ITEM 3.7A Kadler Ave Watermain Ext- Project 17-06N Ot�TY.F 0 MINNESOT g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner December 11, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Item City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.7A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Pay Estimate #4 in the amount of $48,449.47 for the Kadler Avenue Watermain Extension, City Project No. 17-06 to LaTour Construction, Inc. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKG ROU N D/J USTI FICATI ON: The work has been completed along Kadler Avenue with all of the directionally drilling complete and all of the open cut pipe being installed by LaTour Construction and their subcontractors. All testing has been completed and the line is in operation. A final acceptance walk-thru with City staff has been completed and a few minor items remain to be cleaned up in the spring. This payment includes Change Order #1 for $13,216.48. Change Order #1 is for additional work necessary due to existing conditions being different than anticipated. Typically, this work was to adjust watermain locations and hydrant elevations match existing ditches or work around existing utilities. Details of the time and materials for each item in Change Order #1 were reviewed by the project engineer. Pay Estimate #4 is for $48,449.47. The total work completed to date is $1,008,566.48. The total contract amount of the project is $1,028,450.98 with Change Order #1. In accordance with Minnesota Statute, the City is withholding a 1% retainage of work completed, which accounts to $10,085.66 at this time. Upon establishment of vegetation and final completion of the few remaining items in the spring of 2018, the retainage can be released. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 0 Pay Estimate No. 4 0 Change Order No. I POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Pay Estimate #4 to LaTour Construction, Inc. in the amount of $48,449.47 for the Kadler Avenue Watermain Extension, City Project No. 17-06. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Water Utility Operating Fund 601-49400-530 Yes PAY 9STIMATE #4 CITY OF OTSEGO KADLER AVENUE WATERMAIN EXTENSION PROJECT November3O,2017 HonorablD Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 90(h Street Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Kadlet Avenue Watermain Extension, City Project No. 1-1-06 Contractor: LaTow Construction, Inc. Contract Amount: $1,015,234.5 Award Date: June 19, 2017 Completion Date: October 15, 2017 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members. The fol(otVing work has been completed on Ilia above -referenced project by LaTour Construction, Inc ITEM SPEC. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUA TITY UNIT CONTRACTUNIT PRICE - CONTRACT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 _12-- 2021.601 MOKIZATION 1 LS 00 S 8,300.00 1.00 S 8,300.00 2 . 2104.521 SALVAGE & REINSTALL a6RCP 10 LF 00 S 440.00 16 S___L04.00 Lo 3�� 2104&23 SALVAGE & REINSTALL W RC APRON I EA $875.00 S 875.00 1 876.00 4 2104.523 SALVAGE & REI STALL MAILBOX 3 EA $01.00 $ 201.00 1 S 776.00 5 2118.601 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 5 6 .-!ON LF S61.00 S 366.00 A80 _�_7�44_00 a 2501.5ij 24"CS PIPE APRON. 1 FA S405.CO S 495.00 - $ 7 2501.611 24' CS PIPE CULVERT 9 LF $46,00 S 4J4,00 $ 2_1 I q.§0 8 2611 12'BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOX 5 EA $2,300.0 $ 11,500.00 5 S 11,500.00 a 2611 16* OUTTERFLY VALVE & BO�, 3 EA $2,960.0 S 8,880.00 2 6 5,920.00 10 2811 6" CATE VALVE & BOX 14 EA $1,250.00 S 17,800.00 14 3 17,600.00. 11 2611 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN I FA $1,610. 0 s imo.00 I S 1610.00 12 2611 HYDRANT 6 EA $3,770.00 $ 5_2 ?80.00 14 S 52,760.00 1 XERMAIN PIPE - HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLI 2611 12- Wk S'689 LF $76,00 S 426,075.00 6.4 S 409,600.00 14 2811 IT WATERMAIN PIPE 46 LF $43.001 1.97000 $ 1,677.00 15 2611 161WATERMAIN PIPE - HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLI 263 LF $116.00 S 38.398.00 270 S 39,420.00 16 26111 WWATERMAIN PIPE 2.462 LF $69.00 S 144.668.00 2.377 6 1:40.24 M.O 17 2011 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE Cl. 52 125 LF ___§3TDQ S 4,625.00. 99 S 3.663.00 48 2611. 4" INSULATION 13 Sy $47.DO S 611.00 13 $ 5�6 . '19 2611 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS 8.731 LBS $3.16 S 27,502.66 10' S 31,609.00 20 2553.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL I LS $1,865.00 S 1,665.00 1.00 S - 1,866.00 21 2564.602 PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIERS 24 EA $160.00 S . 3,040.00 . $ 8,960.00 22 2573.502 SILTFENCE,TY EMACHINESLICED . 3,422 LF $1.65 $ 6.304.10 �660 S,1023.00 23 2573,530 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 2 rA $140.00 S 280.00 Is 24 2576.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CAT 3 1'750 SY �1 S 2,1187.601 1,522.001S 11,002.50 26�_ 2576.605 TURF ESTABLISHMENT i .--- 246.001 2.001 S 2 490 On Total Bid Scliodulo "A" 7" 14411jzlo ITEM NO, 4,2021.501 SPEC. NO, ITEM DE§CRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE _�� CONTRACT MOUNT USEDTO ATE _2__ _L=__ XT�NSION MOBIIJZATION FOR DEEP SEWER, I LS S3,600,00 S 3,600.00 1 S 3,500.00 2 210#.521 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL EXISTING CMP LF �tj 024.00 16 Lo 3 2118.601 AGGREgATE SURFACING CLASS & '168 TON $28.2 6 4,4-10.0_0 12 S 3,192.09. 2663.6011 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS §776. S 776.00 1 S 776.00 6 2673.502 Sill FeNCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED 2000 LF si.56 8 3.1100.00 A80 _�_7�44_00 6 6 2513.530 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION _140.00 S 280.00 - $ 7 k4 _25L5.605 TURF ESTABLISHMENT ACRE $1,245. _Si 867.50 '11 $ 2_1 I q.§0 a 2811 IW GATE VALVE & BOX 3 EA S2,610. S ___7 1��0_00. __1 _.�_7 -.00 0 0 2611 16"BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOX 6 $2,960. S 14,800.00 - 5 S 14,6QD.00 10 '0 2811 6" GATF VALVE & BOX 5 FA _$I 250.09.$ 6,250.00 S 6,�6() 00 I 1 2611 CONNECT TO I EA $1.510.001 s s 1,510.00 12 _EXISTINGWATERMAIN 2611 HYDRANT 6 CA $3,770.()0 S 18,860.00 - 6 s 18'§�J.00 13 2611 jq'DUCTILE I N PIPE OL 52. LF. $40.7 $ .1,826.25 100 _54,876 00 ?611 16" PVC DR 18WATenIAAIIq PIPE 2,490 LF. S59.00 $ 1_46910.00 2,665 S - 151a35.00 �i,l 15 2611 W OUCTILE)ROL! PIEE CL 52 50 _LF 83700 S 1,850.00 52 S 1,924.00 , IRQ1j FITTINGS 201 DUCT&E 4,790 LBS s- .088.5 - A, 2 S - 14239.0 17 2821 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE W� INSIDE DROP 1 $9,000.DD 9.000.00 ___j s 9,000.00 irt ONNrCTT08XIS'ri'4GMAtItiOLr:�NtC RE :� �'L S5660.00 _$650000 i's 5�6 . 19 �_PVC §DR 35 S 202J_JW 78 71, y $60.5 S A _04L S 54.00 Total Work Order 91 SohodQIO Z �11q-40 S:%Mui�icipaMOTSEGO�531\PAYESTIMATFS10TS31 Pt.xlsx PE- 1 PAY ESTIMATE #4 CITY OF OTSEGO KADLER AVENUE WATERMAIN iMENSION PROJECT ITEM No. SPEC. NO. ITEM R8SCRIPT ON ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION �j I INATERMAINWORK AT STATION 53+22 LS Sd,430.6 _s4go."n 3 4,430,50 2 2611 VIATERIMAIN WORKAT STATION A5+94 I LS $2, 26.77 $ 2.126.77 1 S 2.126,71 1 3 1 2611 IWATERMAIN WORK AT $T`ATION 12f7.5 I LS S1.246:621 S 1245.62 1 S 11245.62. 1 4 1 26il JINATERMAIN WORK AT STATION 30+00 1 LS $1.868.00 S 1.868.001 1 S 1�668 00 1 4 1 2011 NWNTERMAIN WORK AT STATION Of5O a 1 501 S 3.645.501 1 5 31645.fin Total Change Or4crfli Schedule Bid Schedule "A" Work Order No. I Schedule Change Order No. I Schedule TOTAL Total Work Completed to Date LESS 1% RETAINAGE LESS PAY ESTIMATE #i LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #3 WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: APPROVAL$. CONTRACTOR: LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Certiffealion by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Till ou- Dale ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDFRSON CertiricationbyEggIffeer: Wejecommeng1l'aymarlt for work and quantities as shown. 12 OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO SAMun!e!paMOTSEGOk63i\PAY ESTIMATESXOT831 PE-XISX I PE -2 762,620,26 $ 742,132.60 $ 262,714.25 _$2�3,21 j..L0 $ 13,216.40 A-13 �21 $ 1,028,460.98 $ 1,008,566,48 $ 10,066,66 293,5p.80 325.708A6 $ 330,769.10 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev.July 2010 CHANGE ORDER Page I of 2 Kadler Avenue Watermain Extension Minn. Proj. N/A 00 No. 1 Proiect Location: Alonq,Kadler Avenue from 70111 Street to 991� Street. Otsego, MN Local Agency: City.of Otsego ;'.Local Project No. 17-06 Contractor: LaTour Construction, Inc. Contract No. Add ress/City/State/Zi p: 2134.County Road 8 NW,, Maple Lake, MN 55358 :Tb.t4l.*Cha!Vq.*"Oro.er"Atilduht$ $13,216,48 .......... . In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorize d and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions: Station 53+22 - Additional work was necessary to lower the watermain below the existing phase 3 power and gas lines at the intersection of Kadler Avenue and 85th Street. This resulted in digging additional depth for the boring pit and a 3.6" hydrant extension, This work was completed as the work progressed and the additional work was estimated at 3.5 hours plus materials. All labor and materials associated with this work shall be paid as Lump Sum. Station 45+94 — Additional work was necessary to set the hydrant at station 45+94 to match the existing ditch elevation. This work was completed as the work progressed and ' the additional work was estimated at 2 hour plus materials. All labor and materials associated with this work shall be paid as Lump Sum. Station 12+76 — A hydrant extension was needed for the hydrant at station 12+75 to match the existing ditch elevation, This work was completed as the work progressed and the additional work was estimated at I hour plus materials. All labor and materials associated with this work shall be paid as Lump Sum. Station 38+00 — Additional workwas necessary to regrade the ditch at station 38+00. This work was completed as the work progressed and the additional work was estimated at 4 hours. All labor and materials associated with this work shall be paid as Lump Sum. Station 80+50 — Additional work was necessary to make the connection to the existing watermain at station 80+50 near the pump house. The connection was approximately 7-8, deeper than expected and a fiber optic line had to be worked around. This work was completed as the work progressed and the additional work was estimated at 4 hours. All labor and materials associated with this work shall be paid as Lump Sum The time and materials for each item described above are note included but were reviewed by the project engineer and are available for review. STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev.July 2010 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 of 2 Estimate'Of Cost., (Inchide any inmeases or deciieases in tonlra& items, anylleboti6ted o'rforce accoahl itep)�.) +or— or— Item No. Description Unit Unit Price Quantity - Amount $ 2611 Watermain work at Station 53+22 LS $4,430.59 1 -$4,430.59 2611 Watermain work -at Station 45+94 LS $2,126.77 1 $2,126.77 2611 Watermain work at Station 12+��* 1 $1,245.62 ------- - --- 2611 Watermain work at Station 38+00 LS J $1,868.00 1 i Watermain work at Station 0+50 and 2611 LS 1 $�,546,50 1 $3,4 54.50 80+50 .......... ....... . . N�t Ch app.e f hange Order No. 1 $13,216.48 Approved by Project Engineer: Phone: Print Name: r,,A 0 F— AJ _&& I — Approved by GontractorA"_' Date: PrintName: 0 Phone: -3do 9�947993 Distribution: Project Engineer (Original), Contraptor (copy). Additional Work Project Nante. Kadler Avenue Watermater Extension Project - Otsego, Minnesota Additional Work No: 1 Date., 07/31/17 To. Brent Larson Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 -Email: TransinittedBy. Jimmy Diedrich Fstimator/ Project Manager Signature Descripfion of Work This additional work addressses the costs for installing an 18 -inch hydrant extension and gate valve intermediate section on the fire hydrant at station 12+75 on the above referenced project. Ifthis additional work is acceptable, please forward a change order and add to the pay estimate for payment. Breakdown ofAddillonal Work, Date., Laborer & Eguipment, Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Foreman W/Truck & Tools HR 1.00 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Laborer/Pipelayer Per Each HR 1.00 $ 98.00, $ 9&C0 Outside Services. $ Materials, IS" Hydrant Extension EA 1.00 $ 789,63 $ 789,63 18" Gate Valve Intermediate Section EA 1.00 $ 238.00 S 238.00 Contract Rein 4 AdditionsWeductions To Contract Vn!( 011andly Unit Price Total S - S - AddiflonvDeducdans To OrIgInut Contract S - $ $ Laborer & Equipment $ 218.00 $ $ SablOutside SerI'm $ $ Af4terials 1,027.62 $ Total AddiflonslDeductions To Original Contract Tolallnerease To ContractAntount 1,245.62 C0 File, LaTour Construction, Inc. 2134 County Road 8 lVW Alople Lake, AIN S5358 (320) 963-5993 Office (320) 963-6017 Fay Additional Work ProjectName. Kad)er Avenue Watermater Extension Project - Otsego, Minnesota Additional Work No: 2 Date., 08/11/17 To: Brent Larson Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue I Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Email: Transmitted By: JimmyDiedrich Estimator / 'ect Man SIgnature: Dwriplion oflYerk This additional work addressses the costs for making the connection at station 80+49 on the above referenced project. We had to work around an existing fiber and crossed under an existing 4" gas main that were not shown on the bid plans. The existing watermain from the pump house was approximately 5'deeper than the directional drilled pipe, so the connection was approximately 15'deep, If this additional work is accep�able, please forward a change order and add to the pay estimate for payment. Breakdown ofA nal Work: Date., Laborer & -Equipment. Quant1tv unit Plice Total — BH35 PC300 Komatus Excavator W/Operator HR 4.00 $ 288.00 A 1,152.00 B1140310 J John Deere Backhoe WIOI,�2rator HR 0.50 S 173.00 S WSO DZ50 650 John Deere Dozer W/Operator HR 1.00 $ 165.00 $ 165.00 Foreman W/Truck & Tools HR 4.00 S 120.00 $ 480.00 Laborer/Pipelayer Per Each HR 13.00 $ 98.00 $ 1,274.00 Outside Services. $ S Materials: Cowracl Itent ff AdditionslVeductlons To Contract unit Otrandiv U1,11 Price Total S AdditionslVedurtiony To Original Contract Laborer & Equipment 3,545.50 $ SublOntside Serpices $ -Materials TotalAddidwislDedtictions To OrIkInalContract Total Increase To Contract Amount 3,545.50 cc, File. Larour Construction, Inc. 2134 CounV Road 8 NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 (320) 963-S993 OffIce (320) 963-6017 Far Additional Work Project Name: Kadler Avenue Waterniater Extension Project - Otsego, Minnesota Additional Work No: 3 To., Brent Larson Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Email: Transmitted By: Jimmy Diedrich Estimator/ Project Manager Signutu -k, J I Description qfJVoTk Its This additional work addressses the Costs for setting the hydrant at station 45+94 because of the existing ditch on the above referenced project. If this additional work is acceptable, please forward a change order and add to the pay estimate for payment, Breakdown ofAdditional Wark Date., Laborer& Equipment. Unit Quantity unit Price Total BIBS PC300 Kornatus Excavator W10perator HR 2.00 $ 288,00 $ 576.00 LD20 962 Cat Loader W/Operator FIR 1.00 S 194.00 S 194,00 Foreman W/Truck & Tools HR 2.00 $ 120.00 $ 240.00 Laborer/Pipelayer Per Each UR 6.00 S 98.00 S 588.00 Outside Services: Materials. - 6" MJ Gasket EA 4.00 $ 3,09 A 12,35 3/4 x 3.5" T -Head B St N Cor Blue EA 24.00 $ 2.41 57.79 6" MJ 45' Bend EA 1 2.00, $ 63.20 126.40 6" PVC Restrainer EA 1 4.001 S 33.70 134.79 6" Foster Adpt EA 1 1.001 $ 197.45 $ 197.45 ContractItent H AdditionslDeductions To Contract unit 01yantity U1111 Price Total $ $ AdditionslDeductions To Original Contract $ Lahvrer & Eqxu�ment S 1,598. $ S.1,10.tshle- Services S - $ Materials $ 528.77 $ $ TotalAdditionslDeductions To Original Contract Total Increase To ContradAmount 2,126.77 CC., P'fle. La Tour Construction, Inc. 2134 CounV Road 8 NW Mapla Lake, MN 553S8 (320) 963-S993 Office (320) 963-6017 Far Additional Work Project Maine. Kadler Avenue Watermater Extension Proiccl -Otse Minnesota Additional Work No: 4 To: Brent Larson Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Froail: Transinfited By: Jimmy Diedrich Estimator I Project Manager Signature, 'Plion offork This additional work addressses the costs for the watermain extra depth to set the drill pit/hydrant and to make the connection at station 53+22 on the above referenced project. If this additional work is acceptable, please forward a change order and add to the pay estimate for payment, Breakdown ofA nal Work: Date: Laborer & Eguipment., —9—mant1tv U1111 Price Total BH35 PC300 Komatus Excavator W10perator HP 3.50 S 288.00 —S 1,008,00 LD20 962 Cat Loader Wf0parator HR 3.50 S 194.00 $ 679-00 Foreman W/Truck & Tools HR US $ 120.00 $ 510.00 Laborer/Pipelayer Per Each FIR 7,75 $ 98.00 $ 759.50 Trench Box/Shoring Per Each HR 3.50, $ 36.00 $ 126.00 Outside Services: Materials: 36" ftdrant Extension EA 1.00 $ I'll .10 $ 1,110.10 24" #60 Screw VLV Box Ext EA 1,00, S 84.02 S 84.02 24" Tyler 6860 Bottom Section FA 1.001 $ 85.92 $ 85.92 14 #58 Screw VLV Box Ext EA 1 1.001$ 68.06 $ 68,06 $ Contract Itein ff AdditlonslDeductions To Contract unit ouando� —Unilpfice Total $ - $ AddiflonODeductiom To Original Contrad S - S - S Laborer & EquIpment S 3,082.50 S - IYUM)"IsIde lyervic� S - $ - Afaterials 1,348.09 S S TotalA diffilonslDeductions To Original Contract Foral Increase To Caftfract Amount S 4,430.59 cc, File: La Tour Construction, lnc� 2134 County Road 8 NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 (3 2 0) 9 43,59 93 Office (32 0) 9 63- 6017 F fLr Additional Work Project Name: KadleT Avenue Watermater Extension Project - Otsego, Minnesota Additional Work No: 5 Date: 080-3/17 To.- BrenfLarson Hakan son Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 EmaiF Transmitted By; Jininty Diedrich EstimatorAroject Man sigualu Description of Worh This additional work addressses the costs for grading the ditch at approximately station 38+00 on the above referenced project. If this additional work is acceptable, please forward a change order and add to the pay estimate for payment. Breakdown otrAdditional Work: Date: laborer & Equipment. Unit Quinift unit Price Total BH55 E55 Excavator W/Operator HR 4,00 $ 174.00 $ 696.00 BC40 Bobcat T870 W/Operator HP 4.00 S 165.00 $ 660.00 Foreman Wfrruck & Tools HR 1.00 S 120.00 $ 120.00 Laborcr/Pipelayer Per Each HR 4.00 S 98.00 $ 392.00 Outside Services. I Materials: Contract Beat I/ AdditionslDeductions To Contract Valt 0114111UP Vult Price Total $ S - AddifiamilDeductions To Original Contract $ Laborer & Equipment S 1,868.00 Subfflmrside.Tervic" 111aterials TotalAddiflonslDedu'llons To Original Contract $ I Tofat Increase To Contrart A mourd 1,868.00 CC. - File: LaTour Construction, Inc. 2134 County Road 8 NW Maple Lake, UN5S358 (320) 963-5993 Office (320) 9634017 Fav