ITEM 3.2B 7.22.2013 MinutesIDEM 3.213 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER ,duly 2, 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. Acting Mayor vera H idn r called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pit Roll Calflor Acting Mayor Vern H idn r; uncilme b rs: Doug Schroeder, Jason Warehime and Tom Darkenwald. Excused absences Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff ..ori Johnson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur,, r, City Attorney and Tarr Luff, City Clerk. Pledge' f Allegiance: Acting Mayor- Heidner led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Open Forum. No It sr , Consider acienda approval. M H idn r said in iters 3.2A he was listed as attending and he did not. M Darkenwald motioned to approve with change to item 3.2A as suggested. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor Motion carried, 3, Consent Agenda. on -controversial items). .1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. s. Ar 3une 24, 2013 Special Meeting. B. July 8,. 2013 Meeting. 3.3 Received m i sion Meeting Mints: A. Police Commission June 11, 2013, B. Heritage Preservation Commission June 11, 2013, C. Parks and Recreation Commission June 1, 2013. D. Planning Commission Jury 1,, 2013. 3,4 Approve i olden Conditional Use Permit to alloy relocation of an existing g single family dwelling onto a lot within the City in accordance with Section 20-19-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3.5 Approve Resolution 13-41 MSA Street System, 16 Approve 2014/2015 Wright County Police Contract, ,7 Call a Special meeting on July 29,, 2013 at 6 00 Pfd for NINES training for City Council. 3,8 Approve Dental Insurance renewal rates. 3,9 Approve quote for woodchips in City Parks. 10 JamFest Spacial Evert Permit. .11 Cowboy Jacks Permit extension. 3,12 Kittredge Crossings 11th Addition. 3,13 Approve project summary and cost estimate for Nadler Avenue from 70th Street to 80th Street. 3,14 Approve Wellhead Protection Amendment. 3,15 Approve bid advertisement for Road Grader. M Darkenwald motioned to approve with change to item 11A. Seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Hearing: A Consider Issuance of Revenue Bonds to„finance a senior housing and health care development in the City of Albertville, Minnesota. 0 Public Hearinci to Consider the Issuance of Revenue Bards by the City of Otseclo t Finance a Combination Senior Housing and Health Care Development Located in the fit of Albertville, Minnesota. Open Public Harir� Public Comment Close Public Hearing 0 Consider Resolution 13-42 Authorizing Joint Powers Agreement and Giving Prelimina A nil to Issuance of Revenue Bards Evans Park, Inc. Project) City Administrator presented the request, Jiro Bartz, Guardian Angels Representative, thanked the City Council for consideration and explained the project, Acting Mayor H idner opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM. Hearing no public comment Acting Mayor H idn r closed the Public Hearing at 7:07 PM. City Administrator Johnson explained this is for preliminary approval to move forward she stated the issuance of the bonds does not affect the City"s bond rating or the debt limit and it does not became a financial obligation of the City. CM Darkenwald said to be clear all expenses are paid by the applicant. City Administrator Johnson n said yes the applicant paid ars application fee and anything over. will be reimbursed. CM Darkenw ld said so no tax payer dollars are used in fact this transaction will generate revenue for the City. City Administrator Johnson said correct. CM D rk n r ld said this is a wonder-fuI organization and he looks forward to the expansion, CM D r en r ld motioned to approve Resolution 2013-42 authorizing Joint Agreement and giving preliminary approval to issuance of revenue Bonds (Evan P rl ,, Inc, Project),, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried, . Parks and Recreation 5.1 Soccer Field projectapprovals: A. Consider well room modifications and irrigation system quote, B. Consider purchase_of_a Booster Station pump. C. Consider Change Order #1 for the irrigation pond clav liner. D. Consider plumbing well room modifications. City Engineer Wagner presented staff* report for item A. Acting Mayor Heldner motioned for the City of Otsego to award contract for Otsego Soccer Field- well room modifications and irrigation system (COP 13-05 Phase in the amount of $73,505 to Great northern Landscapes, Inc. seconded by CM Schroeder All in favor,, Motion carried. City Engineer Wagner presented staff report for iters B. CM Drenld motioned to approve purchase of a booster station pump from Monroe Companies of Grand Junction,, CO,, in the amount of $31,794,24 and authorize staff to purchase lightening suppression if needed not to exceed $1000,, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried= City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report for item C. A Charge Order to Fehn in the amount of $10,398.00 for the clay liners was presented. CM Schroeder motioned t approve the changes to contract for Otsego Soccer Field Irrigation Pond Clay Liner as shown in Change Order No. 1 to Fehn Companies in the amount of $10.,398,.00. Seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. [lotion carried], 2 City Engineer Wagner presented the staff* report for item D. City Engineer Wagner said h received the low quote from GR Mechanical of Rogers in the amount of $10.,870.00. There was discussion on the pressure tank function. CM Schroeder motioned to approve the quote from GR Mechanical in the amount of $10,,870., Seconded by CM W r hi e. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Irks; .1 Consider Resolution 13-43 to award contract for Needham r Avenue Storm Sorer Improvement Phase 1. City Engineer Wagner presented staff report which included a quote from Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $39,234.00. City Engineer Wagner said the budget for engineering for this project is higher than what was in the feasibility report because of the additional work with phasing. He stated that if the city goes forward Frith the project, there will be some cost to the city because the assessment amount has already been set based on estimated costs. CM Hidnr asked what the original project cost estimate was. City Engineer Wagner said around $40,,000 and the bids cane in at $65,000 excluding engineering costs and the minor repair at $43,,000. CM W r hir e said his understanding was that the additional fees were going to be included in the project. City Administrator Johnson said City staff agreed stating that previous discussion was that the project would be noticed to the property owners again to assess for the increased costs. City Attorney MacArthur agreed that in order t increase the assessment amount, property owners need to be noticed and assessment process completed again. CM Wrehlme motioned to table this item to the August 12 City Counc,111 meeting for City staff to prepare the financial summary and recommendation. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. *.,.,......_ Qty.Council Reports and Updates. Acting Mayor Heidn r said the Monticello Times paper had an article that started Lily Pond Park is County Park and he recommended that be corrected to state City of Otsego Park. He was also concerned about the use of the park by a private contractor for business use. City Administrator Johnson will follow up on both items. CM Schroeder said the veterans Memorial in Prairie Park is now completed and it looks very nicer . Staff Reports and Updates.. City Administrator for J hnson reviewed letter received from the Wright County Department of Highways Cooking for input on the Wright County cost sharing policy update. City Administrator Johnson said this has been added to the PVA Subcommittee agenda for discussion. CM Darken v ld stressed the importance of the City giving their input. Acting Mayor Heidner recommended gathering info from Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota County's. City Administrator Johnson said staff will do further research prior to the PW Subcommittee and that the Policy may cone back to the Council at a future worksession City Engineer Wagner gave an update on the L Ee ux Avenue project stating he spoke with the school bus company and they gold prefer the path option. CM Drknrald asked if building that path opens the city up for liability. City Attorney MacArthur said he doesn't feel it increases City's liability. CM Warehime asked about the construction of the path. City Engineer Wagner said asphalt and it would be sidewalk width. CM Warehime asked about signage to keep traffic off the path* City Engineer Wagner recommends stakes to deter motorized vehicles CM Warehime asked if it will be the City's responsibility to keep clear of snow. City Engineer Wagner said yes. City Engineer Wagner gave updates on additional projects. g. Adjourn. CM a enwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM 1 arehime. All in favor. motion carried. Adjourned at 7:55 PEAK ATTEST: Tari Lof, city Clerk 4 Acting Mayor Vern Hid n r