Attachment 4 Draft BudgetTaxes Ad Valorem OtherTaxes Subtotal Taxes Licenses and Permits Business Liquor Other Subtotal Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Homestead Credit Police Aid MSA PEIAAid Subtotal Intergovtl Rev. Charges for Services Planning and Zoning l=ees Sale of Maps and Publications Assessment Searches Mining l=ees Internal Public Works Charges Street Light Operating Engineering Reviews (grading) Recreation Fees Prairie Center Rental Subtotal Charges for Services Other [interest Special Assessments Fires and Forefitures Franchise Fees Contributions Refunds and Reimbursements Sale of Fixed Assets Miscellaneous Transfers In Subtotal Otter Total General Fuad Revenues 8/9/2013 General Fund Revenues 33,170 28,000 28,000 - 0.00% 748 - 33,915 28,000 28io0o 0,00% 6,851 Adopted Proposed 45,432 47,000 Actual Budget Budget 155,000 x.,000 0.65% 1,372 2012 2013 2014 Change Change motes: 30137,480 3,213,145 3,400,000 186,855 5.82% estimate only 1,650 3,774 31139,131 31213J48 3,400,000 186,85. .8.. ... 5.82% 33,170 28,000 28,000 - 0.00% 748 - 33,915 28,000 28io0o 0,00% 6,851 - 5,000 - Included in Ad Valorem Tac budget 45,432 47,000 47,000 ' 0.00% 154,667 154,000 155,000 x.,000 0.65% 1,372 1,875 10900 25 1.33% 208,822 202,875 203,900 1,025 0.51% 6,800 - 5,000 51000 830 21,310 - 2,941 - 2,500 21800 91689 2,000 - (21000) -100,001 21,115 100,000 - Charged to projects In 2012 11650 11650 11650 81033 41000 41000 81840 55,000 50,000 (51000) -9,091 - - 21500 2,500 Estimate - placeholder 60,253 57,000 65,650 8,650 15.18yo 92,134 100,000 100,000 ' 0.00% 21,310 - 2,000 ' 10,547 100,000 105,000 5,000 8.009 800 {} 3,774 - 7,349 500 (500) -100,00% 2 ,COO 22,000 excludes $55,600 allocated to stormwater in 2013 233,845 200,500 227,000 26,809 13.220 31678,966 3,701,520 3,924,550 223,030 6.039 Total General Fund Excludes., Laser Fiche Web Access A tuaI Budgeted YTD Proposed Laser Fiche Intern 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services 5,150 Park/Streets Maim 1 net of 301950 Subtotal {`t,! 1110117 - 11225.,250 Supplies Locate Savings from Contract Subtotal 264,622 333,455 - 386,450 Services & Clar e Subtotal 211841901 2,266,285 2,345,150 Capital Outlaf Subtotal 21564 - Transfers Out 1.15,000 Total 31621,775 $ 31701y520 $3,956,850 Sales Tax Exemption 26,085 Amended Total 31930,765 Excludes., Laser Fiche Web Access 201100 Code Enforcement Soft rare 61700 Laser Fiche Intern 6,000 Street Dept Summer Seasonal 51900 Street Dept. Clerical Seasonal 5,150 Park/Streets Maim 1 net of 301950 Reduction of 1 Seasonal Replace Maint I Transferred to 27,000 Utilities Locate Savings from Contract to In House (40.,000) Subtotal 61,800 8/9/2013 City Council Services & Char e Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed Telephone 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services 13 300 200 Regular Pay 854 11100 11250 Part Time Ray 311335 28,000 30,000 Overtime Pay FICA 2,397 21150 21300 PER Insurance Worker's o p 300 Unemployment Comp 16,493 311200 401000 Subtotal 33,732 30,150 - 321500 Supplies Office Sup piles Operating Supplies Postage 51,273 62,950 74,750 Subtotal Services & Char e Telephone 500 Mileage 13 300 200 Education and Training 854 11100 11250 Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships. s. 180 200 200 Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Contingency 16,493 311200 401000 Subtotal 17,54. 321800 421150 Capital outlay Equipment Subtotal Total 51,273 62,950 74,750 Administration Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay $ 1.94,697 $ 196,500 $ 221,250 Part Time Pair Overtime Pair 21744 1.,000 - FICA 15,728 16,350 161925 EIA 15,282 161600 16,050 Insurance 19,658 12,825 14,500 Worker's Comp 11100 1,250 Unemployment Comp 3,468 Subtotal 25.,576 243,275 26,975 Supplies Office Supplies 8,549 71000 81000 Postage 3,300 41000 4,000 Subtotal 111849 11,000 - 12,000 Services & Char Telephone 61169 21990 950 Mileage 857 11100 1.,100 Training and Conferences 21827 5,150 41850 Recording Foes 11256 500 11090 Printing & Publishing 20,429 181900 19,400 [dues & Memberships 111173 11,050 12,100 Insurance 401901 37,925 211300 Contracted Services 71922 111000 11,000 Rentals 11,742 12,400 13,000 Subtotal 103,277 10.,015 84,700 Capital outlay Equipment 320 Subtotal 320 - - - Total $ 367,022 355,290 $366,675 Elections Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2018 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay 91080 10,400 Overtire Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal 91080 - 10,400 Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies 13,243 585 14,500 Postage Subtotal 131243 585 - 14,500 Srvicsrs Telephone Mileage 11561 11700 Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing 450 500 [butes & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal 2,01. - 21200 Capital Outlar Equipment Subtotal - _ .. Total $ 24,334 585 $ 27,100 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PI=RA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Chare Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Calta1 Outla Equipment Subtotal Assessor Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 67,904 68,250 70,300 67,904 68,260 - 70,300 Total - ..-....... $ 67,904 68;250 - $ 70,300 Finance Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2018 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay 141,681 $ 144,950 147,600 Part Time Pay 30,850 Overtime Pay FICA 14,827 14,850 13,650 PFA 13,606 14,075 12,950 Insurance 20,249 20,679 19,200 Worker's er's Comp 11109 11000 Unemployment Comp, Subtotal 190,364 195,645 225,250 Supplies Office Supplies 21278 31000 8,590 Postage Subtotal 21273 31000 ' 31500 Services & 1.r1IC�� Telephone 100 Mileage 300 Training and Conferences 2,580 31090 41000 Recording Fees Printing & Publishing 928 11090 11009 Dues & Memberships 35 300 750 Insurance 11124 Contracted Services 11,003 81000 11,000 Audit 29,025 33,009 331090 Rentals Subtotal 44,799 451300 50,150 Capital outlay Equipment 21244 Subtotal 2,244 - -- - Total $239,680 $243,945 $ $ 27,0 Information Technology Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal R - - umflies Office Supplies Operating Supplies 31000 61000 Postage Subtotal 31000 61000 Services h r Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences IT Support/Licenses 10,745 200 Printing & Publishing ips Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services 33,924 41,0 42,000 Rentals Subtotal 44,669 43,850 42,000 Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal - - -- - 'total 44,669 $ 40,850 48,000 Legal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time o Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's omp . Unemployment Corp Subtotal - .. Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal - .. .. ,. Servicesr e Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Legal Services 7.1305 70,rOOO 75,000 Rentals Subtotal 71,r3O5 701,000 75,000 Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal - - -- - Total $ 71,305 70,000 75,000 City Hall Actual Budgeted 'STD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay $ 01950 $ - Part Time Pay Overtime Pay - FICA 550 - PERA 500 Insurance 315 - Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal 8,315 -- - Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies 41000 51000 Postage Fuel 21000 21000 Repair & Maintenace Supplies 21500 51000 Subtotal - 81500 12,000 Services & CIar Telephone 21100 5,200 Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities 29,100 29,900 Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance 61150 6,275 Contracted Services 131F270 151500 Cleaning 117250 11,000 Rentals Subtotal 61,870 67,876 Capital Outlay Equipment Su btota I - - Total w 7,685 - 79,875 Old Town Site Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PEIA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies 333 Postage Subtotal 333 Services & Chr Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities 383 950 Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance 550 Contracted Services 500 Rentals Subtotal 383 -- 21000 Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal - - Total 716 21000 Planning Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013.2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Bart Time e Pay Overtime Pay FICA PFI Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal R Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Cqt r es Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording ording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services 85,126 80,000 651000 Rentals Subtotal 85,126 80,000 65.tOOO Capital Outla Equipment Subtotal - - - Total 85,120 $ 80;0 00 $ 65,000 Planning Commission Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Chargees Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dines & Memberships ips Insurance Contracted Services Re rata is Subtotal Capital Outla Equipment Subtotal 1,230 11680 11700 11230 11680 - 11700 Total 1,230 11680 $ 11700 Total General Government Personal Services Regular Pair Pert Time Pair Overtime Pair FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Clre Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing [dues & Memberships erships Insurance Contracted Service Rentals Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Su tta I Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 +486,983 479,066 - 539,026 27,698 26,085 - 4,000 437,016 603,085 -- 501,376 2,564 - Total - 953,260 $ 1,008,235 $ 11089,300 Personal Services Regular Pair Part Time Pa Overtime Pay FICA PEA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Cr e Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal capital outlay Equipment Subtotal Police Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 8751045 883,300 912,500 8751045 883,300 912,500 Total 875,045 $ 883,300 912,500 Police Commission Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtire Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Cr Telephone Mileage Tr=aining and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Iirerships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013.2013 2014 750 590 770 750 782 500 600 782 500 500 Total- ._._................... 11372 11370 - $ 11350 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PEPA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Char Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording ing Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Capital outi Equipment Subtotal Fire Actual 2012 Budgeted YTD Proposed 2013 2013 2014 347,922 3551000 375,850 34722 355,000 -- 375,850 Total $ 347,922 355,000 $375,850 Emergency Management Personal Services Regular- Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp, Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services &tar Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal ,Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2018 2013 2014 11000 . -- 1,000 51000 5,000 500 550 728 1,0000 21000 728 61500 71550 Total 728 61500 $ 8,550 Aminal Control Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Chanes Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Saris Rentals Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Su btotar I Actual Budgeted YTI Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 10,915 17,500 13,500 10/915 17,500 - 13,500 Total $ 10,915 $ 17,500 $ 13,500 Total Public Safety Personal Services Regular Ray Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Servicesbar e Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Capital outla Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2016 2014 590 770 - 750 762 600 - 11600 112341610 1,262,300 -- 11309,400 Total 11235,982 11263,670 y 113111750_ Streets Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay 337,413 215,200 287,200 Part Time Pay 111729 12,000 13,000 Overtime Pay 5,280 8,000 81000 FICA 20,792 18,000 23,500 PERF 26,250 16,200 21,400 Insurance 39,817" 33,800 32,775 Worker's er's Corn p 14,475 20,200 Unemployment yment Comp 44 - 5ubttal 447,325 317,675 - 406,175 Supplies Office Supplies 1,124 500 500 Operating Supplies 321492 4,000 4,000 Fuel 55,431 Repair & Maint. Supplies 25,090 5,000 5,000 Safety Supplies 3,021 21000 21000 Sign Supplies 1,781 17 000 23,000 Small Tools & Equip. 11,840 10,000 101000 Uniform Allowance 6,786 3,500 2,950 Blacktop Supplies 9,995 12,000 140000 Sand & Gravel 22,1.0 30,000 30,000 Salt & Sand 24,272 75,000 751000 Subtotal 193,944 159,000 - 166,450 Services & Charges Telephone 10,355 5,990 4,500 Training and Conferences 41047 41675 41675 utilities 23,506 500 Cleaning 7,993 Printing & Publishing 311 Dues & Memberships100 500 500 Insurance 34,343 1,400 23,450 Contracted Services 22,417 5,000 5,000 Dust Coating 12,844 13,000 13,500 Dentals 3,471 31000 3,000 Subtotal 119,387 330505 55,125 CaRit l Outlay Equipment Subtotal - - .. - ...627,750 Total 760,656 $ 510,240 _ Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal SuPrAles Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Cfar Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Engineering Utility Locates Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Engineering Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 78,720 49,994 85,000 32,000 851000 80,000 128,713 1.17,000 135,000 Total -.-.... $ 128,71.3 117,000 - 13 , oo Personal Services Regular Pair Part Time Pair Overtime Pair FICA PERA Insurance Worker's er's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Clan Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues &Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Capital outs Equipment Subtotal Street Lights Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 108,775 105,000 110,000 108,775 105,000 -- 110,000 Total $ 108,775 $ 105,000 $110,000 Fleet Maintenance Personal Services Regula- Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PERA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Corp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Fuel Repair & M int. Supplies Uniform Allowance Small Tools & Equipment Subtotal Services & Carg Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Cues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Su btota l Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 201 $ 50,900 $ 52,800 4,575 41050 41425 31800 %885 5,850 2,900 400 82,785 66,900 19,700 19,700 56,000 63,400 20,000 20,000 1,500 1,500 5,000 51000 102,200 109,600 700 700 18,775 51000 51000 24,475 51700 _......... .. Total .$ $ 20,460 $182,200 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PEA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Fuel Repair & Mai t. Supplies Uniform Allowance Small Tools & Equipment ent Subtotal Services & Car Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Total Public Works Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 447,325 400,460 473,075 193,944 261,200 276,050 356,875 280,040 -- 305,825 Total 998,145 $ 941,700 $ 1,054,950 Park Maintenance Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay 49,660 90,400 $ 82,300 Part Time Pay 41,436 431600 Overtime Pay FICA 31799 10,086 9,660 PERA 202 61675 61000 Insurance 71620 41600 21900 Worker's Comp 4,275 11060 Unemployment Comp Subtotal 63,66. 157,370 145,500 Supe Office Supplies 500 Operating Supplies 1.4,808 191470 281250 Postage Fuel 6,119 Repair & Maim. Supplies 13,399 10,500 12,500 Uniform Allowance 11400 1,100 Safety Supplies 11000 600 Small Tools & Equipment 6,776 61950 51000 Subtotal 40,102 39,820 47,460 Services & Clars Telephone 51990 11500 Mileage Training and Conferences 98 11750 2,760 Utilities 26,497 201000 281700 Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships 500 Insurance 26,600 261925 35,350 Contracted Services 23,905 33,300 34,600 Rentals 121593 6,000 21000 Subtotal 89,698 94,465 R 1041900 Caaitl Outlay Equipment Subtotal R - - - Total $ 198,456 $ 291,655 $297,850 Recreation Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay 45,058 87,360 $ 38,700 Part Time Pay 11915 91000 15,500 Overtime Pay FICA 3,437 31550 41150 PERA 3,163 2,710 31950 Insurance 21965 21730 2,450 Wo rke is Co m P 700 Unemployment ent Comp Subtotal 56,538 551350 55,550 Supplies Office Supplies 31 21000 Operating Supplies 31200 Postage Subtotal 31 51200 Services & Cha Telephone 11500 Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing 6,300 61300 Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals 350 Subtotal - 61300 81150 Other Recreation Programming 15,039 55,460 551000 Community Events 11,407 201000 20,000 Subtotal 26,446 75,450 75,000 Capital tl Equipment Subtotal - - -- - Total $ 83,016 $ 137,110 - $153)900 Prairie Center Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013.2014 Personal Services Regular Pay $ 67950 $ - Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA 550 PERA 500 Insurance 315 Worker's Corp Unemployment Camp Subtotal - 8X5 - Supplies Office Supplies 500 Operating Supplies 11492 1,000 51000 Postage Fuel 21000 11060 Repair & Maint. Supplies 29 1,500 ., Subtotal 11521 51000 71500 Services & Clare Telephone 3,400 Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities 121580 14,600 0;450 Recording Fees Printing Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance 71285 21735 11200 Contracted Services 10,755 71850 6,560 Cleaning 61993 51000 51000 Rentals Subtotal 37,613 30,185 - 267550 capital outlay Equipment Su btota l -- - - - Total $ 39,134 43,500 $ y 34,050 Heritage Preservation Commission Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtire Pay FICA PEA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Comp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal Services & Clar Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Re nta is .Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 590 450 590 450 544 Soo 450 450 Soo 544 500 Soo 300 300 300 300 r N Total $ 1)1 34 1,250 - $ 1,250 Total Culture & Recreation Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PBA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Corp Subtotal Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Repair & Maint, Supplies Uniform Allowance Safety Supplies Small Tools & Equipment Subtotal Services & Charges Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Utilities Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Programming Community Events Subtotal Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 120,789 221,485 - 2.1,500 421198 45,320 60,650 153;752 206,710 - 214,900 Total 316,739 473,515 - $ 487,050 Economic Development Services & Cr Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013 2013 2014 Personal Services Mileage Regula- Pay Part Time Pair Overtime Pair Recording Fees FICA Printing c Publishing PER Insurance 21582 3,150 Worker's Corp Insurance Unemployment Comp Contracted Services Subtotal 1.,000 51000 Supplies Office Supplies 250 150 Operating Supplies 5000 Subtotal Postage 14,150 - 13,650 Subtotal 250 -- x.50 Services & Cr Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences 500 Recording Fees Printing c Publishing Dares & Memberships 21582 3,150 3,150 Insurance Contracted Services 1.,000 51000 Rentals Marketing 67 101000 5000 Subtotal 21549 14,150 - 13,650 Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal - R _ Total $ 21649 $....14,400 $ 13,800 Total Economic Development Actual Budgeted YTD Proposed 2012 2013.2013 2014 Personal Services Regular Pay Part Time Pay Overtime Pay FICA PEIA Insurance Worker's Comp Unemployment Cor Subtotal - .. Supplies Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage Subtotal - 250 150 Telephone Mileage Training and Conferences Recording Fees Printing & Publishing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contracted Services Rentals Marketing Subtotal 21649 14,150 131650 Capital Outlay Equipment Subtotal - - Total 2,649 1.4,400 $ 13,800