09-05RESOLUTION NO. 2009-05 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COUNTY PROJECT WITHIN MUNICIPAL CORPORATE LIMITS WHEREAS, plans for Project No. SP 86-070-01; 2009 Street Light Project Construction Plans for the construction of street lights at the intersection of CSAH 42 & CSAH 36; and CSAH 42 & CSAH 37 within the limits of the City as a Federal Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED: That said plans be in all things approved. Adopted by the council this 13th day of April 2009. Motioned By: CM Darkenwald Seconded By: CM Heidner All in Favor: Mayor Stockamp; Councilmembers: Heidner, Darkenwald, Thorsted and Scharber. Those Opposed: None klkTami Loff, Clerk Res 09-05 �l A�1 i1.�.�L.��- �.