ITEM 4.2 DNR Pond 86-7W1 101 ly .1 Ot�ego MINNESOTA 3 C, DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner November 27, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing staff to approve the quote for the DNR Pond 86-7W Outlet project to CW Houle Inc in the amount of $73,275 once all easements are obtained and a DNR permit is secured. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/J USTI F1 CATION: The City is proposing constructing an outlet pipe for the DNR Pond 86-7W (Praught Pond) to DNR Pond 86- 8P to provide an outlet and flood relief for the virtually landlocked upstream pond. Plans and specifications have been prepared as ordered by the City Council. Easements and DNR permits are in process and are expected to be obtained shortly. Quotes were sent to 5 contractors capable of completing the project. The City received two quotes prior to the November 21't deadline. The two quotes were: CWHoule Inc. $73,275 Burschville Const. Inc. $99,676 Engineers estimate was $55,996 so the low quote exceeds the estimate by approximately 30%. The increase appears to be mainly in the pipe which was 50% higher than the estimate and is approx. 50% of the construction project by cost. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 0 CW Houle Quote 0 Burschville Quote a Engineers Estimate 0 Project plans POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to authorize staff to process the contract for the DNR Pond 86-7W Outlet project with CW Houle Inc in the amount of $73,275 once all easements are obtained and a DNR permit is secured BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: r BUDGETED: Fund #220 — Stormwater (Out of District) I No QUOTATION FORM To: City of Otsego Project: DNR Wettand 86-7W Outlet Prcject� City Improvement Project No. 17-12 Proposal of: C, W H.0 1.1%4z = I., C. (bereinafter called the "Quoter"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of t4 -es o �-,q and doing business as 6% rL The Quoter hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in accordance with the attached Construction Plans and Contract Documents. Work will be awarded on November 27th, 2017. Work may commence upon execution of signed contract documents (approx. 5 days after award). Once work has started the project shall be completed within 30 working days with a final completion date with final completion no later than January 15, 2018. All labor, material, equipment and other expenses required to complete this project as shown on the ConstTuction Plans shall be considered incidental unless otherwise noted and provided for below. Bidder agrees to perform all the work described in the Construction Plans and Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums, which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees, ITEM, NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE —EXTENSION 1 2021.501 Mobilization LS 3., sbb - 2 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 5 TON 7b 3 2501,511 18" CP Pipe Apron 2 EACH SID 4 2503.511 18" CP Pipe 1396 LF 5 2506.501 Outlet Control Structure (48" Dia) 4 VF 6 2506.501 Construct Drainage Structure Deiiga 48-4020 41 W Oka AV 7 Articulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A 8 Sy - jr,44,0- .2515.503 2563,60i Traffic Control I LS -8 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type MS 1045 LF 2. At b9b —9 10 2573.505 Flotation Silt Curtain Type Still Water 115 LF 4 11 2573.533 Sediment Control Log Typd Straw 151 LF 12 2575.555 Turf Establishment I Ls 4. SPD -1 4.j SAD Total Qubtation Respectfully submitted:. Sig -off, Attest: prw wdo%P!X� Title :%7 Address D ate QF -1 00300 DOCUMENT 00454 RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT: DNR VVETLAND 86-7W OUTLET PROJECT Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, Subd. 7. IMPLEMENTATION. ... any prime contractor or subcontractor that does not meet the minimum criteria in subdivision 3 or fails to verify that it meets those criteria is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project... Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, Subd. 3, RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR, MINIMUM CRITERIA. "Responsible contractor" means a contractor that conforms to the responsibility requirements in the solicitation document for its portion of the work on the project and verifies that it meets the following minimum criteria: (1) The Contractor: (I) is in compliance with workers' compensation and unemployment insurance requirements; (ii) is currently registered with the Department of Revenue and the Department of Employment and Economic Development if it has employees, - (iii) has a valid federal tax identification number or a valid Social Security number if an individual; and (iv) has filed a certificate of authority to transact business in Minnesota with the Secretary of State if a foreign corporation or cooperative. (2) The contractor or related entity is in compliance with and, during the three-year period before submitting the verification, has not violated section 177.24, 177.25, 177.41 to 177.44, 181.13, 181.14, or 181.722, and has not violated United States Code, title 29, sections 201 to 219, or United States Code, title 40, sections 3141 to 3148. For purposes of this clause, a violation occurs when a contractor or related entity: (i) repeatedly falls to pay statutorily required wages or penalties on one or more separate projects for a total underpayment of $25,000 or more within the three-year period; (li) has been issued an order to comply by the commissioner of Labor and Industry that has become final; (111) has been issued at least two determination letters within the three-year period by the Department of Transportation finding an underpayment by the contractor or related entity to its own employees; (iv) has been found by the commissioner of Labor and Industry to have repeatedly or willfully violated any of the sections referenced in this clause pursuant to section 177.27; (v) has been issued a ruling or findings of underpayment by the administrator of the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor that have become final or have been upheld by an administrative law judge or the Administrative Review Board; or (vi) has been found liable for underpayment of wages or penalties or misrepresenting a construction worker as an independent contractor in an action brought in a court having jurisdiction. Provided that, if the contractorror related entity contests a determination of underpayment by the Department of Transportation in a contested case proceeding, a violation does not occur until the contested case proceeding has concluded with a determination that the contractor or related entity underpaid wages or penalties;* Responsible Contractor Certificate 00454-1 (3) The contractor or related entity is in compliance with and, during the three-year period before submitting the verification, has not violated section 181.723 or chapter 326B. For purposes of this clause, a violation occurs when a contractor or related entity has been issued a final administrative or licensing order;* (4) The contractor or related entity has not, more than twice during the three-year period before submitting the verification, had a certificate of compliance under section 363A.36 revoked or suspended based on the provisions of section 363A.36, with the revocation or suspension becoming final because it was upheld by the Office of Administrative Hearingsorwas not appealed to the office;* 1 (5) The contractor or related entity has not received a final determination assessing a monetary sanction from the Department of Administration or Transportation for failure to meet targeted group business, disadvantaged business enterprise, orveteran-owned business goals, due to a lack of good faith effort, morethan once cluringthe three-year period before submitting the verification;* * Any violations, suspensions, revocations, or sanctions, as defined in clauses (2) to (5), occurring prior to July 1, 2014, shall not be considered in determining whether a contractor or related entity meets the minimum criteria. (6) The contractor or related entity is not currently suspended or debarred by the federal government or the state of Minnesota or any of its departments, commissions, agencies, or political subdivisions; and (7) All subcontractors that the contractor intends to use to per -form project work have verified to the contractor through a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer that they meet the minimum criteria listed in clauses (1) to (6). Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, Subd. 5. SUBCONTRACTOR VERIFICATION. A prime contractor or subcontractor shall include in its verification of compliance under subdivision 4 a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. If a prime contractor or any subcontractor retains additional subcontractors on the project after submitting its verification of compliance, the prime contractor or subcontractor shall obtain verifications of compliance from each additional subcontractor with which it has a direct contractual relationship and shall submit a supplemental verification confirming compliance with subdivision 3, clause (7), within 14 days of retaining the additional subcontractors. A prime contractor shall submit to the contracting authority upon request copies of the signed verifications of compliance from all subcontractors of any tier pursuant to subdivision 3, clause (7). A prime contractor and subcontractors shall not be responsible for the false statements of any subcontractor with which they do not have a direct contractual relationship. A prime contractor and subcontractors shall be responsible for false statements by their first-tier subcontractors with which they have a direct contractual relationship only if they accept the verification of compliance with actual knowledge that it contains a false statement. Minn. Stat. § 16C.28S, Subd. 4. VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. A contractor responding to a solicitation document of a contracting authority shall submit to the contracting authority a signed statement under oath by an owner or off icerverifying compliance with each of the minimum criteria in subdivision 3 at the time that it responds to the solicitation document. A contracting authority may accept a sworn statement as Responsible Contractor Certificate 00454-2 sufficient to demonstrate that a contractor is a responsible contractor and shall not be held liable for awarding a contract in reasonable reliance on that statement. Failure to verify compliance with any one of the minimum criteria or a false statement under oath in a verification of compliance shall render the prime contractor or subcontractor that makes the false statement ineligible to be awarded a construction contract on the project for which the verification was submitted. A false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria may result in termination of a construction contract that has already been awarded to a prime contractor or subcontractor that submits a false statement. A contracting authority shall not be liable for declining to award a contract or terminating a contract based on a reasonable determination that the contractor failed to verify compliance with the minimum criteria or falsely stated that it meets the minimum criteria. CERTIFICATION By signing this document I certify that I am an owner or officer of the company, and I swear under oath that: 1) My company meets each of the Minimum Criteria to be a responsible contractor as defined herein and is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, 2) 1 have included a First Tier Subcontractors List with my company's solicitation response, and 3) if my company is awarded a contract, I will also submit the Additional Subcontractors List as required. Authorized Signature of Owner or Officer: Printed Name: P,� sr�ve,, %,*J — — Title: Date: Company Name: e W 14 al Sworn to and subscribed before me this V, ,%1— day of W 0 0 e MWt--, 201-1, Notary Public My Commission Expires: 0 9 LISA J PE-LLFE-TIItE-R Notary Public E NOTAIWIfffd"HERF MWymomission Etres January 31,2020 NOT-: Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, Subd. 2, (c) if only one prime contractor responds to a solicitation document, a contracting authority may award a construction contract to the responding prime contractor even if the minimum criteria in subdivision 3 are not met. Responsible Contractor certificate 004S4-3 FIRST-TIER SUBCONTRACTORS LIST SUBMIT WITH PRIME CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL PROJECT: DNR WETLAND 86-7W OUTLET PROJECT Minn. Stat. § 16C,285, Subd. 5. A prime contractor or subcontractor shall include in its verification of compliance under subdivision 4 a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. FIRST TIER SUBCONTRACTOR NAMES (Legal name of company as registered with the Secretary of State) Name of city where company home office is located MfJ Responsible Contractor Certificate 00454-4 Burschville Construction, Inc. PO Box 65 Hanover, MN 55341 Phone: 763-497-4242 Fax: 763-497-4266 Email: estimating@)burschvilleconstruction.com Item Storm Sewer Improvements Mobilization Dewatering (Estimated quantity using 2 - 8" pumps) Traffic control 18" CPP Pipe Apron 18" CPP Pipe 18" RCP Flared end section 18" RCP Pipe CL S 48" Outlet control structure Drainage structure 48-4020 Cable concrete Silt fence Type MS Flotation silt curtain Straw sediment log Turf establishment Aggregate base CL S Total Base Bid Date: 11/21/2017 Proposal for: DNR Wetland 86-7W Outlet Project - Otsego, MN This bid is based on Hakanson Anderson plan dated 1110212017. All work based onfrost depth of 18" or less. EXCLUSIONS: Surveying & Staking Permits Inspection fees Sodding Blacktop & curb Contract Unit Contract Unit Quanftv Price Amount LS 1 $ 750.00 $ 7SO.00 DAY 2 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 LS 1 $ SOO.00 $ SOO.00 EA 1 $ 3SO.00 $ 3SO.00 LF 13S8 $ 46.SO $ 63,147.00 EA 1 $ 7SO.00 $ 7SO.00 LF 32 $ 6S.00 $ 2,080.00 EA 1 $ 3,7SO.00 $ 3,7SO.00 VF 41 $ 340.00 $ 13,940.00 SY 8 $ 160.00 $ 1,280.00 LF 104S $ 1.8S $ 1,933.25 LF 115 $ 1S.00 $ 1,725.00 LF 151 $ 3.2S $ 490.75 L S 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,SOO.00 T N 16 $ 30.00 $ 480.00 $ 99,676.00 This bid is based on Hakanson Anderson plan dated 1110212017. All work based onfrost depth of 18" or less. EXCLUSIONS: Surveying & Staking Permits Inspection fees Sodding Blacktop & curb w F- F - U) w 0 co 0 k z 3: w 0 0 w LL of z z LLJ W 0 > >. 0, w of IL 5 U) w a cl) m m r- m Lo a� a� r-, r,� Lo 04 6, zo� w cn U) c U) 0 r- 0 41 L) w Z >1 Sa 13 0 L P w- -W, L) 0 D cd U) z w 0 ID E lo F- < m r < E I -- 'a 0 r w _j F- 0 (L F- d, .a 3: c.) N'i V) 0 0. �E 3 V) .2. N = . 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