ITEM 3.3A Repair of various buildings� Request for CITY OF �°O City Council Action. Ot§eMINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION .ry::__�__.�.n_.:_.__�.:.:_vww�_�._._:.�_:_....::...:...:.:.:..:......:......:....:w...:..n.:..__:__.._.:._._:..:_:__.:�..____.__:._:_::___:_:.__:_:__n__:__..n..:..w_:._::...::___:__.....�ry...___.ry.._._.._..nn.___..__�__....__._.ry_.n_..__.n 0Rl ll,# Tlhl DE Af T[ IENT: F E UE T R: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 12,, 2013 PRESENTER{s}: REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.3A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff Recomrnends final payme nt In the amount o $3 1,652.07 for the Repair ofVarlous Buildings. Payment ent is to Erickson Builders. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT?IS A PUBLIC HEARING RE UIRED' BACK ROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: Erickson Builders has completed the project and the City Building Department has completed inspections of all work. Insurance should corer $211,116,74. The remaining $78,347.60 is still pending discussions or actions against Stantec. SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTS: M ATTACHED ❑ NONE Final Payment (Pay Estimate f o.5 POSSIBLE MOTION -...w ............. -.......ry_v.....:...M:............:..........v....._..._............_......_....._............v.........._...._..............__..v........ - - n.�. - _.. -........Y -......._.._.....__._..._..........n..n...._._...__.._._..._......_.._.w........_....._...._._._.._.._.......v_._._..._v:......__.._......._......_.._..__.._....._....._..._....._............_..........._._ _. Please Ivor Motion s ro w- uu d like it t appear I the m1 6tes. Motion to approve payment to Erickson Builders in the amount of $31,652.07 for the Repair of Various Buildings. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: LMC Insurance Sewer Fund Iter Fuad 13UD ETED: 0 YES o No ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED lIE[ o TABLED ci OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: FINAL_ PAYMENT CONTRACTOR CITY OF OTSEGO Repair Various City Buildings July 18, 2013 Honorable Magor& City Council City of Otsego 5899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, IN 55330 E Repair City Buildings Contractor: Erickson Buildiers and Co., Inc. Contract Amount: $261,318.00 Award Date: November 14, 2012 Completion Date: June 1, 2013 Dear Honorable Mayor and (: oundl Members: The follovAng work has been completed on the above -referenced project by Erickson Builders and Co., Inc. Bid Schedule "A" - Insurance Items ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRIDE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO I DATE EXTENSION 1 Past Ulower HulldIng 1 LUMP SUM $12,390.00 12,390.00 1 $ 'i 390.00 2 East GBT Building 1 LUMPSUM $19,305.00 19,305.00 1 $ 19,305.00 East Control 1 LUMP UM $27,168.00 $ 27,168.04 1 $ 27,165.00 4 East PrelreatmenVDls1nfectantAlll BuIWIng 1 LUMP SUM $18,541.00 $ 13,841.00 1 13,541.00 $ 13,460.00 Bast Chemical SuIlding 1 LUMP SUM $9,039.00 $ 9,039.00 1 8,039.00 6 West Pretreatment BuildinR I LUMP SUM $23,365.00 $ 23,365.00 1 $ 23,305.04 7 West Control BuUdlng 1 LUMP SUM $31 4'18.04 $ 31,418.00 1 31,418.00 8 Pest LSV BuildIng 1 LUMP SUPA $16,001.00 $ 16,001.00 1 $ 16,001.00 9 Vlr st Blower Building 1 LUMP SUIS $16,848.00 $ 14 848,04 1 $ 16,648,00 10 " st WeII # 4 Pump House 3 1 1 LUMP SUM 1 $16,435.001$ 14,435.00 1 $ 16,435 m Total Bid Schedule "AIT i85,3i9a06 185,310.00 Bid Schedule II&T - Roof Issues ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT ACT =UNINTTPFRI CONTRACTAMOU T USED T EXTENSION ITEM l]I~fIP`ICNl1Afi TITY UGIT C E CITRAT A144Ct11V' DAT E ETE11SECiV "past UV Building, roof SheathinglShIngle Roof System Dern otitlon and Neer S h ea th I nglSh Ing I e Roof Systern 11 Ra lar rnnt 1 LUMP SUM $13,450.00 $ 13,450.00 1 $ 13,460.00 West Pretreatment Building Roof Sheathing/Shingle Roof Sy.stem Demolition and Now Sheathing Shingle Roof 12 System Replacement 1 LUMP SUM $14,416.00 $ 14,816.00 1 14,816.04 2 West Control Building Roof Sheathing/Shingle Roof 1 1 LUMP SUM $23.501$ 23.E System Dernori lon and New SheathinglShingle Roof 13 System Replacement 1 LUMP SUM $23,842,00 $ 23,842,00 1 23,842.00 Vest Blower Bulld€ng Roof Sheathingl5hingle Roof System Duro€itlon and Nffiv SheathlaWShingte Roof 14stern a lacement 1 LUMP SUM $20 B04.U4 $ 20,604.00 1 $ 20,604.00 15 East Well # 2 Pump House 1 I LUMP SUM $3,296.001$ 3298.00 1 $ 3,294,00 Total Bid Schedule "B"' 76,008.80 76,068.00 Bid Schedule "C" -Alternate to Schedule B Us [no Scot l enairs ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNITPRICE CONTRACTAMOU T USED T DATE EXTENSION U-1 rota) Cost per 8 F to Include rnate dal s, [abor, overhead and profit for removal of and disposal of deteriorated wood roof deck and replace with neer deck 1 LUMPSUM $3.60 $ 5.60 $ - U-2 Total Cask per SF to include materials, labor, overhead and profit for removal of and d€sposal of deteriorated v=d roof deck and replace v4th new deck 2 1 1 LUMP SUM $23.501$ 23.E Tota IBid Schedule" " $ T901.2013 - PE - Re Various City BuiIdings.>ds PE - I FINAL PAYMENT CITY OF OTSEGO Repair Various City Buildings Change Order No. 1 CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTkACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 Gutter and E>mvnspouts-West Pump House 130 LF $10.00 $ 1 a00,00 130,00 1,300.00 2 10° Prol`itand Overhead - West Pump House 1 L $130.04 $ 130.00 1 130,00 3 Bond Cost � - West Pump House 3 1 IL $20.0 $ 20.60 1 $ 28.$0 4 Bu i1d] ng Per itts - 7551 Lancaster Ave. * 1 L $1,666.74 $ 1,656.74 1 $ 1,655.74 5 Building Permitt - 5850 Randolph h Ave. # 1 LS $1,020.00 $ 1,020.00 1 $ 1,020.00 Change Order No. 1 $ 4,134.34 $ 4,134.34 *Change Order Insurance Item Change Order No. ITEM NO. I ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION SION 1 Re rotten vtood near bottom sill on Westside of the Eat GBT Building (see attached Ictures 1 L $364.00 $ 380.00 1 $ 360.00 2 Add house wap to the North and Wast side of the Bast CBT Building see attached lure 1 L $425.00 $ 425.00 1 $ 425.00 3 Overhead and Profit 105 1 LS $79.00 $ 70.00 1 $ 70.00 4 Bonding 2% 1 L $17.00 $ 17.40 1 $ 17.00 Change Order No. 881.00 881.00 Charge Order No. 3 - Insurance Items ITEM I ESTIMATED CONTRACT Bid Schedule "B" USED TQ 76,006.00 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION I QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT DTE EXTENSION West UV Building (RP -10 ) Replace q Change Order N0. 81,00 all sldIng on tha west elevation (2 70 s q. ft.) 23Q ,131,00 � 23,13140 TOTAL 1 Do not replace sIdIng on the north elevation 90 s . ft. 1 LS $4,750.00 4,750.0D 1 $ 4,750.00 LESS Pay Estimate ##1 We 131mver Building (RP -110) Replace $ 240319.28 LESS Pay Estimate #2 $ all slding on the west elevatlon (124 sq, ft.) LESS Pair EsUrnate # _ ..................__._._..._.........877...._ LESS Pay Estimate 4 2 Do not reg I ace, skilnga lite north elevatia # LS $4,410.00 4,410.00 1 $ 4,410.00 best Pretreatment Building (RP -107) 0T901-2013 - PE - Repair parlous City Building s. yJs PE - 2 Replace all sldIng on the west elevation (1236 sq. ft.} 3 Do not replace sidiri en the north elevation 1 L $10,416.00 10,416.00 1 $ 10,416.00 We Control BOld ing (RP -108 Replace all s#ding on the west elevaVon (373 sq. ft. 4 Do not replace sidin 9 on the north elevation 310 scl. ft. 1 LS $0.00 $ - 1 $ - 5 Project Management 16 HR $85.00 1,040.00 16 1,040.04 6 Overhead and Profit 10° 1 LS $2,062.00 2,062.00 1 $ 2,062.00 7 jBonding (20,G)1 LS $454.00 $ 464.00 1 $ 454.00 Change Order No. 3 $ 23,131.00 23,'131.00 Bid Schedule "A" $ 185,3' 0.00 186,310.00 Bid Schedule "B" 76,006.00 7,06.10 Bid Schedule "C" _g s Lange Order No. 1 g 41134.3441134.34 q Change Order N0. 81,00 Change881.09 Order o, S 23Q ,131,00 � 23,13140 TOTAL 288,464.34 289,484.34 Total Work Completed to Date 2893464.34 LESS Pay Estimate ##1 $ 240319.28 LESS Pay Estimate #2 $ 43$246.37 LESS Pair EsUrnate # _ ..................__._._..._.........877...._ LESS Pay Estimate 4 10215U.6 111E RECOMMEND FINAL PAYMENT F: 31,652.07 0T901-2013 - PE - Repair parlous City Building s. yJs PE - 2 FINAL PAYMENT CONTRACTOR CITY OF OTSEGO Fair Various City Buildings Mease verify the amount of previous payments, and the rec 1pt of the folloviing items prior to making payment. 1. C erUflcate of claim s payment (lien %valver), . Affidavit of payment of States takes (NIN State TAX poor IC 134), . Letter of consent from surety firm, APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: : E t KSON BUI LDERS ASID C 0, INC. Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date ENGINEER: H KANSON ANDERSON Certification by Engineer: We recommend final payment for work and quantities a s shown. Signed: Title: Daae OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date FSR IT`:.PtJFEiL::::::° ::: :`: ......................_....._........................................................................... ... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :.................:................:.:....:.....................:..............:.................:............:....................................... _......:.....:...._.............:....:.......................:..:......................................:................ .. ........ ......:.....:. n ............................................... n: ...::::.:.. :.:..::..:: Total Lea i,e o l� n t liks �� ��a�n i 1 'i'I .�'� :..:::.:::.:..:..::::..:....: T901-2013 - PE - Repair Vadous City Buildings.xis PE