ITEM 4.1 WFE Parking' CITY OF Ot 1 0 TA MINNESO f9 DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT, Planning pnEacwreR(s): City Planner Licht AGENDA ITEM DETAILS Request for City Council Action nEousmrom City Planner Licht REVIEWED BY: City Adm|nistratorJoh nson MEETING DATE, 12 August 20I3 | ITEM #: 4.1—VVFEParN[n@ City staff recommends approval of an agreement with Main Street Otsego Development LLC regarding construction of additional parking for Lot 1, Block I Otsego Waterfront East 2 "u ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL oF AcomTnxor, | ISaPUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? o*onoROU womuor/F I CAT /om, Main Street Otsego Development LLC owns the two existing buildings |nthe Waterfront East development as well as the undeveloped Lot 2, Block 1 Third Addition site that was to have been developed with the riverboat restaurant. The mix ofmedical office users |nBuilding Band restaurant and office uses in Building C can create a demand for parking in excess of the current supply, shown below Existing Stalls Building B 77 Building C 64 Lot 2, Block 1 57 TOTAL 198 The property owner has prepared plans to add ZSadditional parking stalls within the remainder of the undeveloped portion of Lot 2,Block lOtsego Waterfront East Third Addition. Although these stalls are intended to be "Lemponam" they will be paved and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required b»the Zoning Ordinance. In that off-street parking is not an allowed principal use of property within the PUD District, Lot 2, Block l Otsego Waterfront East 3'"Addition will need to be combined by administrative subdivision with Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 2 nd Addition (Building C). The combination ofthe two lots atthis time does not preclude the property owner from separating them in the future oradding additional development within the combined parcel. City staff has drafted the attached agreement regarding the construction of the parking lot. The agreement provides for oversight of the project by the City Engineer at the property owner -s cost as well as requires the administrative subdivision to combine the parcels and memorializes the terms of the PUD Development Stage Plan approval for Waterfront East addressing cross parking and access requirements relative to the City park parcel (Outlot A). Within the agreement, the property owner is also seeking to document that the development incentives for construction upon Lot 2, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 3'd Addition re rna in in place either for construction within the combined lot or if the lot is separated in the future as part of a development proposal. City staff believes this request is reasonable as it maintains the City interest in incentivizing added development within Waterfront East consistent with the City's economic development goals. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ci ATTACHED lo NONE A. Site Location B. Site Plan B. Draft Agreement POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes. Motion to approve an agreement with Main Street Otsego Development LLC regarding construction of additional parking for Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 2"d Addition as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED' o YES NA I c NO ACTION TAKEN n APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED COMMENTS' Ei TABLED o OTHER (List changes) � .f ■ _r yl Y ..A e ;1-,- "26.- 8251 °{ b , e 2 64 OQQQ3. 0' i • k � + r- y � yyt � + I ' k , . 1 j eye {j : e t r IP7. , , r z a e l5 'rl'? rL t r _ ' y '� �' . .Ir a r* ,f -e , %f " 8 Yr„ „ 1%, fA - ' f / r 4 a t r'• e£ •ti P i ,° l �1 J 4 I . rO L t � R " r' . .. .gyp - �' ..° •. - r 113 f, \f — Roads - C AHCL CTC L MUNICL PRIVATECL TVVPC L City/Township Limits 1l c L] t 0 Parcels F 5 E � .f ■ _r yl Y ..A e ;1-,- "26.- 8251 °{ b , e 2 64 OQQQ3. 0' i • k � + r- y � yyt � + I ' k , . 1 j eye {j : e t r IP7. , , r z a e l5 'rl'? rL t r _ ' y '� �' . .Ir a r* ,f -e , %f " 8 Yr„ „ 1%, fA - ' f / r 4 a t r'• e£ •ti P i ,° l �1 J 4 I . rO L t � R " r' . .. .gyp - �' ..° •. - r 113 f, \f — Roads - C AHCL CTC L MUNICL PRIVATECL TVVPC L City/Township Limits 1l c L] t 0 Parcels [j;rL1rc" v i =I'- OT EG RETAIL 0 21] 10 NORM sX-kLE IN YFF'r 01o1L LECLIQ 7-= vim*..-: � 0 o 0 6.3 Pal kx-.-,w % kLx Cx "T ME ig pl;%n r1L MN a 13/1 P -Ta 4-4-lk-E t-io-.4 4.4-m EP 61L --,N o� t G3- W k *ne XV4 CP 4L'- -e wu' Li- rASSOCIAT71S pi—ij L.4 • 7-N jp-T V,■y cm ILI e rrrrr r,-. 6PL - ME GILADINC. 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WCHTU fLoid-All'i dLk-!3 LEWS 10 O.'INIkOL TME 00%T - 'El ? Of K J1IC-- NEL MW PLLL.EVE%T OF THL'f UNIL11's SLI WL EE AgcyU)b)t DIE (%.'-.- %EIR FFI GR TO CLLfl b if%T. UUTIC CUil"-%C-L UIVN-t 5 U t'l t C04,7 -09M TC) I'Fff Ali "U'"AT-E AL-:%%1E50T% 1-I.;PAq%Ur%-T OF TRAy4'CL191k I WD N 5 r 0�;khar& 5- 1,4 �CC-4 - C;EVMkUV AEUVR13 fRdCtL-kA 5. J�-If Ct:�NTjLLjCTC4E Vh-LL M V- (kV AND C:C.-V7UTLII-Y R-;5FC11V,'-U FCPZ Mlrjrrr�NS CN THE rd WT. L",aL D,'.G -YLFETY rv, kNIJ FiCIFFAn Li. WJL%C1 " 0 LU-C-1L%PLVM OF THE C7f ALL PLM 44C°�'L- -G j;-; Xjf�L ff-91LtEN-T A;LL APAV CG%TiNL{PL SLY Ava.%out M Lao Ti 1) TO 'vrjrL%.Ll k1r.KIJV1 WLL U fL TI If Dt.7f OF " C%rJVFR CQ TE LE E.C.aCkF-ER 14-7 OCIN.107 b0%.5-%L1L7LY4 rq4`fi1* <jr MdF Cr^TR.1CTCoU PB-�<4%kkkXf LS NOT P%TENLIEU 110 1141LILFE M.F-1V OF THE AIIEQL.,,%r 'I JZhr laff cLoNirw.kc [A:as S-,rVW MLkYLIM, IN!. CA %V -k TI -If (,�MTaUITGN TP74 EU-Cwj t-t(a%LN. L�G CG-%STU-C THE Ck.ARL-4;TCrX -9-Lbi-L A TEo,,jCAkWf RrCk f ro�D AT AJ -L P&%TS CC t -0� EIT�L% -111 P.Aj.) x Li Irl1 r rr F-hFW THE FKLN�V: P Id 1 If. �RLID V Nr ," uk If JAk.1%TkNEU n " (ij*% r CLC t&t FOR TI -1E Ll- WLi T VY4 C f T T FFua:ECT. 5U U r %Lit 5 !a U -?.%-4 Cj-% TH.5 Sl --n P. IL tiOSON AY) !mLL1&1j6T-k1pCv9 COY7K-M L'j-k3l.3JS Sipik Er CgTiL!kv5j-IrV LO-Lf�A%D TFEE EIT—.f SitE ft;,'.'Frflt AND IN .jCCCr,b%%a^f 'e. -.-1 t b.1710-5 fkiwi r rLFQ4. EE51 Mkr-rrES, 0TV WkQL -nL1 LCTA13 $I Wj0vN QL4 TI -LS SHaT: n &'to T -o 411S. 0.1o, -E;7—:- .1 k 5t, nk F %jiLkya'S &.,.D Crr%*-%Ji T4 ^% TO CITY STFLEE T5 5W4 L 91 PtFLFC,rL%Tjj FF-Ij ThIE FECAL. TLL%'jLN I$ CCF TSE CITI - n -R CUS t 9,V. 14'q 9 ML EE TL%X110;19E Mill. K'L V) -,61 . KrAl LNS AS c- �k- --It) Lrf 1r'[ 0 N� 5EE U f tr rf F-1 y N ME) S7CjrLkh SEWER rV4 H F 9 Noe FL RTIr-U LEFT' IL Q r, -.k i. i1ti TI if SEWM Gopher State one C4-Ljjj T'&4 4TIAI,�--A- gtF-41+-:tU :L- T-mc-V4-cl SITE & -L CqADING PLAN LN M1 -%11%C J --E Crf,-X-r1C'q J..L. I M G d'CP MUE T;Dj rFj__PrV, F--.4 q?Fq"d'p& or JpA W-4 At L -K-, CC111`4E3 N p".7'*&,TG TLl SCr-ILL -3r 1-143 TIL CcwrT%cV4 5,4LI (Lr,71%0j M5'•nM[U .n Cr.f k.L_l -T C-SIA-W.M Lt not do ")-.0 A.C- -4-K F-41 T -E II.MCA'M-6 4Y 0 , I t'fWL97X-JL-D W -M - -�:cZ 13256 -i C3-1 n C,XLZS pft%. ..,-orhM 1, L.In rq C r# r ,"> VrZ7 K -'U3 IM C4(7,J. l T-4 f Uhr-.LrKt 5-aLi I 1r!f%-M C dt k 1114 1 T -F r6 -ft E W-Tq CuL.-k-CMA -T 1,10 CIMT 5O 1,k 0 •i1 ESCROW AGREEMENT' AND AGREEMENT REGARDING LOT COMBINATION AND INCENTIVE PAYMENTS BETWEEN CITY OF TS Go AND ARROW COMPANIES, INC, AND MAIN STREET OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT, LLC WHEREAS, Arrow Companies, hic. (ARROW) intends to construct an expansion of a parking lot on LOT 1, BLOCK 2, WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION Nvithiii the City of Otsego (CITY); and VMEREAS, Main Street Otsego Development, LLC (MAIN STREET) is the owner of LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION mid LOT I, BLOCK I, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST SECOND ADDITION; mid WHEREAS, ARROW has submitted for review by the City Engineer acceptable plans for the parking lot expansion; and WHEREAS, CITY will incur Eligineeriiig expenses for Engineering review of the plans and inspection of the work as well as potential restoration costs upon al andolmmit of pro.ject; mid WHEREAS, MAIN STREET desires to retaill US e of Incentive Payments previously guinted for 1,01" 1, BLOCK 2, 0J'S J -.". I G0 WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION upon combinatimi of the lots ref eremed above; and WHEREAS,, the City estimated that incurred expeiises related to preparing crind administration of this Agreement and engineering observation should not exceed $3,500.00. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED betweeii the Parties as follows; 1. ARROW shall subinit $3,500.00 in cash escrow to the C11"Y for the purposes of paying all City expeiises or restoration costs related to the proposed parking lot expansion. 2. In the event that the City's incurred costs exceed $3,500.00 ARROW shall promptly pray anyadditioncril amounts when billed. 3. In the event that the City's hicurred costs do riot exceed $3,500.00 any reinaining a1110L111t shall be rettimed to ARROW at the end of the ProJect, and at the directioti of the City Engineer. 4. Public parking for access to OUTLOT A, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST will be provided in the CUrrent parking lot and expansion of the parking lot. 5. ARROW aiid MAIN S'TRI11"Tiviii apply for an adiiiiiiistrative subdivisioll to combine LOT 1, BLOCK 1, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST SECOND ADDITION and the subject LOT I., BLOCK 2, OT SJ' -/GO WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION. 6. ARROW aiid MAIN STREET will coiiiply with the PUD General Development Stage Plan by providhig appropriate cross easements with other TSEGO WATERFRONT EAST lots as they are developed and construct parking facilities. 7. Incentive Payiiieiits related to LOT 1, BLOCK 2, urSEGO WATERF RONT EAST THIRD ADDITION pursuant to Agree inent between the City of Otsego and G Capital, Inc. dated June 29, 2011 and recorded at the Wright County Recorder's Office as DOCUment No. A11787 6 and subsequently assigned to Main Street Otsego Development, LLC by agreement dated FebrUcary 25, 2013 shall reinain in place and subject to payiiieiit by the City upon owiier iiieethig the Iiiiproved Value Thresholds as set forth in the original Agrecment. despite combination of LO"I" I, BLOCK 2,, OT SEG WAJ-T,'RFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION with LOT 1, BLOCK 1, TSEGO WATERFRONT EAST SECOND ADDITION. Upon combiii-atioti, the Incentive Payment would apply to any new construction on the combined lot upon the same terins and conditions for credit on LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION. Iii the event that the lots are separated hi the ftittire prior to development constrUC6011, the Incentive Payinent ivotild only apply to LOT 2 1, BLOCK 2. OTS EGO WATERFRONT EAS"I'THIRD ADDITION, or the future designation of that lot. Dated: ARROW COMPANIES, INC. By: Its Dated: MAIN STREET OTSE GO DEVELOPMENT, LLC By: Its Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 3