ITEM 5.1 Emerson Pointe0 MINNESOTqg DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 27 November 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Flaherty City Engineer Wagner 5.1 — Emerson Pointe AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a Zoning Map amendment and PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for development of 50 single family lots to be known as Emerson Pointe. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 20 November 2017 BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: D.R. Horton has submitted an application for development of 20.0 acres located west of Quaday Avenue and north of 70th Street (CSAH 38) with of 50 single family lots. The City Council on 13 April 2009 had approved a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat to be known as River Ridge consisting of 132 townhouse dwelling units. That PUD-CUP/preliminary plat is now expired and the approval void. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, and preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held at the Planning Commission meeting on 20 November2017. Michael Suel and Deb Ridgeway of D.R. Horton were present, along with their consultant engineer Fran Hagen of Westwood Professional Services. There were no public comments. The Planning Commission discussed the subdivision layout and asked about house designs. Mr. Suel said they currently have six house plans each with three elevations for these lots, but new variations are added constantly. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the applications. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Planning Report dated 15 November 2017 • Engineering Review dated November 15, 2017 • Findings of Fact and Decision; Zoning Map • Ordinance 2017-15 amending the Zoning Map • Findings of Fact and Decision; PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-15 amending the Zoning Map and approve a PUD-CUP/preliminary plat for Emerson Pointe, subject to the conditions outlined in the findings of fact and decision dated November 21,2017. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA 0 CITY OF 0 MINNESOgg APPLICANT: D.R. Horton 21 November 2017 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP/PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a PUD -CUP and preliminary plat for development of 50 single family lots to be known as Emerson Pointe. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 27 November 2017 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for medium -to -high density residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District; Single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-5 District. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary plat of 50 single family lots subject to lot requirements and performance standards established under a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP). E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for medium -to -high density residential uses. The proposed subdivision of single family lots is consistent with the goals outlined by the Comprehensive Plan that housing in Otsego be developed primarily as single family neighborhoods. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses shown in the table below. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Land Use North LD/MD A-1 District Undeveloped Residential East Commercial INS District VFW Playfields R-7 District The Pointe townhomes South MD/HD R-5 District Boulder Pass Residential West LD/MD A-1 District Undeveloped Residential The single family lots proposed to be subdivided within the subject site are similar in character with the single family lots that have been approved for development to the south as part of the Boulder Pass preliminary plat. The undeveloped properties to the north and west are also likely to develop in the future with small lot single family, two- family, or less intense townhouse uses. All of the development west of Quaday Avenue that has been approved, proposed, or is guided to develop in the future will be compatible. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with a// applicable development regulations unless specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via Quaday Avenue. Quaday Avenue is designated by the 2012 Transportation Plan as a residential collector street. The existing street has adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban uses as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and provision of services in support of such development. The proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. F. The planning report dated 15 November 2017 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated November 15, 2017 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 20 November 2017 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be shown on the preliminary plat. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District must be shown on the preliminary plat. 3. The developer shall submit documentation for the dedication of the street easement for Street 5; all rig ht-of-way/easement, street section plans, and street names are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All single family lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following lot requirements: Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Quaday Ave. Wetland Interior 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. 30ft. gar ge 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner 78ft. 5. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 6. The developer shall submit documentation of a temporary easement allowing grading of the abutting property as shown on the grading plan; all grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 27 th day of November, 2017. CITY OF OTSEGO Bv: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk � IV C1 0 TY111, 0 MINNES01�9 APPLICANT: D.R. Horton 21 November 2017 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning property included within the preliminary plat of Emerson Pointe. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 27 November 2017 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B, The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for medium -to -high density residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-11, Agriculture Rural Service District; the developer is requesting approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary plat of 50 single family lots; Single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-5 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1 2 The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for medium -to -high density residential uses. The proposed subdivision of single family lots is consistent with the goals outlined by the Comprehensive Plan that housing in Otsego be developed primarily as single family neighborhoods. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses shown in the table below. Direction Land Use Plan Map Existing Land Use North --Zoning LD/MD A-1 District Undeveloped Residential East Commercial INS District VFW Playfields R-7 District The Pointe townhomes 1 F G South MD/HD R-5 District Boulder Pass Residential West LD/MD A-1 District Undeveloped Residential The single family lots proposed to be subdivided within the subject site are similar in character with the single family lots that have been approved for development to the south as part of the Boulder Pass preliminary plat. The undeveloped properties to the north and west are also likely to develop in the future with small lot single family, two- family, or less intense townhouse uses. All of the development west of Quaday Avenue that has been approved, proposed, or is guided to develop in the future will be compatible. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations unless specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via Quaday Avenue. Quaday Avenue is designated by the 2012 Transportation Plan as a residential collector street. The existing street has adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban uses as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and provision of services in support of such development. The proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. The planning report dated 15 November 2017 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. The Engineering Review dated November 15, 2017 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 20 November 2017 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 27 th day of November, 2017. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ORDINANCE NO.: 2017-15 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND WITHIN THE EMERSON POINTE PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 27 th day of November, 2017. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE WMI H.- kff-,l TPC The Planning Company TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Emerson Pointe; Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP REPORT DATE: 15 November 2017 ACTION DATE: 23 December 2017 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton has submitted an application for development of 20.0 acres located west of Quaday Avenue and north of 70th Street (CSAH 38) with of 50 single family lots. The City Council on 13 April 2009 had approved a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat to be known as River Ridge consisting of 132 townhouse dwelling units. That PUD-CLIP/preliminary plat is now expired and the approval void. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PLID-CUP, and preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 20 November 2017. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Emerson Pointe Preliminary Plat Submittal dated 10/24/17 (9 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the interim land use plan policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-5, Residential Single and Two -Family District, which allows single family dwellings on lots a minimum of 60 feet wide as a permitted use. A PUD -CUP is also being processed with the preliminary plat to allow for an adjustment of the minimum lot width required for corner lots, as explained in subsequent paragraphs. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CLIP is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for medium -to -high density residential uses. The proposed subdivision of singlefamily lots is consistent with the goals outlined by the Comprehensive Plan that housing in Otsego be developed primarily as single family neighborhoods. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses shown in the table below. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Land Use North LD/IVID Residential A-1 District Undeveloped East Commercial INS District R-7 District VFW Playfields The Pointe townhomes South MD/HD Residential R-5 District Boulder Pass West LD/MD Residential A-1 District Undeveloped The single family lots proposed to be subdivided within the subject site are similar in character with the single family lots that have been approved for development to the south as part of the Boulder Pass preliminary plat. The undeveloped properties to the north and west are also likely to develop in the future with small lot single family, two- family, orless intense townhouse uses, All of the development west of Quaday Avenue that has been approved, proposed, or is guided to develop in the future will be compatible. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations unless specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed via Quaday Avenue. Quaday Avenue is designated by the 2012 Transportation Plan as a residential collector street. Theexisting street has adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. 0A Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban uses as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and provision of services in support of such development. The proposed preliminary plot can be accommodated by existing City services. Shoreland Overlay District. The subject site is within the Shoreland Overlay District of a natural environment lake located to the west of the subject site. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District must be shown on the preliminary plat. Section 20-95-2 of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the subject property may be exempted from the provisions of the Shoreland Overlay District due to a topographical divide between the subject site and waterbody that directs stormwater from the subject site away from the waterbody. Access. The preliminary plat is accessed from Quaday Avenue, which is designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan as a residential collector street. one access is located at the southeast corner of the subject site and aligned with the existing Quaday Avenue/Quaker Avenue intersection. The proposed access at the northeast corner of the subject site overlays the common property line with the abutting parcel to the north providing access to both parcels at a location aligned with the existing parking lot access to the VFW playfields on the east side of QuadayAvenue. The two accesses with Quaday Avenue are spaced 915 feet apart, which exceeds the minimum 500 foot spacing required by Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. Street 4 within the preliminary plat also provides for future inter -neighborhood connections to the north and west of the subject site. Streets. All of the proposed single family lots will be accessed by local public streets. The proposed local streets are to be 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter within a 60 -foot - wide right-of-way. A five-foot concrete sidewalk is provided on one side of all streets. There is one cul-de-sac street within the preliminary plat that conforms to the design specifications of Section 21-7-6 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Engineering Manual. Street names will be established at the time of final plat approval in accordance with Section 21-7-7.0, of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Wright County grid system. The north half of Street 5 is shown as being on the abutting property to the north and constructed within a permanent street easement. The developer must provide documentation of their right to convey the easement to the City in conjunction with the preliminary plat. All street designs and construction plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Lot Requirements. The R-5 District establishes the following minimum lot requirements: The lots within the preliminary plat comply with all of the above requirements except the minimum lot width for corner lots. Lot 1, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; Lots 9, 12, and 17, Block 4 are 91 Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Quaday Ave. Wetland Interior 9,000sf. (net) 60ft, 100ft. 25ft. house 30ft. garage 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner , 90ft. The lots within the preliminary plat comply with all of the above requirements except the minimum lot width for corner lots. Lot 1, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; Lots 9, 12, and 17, Block 4 are 91 all corner lots that are approximately 78 feet in width. The discrepancy in the lot width occurs because the City reduced the setback from the side yard of a corner lot from 35 feet to 25 feet without changing the minimum lot width required for corner lots. With the reduced setback requirements, a 78 foot wide corner lot will have the same building envelope as a 60 foot wide interior lot. As the intent of the greater minimum lot width requirement for corner lots was to provide an equal sized building envelope as a 60 foot wide interior lot, a reduction to a minimum lot width of 78 feet for corner lots within the preliminary plat by PUD -CUP is appropriate. City staff will include adjustment of the required minimum lot width for corner lots within the R-5 District (and R-6 District) as part of a future Zoning Ordinance update. Landscaping. Landscaping of at least two trees per lot is required to be planted in accordance with Section 20-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, The submitted landscape plan illustrates installation of 74 trees within the right-of-way along the public streets within the preliminary plat plus one developer installed tree per lot, which exceeds the landscape requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-19-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance also requires a landscaping be installed along the rear lot lines of Block 3 abutting Quaday Avenue. The landscape plan provides for installation of 14 shade trees and 37 evergreens within the buffer yard area to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The types of proposed trees are appropriate and the sizes of trees to be planted complies with Section 20-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The Future Parks and Trails System Plan included in the 2012 Comprehensive Plan included an area at the southeast corner of the preliminary plat as a search area for possible park land acquisition. This park area was to serve the subject site as well as the property to the south and townhouse dwellings to the east of Quaday Avenue within The Pointe. The Pointe has since developed its own private recreation area. The subject site will be anticipated to be served by neighborhood and community park facilities to the northwest along LeFebvre Creek. No timetable is established for acquisition and development of the community park facilities, but neighborhood park facilities have been constructed within the Boulder Creek development and a connection will be made when Boulder Pass is developed. Park and trail dedication requirements for the preliminary plat of the subject site will be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated on a per lot basis at the time of final plat approval. Grading and Drainage Plan. The developer has submitted grading and drainage plans for the proposed preliminary plat. Grading for the proposed preliminary plat is shown extending into the abutting property to the west to cut the existing hill that rises across the property line. The developer must submit documentation of a temporary easement allowing grading of the abutting property as shown on the grading plan. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision requires that storm water basins and wetlands be included within outlots platted and deeded to the City. Outlot A along the south line of the subject site includes a stormwater basin to be developed adjacent to existing City stormwater facilities and Outlot A will be deeded to the City. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 4 Utility Plan. The developer has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed lots. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be required to pay the Sewer and Water Availability Charges in effect at the time of final plat approval. Drainage and Utility Easements. Drainage and utility easements are shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots and over stormwater facilities as required by Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed preliminary plat of Emerson Pointe is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision I — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-5 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the PUD-CUP/preliminary plat of Emerson Pointe, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. 5 2. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be shown on the preliminary plat. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District must be shown on the preliminary plat. 3. The developer shall submit documentation for the dedication of the street easement for Street 5; all right-of-way/easement, street section plans, and street names are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All single family lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following lot requirements: Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Quaday Ave Wetland Interior 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. 30ft. garage 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner 78ft. 5. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 6. The developer shall submit documentation of a temporary easement allowing grading of the abutting property as shown on the grading plan; all grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and/or Engineering Manual. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 2 Mike Suel, D.R. Horton Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCI- Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/rownship Limits c t Parcels P�4 1�4 P-1 E E 40 - IS rn V, -W � P4 W 0 d Ir z �.' v all H E3 0 M + PUS J� .j 14- 000 13 (B t R 19 0 W 1 0 19 El 2 61 np di t qE all H J� .j 14- 61 if t qE J� .j 14- 61 if -7 N-1 - - , A�.ffia 7- T mc�P-411 � A NN z 0 P-, 0 aYMV Avam r ---- 1 1 4. — i L L tinq . UIR r---------- L LUI -i 'T kb 1. IILLL J, .11 _77 ,i r. . . . . . . 1F - L -_-J I L ----j Lt --h' L--� L—J L— L�- Id aYMV Avam r ---- 1 1 4. — i L L tinq . 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T____1. z 0 8 a) A 0 P-1 r. 3 fit 111 HIM 1;11q�, ., h RE N mug - ri 04 nn E all c c F V -01,�3 I j L LLJ d L, 0 .-M RKA -SH E ant un lit i i a Alii W HIM 1;11q�, ., h RE N mug - ri 04 nn E all c c F V -01,�3 I j kzxti el HIM 1;11q�, ., h RE N mug - ri 04 nn E all c c F V -01,�3 I j . - , I . .1 g MN -3 B - i s . I MID Am WIM. MEN j gill k 8 - 1111L . A d 0 4 Eli eff ZI ..-99 tin 1 C:, aMV AVOM 13) WIL25-1 IWIJ�� 5111-1 .44 1111L tin 0 4 0 z .44 ad all tin 0 4 0 z ad all �j '51"f 315"i li- i g IM, I Pit- I ght" p1po lzi[p I I ii HID ifolflg! HIS, w Fall U1. nor Fit] gq;m I IN 2� Hal I n fill ON A H! pu I 0 P-1 9 Lag I A V jj Review No. I - Hakanson UlAnderson ENGINE, ERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk. Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Mike Suel, D.R. Holton, Inc, Robert Olson, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Cody Sylvester, E.I.T. Date: November 15,2017 Proposed Development: Emerson Pointe Street Location A portion of the NE 1/4of the SE 1/4Section 27, T121, R23. Of Property: West of Quaday Avenue NE and North of 72 d Street NE. Applicant: Mike Suel Developer: D.R. Horton, Inc. 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Owners of Record: D.R. Holton, Inc. Purpose: Emerson Pointe is a proposed 50 single-family low density residential lot development on approximately 20 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Mirmesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS WORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY pRELIMINARYPLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 s.-�municipa[kAotsego23xxN2339Xot2339 RVWI.doex INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Emerson Pointe, dated 10/24/17, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Storm Water Management for Emerson Pointe, dated 10/23/17, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/19/17, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Geotechnical Report for Emerson Pointe, dated 6/27/17, by Braun Intertec Corporation Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\MuniclpaMotsego23xxX2339Not2339 RVWI.doex EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be, shown on the plan. (21-6-2.13.2.) 2. The limits of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be shown on the plan. Label the size and elevations of existing storm sewer, water and sanitary of any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat. (21-6-2.B,5.) See attached as - built plans for utilities along Kadler Avenue. Existing I 00 -year flood elevations shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.13.9.) SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY Emerson Pointe will be the first subdivision in this area of Quaday Avenue and does not tic into any existing developments. The current configuration appears to provide reasonable street and utility connection locations for developing future adjacent properties. The developer shall continue work with City staff develop an acceptable configuration. R-5 zoning district requires a minimum lot width of 90' for comer lots (20-66-6.A). Some comer lots do not meet this minimum. PRE' LIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC Street shall be named according to the Wright County street naming system as follows; a. Street I — Parson Avenue NE b. Street 2 — Parson Court NE c. Street 3 — 74th Street NE d. Street 4 — Parrish Avenue NE c, Street 5 — 74th Street NE Provide horizontal curve information for all streets. AM vertical and horizontal curves shall meet 30 mph design speed requirements. Street 1 at Sta 13+50 does not meet this requirement. (min K = 19 for crest and 37 for sag curves). A temporary cul-de-sac will be required at the north end of Street 4. 10. Concrete valley gutters are required across all intersections with less than 1% cross slope, 11. Provide the, Otsego Standard Plate 112 for a Local Residential Urban Street — 9 Ton. Indicate which sections recommended R -value the streets are to be designed to. PAGE 4 S:\Munlclpa]\Aotsego23XXM39Xot2339 RVWI.docx PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 12. The grading plan and street profiles depict Street 4 ending approximately 12 feet below the existing ground elevation. The profile shows this street continuing to the west at 2% creating even more significant cuts. Provide verification that this street is a feasible option for developing the adjacent property. 13. The grading plans show grading onto the property to the west. Written permission from the adjacent property owner shall be provided to allow this. 14. 4' berm(s)s shall be provided in the rear yards along Quaday Avenue. 15. The rear yards of Lots 1-4, Block 3 flow into Quaday Avenue? 16. The proposed contours shall be labeled. PRELIMINARY UTIELITY PLAN 17. A connection to the existing watermain on the east side of Quaday Avenue at the intersection of Quaday Avenue and Street 1 is required. This will need to be done by directionally drilling under Quaday Avenue. 18. A watermain loop shall be provided between Lots 5 and 6, and Lots 20 and 21, Block 4. 19. A watermain stub shall be provided to the south property line along the west property line of Lot 25, Block 4. 20. Hydrant coverage of 250' radius is necessary. Lot 4, Block 2 and Lots 14 and 15, Block 4 do not meet this requirement. 21. Ground water was encountered 7' below existing surface in geotechnical report. Final plans shall- note which, if any, hydrants will need to be plugged. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 22. It appears that the post -development offsite, discharge rates are at or less than pre - development per City requirements. It also appears that the site will meet the required infiltration rates as required by the City and NPDES permit. The location of the groundwater elevation may need further evaluation with respect to the infiltration area. 23. Storm sewer design and hydrology is still under review, any additional comments will follow. WETLAND 24, The Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/19/17, has been received and under review. PAGE 5 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVVVI.dc)cx ENVIRONMENTAL 25. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes I I 5B.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY A"/OR RE' COMMENDATION Contingent -upon the above items being addressed we recommend revise and resubmit. PAGE 6 S:\Municipa]\Aotsego23x)ck2339\ot2339 RVWI.docx