I tio9°,ice_ \. r------ Tiv Nu+0ip99.9(nraflAe lG,rdNL9 fugafmiJ 6nullnmlQum,vTtnvroryrdcnl,ArdnmLd wdbUey*lulnpvrllw NnNivnmmeruralJ Suull,uw[Q +npf6nJnn]I,Wunm\Pa+Nmp Wv Nunfi M-.fnld Sw,4r¢„Qum,er LfAllf¢od,¢ro6nuwmlypvJldxiw wvl!vrlinevfNdh'ewM1ww+Qu,n¢99Mf ,;wrnm Ca,InlyryWlvl wiwl4v Nnn4lmvafnlil)uuUiva.Qmnn4GN1r¢eN llmUvl —W" I Siniwnvrrxwnrr.IlimaNmWNy99no rernwmnrlw m wvpvinro(Mn4 d. __ M nv rti Woof _ 8 2 8 >,` •-• v,+ ?ems?'i_>= ^� J I. Jv¢intJ. Uwen 4iulym nL um9 I \\ 'Qf 3I I i-'----- X90-- Ruu is•;i wi90 �;--- \ 9•f Ii Leyenxur¢mm�nrl, Sino9 a N 88.19'5 �" 800.00 mdre,:r. mn,xL s d J:: J L 0 f V I .[ owLgn9eulolrtnnv usenluoa,we9x9rm rnuv: _ 1' el —J L-- sora uxenrxrrdnrn¢nvyrrAa,lwuxr !etuAnutgre9Y4Yrracrxn,pR.V9px. SCALE IN FEET dm¢Inxlurrum. umasnmm�.[9exwmu. nnrreraA�v 17 u.LmudlNrn%WJrtur 0 60 720 180 uxlrosonxnuurwrze. 1 INCH � 60 FEET I`, ,vyenB { 1\ INr bwo _ i 6fi'• ,zo.99 i ��. rsdnnvfoa�rT a. —o` / 7 rf''" t". Neo•smo•eso9.d 6 g$g I tio9°,ice_ \. r------ Tiv Nu+0ip99.9(nraflAe lG,rdNL9 fugafmiJ 6nullnmlQum,vTtnvroryrdcnl,ArdnmLd wdbUey*lulnpvrllw NnNivnmmeruralJ Suull,uw[Q +npf6nJnn]I,Wunm\Pa+Nmp Wv Nunfi M-.fnld Sw,4r¢„Qum,er LfAllf¢od,¢ro6nuwmlypvJldxiw wvl!vrlinevfNdh'ewM1ww+Qu,n¢99Mf ,;wrnm Ca,InlyryWlvl wiwl4v Nnn4lmvafnlil)uuUiva.Qmnn4GN1r¢eN llmUvl —W" I Siniwnvrrxwnrr.IlimaNmWNy99no rernwmnrlw m wvpvinro(Mn4 d. __ M nv rti Woof _ 8 11„avrdtlwmniv+eM,unvlvJmNpU,mra MSYUItNII'fI1Li5 ,nJ Jm InmLydvdlalvle WvpvLll[fnPubllc mvlM1v+mJna)xentlddn,UvmiduNlryaromrnn v mmld byllii.Pl,c 8 i^ 10 i, d ocm' I. Jv¢intJ. Uwen 4iulym nL um9 I I YltYll!DPNONN6gD'1'A N ( BLOCK � (PArx+l iuin8 �pruw,6 9•f Ii Leyenxur¢mm�nrl, Sino9 a N 88.19'5 �" 800.00 mdre,:r. mn,xL s d J:: J L 0 f V I .[ owLgn9eulolrtnnv usenluoa,we9x9rm rnuv: _ 1' el —J L-- sora uxenrxrrdnrn¢nvyrrAa,lwuxr !etuAnutgre9Y4Yrracrxn,pR.V9px. 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Lny v Tho Gmgory Group, Inc. d.b.o. w� 4 LCT SURVEYS COMPANY src tf y n fir x.:e LANG SURVEYORS RASPBERRY HILLS LNOIPA9YPUILWNSUI"11 nCgIS pnl9LNl]'11mJvmmyJ.uwllmiACL¢biwhr.Uuxdl, fa.mnvn.,uAUnnnvinbmklvpvnryvnlivn,mmpegmnfdrc fullnnhipdvmbnlpmpmY,Lu+Id MWn --` 4wnyuflr'dµln,5n,rnf6Unnnne,lvx,e ' AISAvelx[u Wv Nmw141fv(dwSuuwxWl Qum¢[elkn4w21, 1'vmu1JJrr11L, Nu4•n]l,dnmLNu(Nlurn: r------ Tiv Nu+0ip99.9(nraflAe lG,rdNL9 fugafmiJ 6nullnmlQum,vTtnvroryrdcnl,ArdnmLd wdbUey*lulnpvrllw NnNivnmmeruralJ Suull,uw[Q +npf6nJnn]I,Wunm\Pa+Nmp Wv Nunfi M-.fnld Sw,4r¢„Qum,er LfAllf¢od,¢ro6nuwmlypvJldxiw wvl!vrlinevfNdh'ewM1ww+Qu,n¢99Mf ,;wrnm Ca,InlyryWlvl wiwl4v Nnn4lmvafnlil)uuUiva.Qmnn4GN1r¢eN llmUvl —W" I Siniwnvrrxwnrr.IlimaNmWNy99no rernwmnrlw m wvpvinro(Mn4 d. __ M nv rti Woof _ 8 11„avrdtlwmniv+eM,unvlvJmNpU,mra MSYUItNII'fI1Li5 ,nJ Jm InmLydvdlalvle WvpvLll[fnPubllc mvlM1v+mJna)xentlddn,UvmiduNlryaromrnn v mmld byllii.Pl,c _-------- y In„nnarn4umf,JJJmemyJ. Undlvnd Clm,lynn AL u¢dl Mvv krwunm,n WdrLmd+�M1IL—tlaynr ]nom I iqii i, d ocm' I. Jv¢intJ. Uwen 4iulym nL um9 I I YltYll!DPNONN6gD'1'A Ip � (PArx+l iuin8 �pruw,6 9•f Ii Leyenxur¢mm�nrl, Sino9 a N 88.19'5 �" 800.00 mdre,:r. mn,xL s d J:: J L 0 f V I .[ owLgn9eulolrtnnv usenluoa,we9x9rm rnuv: _ 1' el —J L-- sora uxenrxrrdnrn¢nvyrrAa,lwuxr !etuAnutgre9Y4Yrracrxn,pR.V9px. SCALE IN FEET dm¢Inxlurrum. umasnmm�.[9exwmu. nnrreraA�v 17 u.LmudlNrn%WJrtur 0 60 720 180 uxlrosonxnuurwrze. 1 INCH � 60 FEET CI i sl•ATI!ornlMNl!5Dl'A couNTYorg imtwmrn[nvnukI, ,NLefnrclnelM1b�Myvf 91�Ly nfnnnnxvllkuW,M1 AlLrnxnllbuk Cmlml,v An,mcvin L,ukiu.ngvntlm,ou Ldnlfnfwenrmvn,ivu. '^I •�- Nuny Publi fuunp,M1lNunu¢ Ap•Gmm4[inn Wpiia 11✓�� SSQQWSS I `� rCny+,ry RP¢,di dnh[+e4y¢Nh161di4 p4rrva,ryrraM byrnenrundvmy Jinn,npw'vlary•Ju,rvmndulylittwN]nud5nry �x,ro rlivSW¢nfnlLrnnvl,IwvI IINp411anmm'[er.T¢rmlaitmr oflla Lwm4ry I Ji: nry:Ilnl,nm,Wnmdnl dv,mnlglW[rvvvrrtJyduinminl on lLUphelh,lnn mnmm�mud[pinnl un lli4nUlluveb¢„m Vhemnvily,elwirbinnnoywr, llvlalt+nl¢bnund,rlu,nd xar4rid.vdeP Win b-T.I � Alinnewn5nnaery3m4m1115.41,5u46),u ofd¢Jnrvufrb4nndf mw,nvun nN6LJNuu wi.phryudnl puLlkre,y.m.LmmnnJ4L[Id un wLylve Li g:a:l Dmd mu n,ynr ]o_, :: •` Gmbap141•mM,.L'nnrvllnnJpunryvr � „i . nnnn¢pn u[wnrv9.a�99x •C Sr'A'f 1YO-DINUA `D- COUN kos.1Ud e. ru mryr.Aonuumn L4amv Nu xa992 a •�, •nw rm[UoHpSumpuh(bllfmmxv mkmnvldpd hu(mmmvnn,li4_d+ynr ]9 .hyC[egnyR p, e4,faml5u � ir, gMn,Nmmd ry'ummr� • I �+_ Nanry AwUe Cmni7,hUnuwuv 4(yGnnmi„Iun M1.p4¢ I w I u: clTv counnL,clrro6orsuco, nuNn9sorn A I tea,'n�urlmnrnncvu6mlrmuss.,,.,vrrmrrinNn[n)r4.lurmnrY•ann[annl,nclynr0ny:,.brr�nnun,.[n�,n�mmmmud�nnr4ad ml�mynr m�mrd.,luPulnu, a,amweprn.ulmm�rnn�mmmsurclms¢dnns9s.oasnuJ.z y$ I r i I Uy hfnpm 11y ❑nk I I %YmolrcmumsumeYon I ILrubl'nnVywn[kra¢nrdwwxgW AUw¢vn6n1uW.6¢dmr51UAx1,Su4d II,,t6rpL[L¢Mmm;vrcdnndvypwmlwL_vLy of x9_� 1 � j ,vtlpincwngsnnhnr I I wn]curmurrrrnunrtan I DrMIAL'QgCMA>I49•]N6Wrr1N[Cr MLDIv punrmiuvnnvnuvnluwm,xvnii9nx11,; ihrwmv nvddinqurnl wavn U¢hudlina4iburmedwmlold, WLPMaml rmmr¢mwmlUd,�,4yor 91� I f,Mueweo mocxiq'nzmmscii�n'u'rp xx 8 I Ur \YnUlil Crninry Anwwr ❑ry+ury e9 I I \YnfCUTCOUNTYTn6r15M61{ L--_-- Ponwr9 wMinnannSbmv4SeulvnSOSU11,lLLJ.9, Ivuryphlvfurniv]mr4lLnu wehndb[¢in4erurc JnmLClhvnbttu puJ wb _aquf L>_. jT t;l� 1vnpL+DmnT'I,ervm 1],pup• I - -J r----^ , un"CounlYneColmen I Ixu[¢uymdry.M19+wu4mm.n[nlx,.ndmwnnm¢nnwramrry,4nrN..r r¢.eNmr ml,_u,ynr ]n�n,daM4�nLmwx,.nmy +aaNnl lv Ghfirc+Nu_�Slmx�wDu[vmm[Nu IT � �� k 9�ty, wdpmcnunrynmNr. Lny v Tho Gmgory Group, Inc. d.b.o. w� 4 LCT SURVEYS COMPANY src tf y n fir x.:e LANG SURVEYORS RASPBERRY HILLS LNOIPA9YPUILWNSUI"11 nCgIS pnl9LNl]'11mJvmmyJ.uwllmiACL¢biwhr.Uuxdl, fa.mnvn.,uAUnnnvinbmklvpvnryvnlivn,mmpegmnfdrc fullnnhipdvmbnlpmpmY,Lu+Id MWn --` 4wnyuflr'dµln,5n,rnf6Unnnne,lvx,e ' AISAvelx[u Wv Nmw141fv(dwSuuwxWl Qum¢[elkn4w21, 1'vmu1JJrr11L, Nu4•n]l,dnmLNu(Nlurn: r------ Tiv Nu+0ip99.9(nraflAe lG,rdNL9 fugafmiJ 6nullnmlQum,vTtnvroryrdcnl,ArdnmLd wdbUey*lulnpvrllw NnNivnmmeruralJ Suull,uw[Q +npf6nJnn]I,Wunm\Pa+Nmp Wv Nunfi M-.fnld Sw,4r¢„Qum,er LfAllf¢od,¢ro6nuwmlypvJldxiw wvl!vrlinevfNdh'ewM1ww+Qu,n¢99Mf ,;wrnm Ca,InlyryWlvl wiwl4v Nnn4lmvafnlil)uuUiva.Qmnn4GN1r¢eN llmUvl —W" I Siniwnvrrxwnrr.IlimaNmWNy99no rernwmnrlw m wvpvinro(Mn4 d. 11„avrdtlwmniv+eM,unvlvJmNpU,mra MSYUItNII'fI1Li5 ,nJ Jm InmLydvdlalvle WvpvLll[fnPubllc mvlM1v+mJna)xentlddn,UvmiduNlryaromrnn v mmld byllii.Pl,c y In„nnarn4umf,JJJmemyJ. Undlvnd Clm,lynn AL u¢dl Mvv krwunm,n WdrLmd+�M1IL—tlaynr ]nom I I py j1)• I. Jv¢intJ. Uwen 4iulym nL um9 I I YltYll!DPNONN6gD'1'A I ccuNn•op I Tii,wruumcnlxa„WieMdFnlbrfnwin<tIJ+_Jaynr ln_,by Jcm,ry u¢Al.nd tLdyvn nL uw.L � (PArx+l iuin8 �pruw,6 -x Nnury Publl rmu,ry.nfmivnn nfy Cninmrulw, Ivpim � t � Mx;n¢nmurnnrvsu xnnnu<,nubwunpm,pnnWn,,M.awd mnmpmnrnwb.rp„W Ly e.pmp•rnff .nn._n,ynr xn� I .[ I ti Uy I :: rylp,nnm> Owq 11 CI i sl•ATI!ornlMNl!5Dl'A couNTYorg imtwmrn[nvnukI, ,NLefnrclnelM1b�Myvf 91�Ly nfnnnnxvllkuW,M1 AlLrnxnllbuk Cmlml,v An,mcvin L,ukiu.ngvntlm,ou Ldnlfnfwenrmvn,ivu. '^I •�- Nuny Publi fuunp,M1lNunu¢ Ap•Gmm4[inn Wpiia 11✓�� SSQQWSS I `� rCny+,ry RP¢,di dnh[+e4y¢Nh161di4 p4rrva,ryrraM byrnenrundvmy Jinn,npw'vlary•Ju,rvmndulylittwN]nud5nry �x,ro rlivSW¢nfnlLrnnvl,IwvI IINp411anmm'[er.T¢rmlaitmr oflla Lwm4ry I Ji: nry:Ilnl,nm,Wnmdnl dv,mnlglW[rvvvrrtJyduinminl on lLUphelh,lnn mnmm�mud[pinnl un lli4nUlluveb¢„m Vhemnvily,elwirbinnnoywr, llvlalt+nl¢bnund,rlu,nd xar4rid.vdeP Win b-T.I � Alinnewn5nnaery3m4m1115.41,5u46),u ofd¢Jnrvufrb4nndf mw,nvun nN6LJNuu wi.phryudnl puLlkre,y.m.LmmnnJ4L[Id un wLylve Li g:a:l Dmd mu n,ynr ]o_, :: •` Gmbap141•mM,.L'nnrvllnnJpunryvr � „i . nnnn¢pn u[wnrv9.a�99x •C Sr'A'f 1YO-DINUA `D- COUN kos.1Ud e. ru mryr.Aonuumn L4amv Nu xa992 a •�, •nw rm[UoHpSumpuh(bllfmmxv mkmnvldpd hu(mmmvnn,li4_d+ynr ]9 .hyC[egnyR p, e4,faml5u � ir, gMn,Nmmd ry'ummr� • I �+_ Nanry AwUe Cmni7,hUnuwuv 4(yGnnmi„Iun M1.p4¢ I w I u: clTv counnL,clrro6orsuco, nuNn9sorn A I tea,'n�urlmnrnncvu6mlrmuss.,,.,vrrmrrinNn[n)r4.lurmnrY•ann[annl,nclynr0ny:,.brr�nnun,.[n�,n�mmmmud�nnr4ad ml�mynr m�mrd.,luPulnu, a,amweprn.ulmm�rnn�mmmsurclms¢dnns9s.oasnuJ.z y$ I r i I Uy hfnpm 11y ❑nk I I %YmolrcmumsumeYon I ILrubl'nnVywn[kra¢nrdwwxgW AUw¢vn6n1uW.6¢dmr51UAx1,Su4d II,,t6rpL[L¢Mmm;vrcdnndvypwmlwL_vLy of x9_� 1 � j ,vtlpincwngsnnhnr I I wn]curmurrrrnunrtan I DrMIAL'QgCMA>I49•]N6Wrr1N[Cr MLDIv punrmiuvnnvnuvnluwm,xvnii9nx11,; ihrwmv nvddinqurnl wavn U¢hudlina4iburmedwmlold, WLPMaml rmmr¢mwmlUd,�,4yor 91� I f,Mueweo mocxiq'nzmmscii�n'u'rp xx 8 I Ur \YnUlil Crninry Anwwr ❑ry+ury e9 I I \YnfCUTCOUNTYTn6r15M61{ L--_-- Ponwr9 wMinnannSbmv4SeulvnSOSU11,lLLJ.9, Ivuryphlvfurniv]mr4lLnu wehndb[¢in4erurc JnmLClhvnbttu puJ wb _aquf L>_. jT t;l� 1vnpL+DmnT'I,ervm 1],pup• I - -J r----^ , un"CounlYneColmen I Ixu[¢uymdry.M19+wu4mm.n[nlx,.ndmwnnm¢nnwramrry,4nrN..r r¢.eNmr ml,_u,ynr ]n�n,daM4�nLmwx,.nmy +aaNnl lv Ghfirc+Nu_�Slmx�wDu[vmm[Nu IT � �� k 9�ty, wdpmcnunrynmNr. Lny v Tho Gmgory Group, Inc. d.b.o. w� 4 LCT SURVEYS COMPANY src tf y n fir x.:e LANG SURVEYORS a E sF � `° a r g a K i i LU J/— «—« 00'066344AZ.00S< S 0 3N 3/1`N3i1V NV3O0 I ) all, — g r ��= \ I i X v- / '/ ' % 0.-6°19 \ /ii •air 1 e e- rx� ti /- x ai \\ i l /i wzs� /�� \a ;\ €a�"E` /,��/ i•. /'/ I I Igi jj, 1 /'� I ! /i' ' 'i'�� Oz H ♦ < —vy / , , / '0663 S4AZ.005 �` / __---,� 2' 03NOZ 00 B89 r €� a e Ng 4 asi - x @ a w - �> a 3oby3 a p a 25es C,) m list! e3da! o ez.ei E s m - o i w z _ n i= s; .Q tj @ a2'--:_�a e :5s = e 4 " Z `a � 8-' a R^�•« E > e^ W -3�?s <<s- •G G' �5,$c'boef HIS 2°e •.. • `G �� S N R"N_.. p�v^ - '<aMill 5 U) z Its CO > 2 () Z 3: LLI � � ao. 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Larson Date: November 8,2017 Proposed Development: Raspberry Hills Street Location A portion of the NE 1/4of the SW 1/4of Section 21, T121, R23. Of Property: West of Odean Avenue NE and South of 85 th Street NE. Applicant: Jeremy & Cherlynn Uzzell 8465 O'Dean Avenue NE Otsego, NIN 55330 Owners of Record: Jeremy & Cherlynn Uzzell 8465 O'Dean Avenue NE Otsego, NIN 55330 Purpose: Raspberry Hills is a proposed 10 single-family low density residential lot development on approximately 15 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development is unsewered on lots of one plus acres. The proposed development will be served with municipal storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TITLE SHEET DETAILS & CONSTRUCTION NOTES DETAIL AND SWPPP NOTES SWPPP EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS GRADING PLAN AND LOT TABULATION TREE PRESERVATION PLAN UTILITY PLAN STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW2.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Site Development Plans for Raspberry Hills, dated 10/19/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Final Plat for Raspberry Hills, dated 10/19/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Preliminary Plat for Raspberry Hills, dated 10/18/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Storm Water Management for Raspberry Hills, dated 10/ 19/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Soils Logs for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems, dated 8/31/17 by Halling Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/20/17, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 44 10 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipa[\Aotsego23xxX2338\ot2338 RVW2.docx PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. The recommended "W' value and appropriate street section shall be called out on the typical cross-section. FINAL PLAT 2. No comments. CONSTRUCTION PLANS Title Sheet 3. No comments. Details and Construction Notes 4. A geotechnical report is required with a recommended "R" value and the appropriate streets section shall be called out in detail 4/0. 5. A note shall be shown stating "The last 3 pipe joints at all RC flared end sections on storm sewer pipe and all RC Pipe culvert pipe joints shall be "tied". Details and SWPPP Notes 6. No comments. SWPP Plan 7. No comments. Existing To,pogrgphy d Removals 8. No comments. Grading Plan and Lot Tabulation 9. No comments. Tree Preservation Plan 10. No comments. Utilfty Plan 11. No comments. PAGE 4 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW2.docx Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profile 12. Storm sewer structure 214 is labeled as CBME in plan view and STMH in profile view. Please clarify. 13. Provide existing east and west invert elevations at location of STMH 214. 14. Connection to existing storm sewer shall be labeled at STNM 214. STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY 15. No comments. WETLANDS 16. The Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/20/17, has been received and under review. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 17. No comments. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 18. A geotechnical report with a recommended "W' value for the street design shall be submitted. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Contingent upon the above items being addressed we recommend revise and resubmit. PAGE 5 S:�Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW2.docx P, CITY OF Ot�ezo MINNESOTA (—Do APPLICANT: Jeremy and Cherlynn Uzzell 7 Nov 17 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning property included within the Raspberry Hills Final Plat. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 13 November 2017 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the Long Range Urban Service District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. D. The applicant is requesting approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to R-3, Residential — Long Range Urban Service District to allow subdivision of the property into 10 single family lots. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is adjacent to Heritage Hills, which was final platted in 1997. Heritage Hills included two lots accessed from 85th Street via an outlot deeded to the City and one lot accessed from Odean Avenue via an outlot deeded to the City. The outiots are intended to be used as public right-of-way when the subject site is developed and a public street constructed. The proposed preliminary1final plat includes dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets to access the three lots platted with Heritage Hills, as well as the 9 proposed new lots. The dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets satisfies the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan for development within the Long Range Urban Service Area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed preliminary plat is similar in character to existing surrounding development and no compatibility issues would exist. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-2 District Sin /e a ily East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South LD Residential R-3 District Single Family West LD Residential R-3 District §n--gl—eFarnily 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will comply with all applicable performance standards unless specifically modified as part of the requested PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed development is to be accessed from Odean Avenue and 85th Street via internal local streets. Odean Avenue and 85th Street are designated as residential collector streets by the 2012 Transportation Plan and have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that would be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed development is within the Long Range Urban Service Area where provision of suburban type municipal infrastructure and services is anticipated and available without overburdening the City's service capacity. F. The planning report dated 25 September 2017 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated September 27, 2017 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 2 October 2017 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council support the proposed subdivision based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of November, 2017. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ORDINANCE NO.: 2017-15 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE RASPBERRY HILLS FINAL PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to R-3, Residential, Long Range Urban Service District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of November, 2017. CITY OF OTSEGO M Jessica L. Stockarnp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER October 2, 2017 7:00 PM Call to Order: Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: Steve Schuck, Roger Mord, Richard Nichols, Aaron Stritesky, Jim Kolles and Alan Offerman; Absent: Commissioner Dave Thompson; City Council: CM Vern Heidner; Staff: Elizabeth Stockman, Associate City Planner and Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant 1. Announcements: No announcements. 2. Consider the Following Minutes 2.1 September 18, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing Item: 3.1 Raspberry Hill: A. Zoning Map Amendment Rezoning to R-3 District B. PUD-CUP/PreliminaU Plat for 10 Single Family Lots. C. Final Plat. Associate City Planner Stockman gave the planning report noting staff recommends that lot 4 of block 1 have access to O'Day Court via a shared driveway and that the associated easements be submitted and recorded with the final plat. Applicant Tony Bolduc, 15099 Scenic Drive, Dayton MN said that this was an extremely challenging piece, but agrees with the planning report. Mr. Bolduc also said there is one benefit of having the two cul-de-sacs is that it would be a natural cut through street. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:09PM. Ryan Korfiatis, 8555 Odean Avenue NE, is curious about the house that is already there and if it going to stay or not and is also concerned whether there is going to be a buffer zone along 85 th Street for the houses that are already there. Greg Wuollet, 8301 O'Day Avenue NE, is concerned about the water in the rear portion of his lot. Mr. Wuollet stated that assuming that his driveway which is very steep (about 6-8 feet elevation) is going to be cut down. Mr. Bolduc said they have addressed this property and plan to curve the driveway to make it fit more appropriately and the drainage will go into the overflow pond. Jane Gangl, 8292 Ochoa Court NE, said their home butts up to the back side of this property and is concerned about the existing old fence along the property line. Mr. Bolduc said if it's an eyesore, they will remove it. Scott Gangl, 8292 Ochoa Court NE, inquired about the sediment pond that separates their back yard from their neighbor's. This pond used to be 10 to 12 feet deep and is now full of sediment. The large wetland in the rear of the property is being encroached by cattails that have naturally grown to over half. So, what used to be 2 ponds is now growing together as one. Mr. Gangl is also concerned about the location of lot 9 being in a pretty boggy area that holds water and is near the sediment pond. Councilmember Heidner said he would discuss this sediment pond with the City Engineer. Mr. Bolduc stated that most of the drainage on this property will flow away. This property is on a hill and with the topography in that area, it is a little difficult to have site plans for the lower 2 properties. As far as site lines, this will be a wooded area with good views. William Kraus, 8300 Ochoa Court NE, asked if they were going to be clear cutting trees in this area and if these lots were going to be city sewer and water or well and septic. Associate Planner Stockman assured him that these lots will be private well and septic. Mr. Bolduc agreed that this is a beautiful site, reassuring that trees will be taken out that need to be moved but they are going to leave as many as they can. If the bigger ones need to be moved, they will be moved, but again, will be saving as many trees as they possible can. Paul Schmitz, 8419 O'Dell Avenue NE, concerned about the future of Odean Avenue. Councilmember Heidner said that the city has no plans to extend Odean and doesn't see any reason to expand it. Odean Avenue used to be a county road, and in the 1990"s, the city got it as a trade with the county and upgraded it to what it is now, noting he doesn't see any plans for 20 years out. Commissioner Offerman asked about lot 4, block 1 being extended to O'Day Court and if this meant there would be a shared driveway. Associate Planner Stockman said that was correct. Commissioner Offerman asked how common it is that this happens in a development. Mr. Bolduc said the reason for the shared driveway was due to the location of the wetland that doesn't allow for that cul-de-sac to come out that way and we don't want it having access to a busy road. This way was the best fit. Commissioner Mord asked if a shared driveway is something that is recorded. Associate Planner Stockman said that this would be recorded at the time of the final plat. Commissioner Offerman isn't sure of the shared driveway and is wondering if there were any existing driveways off Odean or if it was available for them to access Odean? Associate Planner Stockman doesn't see a problem with a shared driveway and feels this is, that is why it's a recorded document. Commissioner Offerman said made it clear to the owner of 8301 O'Day Avenue that the builder would be taking about 90% of his driveway and if possible, he should try to get a total driveway out of that. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7:35 PM - Commissioner Offerman asked if the planning commission was to add a condition the motion of removing that existing fence, could this be added. Associate Planner Stockman said to add the condition of the existing farm fence lines be located and the fence removed from the property. Revised conditions: 5. The preliminary/final plat shall be revised so that all nine (9) new lots have direct access to O'Day Court or 83rd Circle, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 14. The location of the existing pasture/farm fencing shall be verified and removed by the developer from the east and south borders of the plat, if found to be part of the subject property. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to approve the rezoning for Raspberry Hills from A-1,. Agricultural Rural Service to R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to approve the PUD CUP, Preliminary and Final Plats for Raspberry Hills subject to the 13 conditions as outlined in the 25 September 2017 Planning Report,, including deletion of Condition #5 and rd requiring all nine (9) new lots to have direct lot access to O'Day Court or 83 Circle to eliminate the need for shared access driveways and associated easements and the addition of Condition #14 requiring removal of the existing farm/pasture fencing along the west and south sides of the plat,, provided the fencing is verified to on the subject property. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. ip CITY OF Ot�ego MINNESOTA C7 APPLICANT: Jeremy and Cherlynn Uzzell 7 Nov 17 FINDINGS & DECISION PRELIMINARY PLAT/PUD-CUP/FINAL PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a 10 lot subdivision to be known as Raspberry Hills. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 13 November 2017 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the Long Range Urban Service District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-3, Residential — Long Range Urban Service District. D. The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat, PUD -CUP and final plat to allow subdivision of the property into 10 single family lots. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-25 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is adjacent to Heritage Hills, which was final platted in 1997. Heritage Hills included two lots accessed from 85th Street via an outlot deeded to the City and one lot accessed from Odean Avenue via an outlot deeded to the City. The outlots are intended to be used as public right-of-way when the subject site is developed and a public street constructed. The proposed preliminary1final plat includes dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets to access the three lots platted with Heritage Hills, as well as the 9 proposed new lots. The dedication of right-of-way and construction of public streets satisfies the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan for development within the Long Range Urban Service Area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed preliminary plat is similar in character to existing surrounding development and no compatibility issues would exist. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-2 District Single Family East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South LD Residential R-3 District Single Family West LD Residential R-3 District Single Family 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will comply with all applicable performance standards unless specifically modified as part of the requested PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed development is to be accessed from Odean Avenue and 85 th Street via internal local streets. Odean Avenue and 85h Street are designated as residential collector streets by the 2012 Transportation Plan and have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that would be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed development is within the Long Range Urban Service Area where provision of suburban type municipal infrastructure and services is anticipated and available without overburdening the City's service capacity. F. The planning report dated 25 September 2017 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated September 27, 2017 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 2 October 2017 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council support the proposed subdivision based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1 The preliminary and final plat shall be revised to establish outlots for stormwater basins, wetlands and required wetland buffers as required by Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance; such outlots shall be deeded to the City. 2. The existing driveway to 85 th Street shall be removed with the curb and boulevard restored, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The preliminary and final plat shall be revised to dedicate right-of-way for 85 th Street and Avenue as residential collector streets, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The developer shall be required at their cost to remove the existing private driveways and construct driveways compliant with City Standard Plate No. 109 within the public right-of-way accessing Lots 2 and 11, Block 4 Heritage Hills. 5. The preliminary and final plat shall be revised so that all nine (9) new lots have direct access to O'Day Court or 83 Id Circle, subject to review and approval of City staff. 6. All street construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. A landscape plan shall be submitted for a residential bufferyard abutting 85 th Street and Odean Avenue that complies with the requirements of Section 20-19-3.B.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review review and approval of City staff. 8. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the City's current fee schedule for nine new lots to be subdivided with the final plat. 9. A wetland delineation report shall be prepared and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The utility plan shall be revised to identify a primary and secondary septic drainfield site for Lot 3, Block 1; the existing septic system serving Lot 3, Block I shall be inspected to confirm that it is functioning property; all utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. The developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council prior to recording the final plat. 14. The location of the existing pasture/farm fencing shall be verified and removed by the developer from the east and south borders of the plat, if found to be part of the subject property. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of November, 2017. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest'. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-91 RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT - RASPBERRY HILLS WHEREAS, Jeffrey and Cherlynn Uzzell are seeking approval of a Plat known as RASPBERRY HILLS, and WHEREAS, the approved Plat requires construction of some public improvements and payment of City costs and fees as well as placing certain restrictions on the development; and WHEREAS, those obligations are contained and memorialized in the attached Developers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement also sets forth the security required to assure satisfactory construction of public improvements and establishes the various remedies available to the City in the event that Developer breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The attached Developers Agreement between the City of Otsego and Jeffrey and Cherlynn Uzzell is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Developers Agreement on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 13th day of November, 2017 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member. and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RASPBERRY HILLS AGREEMENT entered into this day of November, 2017 between the City of Otsego ("City"), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Jeremy J. Uzzell and Cherylynn M. Uzzell, Owners and collectively ("Developer"). Request for Plat Approval. The Developer has requested that the City approve a plat entitled RASPBERRY HELLS (referred to in this Agreement as "the Plat") and legally described as follows: See Exhibit A. The plat contains (10) single family residential lots. The plat is zoned R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service District as approved by Ordinance 2017 -XX adopted by the City Council on November 13, 2017. 2. Conditions of Plat Approval. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Agreement, furnish the security required by it, and record the Plat with the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of titles within one hundred (100) days after the City Council approves the final plat. The Developer shall cooperate with the City in recording the Plat and all required additional deeds and documents and providing assurance that the Plat and an required documents have been properly and timely recorded. Any restrictive covenants for the Plat shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and shall be recorded prior to sale of any lots within the Plat. 1 3. Right to Proceed. Within the Plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, storm sewers, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings or structures until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, and all conditions contained in the Agreement have been met, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the Plat and this Agreement have been recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office, 4) The Developer has initiated and attended a pre -construction meeting with the City Engineer, and 5) the Zoning Administrator has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed; or until such time as approval to commence earlier construction is specifically approved by the City, and Developer has fully complied with all conditions set forth by City staff. 4. Sanitary Sewer Service Allocation. Sanitary sewer service is not available to the ten (10) lots within the Plat. Subsurface sewage treatment systems shall be provided for each lot in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 3 of the Otsego City Code. 5. Changes in Official Controls. RASPBERRY HILLS is a planned and staged development within the meaning of Nlinn. Stat. 462.358, Subd. 3c, and no amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan or other Official Controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout, or platting requirements for future phases of RASPBERRY HILLS for a period of five (5) years. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by State law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, other Official Controls enacted after the date of this Agreement. This provision does not apply to regulations or Official Controls related to park and trail dedication or any fee established by the City chargeable to the Developer for municipal costs arising from said future phases. 6. Development Plans. The Plat shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file at the office of the City Clerk and the conditions stated below. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A Final Plat, RASPBERRY HILLS, dated 2017 prepared by Lot Surveys Company. Plan B Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan prepared by The Gregory Group, Inc. and as finally approved by the City Engineer. Plan C Construction Plans for RASPBERRY HILLS, prepared by The Gregory Group, Inc. and as finally approved by the City Engineer. Plan D Specifications for RASPBERRY HILLS, prepared by The Gregory Group, Inc., and as finally approved by the City Engineer. PA 7. Improvements. The Developer shall install and/or pay for the following: A. Streets B. Street lights C. Site grading and ponding D. Underground installation of all utilities E. Storm water management improvements F. Setting of lot and block monuments G. Construction surveying and staking H. Traffic control signs Improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standards, the City Code, and the above -referenced plans that have been furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer. The Developer shall obtain all necessary permits before proceeding with construction. The City shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. The City may, when reasonably required to do so, and at the Developer's expense, have one (1) or more City inspectors and a qualified engineer inspect the work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before all retained security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" and an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in AutoCAD.DWG file or a DXF file, all prepared in accordance with City standards. Before the security for the completion of utilities is fully released, iron monuments shall be installed in accordance with Nfinnesota. Statutes 505.02. The Developer's surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments are installed following site grading, utility and street construction. 8. Contractors/Subcontractors. City Council members, City employees, and City Planning Commission members, and corporations, partnerships and other entities in which such individuals have greater than a twenty five percent (25%) ownership interest or in which they are an officer or director may not act as contractors or subcontractors for the public improvements identified in Paragraph 7 above. 9. Permits. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, which may include, but are not limited to: A. Wright County for County Road access and work in County right of way. B. MNDOT for State Highway Access C. MNDOT for work in right of way D. Minnesota Department of Health for watermains E. WCA NPDES Permit for construction activity F. WCA for sanitary sewer and hazardous material removal and disposal G. DNR for dewatering H. City of Otsego for building permits 1. City of Otsego for sanitary sewer connections J. City of Otsego for retaining walls 10. Dewatering. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable County, State,- and Federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall be strictly followed. 11. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all listed improvements by December 31, 2018. The Developer may request an extension of time from the City to be submitted in writing to the City Clerk, for which said extension shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of the above time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. The City may impose additional conditions on the extension necessary to ensure performance. 1 12. Right of Entry. The Developer hereby grants to the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors an irrevocable right of entry to enter the Plat to perform any and all work and inspections necessary or deemed appropriate by the City during the installation of improvements by Developer or the City, or to make any necessary corrective actions necessary by the City. Except in emergency situations, as defined by the City, the City shall give the developer fifteen (15) business days notice stating the deficiencies and necessary corrections prior to making any corrective action. Said right of entry shall continue until the City finally accepts the improvements and any applicable warranty period has expired. 13. Erosion Control. Prior to initiating site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or further building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. If the City Engineer determines that it would be unreasonable to require full implementation of the erosion control plan prior to utility construction or issuance of certain building permits, he shall state in writing what construction can take place and what particular building permits can be issued prior to full implementation. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any supplementary instructions, the City may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate. 14. Grading Plan. Plat grading shall be in accordance with the approved grading plan, Plan B. The plan shall conform to City specifications and the City Code. Ponds, swales, and ditches shall be constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Within thirty (30) days after completion of grading and before any retained security is fully released, the Developer shall provide the City with an "as built" grading plan including certification by a registered land surveyor or qualified engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. "As built" plans shall include field verified elevations of the following: A. Cross sections of ponds B . Location and elevations of swales and ditches C. Lot comers and house pads occupancy permits shall not be issued by the Building Official until the grading and drainage plan is certified as set forth above. 15. Clean Up. The Developer shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets and construction sites in accordance with the City Code resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. 16. Ownership of Improvements. Upon acceptance by the City Council of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements and public right-of-way shall become City property without further notice or action. 1i 1k 17. Streets. The Developer agrees to maintain the streets in the Plat until the base course bituminous surfacing has been accepted by the City. Should the City be required to grade the street prior to paving, the cost of such grading shall be paid by the Developer and drawn from the Developer's letter of credit. Should snow plowing be necessary prior to street paving, the Developer shall be responsible for such plowing as may be required by the Streets Supervisor. If, upon the Developer's request, the City agrees to plow the street prior to acceptance, such work will be done upon agreement that the Developer will hold harmless and indemnify the City from any and all liability claims related to such work and pay all costs associated with that work. Any plowing undertaken by the City will constitute no acceptance or evidence of acceptance of the street(s) in question. The final wear course shall not be constructed until at least one construction season after the base construction is completed and shall be delayed one more construction season if at least 75% build out is not achieved. However, the final wear course shall not be delayed for a period longer than two (2) years after the base course is paved, regardless of build out; in which case, the Developer shall provide an escrow for fog sealing the streets in the event that the final wear course is placed prior to 75% build out. Upon final completion of streets and acceptance by the City as a City street rather than a private drive, the Developer shall guarantee to the City for a period of two (2) years that the streets have been constructed to City standards. The warranty period shall not commence until such time as street construction is completed and the streets are accepted as City streets by the City. The two (2) year warranty set forth above commences upon the date on which the City accepts the streets by resolution. 18. Sewage Treatment. No occupancy permit for any building within the plat will be issued by the City unless the Building Official has inspected both the sewer and water connections to the building and has certified that they have been constructed satisfactorily in accordance with City specifications and the City Code. 19. Administrative Fee. A fee for City Administration of this project shall be paid prior to the City executing the plat and this Agreement. Said fee shall be one percent (1%) of the estimated construction costs of the improvements within the plat, or alternatively a minimum fee. The administrative fee for this Plat is $2,177.00 and is contained within the escrow and fees established in Paragraph 27 of this Agreement. This fee is immediately available to the City upon establishment of the escrow. 20. Sewer Availability Fees. Wastewater treatment is provided by an on- site septic system conforming to State, County and City statutes, rules and regulations. There is no City Sewer Availability Fee. 21. Sewer Connection Fees. Wastewater treatment is provided by an on-site septic system conforming to State, County and City statutes, rules and regulations. There is no City Sewer Connection Fee. T 22. Water Availability Fees. Water is provided by private wells conforming to State, County and City statutes, rules and regulations. There is no City Water Availability Fee. 23. Water Hookup Fees. Water is provided by private wells conforming to State, County and City statutes, rules and regulations. There is no City Water Hookup Fee. 24. Park and Trail Dedication. satisfied by payment of required Park and $3,486.00 per lot = $31,374.00. The Park and Trail fee requirement shall be Trail dedication fees as follows: 9 lots at 25. Street and Traffic Control Signs. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall pay to the City $3,500.00 for installation of traffic control signs (stop signs, street signs, dead-end signs). The said amount was calculated as follows: 14 signs at $250.00 per sign. Using these funds, the City shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs. 26. Street Light Construction. The Developer shall pay for the operation and maintenance of the street lights for a period of two (2) years. In order to facilitate payment of payment for operation and maintenance of street lights, the Developer shall submit a fee to be included within the escrow and fees established in Paragraph 27 of this Agreement and is calculated as follows four (4) lights x $ 500.00 per light for a total payment of $2,000.00. The operation and maintenance of the street lights by the City shall not commence until such time as the Plat is accepted by the City and is formally recorded. Street lighting shall conform to adopted City Code. 27. Transportation Infrastructure Cost. Developer shall pay a fee for Collector Street access in the amount of $13,635.00, calculated as follows: nine (9) lots at $1,515.00 per lot. 28. City Engineering Administration and Construction Observation, Legal Fees Escrow and City Fees. The Developer shall pay a fee for consulting engineering administration. City engineering administration following approval of the Plat. City engineering administration will include consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, monitoring during the warranty period, general administration and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be the actual amount billed for those services estimated to be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City Engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time observation, as determined by the City Engineer, of proposed street, sanitary sewer, water and stonn drainage construction and will be billed on hourly rates actually required for said inspection estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, h the City will notify the Developer of anticipated cost overruns for engineering administration and observation services. The escrow and fee account shall also include estimated fees for Legal expenses actually incurred, City Administrative Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Trunk Water and Sewer Access Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Transportation Infrastructure Costs (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Park and Trail Dedication Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Street Light Maintenance and Operation Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement) and shall be established as follows: ESCROW AND FEES City Construction Administration and Utility and Street Inspection Fees (estimated 8% of $ 217,710) $17,417.00 Legal Fees (estimated, actual billings to be paid) $2,177.00 City Administrative $2,177.00 Transportation Infrastructure Cost (9 lots x $1,515 per lot) $13fi35.00 Park &Trail Dedication Fee $31,374.00 Street light maintenance and operation 4 x $500 per light $2,000.00 Street & traffic control signs (14 x $250 per sign) $3,500.00 GIS Data Entry Fee (15 net acres x $ 100 per acre) $15500.00 Wetland Delineation Review $2,000.00 TOTAIL $75,780.00 This escrow amount shall be submitted to the City prior to the City executing the Plat and this Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of this Agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the Plat and this Agreement. Any amounts for legal and engineering -not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the Developer when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, and the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City. All other amounts listed as flat fees are non-refundable and available immediately for City use when posted. 29. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a cash escrow or other "security"in the amount of $352,450.00 said amount calculated as follows: Site Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control $28,800.00 Storm Sewer- Lateral $72,770.00 Streets $144,940.00 Landscaping $2000.00 Engineering and Surveying Construction Services $15,450.00 TOTAL $281,960.00 TOTAL SECURITY REQUIRED ($281,960 x 125%) $352,450.00 The issuer and form of the security (other than cash escrow) shall be subject to City approval. The security shall be issued by a banking institution in good standing as determined by the City and approved by the City Administrator. The City shall have the ability to draw on the security at a bank or branch bank located within fifty (50) miles of the City Hall. The security shall be for a term ending December 31, 20 t 8 and shall contain an automatic renewal provision. The City may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to inform the City at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement (other than during any warranty period), the Developer shall immediately provide the City with either an extension of the security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw down the security. If the security is drawn down the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval, the security may be reduced from tiirne to time down to $37,741.00 the amount of warranty security. A warranty security in the amount of $37,741.00 shall be posted with the City as set forth in paragraph 32 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the posting of that warranty security, the security shall not be reduced below ten percent (10%) of the posted security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), 9 and the required "as built" plans have been received by the City. The intent of this Agreement is that the City shall have access to sufficient security, either security or warranty security, to complete the project and insure warranty on all public improvements at all times. This security amount shall be submitted to the City prior to execution of the Plat and this Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of this Agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the plat and this Agreement. The security for this Agreement shall be cash or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of $352,450.00. The cash shall be deposited with the City and released to make payments to contractors, consultants, City consultants as they are billed. The City will not release the security or any portion of the security until a copy of any billing due and owing has been submitted to and approved by the City and the City Engineer, subject to retention of retainage as set forth above and the appropriate amount for warranty of public improvements. 30. Landscaping. The Developer shall install two (two) trees upon each lot within the Plat of a species approved by the Zoning Administrator. These plantings may not be installed in a public right-of-way. Any security posted for this agreement or prior additions may be used to cure any defects in the event that the Developer, it assigns or successors fails to install landscaping according to this Agreement. Landscaping security to insure compliance with the approved Landscape Plan shall be $ 1,000 per lot to posted with the City at the time of application for a building permit on each lot. Any trees which can cause a public nuisance or public hazard, such as bug infestation or weak bark, are specifically prohibited. The Developer, Builders or Property Owners (applicant for building permit) in the residential lot area shall sod all front yards within the buildable portion of each lot and shall post any security required by the City to assure landscaping or other items in compliance with the City Code. The Developer, Builder or Property Owner shall provide not less than six (6) inches of topsoil in required front yards or side yards abutting public rights-of-way. Where slopes lie in excess of ten (10) percent, sodding (staked) shall be required. Weather pennitting, the trees, grass seed and sod shall be planted before Certificates of Occupancy are issued. All grass seed shall be maintained so that turf is established within one (1) year of planting. If landscaping as required by the City Code and this Agreement is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot or lots, perform the work, and apply any posted security toward the cost. The Developer, it assigns or successors, Builder or Property Owner will provide will provide all trees, grass, seed and sod within the Plat and shall maintain said plantings and warrant them to remain alive, of good quality and disease free for twelve 10 (12) months after planting. Any replacement shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. 31. Significant Trees. There are no significant trees within the Plat. The Developer is not required to replace any significant trees. 32. Warranty. The Developer warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by the City, except for warrant on streets which is set forth in Section 17 of this Agreement. The amount of posted warranty security for public improvements to be posted by the Developer shall be in the amount of $37,741.00. The amount, has been determined by the City Engineer, and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies in such public improvements. 33. Claims. The Developer shall pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Developer's receipt of payment by the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that perform work required by this Agreement, and the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorney fees pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that the Developer desires to make a cash deposit instead of drawing down the letter of credit if a claim is made as stated above, they shall immediately notify the City of this intent at the time the claim is made and shall delivery one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the claim to the City within ten (10) days of such notice in the form of cash or certified check. 34. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the plat and insuring that all conditions imposed by the City in this Agreement are properly recorded against the property. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding on all parties having a right, title or interest in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: None. 35. Responsibility for Costs. 11 A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs incurred by them or the City in conjunction with the development of the Plat, including, but not limited to, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with development of said Plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from Plat development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. D. The Developer shall pay in fall all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work and construction, including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the Developers may or may not have sold, -until all bills are paid in fall. Claims not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 36. Developer's Defauft. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the City may then draw down the security established in Paragraph 17 to pay for any work undertaken, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than seven (7) days in advance. This notice provision does not apply if the work performed by the City or its contractors is of an emergency nature, as determined at the sole discretion of the city. Should such emergency work be required the City will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Developer as soon as possible. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part pursuant to any applicable statutes or ordinances. 37. Miscellaneous. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all City, County, State, and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and 12 environmental regulations except where specifically excluded by this agreement. If the City determines that the Plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Agreement. C. Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial or revocation of building permits. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. E. If building permits are issued by the City prior to the completion and acceptance of public improvements, the Developer shall assume all liability for the costs resulting in any delay in completion of public improvements and damage to any public improvements caused by the City, the Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, employees, agents, or third parties. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface, unless a specific exception is approved by the city. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the property and all properties therein established by the Plat, and shall, be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in this phase of the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns. After the Developer has completed the work required of them under this Agreement as set forth in Section 8, at the Developer's request, the City will execute and deliver to the Developers a release or partial release (s) of this Agreement. H. The Developer shall take out and maintain until one (1) year after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and 13 property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and any claims for property damage which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of their subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall not be less than $500,000-00 for one person and $ 1 000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City shall be named as an additional named insured on said policy, and the Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City prior to the City issuing further building pen -nits. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to tirne as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction according to the plans and conditions that are a part of this Agreement. K. Should development of the plat proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to the Developers, upon his/her application, the City will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. L. The Developer shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. M. The Developer shall be responsible for all on site drainage as well as for any affects that their actions may have on adjoining properties. Specifically, the Developer shall maintain existing drainage tiles on site, and shall be responsible for any and all drainage problems related to either the site drainage tiles or problems with on-site drainage facilities to be constructed in accordance with this agreement and plat approval. 38. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, their employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: 8465 Odean Avenue NE, Otsego, 14 NIN 55330. Notice to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk at the following address: City of Otsego, City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO I= Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk DEVELOPER JEREW J. UZZELL CHERLYNN M. UZZELL IM M., STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Jeremy J. Uzzell Cherlynn M. Uzzell, 15 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2017, by Jessica Stockamp, Mayor and by Tan -ii Loff, City Clerk, of the City Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City and pursuant to the authority of the City Council. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 1, by Jeremy J. Uzzell and Cherlynn M. Uzzell, husband and wife, Owners and collectively Developer, with authority. DRAFTED BY: MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE., LLC 3601 Thurston Avenue North Suite 103 Anoka, MN 55303 (763) 231-5850 16 Notary Public EXHIBIT A- LEGAL DESCRIPTION A 15 Acre tract in the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Range 23, described as follows: The North 990.00 feet of the East 660.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter more particularly described to wit: Beginning at the Northeast comer of said Southwest Quarter of Section 21, thence West along the North line of said Southwest Quarter 660.00 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Southwest Quarter 990.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter 660.00 feet to the East line of said Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly 990.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 17 1­NCRTH LIA(F OF TKE.9W 114 OF 5,C. 2 1. TWP. 121, 1 23 S 89-19-52" W 660.00 85TH STREET NE T 212.19 1 60 11� 2 23623 2 1�1 54 0 �e I S 86*32'5 9 2 3 z S 89*46'37"W 73.94 us OT C' LAA10 ------ 14t3l) 1 0 ".9 -------- ------------ -------------- 1 7 '11� h: 10 5 BLOCK,�;',"'//' 1 w P 17 0.1 1 '01-31. 8 R=40.00 -\A 52*OT07" CP GO (71 8 "o IL-------------------- --------- N 89'19'53" E tUAZpARAUffV4rnTH�NcKMVNEOFMF5VIII40F,5X-21.TWP� 121,R.23 X. .a%l-"G ANDunL,- 'HOWN THUS: _j L_ DEING� FrI71MWDMAN0A0J0)MMGR1G�r OFWAYLIN,SAM05 �r�MDTHANV �JOININ6LOrUN�,UNLE550,�EKM5E5HOW. DEMOM5 1/0 INCH OY 14 INCH MON PIPE MONU44ENT 0 5frANDA4AM95YZICENSENUM13tR,14392. DMOTe5 FOUND 112 INCH IRON PlPf MONUMENT— UNLE-55 OTHERMSE NOMD A77'33',,� /V '1�2220 V 4 33 Ito A unay E"_ ­t 6 33 7 CITY REVII!W 10- 1 S- 17 ------------------- F— — — — — — S, A\ w 0 --- ------- — r5 60 F C) .0 IVIO S LLI Z' n Ile Q) �e I S 86*32'5 9 2 3 z S 89*46'37"W 73.94 us OT C' LAA10 ------ 14t3l) 1 0 ".9 -------- ------------ -------------- 1 7 '11� h: 10 5 BLOCK,�;',"'//' 1 w P 17 0.1 1 '01-31. 8 R=40.00 -\A 52*OT07" CP GO (71 8 "o IL-------------------- --------- N 89'19'53" E tUAZpARAUffV4rnTH�NcKMVNEOFMF5VIII40F,5X-21.TWP� 121,R.23 X. .a%l-"G ANDunL,- 'HOWN THUS: _j L_ DEING� FrI71MWDMAN0A0J0)MMGR1G�r OFWAYLIN,SAM05 �r�MDTHANV �JOININ6LOrUN�,UNLE550,�EKM5E5HOW. DEMOM5 1/0 INCH OY 14 INCH MON PIPE MONU44ENT 0 5frANDA4AM95YZICENSENUM13tR,14392. DMOTe5 FOUND 112 INCH IRON PlPf MONUMENT— UNLE-55 OTHERMSE NOMD A77'33',,� /V '1�2220 V 4 33 Ito A unay E"_ ­t 6 33 7 CITY REVII!W 10- 1 S- 17 RASPBERRY HILLS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESFNTS: That Teremyj. U-11 and Cherlyrin AL U -Ill, fee a Minnesota banking corporation, mortgageeof the following described propertl- situated in the County ofV'right, State of' \Imuesoth, to wit, A 15 Acre bent in the North Hdfof the SomhwW Quarter ofSection 21, Township 121, Range 23, den'ibed as Rill— The North 990.0 feet of the East 660.0 feet ofsaid Somhwrat Quarter more p-ticuady described to wir. Beginning atthe Northeast conice of said Southarat Quarter of Section 21, thence West gong the North line of said SouthwetQuarn, 660.0 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line F,.id Southwest Quartu 990.0 feet, thence Easterly parallel with die North line of said Sombwest Quarter 660.0 feet to the East line of said Qn S.nthwc:t wer, thence Northerly 990.0 feet more or less to the point ofbegiiihning. Has caused the same to be a—vey-ed and planed as R-ASP13ERRY EULLS and does h ­by dedicate to the public &r public me the roadways and drainage and utility cascrunits as created by this plat. In withicss whereofsaidjerannyj. Uzzell and Ched)=.',L Ueaell have bereento set their hands this— day of� 20L. -- By By jer—yj. U.cll Chrdymh M. U -ill STATE OF 2103,11NESOTA COUNTY OF This imohomeritwas acknowledged belom me this — day of � 20— by jemmyj. UzseU and Chedynn M. U-11 (Ninwd moir) (Signature) NotaryPublic.Comitnt,linmesom My Commission Expire In witheas wh—Esaid lfinnesots. bariking corporation, has caresed these presents to be signed by its proper officer this__ Bay of� 20L_. By (Sig-amne) (Title) STATE OF11BNNFSOTA COUNTYOF This i-ohiment —a sclunowledged before me rhis — day f — 20— by ofMininvest Bank But 2%lamwnt Bank Central, a Nlinnesera banking corporation, on li�hdf.f the othporation. (Printed name) (Sigiumem, N.mryPubIir_Ccm­y,,T,lmnasota MyOmorrissi—Expire I Gregory R. Posach do hereby cn� that this plat wax prepared by me or under my direct supmision; that Ism, a doly Licensed Land Survevorin die State ofiNfinnescita; that "a plat is a couroct representation of th� boundary shieve),, that all mathematical datz and labelsara comedy dcsigusuo� m, this plat, that allcomin-an. depicted on his plat have been, or will b� correctir set within one yen, that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in Dated this of �20 Gregory IL Peasch, Licensed Land Surveyor finn..ts. License No. 24992 STATE OF llrn,�NESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN e No. 1-499-1. (Printed more) (Signature) NotaryPublic.County.Manesota MyCommissionExpims CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MITMSOTA zi- This plat of RASPBERRY HILLS was app—d and accepted by the Cit� Gunned of the City of Otsego, Nfirriesota, at A regular meeting thereof held thiq__ day of� 20_ and said plat is in complianc e � th the provisions of Mumesoch Statures, Section 565.03, Subd. 2. By Alayor B, Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance wifli 1%firricsom Stathats, Section 505.021, Subd. 11. this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County S—ryc WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR EJEARINGORIENTATTON M,EA,5TL1JVF0FT?1F5W Pursuant to Nfirresots, Statutes, Section 272-12, there am on deli-Itiere taxes the lend herhiribrfore desrrib�d this plat and trausler entered this day of 20�_ 114 0F5EC770N 2 1. TOWT15HIP 121. R. 2315 A55UMED TO BE4R SOUTH 00*20'45'EA5r 50 33 By: Wright County Auditor Depty WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER L Puramit to Alimicaota Stimms, Section 505.021, Solid. 9, taxes payable for the yen 2Q— on the land herembeftre described have bern paid this — day of 2Q ----------- — — — — -- 286.92 R 7— "I IT,' T r" T VICINITY MAP F _T_ SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 1 INCH — 60 FEET _j Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Ihe,eby cerely thatthis instrunicutwas filedin the offi� offlue, ComityRecorder furecoord on this—dayof— 20 at AL and —a duly recorded in Cabinet No. . Sleeve . m Document No� Wright County Recorder The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEY'S COMPANY LAMD SURVEYORS F— — — — — — 50 RASPBERRY HILLS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESFNTS: That Teremyj. U-11 and Cherlyrin AL U -Ill, fee a Minnesota banking corporation, mortgageeof the following described propertl- situated in the County ofV'right, State of' \Imuesoth, to wit, A 15 Acre bent in the North Hdfof the SomhwW Quarter ofSection 21, Township 121, Range 23, den'ibed as Rill— The North 990.0 feet of the East 660.0 feet ofsaid Somhwrat Quarter more p-ticuady described to wir. Beginning atthe Northeast conice of said Southarat Quarter of Section 21, thence West gong the North line of said SouthwetQuarn, 660.0 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line F,.id Southwest Quartu 990.0 feet, thence Easterly parallel with die North line of said Sombwest Quarter 660.0 feet to the East line of said Qn S.nthwc:t wer, thence Northerly 990.0 feet more or less to the point ofbegiiihning. Has caused the same to be a—vey-ed and planed as R-ASP13ERRY EULLS and does h ­by dedicate to the public &r public me the roadways and drainage and utility cascrunits as created by this plat. In withicss whereofsaidjerannyj. Uzzell and Ched)=.',L Ueaell have bereento set their hands this— day of� 20L. -- By By jer—yj. U.cll Chrdymh M. U -ill STATE OF 2103,11NESOTA COUNTY OF This imohomeritwas acknowledged belom me this — day of � 20— by jemmyj. UzseU and Chedynn M. U-11 (Ninwd moir) (Signature) NotaryPublic.Comitnt,linmesom My Commission Expire In witheas wh—Esaid lfinnesots. bariking corporation, has caresed these presents to be signed by its proper officer this__ Bay of� 20L_. By (Sig-amne) (Title) STATE OF11BNNFSOTA COUNTYOF This i-ohiment —a sclunowledged before me rhis — day f — 20— by ofMininvest Bank But 2%lamwnt Bank Central, a Nlinnesera banking corporation, on li�hdf.f the othporation. (Printed name) (Sigiumem, N.mryPubIir_Ccm­y,,T,lmnasota MyOmorrissi—Expire I Gregory R. Posach do hereby cn� that this plat wax prepared by me or under my direct supmision; that Ism, a doly Licensed Land Survevorin die State ofiNfinnescita; that "a plat is a couroct representation of th� boundary shieve),, that all mathematical datz and labelsara comedy dcsigusuo� m, this plat, that allcomin-an. depicted on his plat have been, or will b� correctir set within one yen, that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in Dated this of �20 Gregory IL Peasch, Licensed Land Surveyor finn..ts. License No. 24992 STATE OF llrn,�NESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN e No. 1-499-1. (Printed more) (Signature) NotaryPublic.County.Manesota MyCommissionExpims CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MITMSOTA zi- This plat of RASPBERRY HILLS was app—d and accepted by the Cit� Gunned of the City of Otsego, Nfirriesota, at A regular meeting thereof held thiq__ day of� 20_ and said plat is in complianc e � th the provisions of Mumesoch Statures, Section 565.03, Subd. 2. By Alayor B, Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance wifli 1%firricsom Stathats, Section 505.021, Subd. 11. this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County S—ryc WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR EJEARINGORIENTATTON M,EA,5TL1JVF0FT?1F5W Pursuant to Nfirresots, Statutes, Section 272-12, there am on deli-Itiere taxes the lend herhiribrfore desrrib�d this plat and trausler entered this day of 20�_ 114 0F5EC770N 2 1. TOWT15HIP 121. R. 2315 A55UMED TO BE4R SOUTH 00*20'45'EA5r 50 33 By: Wright County Auditor Depty WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER L Puramit to Alimicaota Stimms, Section 505.021, Solid. 9, taxes payable for the yen 2Q— on the land herembeftre described have bern paid this — day of 2Q ----------- — — — — -- 286.92 R 7— "I IT,' T r" T VICINITY MAP F _T_ SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 1 INCH — 60 FEET _j Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Ihe,eby cerely thatthis instrunicutwas filedin the offi� offlue, ComityRecorder furecoord on this—dayof— 20 at AL and —a duly recorded in Cabinet No. . Sleeve . m Document No� Wright County Recorder The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEY'S COMPANY LAMD SURVEYORS w 0 Q RASPBERRY HILLS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESFNTS: That Teremyj. U-11 and Cherlyrin AL U -Ill, fee a Minnesota banking corporation, mortgageeof the following described propertl- situated in the County ofV'right, State of' \Imuesoth, to wit, A 15 Acre bent in the North Hdfof the SomhwW Quarter ofSection 21, Township 121, Range 23, den'ibed as Rill— The North 990.0 feet of the East 660.0 feet ofsaid Somhwrat Quarter more p-ticuady described to wir. Beginning atthe Northeast conice of said Southarat Quarter of Section 21, thence West gong the North line of said SouthwetQuarn, 660.0 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line F,.id Southwest Quartu 990.0 feet, thence Easterly parallel with die North line of said Sombwest Quarter 660.0 feet to the East line of said Qn S.nthwc:t wer, thence Northerly 990.0 feet more or less to the point ofbegiiihning. Has caused the same to be a—vey-ed and planed as R-ASP13ERRY EULLS and does h ­by dedicate to the public &r public me the roadways and drainage and utility cascrunits as created by this plat. In withicss whereofsaidjerannyj. Uzzell and Ched)=.',L Ueaell have bereento set their hands this— day of� 20L. -- By By jer—yj. U.cll Chrdymh M. U -ill STATE OF 2103,11NESOTA COUNTY OF This imohomeritwas acknowledged belom me this — day of � 20— by jemmyj. UzseU and Chedynn M. U-11 (Ninwd moir) (Signature) NotaryPublic.Comitnt,linmesom My Commission Expire In witheas wh—Esaid lfinnesots. bariking corporation, has caresed these presents to be signed by its proper officer this__ Bay of� 20L_. By (Sig-amne) (Title) STATE OF11BNNFSOTA COUNTYOF This i-ohiment —a sclunowledged before me rhis — day f — 20— by ofMininvest Bank But 2%lamwnt Bank Central, a Nlinnesera banking corporation, on li�hdf.f the othporation. (Printed name) (Sigiumem, N.mryPubIir_Ccm­y,,T,lmnasota MyOmorrissi—Expire I Gregory R. Posach do hereby cn� that this plat wax prepared by me or under my direct supmision; that Ism, a doly Licensed Land Survevorin die State ofiNfinnescita; that "a plat is a couroct representation of th� boundary shieve),, that all mathematical datz and labelsara comedy dcsigusuo� m, this plat, that allcomin-an. depicted on his plat have been, or will b� correctir set within one yen, that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in Dated this of �20 Gregory IL Peasch, Licensed Land Surveyor finn..ts. License No. 24992 STATE OF llrn,�NESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN e No. 1-499-1. (Printed more) (Signature) NotaryPublic.County.Manesota MyCommissionExpims CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MITMSOTA zi- This plat of RASPBERRY HILLS was app—d and accepted by the Cit� Gunned of the City of Otsego, Nfirriesota, at A regular meeting thereof held thiq__ day of� 20_ and said plat is in complianc e � th the provisions of Mumesoch Statures, Section 565.03, Subd. 2. By Alayor B, Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance wifli 1%firricsom Stathats, Section 505.021, Subd. 11. this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County S—ryc WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR EJEARINGORIENTATTON M,EA,5TL1JVF0FT?1F5W Pursuant to Nfirresots, Statutes, Section 272-12, there am on deli-Itiere taxes the lend herhiribrfore desrrib�d this plat and trausler entered this day of 20�_ 114 0F5EC770N 2 1. TOWT15HIP 121. R. 2315 A55UMED TO BE4R SOUTH 00*20'45'EA5r 50 33 By: Wright County Auditor Depty WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER L Puramit to Alimicaota Stimms, Section 505.021, Solid. 9, taxes payable for the yen 2Q— on the land herembeftre described have bern paid this — day of 2Q ----------- — — — — -- 286.92 R 7— "I IT,' T r" T VICINITY MAP F _T_ SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 1 INCH — 60 FEET _j Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Ihe,eby cerely thatthis instrunicutwas filedin the offi� offlue, ComityRecorder furecoord on this—dayof— 20 at AL and —a duly recorded in Cabinet No. . Sleeve . m Document No� Wright County Recorder The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEY'S COMPANY LAMD SURVEYORS E Lill "60 Legal Descriptions DA ,5,30 11 A 11 A" 1 la�.' as. ce �oi SWH I., w(S)=a 1:. RIM=Sel.15 A A S�L�24-ROP@3 78% I 7�" - iw�rrS.17 M -STING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I Ma=� So I L- I. '7 V Iw(w)=WS.4 sm. I . . I L L. S�H I a Lle STYCH 16 - - - - - A 15 in the N -h Hlf of die South- Qu -ter of Seed- 21, T -ship 121, Riier NV(N)-871.89' INV P 75- - 9 1EE—)S7.-- INV MM=M.42 - - - MMM, s' lww�n.ss z - - - a-- -69 L -/ de� b,d . �� - fec"f' "'t 660.0 f�t ef,eid Seadi-st Q— � piumadily L - - - - - - - —1al-I'2,r 2.R% � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I t '90 d-zli,d c ,it Begiii�g be N -ho- c— f.eid S -h- Q— of Section 21, 660.0fieecth-S-thefly <<—<< <<—<<—<<—< I 'R P@1.34% 1\ < .32 LF 2�'R 4 <<—<< �SSUFSO�RCP@GA 329UF3VRCP@IL,1S% is N—AAIENUE AIE � , 8' flbeE�,tli...f,.idSuth-Quseecq r, 01-FlYR P@5.79% 32�15�RCP@4.n% 35 LF 21V'�?P @ 2.44% U a-- lurWT-W W AMN 01 X RIW s' 1-1!. -73 as Zoning & Development n 194.69 4 -676 - __� 105 - -Z 1 ILF 2 �'�,P 1�2. % z 4" RC- ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS: r------- Current Zoning Classification - A-1 virOP0SEOF4SEIffJSVTL[NE INV�57S.17 Prop ad Zoning Classification - R-3 (ResIderifial-Long Range Urban District) etback Requirements for R-3 City Zoning Ordinance: NMVV�N) Z7U1 S LO 4" per Main Structure Only FES GF=885.7 11 -8857 wr- iN 0 Front - 35 feet from right of my (local Street) Interlor Side - 10 feet PROPOSED LOT AREAS: LF=883.0 C mer Side Street. 35 feet (local 3treet) Lot 1, Blockl =44092sq.ft Lot 2, Block 1 49774 r - 9t sq.ft ins; Lot 3, Block 1 44065 Sq.ft Lot 4, Block 1 57326 sq.ft I L 5 Bla k1 =4 8 3 Minimum Lot Requirements: Z"t L Let Are. - 1 or- (43560 q.ft) Lot Lot 7, Black 1 53898 Sq.ft 'L 'A C/ Lot Width - 150 feet Come, Lot Width - 175 feet Lot 8, B ock I - 5 006 Sq.It P Let Depth feet c 1 = 45254 c.ft .100 Builcfing Height - 2 Ir2 Stories or 35 feet Lot 10 Block I = 4T768 sq.ft P,24. Well it. OuUotA=Tgg2sq.ft Maximum Impevious Surface 30% of Lot area. Outict B = 9442 sefft Oullot C=1 1647 -z c IL --- =gR%0,:;U'.IIet q.ft --------- --- - -8", 6Day Ots MIN 5533 go, DENTIA - URBAN STREE-r SECI IUN - U I L)N 'L J 4 FES IS3 a UJ not to sCale I .- .1- 1 ( 11 -if 1 / (A CL i / / /// t:- U 60' 16, 28 B - 0 16, 17 I ... ........ OLTMOT -i Z 14' R SWH 114 RIM= -.15 :wW-S s.. SbNO 1 V:3H I SLOPE 1/3" P 'V:3H IW(E)- WIND- 7S.. 1-0 .1 GF= 8.8�7ri ------ -9264.0c '5- MAXIMUM PLATE 704 CONCRETE CURB & L Lr "V 00 R R RITU 1110111 MAT GUTTER PLACED ON PPROVED SUBGRADE 660 C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 29* WIDTH L7 D APPROVED SUBGRADE 30' WIDTH USHTP R VALUE SIGMA NIS WAIR C- a 'Us' 3 6 GF -07 .1 �D LF=439.9.3 SOIL 23S. Sa CLkSS LWE W350308 o' 11-70 S R-21 moo. a 1, 0 1ODYr FT�d - 585.23 'cIi DaS,rr .1 SU13JECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER CB IS SM QU 0 -L 11 gra WO=891.7 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS R VA E OF LESS THAN 20 REQUIRES 4" GRAVEL 5"'01 WE BENEATH CONCRErE SIDEWALK A MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 0 UTLOT B i A 05, V Pp.rty Address: B465 O'Deem A- NE, Oftiag., MN h PIDN.. 118500213101 7 Adjoining JN TRI. cornmil-I.Ii-frIg Legal diiscripti-nd -aarnsint-f ..,it net pro,!d.d. 0,0oi Scott & Jan�'-" in, 9' Tt,i Am, of P-1 = 853389 Sq.ft Ssa� Property Win Flood Zen, 'C"(- of minimal flooding) per FEMA map number Z70747 -0002A, Dated 73 -q September 30.199Z /t ---- ---------- I I"L L 11., �'e �' g Owner: Developer. Jeremy & Cherlynn Uzzell Jeremy Uzzell A Adjoining Omer: N' ", / / �- / b g -,\J 5465 O'Dean Ave. NE 8465 O'Dean Ave. NE 84950'Der, ve.N�E.0411- I ei I 5533k I Adjoi*M Uwnre A Bill &Arm Kraus N, G9NOZ " / // ; 1, / / 8300 Ochoa Ct. NE �77/1-` -49VL1.YJN Otsego, MN 55330 Otsego, MIN 55330 I�Crystal Larson I I I Ma a, Olsen., MIN 55330 eo 0 FA i z >,-/ / I /I I I / /N — I // / - , 1// / a SO 100 DESIGNED BY. Irb. n[y ass...e. sh-is ft. plti f .-,d i—fien -WH by dir- THE GREGORY REVISIONS PROJECT NO. 80854 -nd RASPBERRY HILLS CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS Jeremy & Cherlynn Uzzell GROUP, INC. PRELIMINARY PLAT 10-18-17 joi,LY-t DRAWN BY. SHEET NO. DTE 8465 O'DEAN AVENUE NORTHEAST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 7601 73RD AVENUE NORTH, BROOKLYN PARK, NIN 55429 8465 O'Dean Ave. NE (763)560-3093 FAX -(763)56D-3092 Otsego, MIN 55330 Land Surveyors and _lotsunireyseempany.com n Civil Engineers OF CHECKED BY. GRP CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN PID#118500164304 ohw----�� ohw- ohyv----A- ohw- ohyt---_- ohv,- ohw- ohw- ,hw- ohw- ohw- -for- Modern Construction (SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS) 'N' X 882.2 NOTES AND �EjVE­R­-ohw - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMEq-SlbffS-, ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw ohw-ohw ohw ohw- AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. - FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE CO BUILDING. ohw-ohw-ohw-Oht�,��ohw-ohw-ohw ---------- 7., / ohw I - FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE -,QfTW-ohw-jhw- WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. I __-::�--UNITED POWER ASSOCIA-nON 6ASEMENT­WZ:_:Z_Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR X 87,7. 880.6 - CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. fo,"Idati, OF e OUth /X 878.2 aser?7erit I �ql.4 FoUrldajfor�_ 880.8 8 1 1.0 X Q57' Of easer17 k' '�p 80(j th SB / ;� - NO GRADING PLAN EXISTS FOR THIS PROPERTY. BUILDER RESPONSIBILITY TO RESEARCH GROUND WATER AND SOILS OF SITE. SOIL BORINGS MAY BE WARRANTED HOWEVER IS BUILDERS RESPONSIBILITY. *5 COURSE LOOKOUT* PROPOSED ELEVATIONS GARAGE FLOOR 883.0 TOP OF BLOCK 883.4 LOWEST FLOOR 880.2 LVGEND (:�� DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. X 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. DENOTES METAL SPIKE DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOTES ]RON MONUMENT SET SB DENOTES SOIL BORING ohw- DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE I hereby certify that this plan, survey or rep me or under my direct supervision and that Land Surveyor under the laws of the State 3 C8 4 82�2 0 C�v 881.8 81 881 ZIX boo --- - - - --- - z 881.2 882.2 -SO Ij 82- X 880,3 X (3 .00 882.8 -00 883.2 CP 0 S&88 .�/ 'p, - h 0 e SB 1.2 88 "V Z?. 00 882.1 ",loge 0 .0 " /// 882. 882.6 SB 3.7 .1 4? o 61 'b7o ..4e OUND REBAR ­qA1 A Q�005 7 884.3 �'ES 12 884.4 -;q" Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan ERIC R. VICKARY6US Date:Sel2t. 27th. 2017 Rea. No. 44125 JOB #17313 CONTOURS 88W-5.5 FOUND -1/W IRON _O� P PIPE, RLS#1334k IP 8 8 4.9 0 30 IN FEET 1 inch = 30 ft. NORTH 884.5 E (ap X. HOUSE pr, (approx. tocatio.) 06 1�1' age F f ACRE LAND SURVEYING-,.:... SeWng Twin Cities Metro c area and beyond 763 7-458-2997 acrelandsurve"I gmail.com 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 J20 C,\Users\erlcj\DneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Modern-Otsego\dwg\17313hs,ciwg 11/8/2017 2142,18 PM CST CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN PID#118500164304 �w -Ohw ------ chw- ohw- k,-- ohw- ohW---- ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw -for- Modern Construction 8B3.3 (SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS) 88Z2 NOTEShw ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw- ohw ohw- ohw 0 30 - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMEN-SM-S, -AND tnVER--o ohw ohw AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. - FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL IN FEET BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE CID 1 inch 30 ft. BUILDING. -.h - hw-,,h,,-Ohl�",��ohw-ohw-ohw----------/4-ohw-,� - FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE trw-ohw-1h, ohw--E�, WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. ENT - DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. _�::----UNITED POWER ASSOCIATICNeASEM ------------------------- NORTH FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY I �11 CONTRACTOR x 877, ' "?< 880.6 - CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. 11"/ four1dqtio. - NO GRADING PLAN EXISTS FOR THIS PROPERTY. BUILDER RESPONSIBILITY TO RESEARCH GROUND WATER AND SOILS OF SITE. SOIL BORINGS MAY BE WARRANTED HOWEVER IS BUILDERS RESPONSIBILITY. *5 COURSE LOOKOUT* PROPOSED ELEVATIONS GARAGE FLOOR 883.0 TOP OF BLOCK 883.4 LOWEST FLOOR 880.2 LEGEND (:�� DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. DENOTES METAL SPIKE DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET SB ;� DENOTES SOIL BORING ohw- DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE I hereby certify that this plan, survey or rep me or under my direct supervision and that Land Surveyor under the laws of the State 1) South -- , \ \ Of e N \ z X 878.2 qserrient f0(Jf?dot- 880.8 1 x lor�- South ��p Of easeMent q, 00 S SQ 7. x ftl�-3 -Z-) 881.8 87 4 882 881 4 82 2 0 . _ - . .7 - - - - - / - N- . - - . t-- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - ----- K"', - V 881.2 882.2 SO 881.9 73 00 882.8 82, x Q, x 880.3 C) .00 883.2 0 70 NO S&88 .0/ CP -- IY� O&eQ, 884.5 4F SQ all A8L.12 B 00 882.1 e / / 1 40.0 RR9 R RR9-x- QQ 0 2:�=� Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan ERIC R. VICKARY6US Date:Sept. 27th, 2017 Rea. No. 44125 JOB #17313 3.7 ,I) KN 7 884.3 FES 12" /884.4 886.9 (V T (a "OUSE I - PProx. location) IND REBAR CONTOUR: 885.5 FOUND -)/%7 IRON PIPE, RLS#133�4 84.9 F f AGRE LAND SURVEYING7-. Se-Nng Twin Cities Metro area and beyond 763-458-2997 acrelandsur4agmail.com 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1 20 Ci\Users\erlcj\DneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Mociern-Otsego\ciwg\17313hs.clwg 11/8/2017 2142ilB PM CST PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN P1D#1 18500164304 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I--- ohw-----�-� ohw- ohw----)k- Ohw- oh.0'-__- ohw- ohw- ohw- hw- ohw- ohw -for- Modern Construction I (SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS) It 11 1 N, 882.2 NOTES \ - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMEN-SMS, -AND §L1VEfT__0hw ohw-ohw-ohw-ohw_ohw ohw-ohw ohw ohw AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. - FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE C1q CO 00 BUILDING. ohw-ohw-ohw-oh%6���ohw-ohw-ohw -------- 74- ohw- - FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE ohw- jhw ohw- WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. 'SOCIATION 6ASEMENT-­zzz ------------------ - DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. UNITED POWER AE FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR x 877, 880.6 - CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. foLff7dot- 0_3' for? - Ile Of e South '*1- X 878.2 Qsert7ent I �ql.4 I f0Lff7Cjqt- 880.8 �N x cil 0.57, /on- dq Of e South 00 S7. SQ O&errl- - / - NO GRADING PLAN EXISTS FOR THIS PROPERTY. BUILDER RESPONSIBILITY TO RESEARCH GROUND WATER AND SOILS OF SITE. SOIL BORINGS MAY BE WARRANTED HOWEVER IS BUILDERS RESPONSIBILITY. *5 COURSE LOOKOUT* PROPOSED ELEVATIONS GARAGE FLOOR 883.0 TOP OF BLOCK 883.4 LOWEST FLOOR 880.2 LEGEND CaK]�) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. X 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. DENOTES METAL SPIKE DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET SB (;� DENOTES SOIL BORING ohw- DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report Vm,,:Z prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dt4 Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. --,, 8 2 2 0 881.8 81-1 . . . . . . - ---- X - - - - - - W 881.2 882.2 X 880�3 0 ".1' 00 2.8 7 Q� ')o 883.2 0 ' 0 0 CP sr'�s R 0 0 884.5 1.2 Q/ 00 882.1 X 882.. 882:2F S 3.7 882.6 AW8 - 6 0 0 s 7k 85.4 '!j r 884.1 885.7 FES 12" Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan ERIC R. VICKARY6US Date:Sept. 27th, 2017 Reg. No. 44125 JOB #17313 Q, 884.3 FES 12" 884A ­Ptt� �_/�/1�886.9 0 30 IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. NORTH 10. Q J I A. 'V EX. HOUSE (approx. 7 10C.a.tion) OUND REBAR -PROPOSED CONTOURS �ae 4� 8 885.5 IRON &Ole 401C Z -FOUND 185.5 F _ND 3 I�RON 0 4� PIPE, RLS#13 8 4.� 4.9 A E �L! D Fix� _y 11 - pop h Se hgjli ftiet; Me area and beyond f763-458-2997 acrelandsurve qgmail.com 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 J16 117 118 119 120 Ci\Users\erlcj\OneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Moclern-Otsego\dwg\17313hs,clwg 11/8/2017 242ilB PM CST CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN P1D#1 18500164304 ohw—::7�� ohw— ohw---A— ohw— ohv7­-_— ohw— ohw— ohw— ohw— ohw- -for- Modern Construction (SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS) NOTEShw chw— ohw— oh,— ohw— ohw ohw—ohw — CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMEWSI'M-, —AND §nVEF-,—' h AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. — FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE 04 CO CO BUILDING. ohw— ohw— ohw— 0'hW�,� ohw— ohw— ohw -------- 74 ohw — FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE —,QKW— ohw— jhW WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. — -- / MENT------- - DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. _—::=--UNITED POWER ASSOCIATION 16ASE —Zzz� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR x 117�7411 zor 880.6 — CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. foUrldot, \ Q 31 or?— - OF e SOLIth " Ole asernent I �ql.4 Q7 x 878.2 fo(jr?d t. 880.8 x 04,-D Ile 0 for?- Q 0-57' ;�-- so(Jth Nk ,, / of e0serne r�. S7 SB GARAGE FLOOR 883.0 TOP OF BLOCK 883.4 LOWEST FLOOR 880.2 CaKa) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. 1-1 DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. DENOTES METAL SPIKE DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET SB Q� DENOTES SOIL BORING ohw— DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE I-, I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report V?ss, prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dt4y Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. --,, ohw 8 83.3 x 882.2 0 3 hw:� 1, 0 IN FEET 1 inch = 30 ft. lohw­­­�D, NORTH L.3 8152 11) 4 D 4 82.2 0 W — — — — — — — — — — 881.2 882.2 881-9 882.8 x 880.3 x 0 70 0 -00 883.2 0 1164 8 /Y O'ge 884.5 1.2 88 00 882.1 e '90.0 882 8824 r'V 3.7 882.6 &8-6 0 85.4 884.1 FES 12" Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan ERIC R. VICKARY6US Date: Sept. 27th, 2017 Rea. No. 44125 JOB #17313 885.7 884.3 ES 12" /884..4 ///���M86.9 1-fOUSE: (a '.)70 ' PProx- loca tion) OUND REBAR -PROPOSED CONTOURS pa' -50- �'1?11�00 CV' IV 885-5 FOUND—I/%! IRON —"86 88545 F ND N I< 3 0 3 49 PIPE R PIPE, RLS#I 3 84.9 a f A E L MD SOR I s e I met 0, e ing tiiMh CRIes Met bor— area and beyond 763-458-2997 acrelandsur4agmail.com 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1 20 C,\Users\erlcj\DneDrlve\CAD-lD\17313hs-Moolern-Otsego\clwg\17313hs,clwg 11/8/2017 2142,18 PM CST CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN PID#118500164304 for- Modern Construction pHEE1 4,,yr 2 SHEE15) NE Comer/�Wi/4 of SE1/4-, ��882.0 S89033'40?YW 875.17 ,-FND.5 OPEN A .881. IFNDLS 13349 t SEE DE'TAILON SHEET 2 OF 2-- CONTRACTOR Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ACRE LAND SURVEYING — CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. Serving Twin Cities Metro — Contours shown hereon from http: //arcgis.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/mntopo. area and beyond Spot checks were made and topography was adjusted to best match field Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan f763-458-2997 acrelandsur4a'grnail.dom observed elevations. ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date:Sel2t. 27th, 2017 Reg. No. 44125" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 1 9 120 JOB #17313 C,\Users\ericj\OneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Moclern-Otsego\clwg\17313hs�olwg 11/8/2017 2142,18 PM CST ohw- ohw� ohw------ohw -,Ph OTI W ohw- ohw- ohw ohw 0 ohw ohw- oh)�� ohw 0 hw POWER ASSOCIAMN EASEMENT----� 0 2 ohw-ohw---�i��ohw-o 1 1", 61 ohw- h ohw Ohw- ohw ohw- ohw ohw- o ohw ohw 7 0 60 sA 1 63 02 ';e 6883.5 WEL L IN FEET 1 inch= 60ft. (6 NORTH LEGEND NOTES DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. cwmtft x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. \39 This survey was prepared without the benefit DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and z DENOTES METAL SPIKE encumbrances may exist in addition to those 9 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or @ DENOTES WELL attorneys title opinion. ohw— DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE Field survey conducted on 08/25/17'. BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMENSIONS, AND SEWER AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township — FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies north of the centerline of County BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE Highway No. 39. The centerline of said Highway is described as a line from a point BUILDING. on the east line 446.92 feet south of the northeast corner to a point 945.17 feet — FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE west of the northeast corner, EXCEPT tract described on Doc. 788418. *Above description per inspection of legal description found on County tax website.* WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. — DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed CONTRACTOR Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ACRE LAND SURVEYING — CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. Serving Twin Cities Metro — Contours shown hereon from http: //arcgis.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/mntopo. area and beyond Spot checks were made and topography was adjusted to best match field Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan f763-458-2997 acrelandsur4a'grnail.dom observed elevations. ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date:Sel2t. 27th, 2017 Reg. No. 44125" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 1 9 120 JOB #17313 C,\Users\ericj\OneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Moclern-Otsego\clwg\17313hs�olwg 11/8/2017 2142,18 PM CST CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: XXXX 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN P1D#1 18500164304 for— Modern Construction (SHEET 1,,OF 2 SHEETS) NE Come 882.0 S89033'40"W r/9W1/4 of SE1/4-, z* FND.5 OPEN 875.17 A r IFNDLS 13349 SEE DEhILON SHEET 2 OF 2-- ohw- oh --Ov- lop-, ------------ L:�_ _rTW onw 0 ��ohw_ohw_ahw ohw 0 'NtR POWER ASSOCIATION EASEMENT----,\ ohw ohw-ohvy,-1 oh - hw ohw- oh & �__�i��ohw_ovyv I -Ohw--.h ohw oh w� ohyv ohw-ohw ohw_0 0hW ohw 7 60 80 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIS 6W883.5 ELL IN FEET 1 inch = 60ft. NORTH LEGEND CaR:�) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. CWTOM NOTES X 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. ,-- DENOTES DIREC11ON OF DRAINAGE. — This survey was prepared without the benefit DENOTES METAL SPIKE of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or 0 DENOTES WELL attorneys title opinion. oh- DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE Field survey conducted on 08/25/17'. BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMENSIONS, AND SEWER AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township — FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies north of the centerline of County BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE AT THE Highway No. 39. The centerline of said Highway is described as a line from a point BUILDING. on the east line 446.92 feet south of the northeast corner to a point 945.17 feet — FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE West of the northeast corner, EXCEPT tract described on Doc. 788418. WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. *Above description per inspection of legal description found on County tax website.* — DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC PURPOSES ONLY. I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by FINAL DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed CONTRACTOR Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ACRE LAND SURVEYING — CITY TO VERIFY ALL BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS AND SETBACKS. SerAng Twin Cities Metro — Contours shown hereon from http://arcgis.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/mntopo. area and beyond Spot checks were made and topography was adjusted to best match field Rev. 11/08/17, new house plan f763-458-2997 acrelandsurveymgmail. m observed elevations. ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date:Sept. 27th, 2017 Rea. No. 44125" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 1,,, �10120 JOB #17313 C,\Users\erlcj\OneDrive\CAD-lD\17313hs-Moclern-Otsego\clwg\17313hs,dwg 11/8/2017 2142,18 PM CST WRIGHT COUNTY. MINNESOTA CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY MON SITE LOCATION SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS F&M RASPBERRY HILLS CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA mm^ lc7^-r 9 13?0 2�40 5CALZ IN FEET CALL 1110RI YQ1 1111 Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY A EA: 651454aO2 TOLLFREE 140D�252-1166 ENGINEER / LAND SURVEYOR: DEVELOPER THE GREGORY GROUP SHEETINDEX 7601 73RD AVENUE NORTH THIS PLAN CONTAINS 12 SHEETS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION ci TITLE SHEET C2 DETAILS C3 DETAILS AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES C4 DETAILS AND SWPPP NOTES C5 SWPPP C6 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C8 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN C9 STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE C10 STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE C11 DEVELOPMENT PLAN C12 LANDSCAPE PLAN CALL 1110RI YQ1 1111 Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY A EA: 651454aO2 TOLLFREE 140D�252-1166 ENGINEER / LAND SURVEYOR: DEVELOPER THE GREGORY GROUP JEREMY U77ELL 7601 73RD AVENUE NORTH 8465 O'DEAN AVENUE NORTHEAST I� MINNEAPOL S, MINNESOTA 55428 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 55330 (763)560-3093 (763)479-3605 ENGINEER: JEFF PRASCH, PE LAND SURVEYOR: GREGORY R. PRASCH, RLS BENCHMAR : MNDOT MONUMENT "C 121 23" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. ELEVATION = 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVD) APPROVED: RONALD J. WAGNER, P.E. OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER DATE FORM 1/2 PIPE SECT N OF 10, LARGEST DIAMETER PIPE GROUT BOTTOM To SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS SECTION A - MANHOLE COVER SHALL- FRAME & CASTING (SEE BE TYPE 11 WITH 27" MH & CS SCHEDULE), ECCENTRIC OPENING. , rADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 MA X,MUM DISTANCE FROM RIM TO FIR STEP IS 24". STEPS I ..C.�� 0 MANHOLE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS MIN. 6 APPROVED STEPS PER-�—:.' CLASS III REINFORCEMENT, JOINTS MN/DOT STANDARD CTED WITH 7. SHALL BE CONSTRU I PLATE 4180J CONFINED O-RING GASKETS. A VARIES A PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE SEAL PIPES Lo ER SECTION WITH GROUT H I FORM I /Z PIPE SECT LARGEST DIAMETER PI OTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN SECTION A -A BY ARROWS CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 r—POURED OR PRECAST L CONCRETE MANHOLE BASE. W_ FLOW 3i F 0 F OW_ MANHOLE INVERT SHALL BE (SEE SECTION A -A) SLOPED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH BASE FLOW FROM INLET TO OUTLET. 6. 1 12 ft DEEP SLAB—TOP MANHOL B" 12 ft TO 20 ft ULLP (STORM SEWER) 10" OVER 20 ff DEEP NO SCALE APM Ed. Aft Otswor fgo STANDARD PLATE NO. 400 R=60 MN/DOT STANDARD REQUIRED IN I FOOT EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. FORM I /Z PIPE SECT LARGEST DIAMETER PI OTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN SECTION A -A BY ARROWS CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 TOP OF CURB .—D - PROVIDE SMOOTH SINGLERLINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC W_ FLOW 3i F 0 F OW_ ROW LINE (SEE SECTION A -A) L�11E �-N IN E LIN x 10/10 "M COVER SLAB 4 MINIMUM COVER FLOW LINE - TO TOP OF PIPE = 2 FEET Mn/DOT 4022A CHIMNEY APPR 0tCITY0F MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM RIM TO STEPS AS PER 5" -PRECAST SEGMENTS AS R=60 MN/DOT STANDARD REQUIRED IN I FOOT EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. PLATE 4180J E D E OF OE OF INSTEAD OF (4) 2 - SHOULDER RINGS 16" O.C. EDGE OF A SEAL PIPE PAVEMENT NOT TO SCALE WITH GROUT 48" HIGH M�/OOT PLATE STANDARD PLATE NO. 705 REVISED 4005L LOWER SECTION "INN rA " A L VL 30 2 32' A CONCRETE AND GUTTE�­' RESIDENTIAL CUL DE SAC RURAL SECTION TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER NO SCALE NO SCALE APPROVE 0 sfgo STANDARD PLATE NO. 107 FORM I /Z PIPE SECT LARGEST DIAMETER PI OTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN SECTION A -A BY ARROWS CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 TOP OF CURB .—D - PROVIDE SMOOTH SINGLERLINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC W_ FLOW 3i F 0 F OW_ HAVING AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN (SEE SECTION A -A) L�11E �-N IN E LIN x 10/10 "M COVER SLAB 4 MINIMUM COVER FLOW LINE - TO TOP OF PIPE = 2 FEET Mn/DOT 4022A CHIMNEY APPR 0tCITY0F MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM RIM TO STEPS AS PER 5" -PRECAST SEGMENTS AS FIRST STEP IS 24". MN/DOT STANDARD REQUIRED IN I FOOT EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. PLATE 4180J MULTIPLES INSTEAD OF (4) 2 - RINGS 16" O.C. -PRECAST LOWER SECTION A SEAL PIPE A MINIMUM 367' HIGH MAXIMUM NOT TO SCALE WITH GROUT 48" HIGH M�/OOT PLATE STANDARD PLATE NO. 705 REVISED 4005L LOWER SECTION NOTES: '--MANHOLE INVERT SHALL BE REINFO CING: .—D - PROVIDE SMOOTH SINGLERLINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC FLOW FORM INLET TO OUTLET. HAVING AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN (SEE SECTION A -A) 0*12 SO. IN. PSETR FOOT OFRHEIGKT�o x 10/10 "M ANDA D S M R MANHOLE - CATCH BASIN MINIMUM COVER FLOW LINE - TO TOP OF PIPE = 2 FEET 3 NO SCALE CHIMNEY APPR 0tCITY0F STANDARD PLATE NO. BE DETERMINED BY TYPE OF I 406 CURB AND GUTTER .0 q..p EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS. A A PIPE TOP VIE CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR /-EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE /-WALL TO BE PRECAST J/ SECTION OR CONCRETE SEWER BLOC 24m X 36" PRECAST OPENINGS >� SEAL WITH _'-4h /-AS REQUIRED < GROUT GROUT INVERT AS SHOWN ABOVE RECTANGULA SECTION A— NOTES: I. CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE 6" POURED IN PLACE OR 5" PRECAST SLAB. 2. REINFORCING SHALL BE SINGLE LINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC HAVING AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN 0.12 SQ. IN. PER FOOT OF HEIGHT. 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN NO SCALE ........ CITY Cp STANDARD PLATE NO. FtE_Vl'S:E'5 0 deo 410 rA FRAME CASTING PER MH & 5' R� CONCRETE ENCASED VARIABLE ��_ ADJUSTING RINGS 6 x 6 x 10/10 "M NOTE: SURMOUNTABLE CURB AND 4026A NOTE: MAX 4 RINGS. MAX V, CHIMNEY DEPTH OF CONCRETE SHALL HEIGHT NUMBER OF ADJUSTMENT BE DETERMINED BY TYPE OF RINGS SHALL BE MAX 16" CURB AND GUTTER i7v EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. SECTION AA USE (2) 4" RINGS INSTEAD OF (4) 2 - RINGS 10' TAPER 10' TAPER CURB TRANSITION (B 618) AT CATCH BASIN NOT TO SCALE APPROVED otclwoF seffo STANDARD PLATE NO. 705 REVISED 5-10-07 "INN rA " A L VL A CONCRETE AND GUTTE�­' TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER NO SCALE APPROVE ot 0 STANDARD PLATE NO. 702 ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STD PLATE 414 GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS. A A PIPE TOP VIE CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR /-EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE /-WALL TO BE PRECAST J/ SECTION OR CONCRETE SEWER BLOC 24m X 36" PRECAST OPENINGS >� SEAL WITH _'-4h /-AS REQUIRED < GROUT GROUT INVERT AS SHOWN ABOVE RECTANGULA SECTION A— NOTES: I. CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE 6" POURED IN PLACE OR 5" PRECAST SLAB. 2. REINFORCING SHALL BE SINGLE LINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC HAVING AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN 0.12 SQ. IN. PER FOOT OF HEIGHT. 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN NO SCALE ........ CITY Cp STANDARD PLATE NO. FtE_Vl'S:E'5 0 deo 410 rA FRAME CASTING PER MH & CB SCHEDULE R� CONCRETE ENCASED ADJUSTING RINGS PAVEMENT �"D.T PLATE NOTE: SURMOUNTABLE CURB AND 4026A B618 TYPE CURB AT CATCH BASIN CASTING. MAX 4 RINGS. MAX V, CHIMNEY GROUT PER JOINT. HEIGHT NUMBER OF ADJUSTMENT MINIMUM 4*' - RINGS SHALL BE MAX 16" MINIMIZED TO THE i7v EXTENT POSSIBLE, I.E. - - - - - - USE (2) 4" RINGS INSTEAD OF (4) 2 - RINGS NOTES: 1. PRECAST CONCRETE OR BRICK CHIMNEY RINGS MAY BE USED FOR ALL CATCH BASINS, EXISTING STORM MANHOLES, AND ANY NEW MANHOLES OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS AND WITHIN CURB AND GUTTER. 2. STORM MANHOLES WITHIN PAVED AREAS SHALL USE HOPE "PLASTIC" RINGS AND CONFORM TO STD PLATE 309 3. CONCRETE ENCASED ADJUSTING RINGS Mn/DOT PLATE 4026A 4. SHIMS USED FOR LEVELING SHALL BE METAL OR CONCRETE STORM MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS ND SCALE APPROVED oa�., STANDARD PLATE NO. REVISED sfgo 414 'b R� NEENAH R-3067 CASTING OR EQUIVALENT NOTE: SURMOUNTABLE CURB AND GUTTER TO BE FORMED INTO A B618 TYPE CURB AT CATCH BASIN CASTING. 1 0 MIN. TRANSITION SURMOUNTABLE CURB 10' MIN. TRANSITION AND GUTTER 2- TOP CURB EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT J V2 DESIGN GUTTER LINE GRADE NO. 4 REBAnS ON EACH SIDE OF CASTING 10 FEET LONG IN LENGTH 8618 CURB & GUTTER TO 8618 CURB PLATE 704 GUTTER AT CURB GUTTER CATCH BASIN T MATCH CASTING iGUTTER 2 -1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - OY2 10' TAPER 10' TAPER CURB TRANSITION (B 618) AT CATCH BASIN NOT TO SCALE APPROVED otclwoF seffo STANDARD PLATE NO. 705 REVISED 5-10-07 "INN rA " BERM-- 886.5 ROCK FILTER BERM 887.6 INFILTRATION BASIN FOREBAY 885.0 885.0 ... . ... INFILTRATION BASIN CROSS SECTION �,E3� NOTTOSCALE NOTES: I - ALL FILL ASSOCIATED WITH THE INFILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE NATIVE CLEAN SAND. 2. ALL TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE INFILTRATION AREAAND THE REMAINING TOP SIX (6) INCHES SHALL BE SCARIFIED PRIOR TO PLACING FILL. 3. ONLY TRACKED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE INFILTRATION AND FOREBAY AREA. 4. ROCK FILTER SHALL BE RIPRAP TYPE 2 AND 100 PERCENT CRUSHED OR QUARRY RUN. R.O.W. LINE 8% MAX, SLOPE 7 BITUMIN U CONCREOTE.5' R VALUE SIGWA N18 CLASS 5 GRAVEL AGGREGATE BASE OR GUV" 4" TH I CK CONCRETE APRON WEAR NON -WEAR D11117A' CLASS 3 OR 4 SOIL CLASS NO SCALE A. S' 3 Fr. TRANSITI N 10 FT.. CONCRETE APRON 313B C. DROP CUR: A-3 R .. 1' ":C 10 FT. - 2 .GUNT�.. A A A- A-6 2-2'X4' CAST IRON .DR. CURB 2 2' TRUNCATED DOME - 12" ASPHALT ROAD PEDESTRIAN RAMP 1 /2' NOTE: INSERTS 3 FT. TRANSITION MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH SHALL BE 24' WHEN LOCATED URBAN DRIVEWAY SECTIO 2' NO SCALE IN A CUL-DE-SAC BULB. MAX. SLOPE-\ R.O.W. UNE APPROVED (I, oa�klo STANDARD PLATE NO. REVISED 706 �TMA; E OF PAVEMENT rE00GE OR GRAVEL ROAD "'/p RURAL DRIVEWAY SECTION 'SD'N'E R RESIDEN E T RIVEWAY TRANSITION TO ..W. LINE U E GARAGE APRON AT PROPE LINE IS OWNERS OPTION. 30 MAX I E /-CURB Ub A" MIN FROM OCt ilErr 36' MAX L SO- MIN. FROM -0 CTOR/ E A ARrTELRUIAL STREET TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTIONS NO SCALE 0a"TY0 STANDARD PLATE NO. 109 BERM-- 886.5 ROCK FILTER BERM 887.6 INFILTRATION BASIN FOREBAY 885.0 885.0 ... . ... INFILTRATION BASIN CROSS SECTION �,E3� NOTTOSCALE NOTES: I - ALL FILL ASSOCIATED WITH THE INFILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE NATIVE CLEAN SAND. 2. ALL TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE INFILTRATION AREAAND THE REMAINING TOP SIX (6) INCHES SHALL BE SCARIFIED PRIOR TO PLACING FILL. 3. ONLY TRACKED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE INFILTRATION AND FOREBAY AREA. 4. ROCK FILTER SHALL BE RIPRAP TYPE 2 AND 100 PERCENT CRUSHED OR QUARRY RUN. 3/4 - WETLAND GREEN LETTERING ON WHITE BACKGROUND BUFFER ZONE WHITE LETTERING ON BROWN BACKGROUND 3/ 4 WITH 3/4- LETTERING NO Structures, Grading, W T Mowing, or Filling E Beyond This Point. T L 6 A N ALTERNATE 1 D 16" B WETLAND BUFFER SIGNS ARE TO BE PLACED ALONG ALL u WETLANDS IN RESIDENTIAL F AREAS WHERE THE BUFFERS F ARE REQUIRED. E SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON R A "U -POST" MOUNTING. (SEE STANDARD PLATE 801) SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 20' FROM THE EDGE OF THE DELINEATED OR MITIGATED WETLAND. WETLAND BUFFER SIGN NO SCALE I I 06TY of STANDARD PLATE NO. REVISED 804 FEB F90 INV=885.0 R-3406 2x3 BOX - REAR SECTION VIEW ORAPPROVE EQUAL 888.3 887.6 888.3 BASE SLAB 11-11"16, �3 BOX - FRONT SECTION VIEW 2x3 BOX - TOP VIEW r3 INFILTRATION BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE � �3 NOT TO SCALE is, IV:3H 28 8 - 2 C. NOTE. STANDARD 48' HIGH 13RANGE SNOW FENCE OR ORANGE SILT FENCE REOUIRED STEEL 13R WOOD FENCE POSTS AS NEEDED DEUNEATIDN OF TREE LINE PROTECTION SHALL EXTEND CONTINU13USLY THROUGH PROTECTION AREA& TOTALLY SURROUND INDIVIDUAL SPECIMENS AS NOTED, OR EXTEND ACROSS THE FACE AND THE ENDS SHALL EXTEND GFT. JACK FOR TREE LINE PROTECTION. DELINEATION OF TREE LINE TREE PP13TECMN PP.K.. SMALL ... DELINEATI13N BE LOCATED AT THE OUTER PERIMETER OF THE DRIPLINAE is, ELEVATION VIEW SEE PLATE 704 CONCRETE CURB & LA & B BITUMINOUS MAT GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE L C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 29' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 30' WIDTH 5% PREFERRED SLOPE 3.0" BITUMINOUS MAT 8% MAX, SLOPE 7 AASHITP R VALUE SIGWA N18 CLASS 5 GRAVEL AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE 4" TH I CK CONCRETE APRON WEAR NON -WEAR SECTION A -A CLASS 3 OR 4 SOIL CLASS NO SCALE 2350 LVWE460309 3 Fr. TRANSITI N 10 FT.. CONCRETE APRON 313B C. DROP CUR: A-3 R .. 1' ":C 10 FT. - 2 5 A A A- A-6 2-2'X4' CAST IRON IZ2' 2 2' TRUNCATED DOME - 12" A-7 PEDESTRIAN RAMP 1 /2' 21 INSERTS 3 FT. TRANSITION TYPICAL DROP CURB BIKE TRAIL �2 2' NO SCALE 24' APPROVED (I, oa�klo STANDARD PLATE NO. REVISED 706 3/4 - WETLAND GREEN LETTERING ON WHITE BACKGROUND BUFFER ZONE WHITE LETTERING ON BROWN BACKGROUND 3/ 4 WITH 3/4- LETTERING NO Structures, Grading, W T Mowing, or Filling E Beyond This Point. T L 6 A N ALTERNATE 1 D 16" B WETLAND BUFFER SIGNS ARE TO BE PLACED ALONG ALL u WETLANDS IN RESIDENTIAL F AREAS WHERE THE BUFFERS F ARE REQUIRED. E SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON R A "U -POST" MOUNTING. (SEE STANDARD PLATE 801) SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 20' FROM THE EDGE OF THE DELINEATED OR MITIGATED WETLAND. WETLAND BUFFER SIGN NO SCALE I I 06TY of STANDARD PLATE NO. REVISED 804 FEB F90 INV=885.0 R-3406 2x3 BOX - REAR SECTION VIEW ORAPPROVE EQUAL 888.3 887.6 888.3 BASE SLAB 11-11"16, �3 BOX - FRONT SECTION VIEW 2x3 BOX - TOP VIEW r3 INFILTRATION BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE � �3 NOT TO SCALE is, IV:3H 28 8 - 2 C. NOTE. STANDARD 48' HIGH 13RANGE SNOW FENCE OR ORANGE SILT FENCE REOUIRED STEEL 13R WOOD FENCE POSTS AS NEEDED DEUNEATIDN OF TREE LINE PROTECTION SHALL EXTEND CONTINU13USLY THROUGH PROTECTION AREA& TOTALLY SURROUND INDIVIDUAL SPECIMENS AS NOTED, OR EXTEND ACROSS THE FACE AND THE ENDS SHALL EXTEND GFT. JACK FOR TREE LINE PROTECTION. DELINEATION OF TREE LINE TREE PP13TECMN PP.K.. SMALL ... DELINEATI13N BE LOCATED AT THE OUTER PERIMETER OF THE DRIPLINAE is, ELEVATION VIEW SEE PLATE 704 CONCRETE CURB & LA & B BITUMINOUS MAT GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE L C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 29' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 30' WIDTH SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS -R VALUE OF LESS THAN 20 REQUIRES 4" GRAVEL BASE BENEATH CONCRETE SIDEWALK NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. (2) LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON 1, �3 NOT TO SCALE TREELINE 0 0 (> zi IT _T '�' 6, HIM. TREE PR13TECTMN IIELINEATIBN , — � - �S 1 6' Hill- I -T—T- —T_T_Tj T T TREE R.T. DELINEATION TREE PROTECTION FENCE NOTTO SCALE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SOILS NOTES: 1 . ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST REVISION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEERING MANUAL. 2. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES, LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL APPLICABLE OSHA STANDARDS. 4. IF UTILITY RELOCATION IS NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. 5. MATERIAL UNSUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION (E.G. TOPSOIL, SILTS, ORGANIC MATERIALS, PEATS, DEBRIS, ETC.) ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION WITHIN THE STREET AND BUILDING PAD AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISCARDED. 7. GRADING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AND IN LOOSE LIFTS NO THICKER THAN TWELVE (12) INCHES. COMPACTION WITHIN THE STREETAND BUILDING PADS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 100% OF THE MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 8. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED AND STOCKPILED FOR USE AS TOPSOIL IN GREEN SPACES DISTURBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. SAWCUT AND MILL 1.5 FEET WIDE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT WHEN PLACING NEW PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO EXISTING PAVEMENT. 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OF BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE MATERIALS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT SPEC 2104.3. 11. IF NECESSARY, DEWATERING SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND SHALL MEET ALL REGULATING REQUIREMENTS. 12. THE OWNER'S SOIL ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING ALL REQUIRED SOIL TESTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 13. ANY EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND ALL GOVERNING REGULATIONS. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WORK. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE AND MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON AS EXACT OR COMPLETE. LEGEND AASHITP R VALUE SIGWA N18 I BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE WEAR NON -WEAR CLASS 5 0 6 CLASS 3 OR 4 SOIL CLASS 2350 LVWE460309 2350 LVNW35030B 313B C. 3138 A-3 R .. 1' ":C 1 1�22: - 2 5 A- A-6 ' R 2. 1 GO .0 IR IZ2' 2 2' S. - 12" A-7 1 /2' 21 is" -S 1- 90,000) 1 1/2- 2' 24' SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS -R VALUE OF LESS THAN 20 REQUIRES 4" GRAVEL BASE BENEATH CONCRETE SIDEWALK NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. (2) LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON 1, �3 NOT TO SCALE TREELINE 0 0 (> zi IT _T '�' 6, HIM. TREE PR13TECTMN IIELINEATIBN , — � - �S 1 6' Hill- I -T—T- —T_T_Tj T T TREE R.T. DELINEATION TREE PROTECTION FENCE NOTTO SCALE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SOILS NOTES: 1 . ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST REVISION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEERING MANUAL. 2. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES, LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL APPLICABLE OSHA STANDARDS. 4. IF UTILITY RELOCATION IS NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. 5. MATERIAL UNSUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION (E.G. TOPSOIL, SILTS, ORGANIC MATERIALS, PEATS, DEBRIS, ETC.) ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION WITHIN THE STREET AND BUILDING PAD AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISCARDED. 7. GRADING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AND IN LOOSE LIFTS NO THICKER THAN TWELVE (12) INCHES. COMPACTION WITHIN THE STREETAND BUILDING PADS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 100% OF THE MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 8. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED AND STOCKPILED FOR USE AS TOPSOIL IN GREEN SPACES DISTURBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. SAWCUT AND MILL 1.5 FEET WIDE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT WHEN PLACING NEW PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO EXISTING PAVEMENT. 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OF BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE MATERIALS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT SPEC 2104.3. 11. IF NECESSARY, DEWATERING SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND SHALL MEET ALL REGULATING REQUIREMENTS. 12. THE OWNER'S SOIL ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING ALL REQUIRED SOIL TESTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 13. ANY EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND ALL GOVERNING REGULATIONS. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WORK. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE AND MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON AS EXACT OR COMPLETE. PROJECT INFORMATION DISTURBED AREA: 7.5 acres NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.73 ACRES WATERSHED DISTRICT: N/A EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR CONTACT: TO BE DETERMINED IMPAIRED WATERS WITHIN ONE (1) MILE: NONE. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF O'DEAN AVENUE NORTHEAST AND 85TH STREET NORTHEAST IN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA. THE SITE IS CURRENTLY A RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD, CROPLAND, OVERGROWN GRASS AND TREES. THERE ARE TWO WETLANDS THAT HAVE BEEN DELINEATED ON THE SITE OR ADJACENT TO THE SITE. PROPER CARE SHALL BE REQUIRED TO NOT DISCHARGE SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE WETLANDS. THE PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF SITE CLEARING, REMOVALS, STREET AND POND GRADING, STORM SEWER, CURB AND GUTTER, AND TWO CUL-DE-SACS. THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SITES WILL HAVE INDIVIDUAL SEPTIC SYSTEMS AND INDIVIDUAL WELLS. MOST OF THE PROJECT DISCHARGES INTO A LOW AREA THAT CONTAINS A STORM SEWER OUTLET WHICH DISCHARGES OFF-SITE. THE SITE DOES CONTAIN SOME STEEP SLOPES. THERE ARE NO IMPAIRED WATERS WITHIN ONE (1) MILE OF THE PROJECT SITE. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN NOTES: 1 . PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACQUIRE THE NECESSARY MPCA NPDES STORM WATER PERMIT. 2. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. BMP'S SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE THEIR OPERATION TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBED AREA AT ANY GIVEN TIME. 4. ALL EROSION CONTROL SHALL CONFORM TO THE MNDOT EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK AND THE CITY OF OTSEGO DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 5. REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING WETLANDS WHERE A FIFTY (50) FOOT NATURAL BUFFER CANNOT BE ACHIEVED. 6. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE PROJECT. IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED, WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER IN ORDER TO REMOVE THAT PARTICULAR INLET CONTROL. 7. ALL EXPOSED SOILS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED PER MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2575 WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS TEMPORARILY CEASED. STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED AREAS MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY. 8. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON ROADS, DRIVEWAYS, SURFACE WATERS OR SWALES. EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AROUND ALL SOIL STOCKPILES. 9. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENT TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC ROADS OR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS ON A DAILY BASIS OR AS NEEDED. 10. WATER SHALL BE USED WHEN NECESSARY FOR DUST CONTROL. 11. AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EXPOSED SOILS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITHIN 72 HOURS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL AS WELL AS MNDOT SEED MIX 25-141, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ANDMULCH. THE MULCH SHALL BE DISK ANCHORED AND COMMERCIAL GRADE 20-10-10 FERTILIZER SHALL BE USED. METHODS AND RATES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND THE MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL. 11 PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER. 13. THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET OF ANY PROJECT DISCHARGE LOCATION SHALL BE STA131LIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING TO THE DISCHARGE LOCATION. 14. SOLID WASTE SUCH AS COLLECTED SEDIMENT, ASPHALTAND CONCRETE MILLINGS, CEMENT PRODUCT WASTE, FLOATING DEBRIS, PAPER, PLASTIC, CONSTRUC71ON DEBRIS AND OTHER WASTES MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY OFF SITE. 15. HAZARDOUS WASTES SUCH AS OILS, GASOLINE, PAINT, CEMENT BASED PRODUCTS, ECT. SHALL BE PROPERLY STORED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TO PREVENT SPILLS, LEAKS OR OTHER DISCHARGES. IFSTOREDONTHE PROJECT, THEY SHALL BE STORED IN RESTRICTED ACCESS AREAS TO PROTECT AGAINST VANDALISM. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MPCA. 16. CEMENT BASED PRODUCTWASHOUTS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON SITE. 17. IF DEWATERING IS NECESSARY, THE APPROPRIATE PERMITS SHALL BE ACQUIRED PRIORTO COMMENCING DEWATERING ACTIVITIES. TURBID AND SEDIMENT -LADEN WATERS SHALL BE DIRECTED TO A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POND PRIOR TO DISCHARGING. A VISUAL CHECK SHALL BE CONDUCTED PRIOR TO DISCHARGING TREATED WATER FROM THE SEDIMENT POND TO ENSURE NUISANCE CONDITIONS WILL NOT RESULT FROM THE DISCHARGE. 18. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. 19. A TRAINED PERSON SHALL INSPECT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE RECORDED IN WRITING WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONDUCTING THE INSPECTIONS AND THE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP. IF ANY DISCHARGE FROM THE SITE IS OBSERVED THE DISCHARGE MUST BE DESCRIBED AND PHOTOGRAPHED. 20. CORRECTIVE ACTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY WHEN PERIMETER CONTROL DEVICES BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES ONE-HALF (1/2) THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE A NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF ACHIEVING PERMANENT STABILIZATION. EXPECTED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs, TREE PROTECTION FENCE AND SEPTIC PERIMETER FENCE COMPLETE REMOVALS AND SALVAGE TOPSOIL EXCAVATE AND GRADE PONDING AREAS AND INSTALL PERIMETER CONTROL INSTALL STORM SEWER GRADE STREETS AND APPLY BASE COURSE INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION INSTALL BITUMINOUS REMOVE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED EROSION CONTROL ITEM BASIS OF QUANTITIES ESTIMATED QUANTITY SILT FENCE LINEAR FEET 3360 ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK SQUAREYARDS 140 INLETCONTROL EACH 16 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH I/ THE CITY ENGINEER. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, CATEGORY IV SQUARE YARDS 570 MN DOT SEED MIX 34-261 31.5 LEIS/ACRE 4 MNDOTSEED MIX 33-262 44 LBS/ACRE 26 MN DOT SEED MIX 24-141 100 LOS/ACRE 681 MULCH, TYPE 1 1 -NIACRE, 15 FERTILIZER (20-10-10) GO La AC. 3750 S SNAKEBAG N 00 po ' D DROP INLET ROP IN TE WITH GRATE 7 . TYPE FF (MONO–MGNO FABRIC) 'E 'LLE EN IT 280AG FILLED WITH 1.5" CLEAN S - . - - . 1 "SEWER R..K' OR B" SILT SOCK AN ADDITIONAL 18" OF GEOTEXTILE IS WRAPPED AROUND THE WOOD 2"X 4" AND STAPLED. ";*11" BEYOND RATE WIDTH GE TEXTILE SIZE SHALL BE 8 ' MIN. GREATER ON ALL SIDES OF THE INLET COVER. PLACE GEOTEXTILE UNDER INLET cOVER-(D WOOD 2"X4" EXTENDED ON BOTH SIDES. (D ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE E MONOFILAM NT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. MEErING SPEC. 3886 FOR MACHINE SU ED. (2) WIMCO'S m MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ABOVE. (9) ALL DROP INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO WINTER FREEZE. DROP INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE .1—ED STANDARD PLATE NO. Utgem 507 MnDOT 2573 HARD SURFACE MACHINE SUCE PUBLIC ROAD PREASSEM PENETRATION MIN. 2 ABOVE GROUND OPTION MINIMUM 2 STAKES PER BALE /';; AP ROVED BY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I/ THE CITY ENGINEER. NO SCALE 6'XS" EARTH FIU_�,ir FENCE Otfie­ go STANDARD PLATE NO. 505 MATERIAL f90 503 6" APRON 5' POSTS – 8' MAX. ON CENTER MINIMUM 2' PENETRATION BET. M�OCT 31186 SILT FENCE NO SCALE �R Ode io STANDARD PLATE NO. q 501 S SNAKEBAG N 00 po ' D DROP INLET ROP IN TE WITH GRATE 7 . TYPE FF (MONO–MGNO FABRIC) 'E 'LLE EN IT 280AG FILLED WITH 1.5" CLEAN S - . - - . 1 "SEWER R..K' OR B" SILT SOCK AN ADDITIONAL 18" OF GEOTEXTILE IS WRAPPED AROUND THE WOOD 2"X 4" AND STAPLED. ";*11" BEYOND RATE WIDTH GE TEXTILE SIZE SHALL BE 8 ' MIN. GREATER ON ALL SIDES OF THE INLET COVER. PLACE GEOTEXTILE UNDER INLET cOVER-(D WOOD 2"X4" EXTENDED ON BOTH SIDES. (D ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE E MONOFILAM NT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. MEErING SPEC. 3886 FOR MACHINE SU ED. (2) WIMCO'S m MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ABOVE. (9) ALL DROP INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO WINTER FREEZE. DROP INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE .1—ED STANDARD PLATE NO. Utgem 507 HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD 0. PENETRATION MINIMUM 2 STAKES PER BALE 6' MINIMUM 1-2' WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE a- APPR Otfie­ go STANDARD PLATE NO. 505 f90 503 S SNAKEBAG N 00 po ' D DROP INLET ROP IN TE WITH GRATE 7 . TYPE FF (MONO–MGNO FABRIC) 'E 'LLE EN IT 280AG FILLED WITH 1.5" CLEAN S - . - - . 1 "SEWER R..K' OR B" SILT SOCK AN ADDITIONAL 18" OF GEOTEXTILE IS WRAPPED AROUND THE WOOD 2"X 4" AND STAPLED. ";*11" BEYOND RATE WIDTH GE TEXTILE SIZE SHALL BE 8 ' MIN. GREATER ON ALL SIDES OF THE INLET COVER. PLACE GEOTEXTILE UNDER INLET cOVER-(D WOOD 2"X4" EXTENDED ON BOTH SIDES. (D ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE E MONOFILAM NT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. MEErING SPEC. 3886 FOR MACHINE SU ED. (2) WIMCO'S m MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ABOVE. (9) ALL DROP INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO WINTER FREEZE. DROP INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE .1—ED STANDARD PLATE NO. Utgem 507 RT' FILL 12' DEEP PENETRATION MINIMUM 2 STAKES PER BALE STRAWMAY BALE BARRIER PLACEMENT NO SCALE P"'E AM Ot§ STANDARD PLATE NO. f90 503 S SNAKEBAG N 00 po ' D DROP INLET ROP IN TE WITH GRATE 7 . TYPE FF (MONO–MGNO FABRIC) 'E 'LLE EN IT 280AG FILLED WITH 1.5" CLEAN S - . - - . 1 "SEWER R..K' OR B" SILT SOCK AN ADDITIONAL 18" OF GEOTEXTILE IS WRAPPED AROUND THE WOOD 2"X 4" AND STAPLED. ";*11" BEYOND RATE WIDTH GE TEXTILE SIZE SHALL BE 8 ' MIN. GREATER ON ALL SIDES OF THE INLET COVER. PLACE GEOTEXTILE UNDER INLET cOVER-(D WOOD 2"X4" EXTENDED ON BOTH SIDES. (D ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE E MONOFILAM NT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. MEErING SPEC. 3886 FOR MACHINE SU ED. (2) WIMCO'S m MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ABOVE. (9) ALL DROP INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO WINTER FREEZE. DROP INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE .1—ED STANDARD PLATE NO. Utgem 507 BENCHMARK: MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. ELEVATION = 943 , 50 FEET (1929 NGVD) LEGEND INLET CONTROL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED MNDOT SEED MIX 34-261 F ---n PROPOSED MNDOT SEED MIX 33-262 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, CATEGORY IV ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK GRADING LIMITS -------- PROPOED D & U EASEMENT ........ PROPOSED DRIVEWAY EASEMENT 0 5..0 100 5CA� 114 F�T . . ......... .... .. ..... ... . - - - -- ------ - - - - -AVENUE 0 N NE DEA M2 _w;w 679 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e7�7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .0,5-....... . .. C> -70/ BENCHMARK: MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. ELEVATION = 943 , 50 FEET (1929 NGVD) LEGEND INLET CONTROL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED MNDOT SEED MIX 34-261 F ---n PROPOSED MNDOT SEED MIX 33-262 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, CATEGORY IV ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK GRADING LIMITS -------- PROPOED D & U EASEMENT ........ PROPOSED DRIVEWAY EASEMENT 0 5..0 100 5CA� 114 F�T STIAH 1 1 1 1 — FES 04 RIM=Sal. I LF 24" RCP @ 3JS% INV("71.8S S INV=875.17 2) A A INV(N)= 71. 9 INV(M=876.47 STMH 102 :N. INV(E)=8 09 R M=883.42 PIM -11 11 ..;6 V��117 7' INV(W)=875.09 17LF15"RCP@8.12% ? INV(N)=873.32 INV(E)=870.39 I (E� INV(W)=873.69 L NV( - 73.42 ---- — — — — — — L — — — — — — — NV(W)=87142� 10 LF24- RCP @2.77%- << <<— 32 LF 24" RCP @ 1.34% _____OD,�A 285L'F<30' RCP @ OAS 329<LF 30- RCP @ 0.43% N VENUE IVE 43 LF 15- RCP 9 5.79% 32 LF W RCP @ 4J2% 9 caml-I 101 ef RIM=113* INV(W)�0703 -87,85 INV(E, 54LF 24" RCP 2.44% 590 C392 159 CRl.117.2. INV(N)=ST5.00 RIM=88 .30 59& INV(E)=876.60 5 FES 1 V= S,� STMH 110 17 K RIM=878.94 300 A A ;Nv(W)=871.5S — : (N)=872 NV -51 NV(E)=871-22 REMOVE -902 REMOVE FOUNDATIONS �R BITUMINOUS NV(S)=87Z51 PAVEMENT FES 112 A �NV INV=875.50 5ep o/ RIM=878.33 V�(N)=87�3�11 WZV3.28 SAWCUT BITUMINOUS z PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) 0, REMOVE A )NCRETE CURB CC TER AND GUT ttll 0 z REMOVE SPLIT RAIL �,REMOVE �VN, // 0 FENCE BITUMIN US PAVEMENT cp A V 6 REMOVE CONCRETE FES 133 0) INV=B76.28 0 REM OVESHED ST% 14 ) I I RIM -8 3.15 INV( V E))�875. IN E =875 1-6 INV(N)=875.90 t, p �j t"b" A A / / / / I 1- 11 j �OA lk 9 C, AV /0 / 11 NOTE: 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM MNTOPO LI DAR CONTOUR DATA ON THE MINNESOTA DNR WESSITE. BENCHMARK' MNDOT MONUMENT "C 121 23" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH C8BB71.4150 OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF RIM MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. IN (N)=894.00 \tlo ELEVATION 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVID) REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVE 030 � \ REMOVE SPLIT RAIL BITUMINOUS FENCE PAVEMENT ,F —9c,5 — 910 900 LEGEND 302. 09 E '00 )of b, SAWCUT BITUMINOUS c < PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) z 31: MILL BITUMINOUS 0 V) PAVEMENT (1.5'x 1.5") -4WD-- 5CALE IN FffT 11 A I A I V I ­rl I v L_ 1-� I I _I,� L . ...... ... - ------ .. . .... ..... ........... . . ...... .. __j ..... .... -- ----- ODEAN 'AVENUE NE 35 LF 24" RCP @ 2.44% 77.7 s:. r 882.0- . . ... ... 692 56o T=77-. kw_-_ <-< 5,94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 RECONSTRUCT DRIVEWAY -21, 77-.7--�­__ I . .. ....... I i� r - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - A��- I SUF 24" RCP @ 2A! 1396 PER CITY STANDARD SWALE goo PLATE NO. 109 A I 00 -YEAR HWL=879.25 ArC� _SBL sl 1U-TEARHWL=878.07 SEL e A' SELO FES 207 2 YEAR HWL-876.�g 3oR GF=8t5t..( 4:1 1 . ......... ...... ................... ..... LO=885.7 Arca� LF=883.0 .. .... CL V Q 0.334 T'T 6' T "0 3" FES 2 GF=904 5 6 AreX� LF=896.8 .�j 5c FES 216 i IN IN'"79.00 . ? '?'GFBV�O ............ 4 4 694 RCP CL V @ 0.339A 76 LF 15' NO=8 4.5 FES 215 INV -879.25! 1w Mao EAST WETLAND 1 00 -YEAR HWL=879.65 39E 73 LF 15" RCP CLV @ 0. 1 -YEAR = 878.52 20 _9030 HWL�-877.84 -YEAR 12' 10" 13 w FES 205 I., v LQ GF=888.7 WO=886.0 LF=886,0 WO 10, LF=906.3 ., ...... -WO=906.3 FES 204 INV=880.50 FES 203 INV ----883.(J0 1cp 1.11;;T9,.9110 38 LF 15" RCP CL V @ 5.26% \11, 91 ............. . . ...... LF=899.3 10-YEARHWL=887,.68 j tl j 2 -YEAR HWL=88E "l rr NOTE: 10 ALL RETAIN ING WALLS SHALL HAVE A MAX I MUM HEI GHT OF FOUR G -899 T - (4) FEET UNLESS DESIGNED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. - A FB GF --910.5 ui LF=891.7 WO=89�.7 c6 goo LF -902.8 .,I F F BWO 86. re J, Al�l I,, A IN sBI s8l BENCHMARK: MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF 95c) I MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. 37 ELEVATION 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVD) ........... ---------------- L ------------------------ 7.4- 7- 9c6 - - - ------------- - - - LEGEND t III I qco -goo- l-- ­R 9oo I I r A �N r _411/ I I ---------- r RECONSTRUCT PER CITY ND D PLATE NO 09 Osi WEIR ELEV=887.60 INV(E)=885.00 7_71L_ OG co cp .................... . ", 7,P 7-7-0 L )cp 0 10 -ST WETLAND 0 Ell Mimi P -NEOR +I000.o WE j R 0 51) lao SCAM IN nffr c� C) Pinnierved 7 ... Trees Removed (Continued) Trees Removed (Continued) v L __L: I I "V L .7 1 L L 'rr.. 2 Spd­ DBH C,,dlt,, S- Tree III Species DBH Condition StensTree # Species D13H Condition Stems V I L_ I I . .......... . ..... .... . I Cherry 12c Goo,l I 0156 2 MI adva 215 Gcod 1 51 Redeedar TO Fair 1 166 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 ........ ...... 1 3 Meple. siver 26.0 Fair 1 52 Ash, green 8.0 Good 1 167 Poplar 7.0 Good I ji 4 Eirr, M- 5" Good 1 53 Cherry, black 7.0 Good 1 168 Poplar 8.5 Good 1 5 Mo.. 1- 29.5 Good 1 54 Boxelder 19.0 Fair 3 169 Poplar 7.5 Good I 6 Maple. ailvar 7.0 G000 1 55 Boxelder 12.0 Fair 2 170 Poplar 9.0 Good 1 ........... 7 Mania. at- Goo Fair 56 Cherry, black 8.5 Good 1 171 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 ODEAN--A VENUE AIE I a MI all- MIS Good 1 57 Cherry, black 6.0 Good 1 172 Poplar 6.5 Fair I 9 &WI 23.0 Giod 1 58 Redcedar 12.0 Fair 2 173 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 10 C.Homwood 18.5 Good I . . . . ............. 11 Plan 7.0 Fair 1 59 Cherry, black 6.0 Good 1 174 Poplar 7.0 Good I 75 B. ar 12.0 Good 1 60 Cherry, black &0 Good 1 175 Poplar 9.5 Fair 1 76 B..Id.r 6.5 Good I 7, -.-o 80 ., ArnitIncer 21.0 Fifir 2 61 Ash, green 6.5 Good 1 176 Poplar 8.0 Good I 97 Boxelder 7.0 G -d 1 62 Elm, silver 13.0 Fair 2 1T7 Poplar 6.5 Fair I . . . . . . . . . . . _960 < 88 Recicader 19.0 Good 2 63 Elm, silver 6.0 Good 1 178 Poplar 8-5 Fair I 176 575 W, 69 Redoeder 8.0 Fair 1 64 Ash,green 10.5 Good 1 179 Poplar &5 Good I 69A so RWI 14.0 Fair 2 65 Elm, American 22.0 Good 1 180 Poplar &0 Good 1 11 111, Inian so o0d I 66 Cralhapple 6.0 Fair 1 181 Poplar 7.0 Good 11 93 Aah. green 7.5 Good I 67 Ash, green 6.0 Good 1 M Cherry, black 7.0 Fair 1 94 Ash. green 10.0 Good 68 Ash, green 160 Fair 1 183 Poplar 6.5 Good I 10i Elm. American 22.0 Fair ; 102 P= Good 1 69 Ash, green 6.0 Good 1 184 Poplar &0 Good I C 103 POPI .5 Gocd 1 70 Elm. American 10,5 Good 1 185 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 104 Poplar 7.0 Gcod I 902 71 Ash, green 6.5 Good 1 186 Poplar 7-0 Fair I 105 Poplar 7.0 Good 107 Popler 7.0 Gcod 11 72 Baxeldff 6.0 Good 1 187 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 ....... ...... .......... 73 Boxelder 9.0 11 1 188 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 .0 cod 108 P.Plar 7 0 r* 120 Pope, 6,5 Good -green 7.5 Good 1 189 Poplar 6.0 Good I 74 Ash 121 P.Plar 8.0 Good 1 77 Boxelder 14.0 Fair 1 190 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 A D5 PI 6.0 Gcw 1 78 Oak, bur 14�5 Good 1 191 Poplar 8.5 Good 1 0 122 P M .0. 7.5 Good i 79 Oak, bur 6.5 Good 1 192 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 Arg� 124 Cherry, back 8.8 Good I .25 POOU 8.5 Gcod 1 81 Redcedar 15.0 Good 2 193 Poplar 9.5 Good 1 880 82 Elm, American 6.0 Good 1 194 Poplar 9.0 1 1 �V V �42 POP: Good I - 'U w 48 PI 5 Good 1 83 Elm, American 6.5 Good 1 195 Poplar 12.0 Fair 2 149 P.O. 7.5 Good 1 84 Elm, American 6.0 Good 1 196 Poplar 9.5 Good I Ci. 85 Elm,American 6.5 Good 1 197 Cherry, black 10.0 Good 1 ISO Pool. 8_5 Goind 1 53 Acm, gnnin a5 Good "A ;01 FoOne 100 Good 1 86 Elm. American 7,0 Good 1 198 Poplar 10.0 Good I 'l,t'C 0 �iir 95 Ash, green 6.0 Good 1 199 Ash, green 18.0 Fair 3 99' .............. 154 Mh, 111 7.5 Good a 163 P.M. 96 Elm, American 8,5 Good 1 200 Ash, green 9.0 Fair 2 in Gool I 205 Pcoar 8.0 Gond 1 97 Boxelder 12.0 Good 1 201 Ash,green 8.0 Fair 2 98 Elm. American 8.5 Good 1 202 Boxelder 13.0 Fair 2 C 99 Boxelder 19-0 Fair 1 203 Elm, American 12-0 Fair 2 100 Boxelder 9,5 Good 1 204 ... ........ . ..... .......... . .................. . ....... Poplar &0 Good I ......... .. . 106 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 206 Elm, American 8.0 Fair 1 'V 5, 109 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 207 Elm, American 11.0 Good 1 pW 110 Poplar TO Good 1 208 Elm, American 6.0 Fair 1 I Poplar 9.5 Good 1 209 Elm, American 12.0 Good 1 112 Poplar 8_0 Good 1 210 Elrn, silver 10.0 Fair 1 113 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 211 Elm,American 9.0 Fair 1 114 Cherry, black 6.5 Good 1 212 Redcedar 120 Fair 1 115 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 213 Elm, American 10.0 Fair 1 11<94 Treas Removed 116 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 214 Boxelder 40.0 Fair 3 TrI species OSH Conisgon 117 Poplar 7.0 Good 1 216 Elm, silver 32.0 Fair I 866 12 Elm, America I I Bm.riftr " 3:.0' 118 Poplar TO Good 1 217 Boxelder 24.0 Fair 3 ti Far `7 Fair U-1 TM 14 Flackbimy 6.0 Good 1 119 Poplar 9.0 Good 1 218 Bmelder TO Good I 15 Hia�kberry 6.0 Good 1 126 Poplar TO Good 1 219 Socielder 12.0 Fair 2 10 16 Bm. Amerk 6.0 Fair 1 127 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 220 Soxelder 29.0 Fair 4 17 Elm. American 6.5 6 1 128 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 221 Boxelder 6.0 Fair 1 ca Fair 18 Em. Amerkan 7.5 Fair 29 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 222 Boxelder 19.0 Fair 3 V Ar6a I 19 Maplaviver 17.5 Good z 20 11 ailler 1 0 1 130 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 187 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 21 Elm. Aim an 8.0 Good 1 131 Poplar 6-5 Good 1 188 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 oA C _j American 7.0 Fair 1 132 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 189 Poplar &0 Good 1 LO -sasI_ 23 B., Arnivican 18.0 Fair 1 133 Poplar 6.0 Good. 1 190 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 24 Bm. Ankcn 7.5 Gcod 1 134 Poplar 7-0 Good 11 191 Poplar U Good I 25 Cherry, black 6.5 Fail 1 192 Poplar 8.0 (1 1 906 Are-� 26 Elm, A. -or 7.0 Good 135 Poplar 6.0 Cood 1 193 Poplar 9-5 Good I 1 135 Poplar 6.0 Good 1 27 lann, American 17,5 Fair 3 28 Elm, American 7.0 Fair 1 136 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 194 Poplar 9.0 Good I 0 912 VJ16 -7-( T; A� Irl, - 914 -,go 0 29 EIM, 111- 7.0 Good 1 137 Poplar 7.0 Good 1 195 Poplar 12.0 Fax 2 qJ6 30 Efin, sliver &5 Fair 1 138 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 196 Poplar 9�5 Good I 1 139 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 197 Chair 31 Pine, Scoh, 14.0 Good black 10�O Good 1 32 Pine. Scos, 10.5 Good w 33 Em. sII 125 Fair 11 140 Poplar 6.5 Good 1 198 Poplar 10.0 Good 1 F 34 Elm, %War 6.0 Good 1 141 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 199 Ash, green 18.0 Fair 3 143 Poplar 10.0 Good 1 200 Ash,green 9.0 Fair 2 35 Elm. ,War 17.0 Fair 1 10 36 Bonilla 1410 Fair 1 144 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 201 Ash,green 8_0 Fair 2 37 Ah, imeei 6.5 Gocd 1 145 Poplar 7.5 Fair 1 202 Boxelder 13.0 Fair 2 Ale,: 1, 5a5M P 36 Ai an 10.0 Fair I b" 0 39 EK.1W a.5 Gcod 1 146 Poplar 8.0 C3ood 1 203 Elm, American 12.0 Fair 2 147 Poplar 10.0 Good 1 204 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 1 40 Elm, �dvar 12.0 iSon'! I air 152 Elm, silver 8.0 Good 1 206 Elm.Arnedcan 8.0 F. 1 9 13.0 00 41 B., WN., Fail 155 Poplar 9.0 Good 1 207 Elm, American 11.0 Good I T 42 Elm, iliver 11.5 Gocil I rd`9 I I r, I I 43 Elm, aff- 17.0 Good 1 156 Poplar 7.5 Good 1 208 Elm, American 6.0 Fair 1 Arc� 44 Sm, siWer 8.5 C..d 1 157 Poplar 6.5 Fair 1 209 Elm. American 12.0 Good I 45 Elm, al- 10-0 GccJ 1 L -/ .. - . - I / � 158 Poplar 8.0 Good 1 210 Elm, sliver 10.0 Fair 1 w -4 C ---- --- 46 Elm, aiWar 6.0 Gcdl I 47 Aang-in 20.0 Fair 2 159 Poplar 8.5 Good 1 211 Elm. American 90 Fair 1 .930' 160 Poplar TO Good 1 212 Redeedar 12.0 Fair 1 Ii 48 Pine. Sc= 13-0 Good I '32 161 Poplar 10-0 Good 1 213 Elm, American 10.0 Fair 1 J 49 Redeca, u C 1 162 Poplar 9.0 Good 1 214 BoxelI 40.0 Fair 3 50 Ash, green 10.0 Good I 164 Poplar &0 Gkiod 1 216 Elm, silver 32.0 Fair I 165 Poplar TO Good 1 217 Boxelder 24.0 Fair 3 f 218 Baelder TO Good 1 6C15 219 Boxelder 12.0 Fair 2 220 Boxelder 29.0 Fair 4 - - - ----------- 221 Boxelder 6.0 Fair I 222 Boxelder 19.0 Fair 3 898 00-- 1 r- - r i -i- A r- -5/0, ___9 71 jb ----------------- r LEGEND CO 0 -goo- Y 006 Y P 0 Ir 0 50 100 Q 5CALE IN CB 208 \n\ 83RD CIRCLE CBIVIH 2 1, 00 e B 213 9 �o 190 5CAM Iti FEET 912 PVi STA = 0+75.00 .......... 912 ...... ......... ........ P�4 STA = 8�2546 ...... .. ........ ..... . I ..... P.V ELEV=89T%r ...... PSfI ELEV = 897.5,5 LVC=50.00" LVC=81.24 PVI STA = 1-65.00 K = 37.83 K = 39.22 PVI ELEV = 806.75 LOW POINT STA. LOW POINT STA. =2-�.85.33 908 ........ ......... ......... ...... LOW FOtNTELEV�E�97.35 ....... ..... �Qvy MINT �W4 =q9.0 -.p7 .......... 908 K — 19.14. ce HIGH POIN m T STA..=2-16.05 HIGH POINT ELEV 897.01 w— c; > c9 6 904- ...... 8,6 ......... ...... ......... -904 . . . ......... uj Lu Lu Z2 � 0 Q 0 C) > > > > > uj M 900- ...... ...... . ......... I .... ......... ... ...... ......... goo Vl 0 0 > > > + —il, , m "I 896 ....... .... ...... ...... .. . R �:Lv @ 892 ............. 896 w z —!h 892 C, > w .610 < 1 FLU 888 888 ...... .... ....... . ...... z 884 > > > 884 ................. K ........... c?. Ei 2— 880 880 .... ......... ......... ....... IT > > ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... of a ll�:" C. :w In m m �.w �:r-: 21:01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 -0+50 HORIZONTAL: 9 Igo 5. IN Tff-r VERTICAL: �,L, IN fF�T ODAY COURT 916 916 B- 1`02 - ----------------- 0 Are It -101 -r Lai FES 202 r -n "N js z B LVC = 150.71 C13 115 — 8136-1 IN F�IM 40 �88' (N)=88�.00 CBMH 201 goo "K'37.00:, ......... A, L 'Nil PVI:STA 1+17.51: LOW POINT ELEV'=897.61 0+00 PVI'ELEV = 898.53: 908- L CBMHI 200 Ll/c — 122.55� I 908 ....... ................ .......... R , 0 .90 100 5CA� IN FEET ODAY COURT 916 916 BENCHMARK MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH HORIZONTAL: 5.0 100 OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF 5CALE IN fe7 MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. 0 5 10 ELEVATION = 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVD) VERTICAL: SCA� IN fm :PVI STA = 2-81.56 :PVI ELEV = 897.09 912 LVC = 150.71 912 "K'37.00:, ......... LOW POINT STA. --2+38.76 PVI:STA 1+17.51: LOW POINT ELEV'=897.61 PVI'ELEV = 898.53: 908- Ll/c — 122.55� 908 ....... ................ .......... R , ........ .......... HIGHPQ TSTA.=1-6?.07 IN HIGH POINT ELEV 898.07 904- > > Ll 904 Lu ca + Z goo it L) a) 'Lu > > ... ................. A ...... ......... ......... .900 0 Lu 896 896 892 ................. ......... ......... ......... ......... 892 888 888 884 . ..... ............ KiO ....... ......... ...... ......... ......... 884 z 880 880 c1l z.(q cy; ............................................................................................... 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 BENCHMARK MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH HORIZONTAL: 5.0 100 OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF 5CALE IN fe7 MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. 0 5 10 ELEVATION = 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVD) VERTICAL: SCA� IN fm CBMH CBMH 200 - FES 202 5CA� IN Fft7 CBMH 200 - FES 202 900 900 896 -) v 1.1 ll.\. : : 896 892 -I-- fl 900 896 . ... .. 892 Vii-Ili6l" C'L'V'" @ P.43% 892 .892 892 888 888 888 -888 888 888 s wi 2" RCP CL V 0.6E& 884 -1, 884 -884 > > 91 s - .......... — ......... w mzwz ........ .......... 0+00 1+00 884 ..... Ig. ......... ......... 884 ........ -0+40 ......... 0+00 1+00 Z z 880- cp ci I, W ..... -880 880 . ...... W < W ....... ................ 77 .............. 880 876- ................ 01� c� -876 872- 872 ............................. z �qN t6 0+00 1+00 1+50 HORIZONTAL: 9 �o 190 5GkLf IN I'm 9 1p VERTICAL: �A, - IN MET GI3 20E GBMH 209 0 5.0 100 5CALE IN FM CB 208 - CBMH 209 904 904 900 -I-- fl 900 896 . ... .. .896 , - Vii-Ili6l" C'L'V'" @ P.43% 892 .892 892 888 888 o w -888 888 s wi 2" RCP CL V 0.6E& 884 -1, 884 -884 > > 91 s - .......... — ......... w mzwz ........ .......... 0+00 1+00 9 HORIZONTAL: ,I,L, IN FM 0 5 10 VERTICAL: 4&T m IN rm C B 211 CBMH 210- y 0 50 100 5CA� IN r1mr CBMH 210 - CB 211 900 900 896 -I-- fl 896 ..... . ... .. —6.92 fLGI? 892 892 888: 888 -888 888 2" RCP CL V 0.6E& 884 -884 91 s - .......... — w mzwz 0 > > 880 . ....... ..... .880 ......... ......... ................... ........ -0+40 ......... 0+00 1+00 50 100 HORIZONTAL: 5CALf IN fur 0 5 1. VERTICAL: tm2� �AL, IN rfff� GIB 213 CBMH 212 Cal\ 'C I"�214 ,994 —6.92 892 O'OEA N A VENUE — — — — — — — �77 — — — 7— = - -- — — — — — - — — — - — — 7 — — — z -- — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 50 100 5GA� III �ET CB 213 - FES 214 896 896 892 892 888: 888 2" RCP CL V 0.6E& 884- ....... .................. ......... ................... ........ ....... :884 cp ci I, 880 . ...... W ......... ........ ....... ................ 77 .............. 880 b, z �qN t6 876 'N c� -876 . ...... ... ..... ......... Cc) > > 872 872 c� s 868 ............ 868 :cb ti CD c; a; 1.1 1. :cd A 2A m:W ..w I................... 0+00 ......... 1+00 I ......... 2+00 I ......... I ......... I ......... 3+00 I ......... .......... 4+00 5+00 HORIZONTAL: 0 5 , 0 100 ��C�:�L.r IN Fft7 0 5 VERTICAL: iiIIIIIIIi4` 5CALE N M7 BENCHMARK: MNDOT MONUMENT "C 12123" LOCATED 30.0 FEET SOUTH OF 83RD STREET NORTHEAST AND 772 FEET WEST OF MASON AVENUE NORTHEAST. ELEVATION = 943.50 FEET (1929 NGVD) E .2 rl -------------- A161 r SL S3L SEIL SBL l=- L: '0 / SELO GF=885.7 ........... ......... . 0 L PC 1+34. LF=883.0 I Arca5 4 . ..... 94. t,c A161 896.861 , i I IV, 3'� % // - -. I FB 'N� Are� LF=89U N FBWO GF=902-2 er 1,0N LF=894.5 0=894.5 40 694. .45 xe, 5,01, Aw 1 2) 90/. t- I �901.9 90,30 no In l�;41 . ...... ........... ---------- -07, 553.1 R 901.3 900.74 U/ ------ (12.03 603.3 :s - - - - - - - - - W. Ar6l LF=� BWO 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GF=914.0 ---------- - - - ----- LF --906.3 .903 as WO=906.3 NA ArcO 5el -A I . ......... EOF "'T .3 V 10 FBWO t,ort A,-: GF=899.4 LF=891.7 B86-1 WO=891.7 For d33.9 mw iLs .5,ptll A L I w il: SBL -SBL - SL 594 -6.3 ."N ---- -------- I L ------------------ 897.75 - -------- ---------------- -- 1.9 898.07 0 o + 0 +00 897.05 ��07% N,41 ------------------ cc) ro 8 EOF 905.5 RASPBERRY HILLS LOTTABULATION I ._. MERGENCY1 LO -I I PROPOSED AR E.VER_ _ ALLOWABLE DRIVEWAY LOT BLOCK� TYPE ELEVATION ELEVATION OPENING OPENING FLOOR PERCENTAGE 1 1 2 1 1 gE.'M 1 1,11,12, 52N2� 1 M, 21.2i 1 .22V! 5..3, LEGEND ---------- -SIL ............. +MP 90M. +1-.. a 50 100 lm��� 5CAL� IN Fffr ODEAN A VENUE ME I AreO ............ ............... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - co -y bp cp PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONLY BROKEN, DEAD. OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPE~CE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN 13ARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT COLLAR PLANTINGS. STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3'-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE. PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. .................. /?/ . ........ ..... filt" I ?Q I I * ' ....... DUG OR ROTOTILLED v/ 11' - - .", AREA -12" DEPTH 2 TO 5 TIM ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING TREE PLANTING DETAIL C12 0 ... .... ... .... ... . .. . .......... 100 SCA� I N FEU ODEAN A VENUE ME I AreO ............ ............... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - co -y bp cp PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONLY BROKEN, DEAD. OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPE~CE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN 13ARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT COLLAR PLANTINGS. STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3'-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE. PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. .................. /?/ . ........ ..... filt" I ?Q I I * ' ....... DUG OR ROTOTILLED v/ 11' - - .", AREA -12" DEPTH 2 TO 5 TIM ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING TREE PLANTING DETAIL C12 0 50 100 SCA� I N FEU