ITEM 3.1_ Eng ReportReview No. 1 ��Hal«nson 1��Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Brian Krystofiak, P.E., Carlson McCain Steve Bona, Capstone Homes, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Cody Slyvester, E.I.T. Date: November 28, 2017 Proposed Development: Harvest Run Street Location A portion of the S 1/2 of Section 35, T121, R23 East of Queens of Property: Avenue NE and North of 59th Street NE. Applicant: Steve Bona Developer: Capstone Homes, Inc. 14015 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Ramsey, MN 55303 Owners of Record: LTH Three, LLC Purpose: Harvest Run is a proposed 84 lot single-family residential lot development on approximately 47.68 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Harvest Run, dated 11/3/17, by Carlson McCain. Storm Water Management Plan for Harvest Run, dated 11/3/17, by Carlson McCain. Geotechnical Report for Harvest Run, dated 11/1/17, by Haugo Geotechnical Services. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx COVER SHEET A benchmark(s) and datum (should be NGVD 1929) shall be provided. 2. Ensure that all sheets have the correct scale (sheet 6 looks to be incorrect). EXISTING CONDITIONS 3. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2.) 4. Label the size and elevations of existing storm sewer, water and sanitary or any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat. (21-6-2.B.5.) 5. Existing NWL and HWL 100 -year flood elevations shall be shown on the plan. (21-6- 2.B.9.) 6. Show the existing bituminous trail along the east side of Queens Avenue. SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 7. Proposed zoning is not indicated but the proposed setbacks agree with a R-5 zoning district. PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC 8. Sheet 6 appears to have the wrong scale. 9. All existing Otsego projects have been constructed on NGVD 1929 datum and the as - built plans also us this datum. Please convert to the 1929 datum. 10. Street shall be named according to the Wright County street naming system as follows; a. Street A — 62nd Street NE b. Street B — 61St Street NE c. Street C — Quenroe Avenue NE d. Street D — 62nd Street NE 11. A tangent with minimum length of 100' is needed along Street A between the two curves. 12. Provide vertical curve information for all streets. All vertical and horizontal curves shall meet 30 mph design speed requirements (min K = 19 for crest and 37 for sag curves). 13. All cross drainage between lots shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. The grading shall be revised to direct the drainage along lot lines or additional easements will be needed to cover the cross drainage. 14. A temporary cul-de-sac per Otsego Standard Plate 108a is required at the east end of Street B. PAGE 4 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx 15. A profile with vertical curve information shall be provided for the proposed bituminous trails. 16. At the time the sidewalks tie into the existing bituminous trail at Queens Avenue ADA compliant pedestrian ramps shall be installed on the trail crossings at these locations. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 17. Watermain loop between for Street A and Street C is required. 18. A temporary hydrant shall be installed at the east end of Street D and the north side of Lot 13 and Lot 14, Block 7 for watermain flushing. 19. The locations of all existing and proposed watermain valves shall be shown. Also, please include the locations of existing hydrants (near Queens Avenue). 20. The geotechnical report indicates there are some locations within the project area with water table elevations relatively shallow. All hydrants and sanitary manholes within the water table shall be identified in the plans. The hydrants within the water table are to be marked with a metal strip, nozzle painted black, and their drain holes are to be plugged. 21. Provide storm sewer pipe sizes and inverts. PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 22. All cross drainage between lots shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. The grading shall be revised to direct the drainage along lot lines or additional easements will be needed to cover the cross drainage. 23. Include NWL and 100 -YR HWL elevations for all wetlands/ponds. 24. Often 2' contours do not provide enough detail for final lot grading, especially where there are significant grade changes therefore the final grading plans shall provide an elevation label at the front and rear setback lines on all lot lines between houses with 2' or more elevation difference. These elevations shall provide fall away from the lower house. (Similar to the elevation called out between Lots 122 and 123.) 25. Please label emergency overflows and elevations for the street low points (i.e. along lot lines between houses, or in boulevard behind curbs). 26. Final plans shall include erosion control notes that indicate the contractor is responsible for dust control, maintaining silt fence and other erosion control devices, and sweeping streets daily if they are being disturbed. 27. A 50' vegetative buffer with one layer of silt fence or two layers of protection shall be used around all existing wetlands. Also, the use of floating silt curtain should be PAGE 5 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx necessary during the construction of the culvert between Wetland 30 and Wetland 40 depending on water elevations at the time of crossing. 28. Inlet protection shall be installed on all of the nearest catch basins located along Queens Avenue downstream from the construction entrances. DETAILS 29. Recommended R -value shall be shown in the typical section. 30. Please include all necessary City Details. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 31. The geotechnical report soil borings showed 3 borings hitting ground water but no ground water monitoring was done. Due to the vicinity of the numerous adjacent wetlands additional testing will be required to determine the groundwater elevations within the development. 32. The Stormwater Plan states that infiltration is not feasible for the site due to the clay present in the soil borings. The NPDES states that infiltration is not allowed for Hydrologic Group D soils. Please refer to the D Type soils as the reason for not providing infiltration rather than clay in the soil borings. 33. The report states that Type B, C and D type soils are being used in the model. If there are no Type B or C soils present to provide infiltration then the model should use Type D soils (at least no B soils). 34. The proposed pond P 100 discharging to wetland W 1 is a concern. Pond P 100 is receiving water from an area that is currently discharging to wetlands W2 and W3 and by discharging to WI is changing watershed areas. Please route P 100 to discharge to W2 or directly to W3 to avoid increasing the watershed area of W1 and potentially causing downstream issues with the increase volumes. (If this is not possible please contact Ronald Wagner or Brent Larson to discuss). 35. A 10 -minute minimum Time of Concentration shall be used for the calculations. 36. The preliminary utility plans do not contain any storm sewer information to be reviewed and compared to the design calculations. 37. A minimum of 2' of cover is required over to outside of the storm sewer pipe. Based on the builds verify there will be sufficient cover over the pipe at structures 222, 208, and 207. 38. Final submittal will require inlet spread calculations for the following structures at minimum; 103, 108, 210 and 305. The spread cannot exceed 2/3rds of the drive lane. WETLANDS 39. A Wetland Determination Report is under review. PAGE 6 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx 40. The bituminous trails within the wetland buffer areas do not count towards the 20' average. These buffer areas shall be adjusted to regain the average a 20' width. 41. The wetland buffer around each wetland needs to average 20'. It appears only a 10' buffer is being provided around the wetland 60 (rear yards of Lots 133 and 134) in the grading plans. ENVIRONMENTAL 42. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes I I5B.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed. PAGE 7 C:\Users\brentl.HAKANSON\Desktop\ot2267.04 RVW1.docx