ITEM 3.3B 2013 Street MaintenanceRequest for ot CITY 90OF City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION RI lA 'i#�1 DI=PAf Tf E T: 1 I; 1J T : MEETING DATE=:.-....-.. Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 12, 2013 PI M NTBI (s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Consent Agenda City Administrator Jons n 3.3 B AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION, City Staff Recommends approval of Charge order No. 1 in the amount of $914.85 for striping of Great River Center and approval of payment in the amount of $463,750.52 for the 2013 Street Maintenance Project to Pearson Brothers. ARE YOU SEEKINGAPPROVAL of A ONT A T IS A PUBLIC HFARING REQUIRED? o BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Pearson Brother has completed all of the seal coating and most of the fog seal. Some fog seal was delayed to allow hone construction to finish. Home construction in sor a areas was causing marring of the new seal coat. The fog seal will cover this. Change Order No. I is actually to finish striping in Great River Center and is paid by the Developer of Great river Center as part of the completion of the street project. It was added to the striping of this project to save on mobilization and use the pricing of this larger project. We expect this project to be under the bid price due to more recycled aggregate available. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: N A17A HED p NONE Pay Estimate No. Change order N. 1 POSSIBLE MOTION n ..-...ry.._._-n... w..-....--.- ....... -............................ ................ lease word motion as you would life it to appear In the minutes. Motion to approve Change order No.1 and approve payment to Pearson Brothers in the amount of $463,750.52 for the 2013 Street Maintenance Project. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: o YES 1 -Pavement Management Fund NO ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DEFIED o TAS LED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: PAY ESTIMATE #1 CITY OF OTSEGO 2013 Street Maintigimice Project City Pro) e t # 13-01 July 22, 2013 Honorable Mayor & City Coursell City of Otsego 6899 Nashua Avenue N E Otsego, MN 66336 FSE: 2013 Street Maintenance Protect Contractor: Pearson Bros., 1ne. Contract Arnount& $837,271.00 Award tate: June 3, 2013 oniplation Date: Ju ly 31 t 2013 Dear Honorable Mayor and Counoll Members: : The to] loviing work Inas been cornpfeted on the move -referenced pre;eot by Pearson Bros, 1r , RIri j-hcxrljIYea TI A« - Frei nnel QonI Promf Contractor ITEM NO. ITEIdDES FIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRA TAMOUNT USED T DATE EXTENSION EXTENSION 2366.606 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL COAT (CRS -2P) 8,20O GAL $2,99 263p718.00 87,177 2,180 208 659,23 2359.606 BITt.IM1NOUS MATERIAL L FOR FOG SEAL - CSS -4H 43#550 GAL $0,29 12,629,50 LF 2582,592 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT 2356.800 SEAL COAT AGGREGATE FA -2 239,050 SY $0,73 S 1174j508.60 164,653 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 129123.69 2356.00D RECYCLED YCLED SEAL COATAGGREGATE FA- 144,400 SY $0.481$ 69,312.00 1 223,699 66 000 _ 107,376.62 Total Dict Schedule "A" $ 520,166.00 $ 488,1 8.44 pfd Ar.11arl3Ito f'pt, I . igfOn[in " ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM DESCRIPTION I ESTH ATED CIUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT U ED T UNIT PICE CONTRACT AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 12682.601 8 PAVEMENT 1BNT I iF E Al PAINT 77 232.00 .T 41 D UBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT 2,180 2882,502 " DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT 1 27,100 LF 9,14 794.09 - LF 2582,592 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT 'I,920 LF $0.07 134,40 - 4 2682,50 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 9,400 LF $0.87 658.00 682.602 " SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 66 000 LF $0.08 $ 5,280.00 - S 2582,502 "BROKE LIME WHITE - PAINT 230 LF $0,08 18.40 .. 7 2682,502 W SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 590 LF $1.60 944,00 .. 8 2582,502 24" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 351 LF $3,20 1,123.20 - 9 2582.502 "a SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 60 LF $3,20 192.00 - 10 2582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING ' 6' BL00 - PAINT 1,080 SF $1.60 $ 00 11 2563.601 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL I LS $1,000.001 000.00 - Total E311ct Schedule 11B,r 17j05.00 - C`_i,ttinnn nrrlorA4 ITER NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT USED T UNIT PRICE OONTRAOTAMCUNT DATE I EXTENSION 2562.601 PAVEMENT MESSAGE ARI - PAINT 8 EACH $29,00 232.00 2682.602 41 D UBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT 2,180 LF $0.14 $ 308,29 - 3 2 82x602 4" SOLID LIME WHITE �- PAINT 6120 LF $0.07 58.40 4 2582.602 4;' B RO TER LINE WHITE - PAINT 275 LF $0.07 S 19.26 Total Change Order #i Bld Schedule" „ Bld Schedule "B" Change Order #11 TOTAL ALL SID SCHEDULES TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE LESS % RETAINAGE: WE RECOMMEND PAYM NT F. ;VAun1c1paM0T E 0\387 (Food Malntenance)=131Pay EsOmatesl PE - I OT387 P 914.85 6201166.00 $ 17,106.00 $ 914.85 638086.86 8815 .44 488.,1 844 4889158.44 $ 243407.92 463,750.52 PAY ESTIMATE #1 Contractor CITY OF OTSEGO 2013 Street MabitenanGe Project City Project It 13.01 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: PEARSON BROS., INC. Certification by Contr otor• I ify that all items and amounts are correct for the wofk eonip!eted to date, Igned: &0.9 �� Tale. Date ENGINEER: HAt A lS N ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. emir tion b 91neer: 11` tern mend payment for work and quantities as shown. Signed; Title: [date pF;) OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Ttt�e: [date Mlu n1elp aPAOTS EG M3 07 (Road M aintan ance)U01TPa E s Vmatesl OT387P �- O)OT TP -2460-0112-1 0 SHEET I OF 1 SHEETS State of Milmesota - Departmeiit of Transportation CHANGE ORDER # 1 Contractor: Pearson Brothers tic State Aid Project No,: N/A Address: 11079 Lamont Avenue NE City Project No.: N/A Hanover, MN 55341 Project esc.: 2013 Street Maintenance Project Locative: 51" Street & Quaday Avenue In acc ordancc with the terms of t1ic s Contract, you are Icer by authorized and instructed to perform the Woark a s altered by theoIIowiiig pro visio»s. Add striping (paint) along the newly paved 85th Street acid Quaday Avenue in the Great River Centre subdivision. Item No. Spec,, o. Descriptions Unit Unit Pelee Add ualitl moon 1 �' 2582,501 1 Pavement Message(Arrow) `-` int Paint EACH $29.00 8 $232.00 2582.502 " Double Solid Lino Yellow — Paint L 0.1 21180 $305.20 3 2582.502 4 " Solid Line Whit ---- Pakit LF $0,07 53120 $358-40 2582.502 "' Broken Line White --- Panit LF $0.07 275 $19.25 Total Amount Deducted fiom the Contract $914,85 Signature Date Prof tlIgin - porvi or . ,t 7la22113 Contractor thori I Rep. e�itativc *Local Agcf-o "Consultant Contract Administrator Required uire if work nid d wholly or in pail by a Local Agency Reconunendation for Approval Original to Project File Copy to Contractor, on ti -Lection and Innovative ontractin submit with Final Cop} to Local Agency and MN/SOT Municipal Agreement Unit if Funded wholly r in part by Local Agency Funds