ITEM 6.1 Fire Station Study RFPCITY OF Ot�ego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty November 27, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty City staff has since worked with the Fire Chiefs Bullen, Cunningham and Feist as well as Michael Clark from 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff is asking that the City Council review and provide comment on the draft version of the Fire Station Study request for proposals (RFP). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUN D/J USTI FICATION: At a City Council work session meeting on October 30, 2017, the City Council directed City staff to develop a RFP regarding a fire station study. City staff has since worked with the Fire Chiefs Bullen, Cunningham and Feist as well as Michael Clark from Five Bugles. The group focused on the development of a specific scope of services that should be accomplished by the study. The group also developed a set of assumptions to be used, which should ensure that each proposal is generated on a level playing field. City staff followed up with the drafting of the attached draft version of the RFP. Each of the Fire Chiefs and Mr. Clark has had a chance to review the draft version of the RFP with favorable comment. Also at the October 30, 2017 City Council work session, there was discussion regarding the opportunity to apply for a Fire Services Planning Grant available from the State Fire Marshal's office. In order to apply for the respective grant, the City will need to work with a Fire Service Specialist from the State Fire Marshal's office in preparation of the grant application. City staff has an initial meeting with a Fire Service Specialist on Wednesday November 29, 2017. As a reminder, the deadline for submitting an application is January 31,2018. At this time, City staff is seeking review and comment from the City Council on the attached draft version of the RFP. City staff will also be seeking input from the Fire Service Specialist on the RFP at the aforementioned upcoming meeting. At the December 11, 2017 City Council meeting, a final RFP along with any suggested changes from the Fire Service Specialist will be presented to the City Council for consideration and potential approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 0 DRAFT — Request for Proposals POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: No action is necessary. City staff is only seeking review and comment from the City Council at this time. If the City Council has additions or deletions, City staff would request the City Council consider a motion directing staff to make the respective changes. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A TY OF t CI ego MINNESOTA Request for Proposals Fire Station Study Proposals Due: January 11., 2018 By 4:00 PM Request The City of Otsego is accepting proposals from qualified and experienced fire service consulting firms to provide a fire station location study and facility needs analysis. The purpose of the study is to map current fire response times and to provide a planning tool for use in determining the number of and location of future fire stations within our growing City. City Overview Located at the northwest corner of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the City of Otsego covers an area of approximately 30 square miles. The City was incorporated in 1990 after being an established township since 1958. Since incorporation, the City has experienced significant growth and is the fastest growing City in Wright County and among the top 10 for new development within the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area. The State Demographer's most recent population estimate is 16,019. Current growth forecasts anticipate the City's population to increase to 25,000 within the next 20 years, and anticipate a final build -out population in excess of 60,000. City Structure The City operates under the "Optional Plan A" form of government as defined in Minnesota Statutes. Under this plan, the government of the City is directed by a City Council consisting of an elected Mayor and four elected Councilmembers at large. The City Council exercises legislative authority and determines all matters of policy. The City Council appoints personnel responsible for the proper administration of all affairs relating to the City. The Mayor and Councilmembers serve four year terms with two Councilmembers elected to four year terms every two years. Current Contractual Partners The City of Otsego currently contracts for fire protection services from fire departments located in our neighboring communities of Albertville, Elk River and Rogers. Each of the three departments has full- time Fire Chiefs with the remaining firefighters being paid on-call volunteers. Each department covers specific geographic boundaries based upon contractually defined service areas; however all three departments have a great working relationship and provide mutual aid whenever the instance warrants. A map indicating the geographic boundaries is located on the City's website. Scope of Services The City of Otsego is seeking qualified and experienced fire service consulting firms to provide a fire station location study and facility needs analysis. The scope of services includes the following: 1) Generate GIS mapping of current response times for the City of Otsego. Specific mapping shall include: a. All emergency response calls beginning January 1, 2015 to current day. b. Location of any and all firefighters whose homes are in Otsego. c. Population density. d. Land use. e. Any additional mapping required to adequately support any recommendations. 2) Work with Otsego City staff and within the City's Comprehensive Plan to update mapping to include expectations of future growth for 20 years into the future. 3) Make recommendations for locations of fire station facilities using compliance with NFPA 1720 as the guideline. This study is NOT intended to prove compliance with NFPA 1720 in all of its aspects. Recommendations should include placement to meet current needs and changes that might be expected to occur to meet the 20 year planning period needs. 4) Make recommendations regarding the prioritization and sequencing of construction of the recommended fire station facility locations. 5) Generate a space needs analysis for all recommended fire station facilities including a recommendation for adequate land acquisition for each recommended fire station facility. This should include estimates of probable costs for the recommended fire station facilities. Assumptions Each fire service consulting firm shall develop their proposal with the following assumptions included: 1) Base GIS mapping will be provided by the City of Otsego. Consultant to verify conditions. 2) Emergency response call data will be made available by each Fire Department currently serving the City of Otsego. Successful consultant will be responsible for contacting each Fire Department and gathering the data required. 3) Existing service contracts will remain in place following the study. This study is not intended to develop an independent Fire Department for the City of Otsego. In other words, the City of Otsego will construct any future fire station facilities, and the current contracted Fire Departments will staff and operate the respective fire station facilities. 4) Fire Departments will meet with the successful consultant to provide the necessary data at the cost of the City of Otsego. 5) All GIS mapping data will be delivered to the City of Otsego at the completion of the study for their use in future planning efforts. Study Timeframe The City of Otsego expects that the successful consultant will complete the study, meet all required meetings and provide all deliverables by July 31, 2018. Required Meetings The consultant shall propose a meeting schedule based on the aforementioned scope of services. The City of Otsego, at a minimum, expects the following meetings: 1) Initiation meeting with City staff. 2) Onsite community visit and evaluation of existing facilities and equipment with each Fire Department. 3) Meeting with City staff to review the preliminary (draft) results of the study. 4) Work session (evening) meeting with the City Council, Public Safety Commission and City Staff to review the preliminary (draft) results of the study. This meeting needs to include adequate time for thorough review and questions. 5) Formal presentation of the final results of the study at a City Council meeting (evening). This meeting needs to include adequate time for thorough review and questions. Deliverables Each fire service consulting firm shall deliver the final results of the study and GIS data electronically in a format useable by the City of Otsego. All data becomes property of the City of Otsego, citing the fire service consulting firm as the source. Proposal Each fire service consulting firm submitting a proposal must include: 1) A letter outlining the firm's background. 2) A list of five similar studies completed in the past three years. This should include contact information for the respective persons. 3) A project outline detailing the strategy your firm will use for completing the study. 4) A statement identifying in detail the items your study will include, referencing the aforementioned scope of services. 5) The name and professional biography for the manager assigned to this study. 6) The names and professional biographies for the staff whom will be assigned to this study. 7) A meeting schedule in accordance with the aforementioned required meetings. 8) A cost for each additional meeting. 9) A timeline for completion of the study. 10) A "not -to -exceed" cost. 11) A list of additional and/or recommended study options not included within the aforementioned scope of services and with individual costs per additional study option. Costs of Proposal All costs incurred for the preparation of a proposal in response to this request for proposals shall be borne by the proposing fire service consulting firm. Award Criteria The City of Otsego will award a contract to the fire service consulting firm whose qualifications are deemed to best provide the services desired, taking into account the requirements, terms and conditions contained within this request for proposals. The City will consider conformity with the scope of services, the performance period, the delivery terms, and the proposed price as factors in making its award decision. The City has the absolute and sole discretion in making an award under this request for proposals. The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, decide to not issue an award if the City deems it to be in the best interest of the City. Questions Any and all questions relating to this request for proposals should be directed via email to Adam Flaherty, City Administrator, Email contact information is indicated below. Proposal Submission The City of Otsego requests seven hard copies of the proposal and one electronic copy. Both versions of the proposals shall be submitted to: City of Otsego Attn: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Email: aflaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us PROPOSALS DUE: January 11., 2018 By 4:00 PM LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED