ITEM 5.1 Resolution 17-100, 101, 102Ot�TY.F 0 MINNFSOT�g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Administrator / Finance Director Flaherty December 11, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty The City Council and staff began the budgeting process back in May, and have met in nine work session 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the City Council approve the attached resolutions: 1) Adopting the 2018 Annual Operating Budgets 2) Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2018 3) Adopting the 2018-2027 Capital Improvement Plan ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes — December 11, 2017 BACKG ROU ND/J USTI FICATI ON: The City Council and staff began the budgeting process back in May, and have met in nine work session settings in preparation and review of the operating budgets, property tax levy, and capital improvement plan. The proposed General fund budget is a balanced budget, with expenditures totaling $5,378,034. When compared with 2017, this is an increase of 6%. These expenditures are funded with property taxes being the primary source of revenue, which accounts for 74% of all revenues. The Public Utility budgets include the Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water funds. The primary sources of revenues for these funds are from charges for services to customers of the public utilities. The expenses are comprehensive, and include operating expenses, depreciation, capital outlay, debt service and interfund transfers. The utility funds have cash flow projections which are monitored and updated multiple times per year. The proposed utility fund budgets are not balanced budgets for 2018, as the cash flow projections have identified that using reserves is warranted. The rates for those charges have been analyzed, and current recommendations for increases have been included in the budgets. The respective rates will be analyzed further when the end of the year financial information is available. Staff will make a final recommendation to the Council for the 2018 rates sometime in February, with any rate changes becoming effective with the March billing. The Debt Service Funds budget includes revenues and expenditures for each of the City's seven outstanding bond issues. The primary sources of revenues include property taxes, special assessments and utility availability/connection charges. These revenues along with fund balance will repay the principal and interest on the respective bond issues. The Special Revenue Funds budget includes activity for the City's Economic Development Revolving and Tax Increment District #1 Funds. The expenditures within these funds are for tax abatement agreements and TIF pay -as -you go note agreements, respectively. These expenditures are funded through a property tax levy and tax increments, respectively. The proposed property tax levy accounts for General fund revenues, Capital fund reserves, Debt Service repayments and Tax Abatements. The total proposed levy is $6,103,302. The most recent information available from Wright County shows the City's tax capacity increased to a total of $16,699,855 (12% from 2017). All of this calculates to an estimated City tax rate of 36.547, which is down (3.45%) from the prior year rate of 37.852. In the end, this means that any increase in the City's portion of property taxes is driven by that respective properties increase in market value. The proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) covers the years of 2018-2027. A summary of the CIP is included and is organized by funding source. Inclusion of an item within the CIP does not commit final approval by the City Council, rather it directs staff to plan towards and gather necessary information for an educated final approval on each respective item. Each individual item is planned, researched and brought back to City Council for final approval when the respective item is ready to move forward. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I Resolution 2017-100: Adopting the 2018 Annual Operating Budgets o Budget Summaries: General, Public Utility, Debt Service & Special Revenue Funds Resolution 2017-101 Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2018 o Tax Levy Calculations Resolution 2017-102: Adopting the 2018-2027 Capital Improvement Plan o Projects by Funding Source Summary POSSIBLE MOTION [PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: 1 3 Separate Motions Needed -Motion to approve Resolution 2017-100, Adopting the 2018 Annual Operating Budgets. -Motion to approve Resolution 2017-101, Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2018. -Motion to approve Resolution 2017-102, Adopting the 2018-2027 Capital Improvement Plan BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF NMGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2017-100 ADOPTING TBE 2018 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS VVIIEREAS, the Otsego City Council has on December 11, 2017, held a public meeting to allow for public comment before adopting a final budget and certifying a final property tax levy; and WMREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the proposed General, Public Utility, Debt Service and Special Revenue fund budgets and has determined the budget is adequate to fund the respective fund operations for the year 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the General fund for 2018 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $3,981,581 Cable Franchise Fees 136,000 Licenses and Permits 876,238 Intergovernmental 58,800 Charges for Services 111,575 Nfiscellancous 213,840 Total Revenues $5,378,034 Expenditures General Government $1,310,816 Public Safety 2,132,164 Public Works 1,204,155 Parks and Recreation 615,039 Economic Development 115,860 Total Expenditures $5,378,034 Pi H That the following revenues and expenses (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Public Utility funds for 2018 as follows: Revenues Operating $3,189,177 Non -Operating 210,157 Total Revenues Expenses Operating $1,639,326 Capital Outlay 1,253,258 Depreciation 1,555,000 Debt Service 260,610 Transfers to Other Funds 207,840 Total Expenses That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Debt Service funds for 2018 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $655,000 Special Assessments 395,603 Utility Availability & Connection Charges 1,796,750 Transfers from Other Funds 308,610 Total Revenues $3,155,963 Expenditures Principal $3,290,000 Interest, Fiscal Agent Fee's & Amortizations 993,454 Total Expenditures $4,283,454 That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Special Revenue funds for 2018 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $16,llQ5 Total Revenues $161,105 Expenditures Services & Other Charges $108 �548 Total Expenditures $108,548 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this I Ith day of December, 2017. MOTION made by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: F.'Vlj 14 bW CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member City of Otsego General Fund Budget - 2018 Budget Changes Tracking Total Expenditures - Draft Budget Binder (July 24th) $ 5,227,751 Prairie Center (50) Fire Alarm System - Testing & Inspection Maintenance 400 City Hall / Public Works Building (50) Fire Alarm System - Testing & Inspection Maintenance 600 Police Services (650) Increase Contract from 40 to 44 Hours Daily 105,120 Building Inspections (240) Increase Contract Rate from $50 to $62.50 37,650 Street Lights Add Electricity Costs from Above Standard District 10,000 Economic Development 985 Decrease of Memberships & Dues (500) Total Expenditures - Preliminary Budget (August 28th) 5,381,021 MMLIA Safety Training Contract Finalized City Administrator (50) Administration (50) Finance (50) Building Inspections (50) Streets (650) Fleet Management (50) Park Maintenance (240) Recreation (100) LIVICIT Liability Insurance Finalized City Council (1,434) City Administrator 985 Administration (380) Finance (197) Prairie Center (86) City Hall & Public Works Building (31) Building Inspections 96 Streets 574 Park Maintenance (1,359) Recreation 85 Total Expenditures - Final Budget (December 11th) 5,378,034 U:\Budget\2018\General Fund\V3.0 - 2018 FINAL BUDGETS INPUT ocity of Otsego General Fund Budget - 2018 Requested Budget Revenue & Expenditure Summary Description Revenues Taxes Cable Franchise Fees Ucenses & Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Special Assessments Fines & Forfeitures Investment Interest Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers Subtotal Requested Preliminary Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Budget 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 $ 3,315,453 $ 3,494,664 $ 2,018,224 $ 3,763,2.73 $ 3,831,298 $ 3,984,568 128,722 131,229 100,691 132,000 136,000 136,000 1,179,136 1,661,565 1,142,869 788,900 876,238 876,238 195,363 69,567 67,670 56,800 58,800 58,800 174,6S9 286,577 266,419 105,550 111,575 111,575 3,540 4,179 4,117 - - - 11,998 16,223 14,914 6,000 12,000 12,000 14,410 20,221 276,944 33,000 42,000 42,000 39,251 43,508 13,790 - - 460,212 122,276 136,75S 155,042 155,042 IS9,840 159,840 5,184,807 5,864,487 4,060,679 5,040,565 5,227s751 5,381,021 Final Budget Revision 2018 Amounts $ 3,981,581 (2,987) 136,000 876,238 58,800 111,575 12,000 42,000 159,840 5,378,034 (2,987) Expenditures General Government 1,150,132 1,240,002 977,321 1,334,349 1,311,109 1,312,109 1,310,816 (1,293) PublicSafety 1,666,S11 1,829,288 1,679,321 1,87S,138 1,989,348 2,132,118 2,132,164 46 PublicWorks 1,034,525 1,010,623 971,125 1,136,728 1,194,281 1,204,281 1,204,155 (126) Culture & Recreation 477,444 534,123 538,420 584,490 616,653 616,6S3 615,039 (1,614) Economic Development 96,211 98,326 91,752 109,860 116,360 11S,860 11S,860 Interfund Transfers 1,289,914 460,212 1,074,567 - - - - Subtotal 5,714,737 5,172,573 S,332,50S 5,040,S65 5,227,751 5,381,021 5,378,034 (2,987) Net Change In Fund Balance $ (529,930) $ 691,914 $ (1,271,827) $ (0) $ - $ (1) $ (1) $ City of Otsego Public Utility Fund Budget - 2018 Revenue & Expenditure Summary Revenues Operating Non -Operating Description Subtotal Expenditures Personal Services Supplies Services & Other Charges Capital Outlay Depreciation Debt Service Interfund Transfers Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 $ 2,607,024 $ 2,731,234 $ 2,905,509 $ 2,824,426 $ 3,189,177 273,236 1,626,552 244,817 196,588 210,157 2,880,260 4,357,786 3,150,326 3,021,014 3,399,334 271,163 361,553 342,690 378,061 422,480 273,485 335,076 309,543 399,689 405,267 840,165 1,133,561 751,480 1,046,839 811,579 (84,737) (301,906) 1,504,663 1,993,015 1,253,258 1,319,533 1,345,404 - 1,458,000 1,555,000 - - - 200,000 260,610 284,586 186,755 204,042 209,042 207,840 2,904,194 3,060,442 3,112,419 5,684,646 4,916,034 (23,934) $ 1,297,344 $ 37,907 $ (2,663,632) $ (1,516,700) 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Ij Expenditures I]Revenues City of Otsego Debt Service Fund Budget - 2018 Revenue & Expenditure Summary Description Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 Revenues - 90,923 - - Taxes $ 610,000 $ 640,000 $ 327,500 $ 655,000 $ 655,000 Special Assessments 539,160 738,545 538,563 438,681 39S,603 Utility Availability+ Connection Charges 1,760,425 3,368,222 3,147,090 1,726,000 1,796,750 Investment Interest (net) 47,219 75,926 - - - Interfund Transfers 154,000 51,120 51,008 49,000 308,610 Subtotal 3,110,804 4,873,813 4,064,161 2,868,681 3,155,963 Expenditures Capital Outlay - 90,923 - - Principal 1,130,GOO 1,210,000 3,160,000 3,160,000 3,290,000 Interest 1,263,180 1,236,275 1,172,858 1,172,859 1,067,586 Fiscal Agent Fee's 4,630 4,975 2,475 4,750 4,750 Debt Service Amortizations (78,882) (78,881) - (78,882) (78,882) Transfers Out - - 149,234 - - Subtotal 2,318,928 2,372,369 4,575,490 4,258,727 4,283,454 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over (Under) Expenditures $ 791,877 $ 2,501,444 $ (511,329) $ (1,390,046) $ (1,127,491) City of Otsego Special Revenue Fund Budget - 2017 Revenue & Expenditure Summary Description Revenues Taxes Charges for Services Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Subtotal Expenditures Services & Other Charges Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over (Under) Expenditures Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 23,000 $ 88,814 $ 40,693 $ 81,385 $ 161,105 27,006 12,401 60,778 10,000 - 2,333 3,188 - - 26,371 - - - - 78,710 104,403 101,471 91,385 161,105 59,060 107,535 49,956 91,385 108,548 59,060 107,535 49,956 91,385 108,548 19,651 $ (3,132) $ 51,514 $ - $ 52,557 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2017-101 SETTING A FINAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 2018 WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has on December 11, 2017, held a public meeting to allow for public comment before adopting a final budget and certifying a final property tax levy; and V*IHEREAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State Statute to establish a final property tax levy for taxes payable in 2018 by December 28, 2017 and certify the final property tax levy to the Wright County Auditor; and NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That a tax is hereby levied for collection in 2018 upon all taxable properties in the City of Otsego for the purpose and sums as follows: General Revenue $5,382,756 Tax Abatement 65,546 GO Improvement Bonds, 201 OB 440,000 GO Improvement Bonds, 201 OD 107,701 GO Improvement Bonds, 201 IA 107,299 Total Tax Levy ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this I I th day of December, 2017. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk MOTION made by Council Member and SECONDED by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: E E aR u Ln m 7 7 c� m cD oD & r4 r-4 u c) In (D -t C) w le L6 w lo G� o m o c� c) CD m Oo w C) n C) 00 C) m k6 I -z w 00 Ln m 6 00 14 00 0 0 cl� u o x 0 C, > C4 m u 0. a. 0 C) C3 .7 —A C) 0 cn C3 - MR -M � Ln o ,-f Ln Ln . c) w o w " n m m w 14 m CD (D C3 0 � 0 C3 0 n w ID C) C) C) -*OMOOonm C3 C� C� 0 ci C, ccilrd 7 C; C; C3 m c 0 0 C) C3 c " CC' � (8 C) CC, :� C� S C3 - MR -M � Ln o ,-f Ln Ln . c) w o w " n m m w 14 m g < 2 1� E 7 -rj 2 x Cj .7 c 0 0 oo —c) 7 c) o � o o o (n c� c� �* o Ln � o cD cl c� c� c� ci ci Ci mi m c) -zr r, m LQ I! m C� -zr , oq 't li� Iq G� c. o o c, o c:> m o o �oLn0000 cl o N C� c� c� Lq r��, ll� c� Lti c� 6 � w d w - N Ln T p m -* Ln w � co w m n C) C) c3 c3 c) n n o o o c) C) c. c3 c3 cD to c) c) c) c) o o m c) cq c3 c3 o r4 � m L6d L6 Lf� ks lf� Lr� d L6 6 r-:, FJ m Ln m m Ln " w c� ol m 2 c:l oo cn r, I o w c3 c) o o C, n c) o n o o c3 RRo o 23 Ln Z3 m 5 n ot " q m q c3 -zr Ln Ln m L'� oc� -�p 6 L6 N -4 04 't lo m m N w c:l c:l o c3 c3 o o c3 8 q R S R cD c) o R ci� c� c) � o o o . c3 o o o m c) ff; L6 tf� o6 c3 w Ij c -I " w Ln n F4 r4l o o i2 L� u in E E a co bb A E E �j c) 0 ai C) C) 4� w cr Q. > w cu P �m ul u, u 0 w x z 0 u 00 to tn C3 Ln co ,q 0,� 11 m (n 14 0 cn H t ll� W w ;7 w Ln 0 m 00 ll� O� 0 cn Ln to Ln M 14 p '0 Ln w Ln in C) 00 14 m Ci 't Ln m .0 Ln Ci a 0 00 co 11 U, R. o F- Q. 0 x Ln 16 m r -i Ln Oq N G) C. w d) x t; cu c r- Z4 ir C, 13� a: u 0 -E Z m g < 2 E 0 -rj 2 x Cj m o w 0 0 oo 03 0 10 (n g -4, g 0) 't Oq r,� q t,a cp C3 L) r, 0 Ln in q m 00 w x 16 ai Ld a; m In (D m cq rl: q m 0 u m C) o) m m m m 0 z r4 (n cn m m Ln rl w cq Lq 10 m . r, (A 6 ai M en M rn C4 (U CD w -4 OC (3� 0) Cl �zt W X r, 01 M 0) m M CO H r4 0 i�� t; ba c x < 0 0 0 0 0 tJ In In w -mLl -0 o c-, -E 0 o z 00 'i 0 IVI 00 m n -;r q 't 'R 'R C, 13� to m to r- N (A m m u u 0 17, "1 m ol m o w co oo c3 m LQ I! m C� -zr , oq 't li� Iq G� bn ol m m m u u m Ln c) m N Ln T Sa w x o N E 14 c) c� ol m 2 c:l oo cn r, I o w o6 a� p6 c3 It c3 E o > t; t o o i2 L� u in u u 4� —o go o ,u x x =� 2 o 9 �m- L." 'o 00 'i 0 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2017-102 ADOPTING THE 2018-2027 CAPITAL MPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has determined it is fiscally responsible and necessary to develop a capital improvement plan that identifies items that may require significant capital investment; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the details and estimated cost of each item included within the capital improvement plan; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has identified probable funding sources for each item included within the capital improvement plan; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of an item within the capital improvement plan does not commit final approval for each respective item, rather each item will be presented to the Otsego City Council with final expenditure amounts and a detailed funding plan to gain final approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, NHNNESOTA: That the 2018-2027 Capital Improvement Plan, as set forth in summary, attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution is adopted. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 1 Ith day of December, 2017. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk MOTION made by Council Member and SECONDED by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: PA 0 b-0 4) 00 0 o u 1�13 cn Z�; M L� " 'ZI Z; C:�, t- 00 C0,04 CO m M co 0) Q " - C14 - W� C, co 0� -It C\l m 00 0� Ld .6 �S �; q cd N g g -6 wi- (�T 0 C14 L� Lo co c� cm c\t cN vL -o 0) m cN cz� co co c1l "I c1ci X: Ici c,4 cq co I-- W Lo -.41 cli m IcL 1— cl) clj -c� -Ir co to oc� cFi c14 oo c\L �t co o u,� cv) 4- c'! Lq cq o6 m w) Lo clj C4, m 00 clj ai m m A 43 J. J2 T -!2 —w —m —w �6 d, 41 Lu P7 III-: Q�� co w 1� c� 14 -3 w c� co cL a) t:. < o A o rh U) 2 o w o. :E3 m 'ca C? "a) :� ;r 'o (? c\A c\l a) — 11) is t3 :9 T3 13 13 wc mc .g B w w w o -,Z- o Q o' o a) o o- o2 o o, . 'a W o o 'D o u 3 o Q F. o Q ca Ilf AT W, c ) W, a) w W w 4, w w 9 f2 to w , m 1� Z W w '6 Z 16 o 9:p, B B , u a) 9 rn co C'. Co co co w co to 8 Lu co cn c co U) U) U) U) .2 A (1) Cl) cj) U) 1�13 lz� Q> C� C� CD C� CD C� CD C. c::i lz:� lzi C�l ::� Z> Qi "41- Ld C� �-: a� C'n �; C") C2 cn cn �o Ci m �6 ck 'L� -zz- Cm S E- G sm .9 C�- C� co lz� C> C� C� C�� (Z� C� CD lz� C, 1� lz� IZL :=� CD CD LO co CS CS 's lzs 'i �) �2 !�2 Lo c� (::, C:� t2 =L C:i =L -L c:i r-- rR:, �z 'ot -0 C�) cq 2 04 LQ clL D- o "R o clj < o u) in cl) < 06 c1l c" c" E c-4 o < 0 co o a) 20 2 co co m C) -5; 0 za ID ,3, V5 m o m m a) o o E) o > c" CD 2) G m o m '�L) -M cl) Q- a_ tS -2 c%l cl Lm b- � ci u') 04 cN c"i clj 04 r— LO r- 04 C6 w) cl) Lo u� m cli 04 14, J - lo cl o W A P .,o cd lo m o o o Q o w U d> Q w c.j w a) ID T:5 co 0- u) to u) cf) o- lz� Q> C� C� CD C� CD C� CD C. c::i lz:� lzi C�l ::� Z> Qi "41- Ld C� �-: a� C'n �; C") C2 cn cn �o Ci m �6 ck 'L� -zz- Cm S E- G sm .9 C�- C� co lz� C> C� C� C�� (Z� C� CD lz� C, 1� lz� IZL :=� CD CD LO co CS CS 's lzs 'i �) �2 !�2 Lo c� (::, C:� t2 =L C:i =L -L c:i 't C11 2 D- o "R o u) < o u) 72 u) cl) < 06 E 0 0 < o < 0 co o a) 20 2 co co m C) -5; 0 za ID ,3, V5 m o m m a) o o E) o > CD 2) G o 2 '�L) -M cl) Q- a_ tS -2 E2 P F2 a- Lm b- � C�, C� C� 'o C� C�, m C, C� 2 C�, C� " C�l C> CD C'O vq � R r- �o C�) CO C� -0 CN C� — Q> Q. 0) 0� coz, Lo cs cS Lrs, c%� �6 -z g cq N co c�) -o c� ;2 Lo 't 4t cq q. r- 04 c1l on c'. > V. c�) m cl) co a� c"i I— c,j Ci cli I -r C14 m Cd t-: m c> Ci U-) Lo LO ul CF� C6 C6 Cq c4 L6 0� P-7 s� 1�! cd Q 14 �L I -L uwj LU L. lwu IL"U "I te ie ze E� te > Q :d) m (D LL a) o I CO f2 15 o o E -,a,, 6w; E E E E ��i - 0 CD (D C) K w a) mo , w w w w w w w B w w w w w w ca (D U It 2 2 2 o (D a) D Ln M M 0 co w w w o- CL a. m a_ a_ a_ EL D 2 ca 0 w u 2 1 — m e c, 2 a' 2 1 cn 0 C) C) — E: M M M u- LL u- M w a o 2 oo LL T Z:� C-4 m =o o LL C%l cq F- C, F- m F- c14 . . . C14 CIJ C4 C%J n- a- rL m a� �., a- — IN CIE a) cwi o:� 0 z Q, Q, 00 41: cn c� Q� C, 1=1 1=1 lz� C, ,Z, "2 :� =, p :Z, !�! p ':� Z� :�t --t Q. r Iz, C> !2 � 10 CN m lz� 2 CD C, cq 1� lz� Cl co cs C�� 's t, k3' c5 co aj 1R. C" 10 U� C" CIZ cli Ci U� cyi I=t 1-4 -!2 J�! ��m 2L 2t I_D CO o > C) 65 So o _j w E w E 0 CD w� ca o (D .2 (D o o o A V, .2 1>1� (D oc C) m o W E a) 05 Ir w E jT, m L 0 w -4 - > 2 w a- O—o o ;o 'Fu -ca 12 4) u) > w (L lo o a) ca CD w o a) = E < ID < a) co < co < ct) co 1E LU 0 < < ca m C) t, k3' AO C, CD C14 �4 c! c� c� z� c� C� Q, Iz, c� c� cD cD co ::i 'cl z) cz� C, Lo �o m cS c5 cD Lo Ld z, c� 1:5 cD 1:5 cs Lo Lo I:s 1:5 Lo 't C� oD cd lo c. z� Ld cy) c� c� Q� �4 Q� 1) c"L co `4 C4 cn iz� ce) co w cli c,4 m C14 C14 w� Ln m cD cz:i Ci cD In Ci (14 to cz; Ce) C::i C -ll C-4 CD CIL cli aL Cli �t .o Clli ozi I=L Ict 04 cD m m CD W) .0 -E� Z! �L 1�4 C� 1�4 4 2� 2 �21 C; 1�1 C�, C�� C�, C�j C�l 1�1 4t 0 a) (D C) > o 0 0 0 06 L� *C, m -.6 m -!2 m Q- cl: D-- = = D-- 76 (L :E LLI Z -FD �7, M o E E E E V3 > > > > > c, E E 2 E 2 E E E 2 2 �;: a) o C/I LLj u) c� E E E F o .2 F-- tm 3: > 4t 4t E co u) -C;5 LL, < u- Lu C) AO C,