Attachment Fire Capital ReserveSource 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1214 Fire Capital Resem, eginnhig Balance 13300f4 0 1, 20,000 116653000 13815}000 (380,000) Revenues and Other Fund Sources Revenue General Properly Taxes 140,000 145,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 Total Total Revenues and theiā€¢Fund Som- es Total Funds Available x enditm-es ancl Uses Capital Projects & Equipment Pubo Sate Public Safety Fire Dpot P-12-003 Fero St flon PS -12-005 Total 'ictal xpendltut#es and Uses I mige hi Fund Balmice riding BX Vice 140,006 145,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 140,000 145,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 1,520,000 1,465,000 136115}000 139702000 {220,000} 0 0 0 (600, 000) 0 0 0 0 11 TO, 000) 0 0 6 0 (2,350,000) 0 0 O 6 (2,3OfOO) 0 140,004 145,000 150,000 (21195,000) 166,000 1,5201400 1 # 6O f0OO l p sp0 (300,000) (220,000) Page 8 Monday, July 01, 2013