ITEM 3.2E SCC 8.1.2013 MinutesITEM _2 SPECIAL CITE' COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL August 1, 2013 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting t order at 5:30 P. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St ck rnp; Councilmernbers- Vern H idn r, Jason Warehime and Doug Schroeder. Staff: Lori Johnson,, City Administrator and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 1 LaBeaux Improvement PI Staff reviewed the LaBeaux project finances including the City share of the project. The school trail was discussed. The Council requested that a letter requesting the trail be obtained from the school and bus company before proceeding with construction of the trail. It was noted that property reeds to be obtained for the cul de sac; ars estimated cost was included in the project summary. The Council directed the City Administrator to have the City Attorney pursue purchasing the needed prprtyl 2, Needham Improvement Pr e t. Staff reviewed the Needham m project finances noting that originally the City was only funding an assessment for City property in the project area and now the City if funding 34 percent of the project. Staff stated that the City has already spent an amount approximately equal to the 3 percent meaning that the cost for the City are the same if the project is completed or not. The Council questioned the status of the improvements vement that Mr. Genn r said he would make. City Engineer Wagner stated he had talked to Mr. Goenner and the improvements ents wore not completed by the original deadline. A new deadline of October 15 was set. It was noted that Mr. Goenner needs to sign an assessment wanner. He will be assessed unless the project is completed on timet 3. Engineering Items . City Administrator Johnson gave an update on recent 70th Street activities and distributed a project timeline prepared by City Attorney Andy MacArthur. She stated Mr..MacArthur indicated it was ars optimistic timeline, City Engineer Wagner stated that a noise study is now being required for the entire project. He explained the federal guidelines, estimated cost, and scope f project. Staff stated that this r rning`s meeting with St, .Michael and Albertville city administrators and planners and the Wright County Engineer and Assistant Engineer went well. All of the cities agreed that the construction of the tabor interchange must be the trigger t turn back Cly 37 east of labor; CR 37 remains a fright County road east of I'labr; the cities of Albertville and Otsego along with Wright County subunit an application for funding of the CR19 intersection with 70th street from MacIver to CR 19; and 70th Street becomes a County Road. Albertville stated the timing of the 2018 project may need to be pushed back a year or two t allow Albertville to secure funding for its share of the project. All present at the .marring .meeting agreed that was acceptable. The County staff supported the proposal and stated they would take it to the County Beard. They further stated they were uncertain if it would have enough support to pass, City Attorney MacArthur who was also present at the. meeting agreed to draft an agreement for review prior to consideration by the City Councils and County Board. The City Council agreed with the terms of the agreement as discussed. 4. Adjourn. M H ldn r motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder,, All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 6:23 PCS. ATTEST: Lori Johnson,, City Administrator Mayor Jessica Soni