ITEM 6.1 Needham Aveot". ego "O,MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council ~c t^ on ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 2, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY' ITEM City Engineer Wagner City Adm I nistrator Johnson 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS IA - City Staff recommends awarding the construction contract., for Phase lofthe Needham Avenue Stormwater Improvement to Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $39,234.00. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No Needham Avenue Storm Sewer is a private system which has failed and is|nneed of improvement to alleviate flooding and improve quality oflife in the area. The existing pipe system has a section which has collapsed and the existing culverts and ditches are atgrades which do not promote drainage. The City has held a public hearing on this project and atthe May 13, 2013, Council meeting; the Council authorized requests for quotes for the project. Needham Avenue Storm Sewer Improvement is in the 2O13C|Pfor anestimated amount of$44,0OO. The quotes came |nabove that estimate. In speaking with the contractors regarding the estimate versus quotes the difference appears to stem mostly from the close working quarters. Working within the right of way, on a narrow street with fairly deep cuts with overhead utilities; added significantly to the costs. Obviously, the additional costs would increase the proposed assessments significantly. Staff has discussed what other options there might be. A phasing option was determined to be an alternative which may work. Phase l would be re -grading the ditches and resetting culverts. The outlet pipe would be rep/aced to just beyond its current break and attached to the remaining existing section. This would remove the most costly portion of the project. That portion vvouWbeconsidered phase 2. Phase 2would beneeded ifthat portion ofthe pipe collapsed or could be completed in conjunction when the street is reconstructed. The section of the pipe remaining /n a future Phase 2 was televised and deemed structurally intact. The Council agreed to re -quote for Needham Avenue Stommwater|rnprovemnnts Phase 1on|y. The Engineer construction cost estimate for Phase l is $43,697. The lowest and only quote received was in an amount of $391234.00. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Z/TTACHEo owoms PLAN SHEET ENGINEERS ESTIMATE PHASE I PLAN SHEET SHOWING PHASE 1/PHASE 2 OPTIONS RESOLUTION ACCEPTING QUOTE N EEDHAM AVENUE PROJECT COST SUMMARY POSSIBLE MOTION --- - --- I Please word motion as you would like it to appear the minutes. -- Motion to Approve Resolution 2013-44 to award contract for Needham Avenue Storm Sewer Improvement - Phase 1 to Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. of Ramsey,, MN,, in the amount of $39.,234.00 BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED' X YES Assessments 220 — Stormwater (Out of District) DNO ACTION TAKEN ci APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED oTABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Engineers Estimate City of Otsego Needham Avenue Drainage Improvement -Phase Project C. 0. P. #13-02 Base Bid Schedule "A" - Streets and Grading Item No. Spec. Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 2 2104.501 Remove Existing PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 135 LF $10.00 $1,350 3 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement 106 SY $10.00 $'1,050 4 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 150 LF $5M $750 5 2105.XXX Ditch Grading _ 1 LS $5,500.00 $5,500 6 2105.607 Haul Excess Dirt to City Stockpile 231 CY $3.00 $693 7 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 5 37 TN $35.00 $1,295 8 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Surface (1.5") 6 SY $15.00 $90 9 2350.501 Type LV4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 20 TN $150-00 $3,000 10 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 9 GAL $10.00 $90 11 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $11000,00 $1,000 12 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 62 LF $5.00 $310 13 2575.501 Seeding 1 AC $23000.00 $2000 14 2575.502 Seed, Mixture 270 80 LBS $3.00 $240 15 2575.511 Mulch Material, Type 1 1 TN $150.00 $150 16 2575.523 Erosion Control Blanket Category 3 225 SY $3.50 $788 17 2575.532 Fertilizer, Type 3 t 264 LBS $1.00 $264 Total -Base Bid Schedule "A" Base Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $23,680 Item No. Spec. I Description I Estimated Quantity I I Unit Price Extension I 18 2501-515 15" CS Pipe Apron 1 EA $260.00 $260 19 2501.515 12" RC Pipe Apron 6 EA $750.00 $4,500 20 2501 ,515 1511 RC Pipe Apron 4 EA $800.00 $3,200 21 2501.515 24" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA $1,000.00 $22000 22 2503.603 15" HDPE Pipe Sewer 138 LF $20.00 $22760 23 2503.541 12" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL 111 46 LF $28.00 $1)288 24 2503.541 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL 111 32 LF $30.00 $960 25 2503.541 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL 111 32 LF $70.00 $2,240 26 2506.602 Catch Basin I EA $2,659.00 $2,659 27 2506.602 Connect to Existing Drainage Pipe 1 EA $250.00 $250 Total - Base Bid Schedule "B" $20,'1'17 Base Bid Schedules "A" & "B" $43,697 0 %;63 co u_p IFEET to co I N, SALVAGE LANDSCAPi�P__ 6 -rt U-*& J? _r 4_fw H -9 F Y!Li�j� !9 rEs t- I c t t5% r Ld N 4-54 DO LLI -4+S* 2�+ :-4 ILI RAI— .50 ;ZL� i4 7' A CB/WH F� Ex. IH I Zr JES 6 N PAM 10 TREC BfTUW:-"US STREET PATCH 30 SY PiT4JIJ IJOUS MYEWA PATCH - 24,GY NOTES; Ln X, (E) THE CUSS 5 SALVAG10 DUPINO RE140VAL OF -t .1 - .4- THE STORW SEV�tk SHALL FE RFPLACED, -;t ./ I/ ca M&PED, A%D C061FACTED PROR TO PAViNa. GO 03 ALL WORA S14ALL Or INWEINTAL WORK, IF SALVAGE LANDSCAPNG 1110EI4S SHALL BE T INCt-)ENTAL WDRIK. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE FES LENS7HS. WEST DITCH (j) PIPE 19EDIDNG FER VETAIL PHASE 2 (REMOVAL OF DEEP STORM SEWER AND AND SHALL BE 1�!'CiDENTAL TO PLACING STORM PHASE 1 (REMOVAL OF SHALLOWIDAMAGED STORM.. SEWER ripr ANDCULVERTS CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE) SEWER AND GRADING OF UPSTREAM DITCHES) - --------------------------- ...... ....... . ......... : .......... ............ .......... ---------- ...... I ------- ---------- ......... .. ..... ....... ...... .............. ......... ..... ... . . .. ............. ...... . ......... ----------- .. ......................... .......... y. +C-4 .. ...... ....... ... .... . ... .............. . ... ........... ............... .. ... . . + 946 ---------- + H 944 -------------- ... ....... ........... ........... Exiswo DacH Pr-.,orjLE --- ...... ............ ...........------- ........... 43 > 28LF- 12' RCP 28U 12' RCP 0 Li 942 t. > ..... .. ....... ------- CL 942 ................ ....... . IL nc 17, ------------------- .......... ................. .................... ....... ...... e E)USTINO 3DOV lOw'PVC 0 0.05N 138LF lim HOPE 'D O.OSS ......... ---------------- --------- ----- - ............ a..... . ..... ............ 93 PKFOSED DITCH PROFILE L -P W3 L -F 0 A ----------------------- 0 c� .. ........ uk as es i7h W) CONNECT EXISIING' FVC To k2 ch Ll m ?n 3 1 : � PROPOSED CO/WH 2 + ki &n - e�L !2 i;l + if x .............. --------- . .... .....*#r,__...... .... .......... + p- ... . ..... ...... L2 + n p m z z Lrl > Li tn I] Z > L! Ll �t > L4 Ll & x IFWJ q_ > 9S2 z ........... z L. Ll 1�_ Z Cr Li Li P s7 G ri -c 0 C4 tt C, 'Z Cry CN D 0 0 15 ch m *h 01 0 D I Lh L% L� Os L' 0 C% 0 C% I L� eq Ch v *1 n e3 I n w, -1 -0 'c -t -t j :2 1 '� 'c' V :i :� P-1 n It �r -0 L, 0 13 m ch n 14 D L) 1+50 24DO 2*50 .3+00 3+510 4+4D 4+50 5+00 5+51) 6*DO 6+50 7+'00 7+50 4+0 8+50 N_ PATE REVISION I u PL r c 4 r? �'p --t h'ji 1; P Y'-!% r -1 . I I rt : -r' .3S mH7 5 r-ip cr L.-fsr r -f d'. -FA lwrtn% , I: � 3 —, 11 1 CITY OF STORM SEWER AND DMINAGE PLMI I EVIL Hakanson Anderson a -i a d2v Lltvmt Frcmss';-�J Er,7'rspr L.-Jor 1-m -. 7 N A Ill. St Cll_�[ tn)'rl#Fl ond Land Surim)-ors WEST DITCH JAP 31501 Thur5bnAnoku. V'nf-Lsolu 55503 HAM DRAINAGE I VPROVIEVENTS —PHASE 1 �.;:Q r 763-427-SBSO FA.X 763-427-0520 10 CITY OF OTSEGO, VINNESOTA Dt,3 _5141201 3 Llc, No. -U-052 RJ',# im w w. hok a r) w ri — a ndr, rs o n. c c�rn III'l 111 U OTA 14EED S-_ET Ot evo x OT435 RESOLUTION NO, 2013-44 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING QUOTE WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of City of Otsego, Needham Avenue Drainage Improvements — Phase 1, quotes were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following quote was received: Total Base Quote Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. $39,234.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc of Ramsey, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TSEGO MINNESOTA: 1 . The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc of Ramsey, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for Needham Avenue Drainage Improvements — Phase 1 according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the city council this 12th day of August, 2013. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tani Loff, Clerk OT435 - ResACCEPT BID - Phase 1 (3) Needham Project Summary FundingSources Special Assessments City Share Source to be identified Updated July 30, 2013 Administration 7/31/2013 11:28 AM 44.0144.00 94.66% 21491.00 5,34% 44,144-00 44..144.00 66.46% 221280.SO 33-54% Original Phase 1 Feasibility Feasibility July 10, 2013 July 23, 2013 Estimate Esti mate Bid Update Cost -Project Storm Sewer 41,635.00 431697.00 39.,234.00 39,234. 10 59.07% Overhead and Contingency E ngineering 51000-00 _1 7 BILI. 2 2 668M Btimate to completion 4j160.00 Lega 1 72-50 Estimate to completion 290-00 Planning Subtotal Overhead and Contingency 51000.00 271190.50 40.93% Total Project Cost 46?635M j'%II',.43'I697.00 '39.,234-00 66.,424.50 FundingSources Special Assessments City Share Source to be identified Updated July 30, 2013 Administration 7/31/2013 11:28 AM 44.0144.00 94.66% 21491.00 5,34% 44,144-00 44..144.00 66.46% 221280.SO 33-54%