ITEM 3.2B SCC 11.27.2017 MinutesITEM 3.2B SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER NOVEMBER 27, 2017 Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 9:11 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Corey Tanner, Tom Darkenwald and Jason Warehime. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director; Kevin Lamson, Street Operations Manager; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Daniel Licht, City Planner and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Also present Charles VonBerg, Prairie Center Volunteer. 1. 2018 CIP Discussion. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the discussion topics for this meeting. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented the Parks and Recreation CIP and materials as outlined in the packet. The City Council concurred as presented. Some discussion points included; splash pad repairs, with staff directed to prepare multiple options for future City Council consideration; pickle ball addition in a city park; the Norin Landing project will go out for bids in January and brought back to the City Council in February for early 2018 spring construction; Parks and Recreation Master Plan City staff will work with SRF on project manager more qualified for the master study; and a natural park at Highland of Riverpointe was discussed and designating land for the site. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the he public safety CIP. City Council concurred as presented. Capital Improvements; City Clerk Loff gave an update on the Election Voting Tabulators; she stated the County Board has agreed that they will purchase poll books in 2018 and the cities will start using them at the Primary and General elections and then they plan to wait until 2020 to purchase DS200s tabulators. She explained the County is hoping there will be some leftover grant funding to help with the purchase cost of these or an additional grant. She also explained the County has stated there would not be a rental fee charged to the cities in 2018 for the poll books. Due to the potential of additional grant funds for the DS200 and the uncertainly at this time on if the County will purchase and rent out or if the City will be required; City Clerk Loff is recommending waiting until the 2020 election for purchase of the DS200. The City Council concurred. City Clerk Loff also reviewed the City Hall tile work CIP; the tile will replace the carpet in the hallway from the garage through the employee entrance. City Council concurred. City Administrator/Finance Director reviewed the CIP items for audio/visual system for City Hall and Prairie Center; City staff currently working on quotes. He reviewed the additional items from 2018-2020; the City Council concurred as presented. General Fund Budget; The City Council concurred with 2.50% increase to the pay plan and to leave the contingency budget at $60,000. Property Tax Levy; the City Council concurred as presented. This will be brought to the City Council for final adoption on December 11. 2 2. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:30 PM. __________________________ Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: __________________ Tami Loff, City Clerk