ITEM 3.3C OHP 10.10.2017 MinutesITEM 3-3,- 10-10-17 .3C 10-10-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Zonja Matushenko, Chris.Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Planner Dan Licht Meeting called to order at 7:OOpm by Chair Toni Seroshek. Minutes for the last meeting approved with one correction: "Toni has a picture of Sarah Connett to add." Sentence third from last. Recap of Prairie Fest: Our analysis was that we preferred this year's location next to the Boy Scouts over being directly at the entrance to the Fest. We reminded ourselves to have handouts for the next Fest. The duct tape and clamps were most helpful to holding up the picture boards. Two history books of The Farm Years were sold. Some people enjoyed the photograph process; others, less so. State Historic Preservation Conference: Zonja went for Friday's events. She greeted Michael Koop from us, attended conferences on difficult historic topics, open meeting laws, and discussion of a brief summary of Roberts Rules of Orders; she brought handouts for us that Dan will copy for us. She also went to Mason City, IA for an historical tour. Park Signs review: We discussed with Dan Licht the submitted content (text and photos) as well as graphical presentation for the park signs. Additions will be made to Zimmer (regarding the naming mistake) and Frankfort (history of the land swap). The final layout/product will be considered at our next meeting. Toni shared the texts for Norin Landing, Carrick's Landing and Northwood parks. A general information/Otsego history sign was also discussed. The text for this sign is taken from Elaine Norin's writing. The location of this sign may be near the old township hall. We also need to gather information for the Lefebvre Creek Park; Jessica gave us contact information. Next meeting will be the second Tuesday in November at 7:30 instead of 7:OOpm. This is in response to Zonja's request for a later start time. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder