ITEM 4.3 updated attachmentASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT THIS ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT ("Agreement") effective this — day of ' 20�___, between Elk River Municipal Utilities, a Minnesota municipal utility, with principal offices located at 13069 Orono Parkway, Elk River, Minnesota 55330 C'ERMU"), and the City of Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, with its principal offices located at 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55230 ("City"). BACKGROUND ERMU provides electric service to a portion of the City, including three (3) commercial developments known as Otsego Waterfront, Otsego Waterfront East and Great River Center (collectively referred to hereafter as the "Transfer Areas"). Within the Transfer Areas there are currently one hundred one (101) street lights which are owned and maintained by the City and seven (7) missing street lights. ERMU currently owns, services and maintains seventy-eight (78) street lights in the City, as well as over one thousand three hundred (1,300) in the City of Elk River. The City and ERMU have agreed that it would be more efficient and cost effective for their joint taxpayers/rate payers within the Transfer Areas if ERMU took ownership of the existing 101 street lights and the missing 7 street lights in these areas, and took responsibility going forward for providing street lighting in the Transfer Areas, including replacing and supplementing, as necessary, the existing 101 street lights and servicing and maintaining these street lights and all additional and replacement street lights in the Transfer Areas. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufft6iency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: ARTICLE I ASSET TRANSFER Section 1.1. Attached to this Agreement as Exhibits A, B, C and D, are aerial photos of the Transfer Areas showing the existing street lights and related infrastructure within the Transfer Areas, City hereby transfers to ERMU, and ERMU hereby accepts, as of the effective date of this Agreement, ownership of the 101 existing fixtures and 7 bases for missing fixtures shown in Exhibits A -D, along with all underground wiring, control cabinets and all electrical infrastructure related to these street lights. Section 1.2. ERMU hereby accepts ownership of the street lights and related infrastructure shown on Exhibits A -D, and agrees to service, maintain, repair and replace the street lights and related infrastructure, as determined necessary by ERMU, beginning on the effective date of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 FEES Section 2.1. In consideration of EPd\4U's agreement to accept ownership of and responsibility for the street lights and related infrastructure within the Transfer Areas, City agrees to pay ERMU a one-time transfer fee of Thirty -Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000), payable on or before the effective date of this Agreement. The transfer fee has been calculated based on the 2017 ERMU Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit E. Section 2.2. In addition to the transfer fee, City will pay, for each existing, replacement or additional street light within the Transfer Areas, beginning on the effective date of this Agreement, all monthly fees due pursuant to the then effective ERMU Street/Security Light Service Tariff ("Tariff") for street lights within ERMU's electric service territory. Pursuant to the Tariff, attached as Exhibit F hereto, fifty-two (52) of the existing street light locations within the Transfer Areas will be subject to a Fifteen Dollar ($15) per month fee, and fifty-six (56) street lights/lo'cations within the Transfer Areas will be subject to a Nine Dollar ($9) per month fee. Monthly street lighting fees shall be billed by ERMU and paid by City pursuant to all ERMU billing procedures and requirements in effect and as subsequently modified or amended. ARTICLE 3 MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT Section 3.1. ERMU shall be responsible for servicing, maintaining, repairing, replacing and supplementing the street lights and related infrastructure within the Transfer Areas and shall do so pursuant to the same policies, requirements and procedures applicable to the existing ERMU street lights in Otsego, as hereafter modified or amended. Section 3.2. In order to make it cost effective for ERMU to service and maintain street lights in the Cily, it is important that the existing street lights in the Transfer Areas be replaced and/or relocated pursuant to ERMU's scheduling requirements and with equipment that matches ERMU's standardized street lights and related infrastructure. Therefore. ERMU shall have exclusive authority to determine the street light fixture slyles for all street lights in the Transfer Areas that are replaced or added, and the schedule pursuant to which street lights will be replaced or relocated.in order- to make it eest -effeetive for ERAW to sen4ee and maifAaia st lights in the City, it is important that the existing street ligh4s ift the Transfer- Areas be r-eplaeed to mateh ERMU's standardized street lights and related in4astmeture. Thefefofe, exeept a -s pr-evided in Seetion 3.3 below, ERAW shall have the exehisiN,e authefity to detefmine the sti light fixtur-e styles fef all street ligl#s within the Transfer- Afeas that are r-eplaeed or- added. Section 3.3. (i). The Cily of Elk River is currently contemplating replacing the street lights within downtown Elk River with decorative street lights. If Elk River proceeds with such an upgrade, Cily may desire to have some or all of the street lights within the Transfer Areas upgraded to match the Elk River decorative street lights. Whether and when such an upgrade could occur would depend on a number of factors. including the costs for such an upgrade, ERMU's schedule for replacing the existing street lights in the Transfer Areas. and ERMU's work load at the time. (ii). If decorative street lights are installed in downtown Elk River, ERMU will, prior to replacing any more street lights in the Transfer Areas, advise City whether 2 there will be an opportunity to replace any of the street lights in the Transfer Areas with decorative street lights and, if so, the cost per street li2ht to do so. If City gives ERMU written notice within 30 days that it would like ERMU to proceed with the decorative street lights and is prepared to pay the costs identified by ERMU to do so. ERMU will be authorized to proceed with the upgrade. However. ERMU will have the exclusive authority to make a final decision whether to proceed with an upgrade to decorative lights. The-Qty� ARTICLE 4 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 4.1. ERMU represents and warrants that it is a municipal utility duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and has all requisite power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations, undertakings and agreements to be observed and performed by it hereunder. ERMU further represents and warrants that execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by the ERMU Board of Commissioners and that this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement of ERMU in accordance with its terms. Section 4.2. City represents and warrants that it is a Nflmesota municipal corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and has all requisite power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations, undertakings and agreements to be observed and performed by it hereunder. City finther represents and warrants that execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by the City Council and that this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement of City in accordance with its terms. ARTICLE 5 TERMINATION Section 5.1. This Agreement will only take effect if approved and executed by both parties hereto prior to the effective date, and may only be terminated by written agreement of both parties. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 6.1. Preparation of Agreement. The parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. Each party accepts the terms and conditions of this ...... . ...... r. WA ".91NIMMM-Ts ARTICLE 4 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 4.1. ERMU represents and warrants that it is a municipal utility duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and has all requisite power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations, undertakings and agreements to be observed and performed by it hereunder. ERMU further represents and warrants that execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by the ERMU Board of Commissioners and that this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement of ERMU in accordance with its terms. Section 4.2. City represents and warrants that it is a Nflmesota municipal corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and has all requisite power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations, undertakings and agreements to be observed and performed by it hereunder. City finther represents and warrants that execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by the City Council and that this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement of City in accordance with its terms. ARTICLE 5 TERMINATION Section 5.1. This Agreement will only take effect if approved and executed by both parties hereto prior to the effective date, and may only be terminated by written agreement of both parties. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 6.1. Preparation of Agreement. The parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. Each party accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement, having the right to be represented by legal counsel and other advisors of their choosing, and each party enters into this Agreement intending to be legally bound hereunder. Section 6.2. Entire Agreement; Assignm . This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereto. None of the rights or obligations of either party may be assigned without the prior written consent of the other. Section 6.3. Notices. Notices, demands and other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at the addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement. Either party may designate a different address to which notices required or permitted to be given shall thereafter be transmitted by giving notice to that effect in accordance with this Section. Section 6.4. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Subject to the requirements for alternative dispute resolution set forth in Section 6.5, venue and exclusive jurisdiction for enforcement of an arbitration decision shall be in the Minnesota State Courts located in Sherburne County, Minnesota. The parties hereto waive any right to jury trial in the event any party files an action related to this Agreement or to the transactions or obligations contemplated by this Agreement. Section 6.5. Arbitration. Disputes pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to arbitration and be resolved by binding arbitration by a single arbitrator in Elk River, Minnesota. The selection of arbitrator and all arbitration rules and procedures shall be determined pursuant to the Uniform Arbitration Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 57213.01 through 572B.31, or any successor provisions. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the parties hereto on the day and year first above written. ERMU: ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES By: Its: President IN Its: General Manager CITY: [H CITY OF OTSEGO By: Its: Mayor By: Its: City Administrator