ITEM 5.1 Prairie Center ImprovementsCITY OF Ot e 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT, Parks and Recreation PRESENTER(s): Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager AGFNDA ITEM [DETAILS Request for City Council Action REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Ross Demant Parks and Recreation Manager August12, 2013 REVIEWED BY: ITEM M Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1 RECOMMENDATION' Recommend the approval of the Prairie Center Improvement project contracts of $383.,000.63. Also recommend approval of the proposal from HT G Architects for Construction Document Services of $91500. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? fS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: At the July 8 1h, 2013, City Council meeting the City Council approved funding of $389,000 with a $25,000 contingency for the construction phase of the project. The total project amount that was approved at the Council meeting was $450,000. Kinghorn Construction has provided City Staff with a total construction cost of $383,,000. Also included with the summary were two additional alternates one for ceramic tiles versus carpeting in the hallways for $6,600 and the other for a monument to support signage in the front of the building for $7,400. Not included with the project costs are landscaping and exterior building signage. Staff has contacted a landscape architect and will work with them on a design to present to the Prairie Center Reuse Committee for their approval and recommendation to the City Council. Staff will also work with Kinghorn Construction to put together exterior signage options to present to the City Council. In addition project costs, architectural services provided by HTC architects are also recommended for approval. These services total $9,500 and are used to provide construction document services throughout the project improvement process. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS' X ATTACHED LINONE Kinghorn Construction Project Cost Summary 0 HTG Architects Construction Document Services Proposal 0 HT G Architectural Bidset MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve the contracts as stated in Kinghorn's Project Cost Summary dated August 71 2013, for $383,000.63 and to approve the proposal from HTG for construction Document Services for $9,,500. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: As previously approved ACTION TAKEN E1 APPROVED AS REQUESTED L1 DENIED COMMENTS: BUDGETED: X YES EJ NO ® TABLED 10 OTHER (List changes) If'inghroyt GENERAL CONTRACTORS CSI Divisions 1 General Requirements 3 Concrete f Wood & Plastics 7 'Thermal & Moisture 8 Doors& Windows Finishes 10 Specialties 11 Equipment 15 Mechanical 16 Electrical Profit & Overhead TOTAL PROJECT COST Project Cost Summary .Job. Otsego Parire Center Location: Otsego MN Architect: IPTG Architects Cost 30,150.00 20,500.00 37,343.00 81,653.00 $ 8,000,00 83,1�yi3--yy,00 6,300.OD 3,500,00 71,536.00 17,480.40 23,375.63 383,000.63 Specifications Prepared By: Kiinghorn Construction 14198 Northdale Blah Rogers, , 55374 Date: August 7, 2013 [direct Job Supervision, Temp: Lights, Fans, Barriers/Construction, Cleaning, Waste Removal, Insurance, Gent-raI Demolitlan Masonry, patching and cutting Building Materials, Fasteners, Laminates, Casework, Blocking/Backing, Carpentry Roofing, 'Boots / Curbs, sheet metal, Sealants, Caulking Wood moors, Metal Frames, Glass, Glazing, Door Hardware Null Systems, Carpet / VCT / Tile Flooring, Acoustical Ceilings, Painting Fire Ext., Locher Fireplace HVAC, Plumbing Electrical, low voltage ADD ALTERNATES Alt##1 Ceramic the in lieu of carpet at rooms 102,120,121 6,600.0 Alk##2 Add Monument sign (structure only) $ 7,400.00 14 June 2013 Ross Demant Parks and Recreation Manager 1a40U9O1hStreet NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Construction Documents Services Proposal Proposed Remodel Former City Hall Building Otsego, Minnesota Dear Ross: ,(architects � Wehave enjoyed working with you and the committee to develop the renovation concept for the Prairie Center. VVelook forward tuworking with the City's team and NnghomConstruction tocomplete the project. We are pleased to present this proposal for our Construction Document Services. The following sen�Uu:a�heprmv! provided: ° HTG will use the approved concept documents to develop working drawings using AutoCAD 2009. • HTG will meet with the local building official prior to completion of the drawings. • Drawings will include Architectural and Structural Engineering. • Specifications will beincluded onthe drawing sheets. 0 The construction phase for aproject ofthis size and scope will take 1-2months. During that time, HTGwill provide the following services: 1. Review and approval of shop drawings to ensure conformance with design concept. Z. AN in resolving construction issues. � It is our understanding that the City will handle the contracts with N]nghorn Construction, and will handle the pay applications oswell. " Tom k400rae,HTGArchitects, w4Ube,hePanner-in'[harge[ortheprojec . Wehave assumed the following items: " The drawings will be completed /n one bid package. " VVehave included time toassist |nthe selection ofinterior finishes. " VVehave included time for some site ve/|flce,ionand measurements. " YVehave included time for two coordination meetings. " YVehave included structural review for the work atthe new entry feature. " The building exterior finishes are indicated the concept plan. " HTG Arch|tects to prmvide federal, state, |oca\ and ADA code rev! evvand recommendation s. " Sprinkler, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering will beDesign Build. " The project |sscheduled tobecompleted |nthe summer ofz013. ° Environmental concerns (from previous site uses), if required, would be handled by others. " The existing soils will support a typical spread footing design, or the soils will be corrected Linder a separate contract. I COMPENSATION We propose tocomplete the work outlined above for afixed fee of $ 9,500, plus reimbursable expenses. Revisions outside of the scope outlined above to be completed on an hourly basis and once approved by the City. Please see the attached Schedule of Hourly Rates and Expenses. HTG ARCHITECTS m000 Hennepin Town Road, Minneapolis Mwuum47 (952) 278-8880 mg-arcmteots.000 MImmsApoua pnoEmm TAMPA Page Construction Documents Services Proposal 14June 2013 HTG Architects has been providing awide variety ofarchitectural consulting services for over 53 years. HTG is confident that we can coordinate everything you need for this project. Please use usaso resource if you have any questions relating to design, Increasing efficiencies, your other buildings, trends, construction, etc. You only need to make one telephone call to 952.278.8880. If you have any questions or comments regard/ng any part of this proposal, please feel free to co|L If this proposal is acceptable, please sign and return a copy to HTG. This proposal is valid for thirty days. We look forward to working with you on this project. ThomnasH-/Noune Partner HTG Architects 14June ZO13 HTG ARCHITECTS M|mwEApOuo Date: Proposal accepted by: 9300 Hennepin Town Road, Minneapolis MN 55347 (952) 278-8880 htg-archilects.com P*oEmm Re: Construction DocumentsServices Proposal architccts Proposed Remodel Former City Hall Building Otsego, Minnesota SChedu|enfExpenses: Reimbursable Extienses: In -House Printing (black and white) ................................ $U.I4/quarefoot [n-HousePMnt|ng(co|o$Z. 00squa/efoo |n -House Expenses (,r|n,ing'fax, cell, boards) .................. Direct cost Mileage Direct cos (current IRS rate) TraveyAhfa re/Lo dg|ng........................................................ Direct cost+lOY6 Outside Printing ............................ Direct com+l0 0/6 Postage/Delivery .......................... ......................................... Direct cost +lOY6 HTG Architects Hourlv Rates: Partners —_--_ oil .......—_—_—..—'—.--..$ 195.00 210.00/hr Project Managers/Project Architects ............. 11O,0O 195.00/hr Job Captains $ 90.00 120.0O/h/ CAD/Technicians .................................................................... $ 75.00 100.00/hr HToARomTEore 9300 Hennepin Town Road` Minneapolis IVIw 55347 (952) 278'e880 PRAIRIE CENTER REMODEL 8899 Nashua Ave. NE. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA NNIER: CONTRA(,TSO R-A-R(.HITS rT: 5TPJZTVlRSAL EN51NEER.l C I T'r OF 0T5k6eJ KP6HOR4 W-VANT H.TJ5. KIPLK fECT5 UVIATIVE 5TRICRRAL S6L9JFl0S, PA 1 4 cTOTH 5TREE-If F111 r. 2-46 )6IRNOALE UA0 qy'k) �V.. .4 TO ROAD 'I �R AVE -.I 52" KYLES RE, GTSI 1-1 NNESOTA 55330 906ER5, K�N'E`501A 55314 EDEN PRAIRIE, W',XEI50TA 55.341 ALBERT UE. KI 55301 teas ?163) 441,44.'4 tell 0III 42a-&)IAI leL, 05W 2'0 -MW tel-, 00) 4Z-qq--I I ae - (163) 425--&M U4� (.452) 7T'3'-5522 fc.vP63) 425-q-Fr5 Crylixt: Fc*s Dr --ad GI i5rodA K�r,,II Tci M*xre CcnEcxt: R, -,b KIVIh--,� co"kirb 'b 6 %or A -y lwo'I I DJILD:N6 CODE 1*0rkUTIM xac. I BAONS VATA- FA-1 LrAl eLf-IfIA W%5"±.x-Tcq 11;f, Tr'FE PL 8 FXlf 5-W-41ED Kji�r,r oF Lw.�5 (rk&z iCk�Lj CAX�V&� e fEUTza 2 U-5; FIV -Z 'I& C ALC�, tb 0:4IIIIFAIII-5 5-f- 44 J mjfA 0 Mm WA hDEV OCR 0-1 EL2%I k4a 2 i� -, FT -VE TZ l 5E UnLv 12!%! -j n UQj= 6%x 1 V -di. PQI I Ips` -iiA CODE 4 EXIT FLAN - At "�4 'F 3 i i —7— rl ir E F -1 CIRAKNC7 NVEX 15 TITLE II CP7A-I KfA I WJ)JVF DATA A -I A2-2 FEFLE670 aU,67 ftAK 10ILL-1 PL KN i ELEVAI 04 P'UkkXe FLA -"G d a;EVAT067 A23 KLLJI-�--<'HCTICPIIS A-3.] f xTM`r-'I ELUAT'I 516V PL-kN6. 5&$EVI A 5,6N SE -4 1 ('2*4 AU KI 5F-rTll-N5, FKk-E5. I FFAME DII fl.1 K- K -N FM�H Fl-kk� FN SH !K�FDA-E i �PjXiH SCJH G L.E MATERIAML5 ME All 13-1 FI�Q. AL It. AUXIII 'fL E .6.11 &.�-L'FA-Al OLL ALT-:�I N -K A - NJ' JI -3v If EK EEJL-1 EE '%C- 5 `Y -'9X'5 PLC Er. DLi41-',3 EL7- r,---- I Lk -0 50-1?l CIF Ekm- crt_ CL5_ Cfth5 IU- C—mdII TLE (A CL a&jt, colu 1011I Vlk.51-wy N'T IVIIIIIII (j_-1 --_z T" c4w7l U%"kIII CA Cid --:L XWT PAUL it c"k clvqctx m C" 6 -EC. fl-m'w-cfkU C?L" fl��BETIK-pl-��- m EA rT- r�7//l r7il Rl feO C�'CSX -c EUILC rll POI PLLkIII TLE 5 f.I IVTEL CR K146 545 D—K nVII D -X" (21 W -E -%Lfr--,A -1 WII K X III ETA FN 5,4 H5" F=L] E" 711 SW LA E=}.EL A55REVIATION'5 ME All 13-1 FI�Q. AL It. AUXIII 'fL E .6.11 &.�-L'FA-Al OLL ALT-:�I N -K A - NJ' JI -3v If EK EEJL-1 EE '%C- 5 `Y -'9X'5 PLC Er. 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HDI'*a.WO-O.'R C&,I Fl- 1Cc-f m 14uHKF14L HLVkZ III 16k FICA KL- K-1 jo III rheq ID Mpct CIA-ETEll ly'l PFJ -LA -IN W, 16 15� Q4W4 V --LH . 1u&4 CFVh'%5 SK tor4_hz 5PE-G, W. 52'ZE WL ilp&-%kFKS7n 5-9- 6141 51L 5-M so- 5---m SWAT 5 UA 550. 51111 TCW- Tt TAx rtly-7 Tim Sr TIII Allo 6*X.�t rl?. rriFOLL II IIII VPFXQ VI *III %I k CIV 1FL5-E TU I -I we: --r WF, 0 fl -K L3 Wf FA,5 4 III W-1 l4nt Klzh:w _r, W11T I VIC,]-NITY MAP I MEMO m a G rchitects wmy. bty - archItects. com r-I,-.-el;c"Olf N'.cedI rar -; 4 9 300 PkTQ,.-,.-i Faad Arj;-Lr%eaM%' fV.K4 55117 TES: PRA IRIE CEN TER CIT r oF o m6o, mN A.1 LI IU "VAtl CONS TRUMON HAW,- :flri }rr awn ISS. 1- 0 SE I F r,,I irf-v. 'WA4 A IIIa 7---1 T r rar f -�A JI L'I A-llVJ70` LN:EArL4LjA56Vr-f _'—r-. OF A V.I --9,W " THOVAS FL TITLE SHEET, D NOES� & ROJ ECT DATA IFF i ry P cRAII Ir: ,4T cl-0c Ito Ere. r--,'� Ts COPYRIWIT ID RIF hTG ARE 111TECIS qK%f PAV - If 'Cl [-A FaXA r. -N F XnCA9LE iT7LN tZ4F LLFA 'Lm U lrA Ao-K FA.L5 faltNE KUDH ' 5EE SOEME FN UICV llwN I' A*l CAIM WaXA T Kt,H U PFC GFFlCE G3 Ff-LCCA 11 Ck.M 10 04 f-TUXATE MZkA4 T,3 METki iZ.XM FaDCA -E P:)A 12 OF -Cl L6 (D FaCICAi K 1-tH To ornA L6 R"L MAI C41:4 T.1 M36 KL%M Lh (D 0 j IrBmx T I qa.�q um4f-x LL5 (D MOCA I c4xR 112 rVd r -A 6 ENE ILL T E 5; L K'IETCR, P)4: --C-6 5,-)�LL 6E 3-5-V51, 5 -- UV CL -J 5T 6'7, PO. CN 22 "a 1tiPE r1 yu."Co C--E--xC.F- YE hkl 01916 C% ;;li I A } L 2. I-CkV piq f CA&R r5 V 3' V, Air. to T.;p V c. +z r, fr- Q pv�Mm A" wt JAi, r KIX MaX -Ld X k.-LiS FLN KALL4VO r-=rf-3 tA,i-e Tfk 5, Eto_5 aw vLk. eJ S,y &.-P. W Ch -651 5-L OK, a J�L J -M" 4 EKA CZF.-CR- 5EE E'4LJL�;:H.D nT Lj_!L V_'FfQ TO t -W 57EL CC4-F7. �MJ, S. FL'4 L%T KkJ5 JLR-kr,U AA -W VC.A KL -=-:R LliZU2 X7k 9A J 9 VA Uk L44 F0% tv-p-N F -P,--4 JIA %"e V JC(Q k9. F -A J .W 5 V E"P, PO. C84.7 FW' V Y ID€A!06 W K4:Jt 0— ILE LL LTU -'-05 3C S� &T?. 10. FA V141 S FL. y v5 o kv cy, ha -,LI,4v e -L rT MIL ffff 0 rt 5,31 C'7- fP. E -k. E-- 3" s -JAI e K Q. TO &-?. L'J[:.D a lb'17_ .j 5L)LLO STT !Fd. tJ-Fj-- E.- 154) 6kL15 F architects . w s v; Y. 17 t_q - archit ects. com of l'ir 7V,71-�C TEA 95227aE-+3 PRA IRIE CEN TER CITY OF 0 TSE60, MN Mr-. M-- AM " -.—*- Ar -ft, ]V'— JW KtN(jhU-KN CONSTRUCHON PFJDLTcr Kq HdTlEkl 9 IMM W7kt bN M LS 5,j -D SET E.DqT F EVIS P"145 4 Ve-1 W%A DIMUTION PLAN, FLOOR PLA -N .4 �4' r -rl 1, ey-4 * ".I t,4 z b, %A r�m A MR SCHE D ULE & NOTES T. 6EM 5'k,,Cv6 5EM IoET4- C�AJF A -M r f.V p FEL [CA LO -1 IE VC 4 L------------------------------- -- ---------- --1 --------------- R i� CO.' AI IF 1. A.L r If T�4 DEX0 PLAN 'til 1,,Al\i4 LEVEL FLOORIOLNN A2o 1 C 0 P T a 16 H T 0 1 V K T G A A C li I I E C TS LJU ~� F �6 -T7: ;fv kt xT 3. . i—tl _-r-O LIP- � m ^ CB) ^-��-~ CD r -2-N ENLARGED KITGHEIN PLAN L --------------- . FIREPLACEMAIN LEVEL REFLECTEP CEILING PLAN � 1�lt IfF FIREPLACE FLAN EXLAPGEP TOILET PLAN Its Val jX f HF -1-1sl TOILET E-LEVAITON5 � PAP ~-. fiA3 8,W3 I AT 04 5Q K&k 31V mFLEomoW6 F Ln TO: LET UN^ ,24 P 4* Ir, SECTION` LAY SECTION I L EY akq r LAC 1- `a GLO FLk J Lm_ r 67e up,;. AM r--PLAft r0LLL EC-vr" r-b,-K�:L-Yg SYYA�EQ LIW 5,4FX-,f W. FL%'9ACE=JLN I-rfAWTEV- -r;rL" I �LL E 47 FA4t ED Nl�- rL FA��-T Rl. NE-i'T E -,k E& 5E T 6F OF ---------- "3r �r, I KL k-. -4 Fl-�51� T17- PLA -L C7� KZZ P�LL5 3x ;P.. r W Lj Wx 117L r� a F.0; I FUJU V -Pitt M ic I M 'A i 5ri 5::FEE EACA VL -50 lU hP.L-5- Ti'P- TO bllkLl� PROJ ECT IN PI �x cm W FA;d T- 5a Ink PRA IRIE CEN TER -PRNTE IN &,%ETS k/ Cffrofomwo. xN 141-pat.&VIS I SU%,c K —wL t Dew -e i " N7 F X T.? EE PU,—z —taa.-Cutx gh 1 k-" NI ED ': F.LA.A fla DOO.-f:0 FATIL Fgg%�o 3,r A FLA -L U -13-C L �J�. FrLAA ��;r MGHORN J, I �i CONISTRUMON PpAlbil- �C-Znno-u mu a EGrA- �N D-4 MILLNORK, 51-�,TION (2) MILLNORK 5E6TION, a- 5-OTION % MILLNORK 5�' 3,4'.1''0' PR 1-5: 1� Ora As"IrD SZT 50SET T Wa-c� TrF- 4' L3 10 w 17KKC.5 TLP I rl ---------- �i WE FU15 fl..,r PJ.1 am f;NL U EE 14c 51. • L 0 A 4 dILL E %V50 f WME E FG T-= JLCf 5y EN 147 -P;=f pf-je- rr?. EuIL 5E5 ff=K 2. Kl- FFAIQ�o -FLLA EAY FN a� KIT(,HEN SECURITY POOR 5E-TIO\Ll FIREPLACE SES TIOC LAVATORY 15[( TION a --;M CF�t r—m 7 r. s r.rt VrWrA--V Op Ci Ft7;kf it AS Por,-AotJt,If 47 -%F-FU S-fEr% MIU TATd M 9 -Xt Y tCE%aF'2 Aqnf—Lcy 4rAotwLcLA,tF;5Frf lli;)VASAP- �E V W'pQ'-K5ECMNS r.=.A "w Vj- Ck OAT C, 1cm EDE i- E,%F COP V RK; IIT 0 5Y H TG ARC H ITECTS 5"kML 04 34 W F ELI. arc hilte.cts r. E --i IL EA 5ET L -F e or :?o'; P2.-oerix Jr. i AN 45-tL%'6— FLAA Ck VN 55317 TeL S5Z27afi—=3 V -Pitt M ic I M 'A i 5ri 5::FEE EACA VL -50 lU hP.L-5- Ti'P- TO bllkLl� PROJ ECT IN PI �x cm W FA;d T- 5a Ink PRA IRIE CEN TER -PRNTE IN &,%ETS k/ Cffrofomwo. xN 141-pat.&VIS I SU%,c K —wL t Dew -e i " N7 F X T.? EE PU,—z —taa.-Cutx gh 1 k-" NI ED ': F.LA.A fla DOO.-f:0 FATIL Fgg%�o 3,r A FLA -L U -13-C L �J�. FrLAA ��;r MGHORN J, I �i CONISTRUMON PpAlbil- �C-Znno-u mu a EGrA- �N D-4 MILLNORK, 51-�,TION (2) MILLNORK 5E6TION, a- 5-OTION % MILLNORK 5�' 3,4'.1''0' PR 1-5: 1� Ora As"IrD SZT 50SET T Wa-c� TrF- 4' L3 10 w 17KKC.5 TLP I rl ---------- �i WE FU15 fl..,r PJ.1 am f;NL U EE 14c 51. • L 0 A 4 dILL E %V50 f WME E FG T-= JLCf 5y EN 147 -P;=f pf-je- rr?. EuIL 5E5 ff=K 2. Kl- FFAIQ�o -FLLA EAY FN a� KIT(,HEN SECURITY POOR 5E-TIO\Ll FIREPLACE SES TIOC LAVATORY 15[( TION a --;M CF�t r—m 7 r. s r.rt VrWrA--V Op Ci Ft7;kf it AS Por,-AotJt,If 47 -%F-FU S-fEr% MIU TATd M 9 -Xt Y tCE%aF'2 Aqnf—Lcy 4rAotwLcLA,tF;5Frf lli;)VASAP- �E V W'pQ'-K5ECMNS r.=.A "w Vj- Ck OAT C, 1cm EDE i- E,%F COP V RK; IIT 0 5Y H TG ARC H ITECTS EAST ELEVATION ,r� NORTH ELEVATION MI m I&MM lim meson== am= NE5T ELEVATION 5-CUTH ELEVATION 5�3% 5C Ef 516N PLAN @ f3A5E | | | | r�—�� L____ L_'_� 516N 5E( TION architects pxm,c` PRA /p/ECEN neR orropo/szz./mw KINIGHORN CON8IKU(JKIN "==' ����=SETDATE �la *e�------`�� � mFill�'l FIRAYF-715 TYPE -5 POOR TYPES DOOR FRA.ME -r,,Z'TA]L KNPON FRAME DETAIL P.n ad M-14 55347 TcL ~ ~~~~ PRA /*vsCENTER orroForoaO, AIN I �MU2 IN we to) 0a CONSTRUCTION DATE F.11 FAB -L4 PL rC�V oO e -j —T, . ~^ ' U THGYAS A- P?00 ,ETEL '-- ^FUYDETAILS t � � \�t! JP VV. r-0, COPtRIGHT10�1HTGARCHFTECTS Fih:5H 5PE tFJ ATIQN5 c,' -a -L ? 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(A C40fD*T-rM P. rqlm,36uarem -Effol€fr.1lomff:l+&j Sauk Amok Sub -Contractor List Job: Prairie Center Remodel COMPANY Date: 8/8/2013 GENERAL CONTRACTORS location: Otsego, MN Bid 1 Low / Complete / Best Value Concrete & Masonry Northland Concrete & Masonry Structural/Misc Steel Superior Iron Thermal & Moisture Protection Dalco Roofing Signature Stucco Laminates/Casework Interior Component Group Doors/Frames/Hardware Twin City Hardware Wall Systems Acoustics Associates Ceramic Tile Twin Cities West Flooring Acoustical Ceilings Acoustics Associates Carpet/Base/VCT Acoustics Associates Painting AM Painting Partitions/Bath Accessories Acoustics Associates Twin City Hardware Plumbing B & D Plumbing HVAC RTS Mechanical Electrical Cityveiw Electric