RES 18-03CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-03 RESOLUTION REQUESTING WRIGHT COUNTY TO APPROVE CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST THAT STATE OF MINNESOTA QUIT CLAIM INTERESTS IN CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City of Otsego received a State Tax Deed for that property identified as PID 118-800-251101 (West 220 feet of the East 1240 feet of the North 495 feet as measured along N& E In thereof, of North 1/2 of Section 25, Township 121, Range 24, subject to road easements of record) lying within the City of Otsego, said deed received in 1993 and attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the deed contained restrictions on the use of the property, stating that it could only be used for park purposes; and WHEREAS; the City of Otsego desires to remove the current restrictions on the property, and seeks to acquire the property at fair market value for public use pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.01, Subd. l a (b) via quit claim deed from the State of Minnesota to the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, acquisition of the property for fair market value requires Wright County to determine fair market value of the property and also requires approval of the transaction by resolution of the Wright County Board of Commissioners. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The City of Otsego requests that Wright County establish fair market value of the property at its current County assessed valuation. 2. That the Wright County Board of Commissioners approve Otsego's request for acquisition of the property by Resolution. 3. That the Wright County Board of Commissioners direct County staff to send the City and County resolutions to the State of Minnesota requesting approval of a quit claim deed from the State to the City of Otsego with no restrictions. 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to Wright County for consideration by the Wright County Board of Commissioners. 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Resolution on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 8th day of January, 2018 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member Heidner and seconded by Council Member Tanner. IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Heidner, Tanner, Darkenwald, Warehime OPPOSED: None CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 5A-966 taev.7l92t APpNt'sa byThc Attvinq 11thmal STAl6 OF MINNESMA 11968 DEPARTMENT OF REWNUE CONVEYANCE OFFORKITED LANDS (Issued pursuant to Mlnnesata Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivlsion 1) THls RM)W`! U RIE, made this 22nd day of January, 1993, between the State or Minnesota, as party of the first part, and The City of Otsego, a Governmental Subdivision, as partyofthosecond part, W1TH>>Tfit 'iY}3MRBAS, the land hereinafter described was duly forfeited to the State of Minnesota to be held In trust M favor ofthe taxing districts for the nonpayment of taxes. and, Var,Rtr..Au, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 282,01, Subdivisibn Is, [be party of the second part has applied to the Commissioner of Revenue for the conveyance of lands hereinafter described to beusedby Itexelusivelyforpark and recreationlands, and, - WSEREA9, unless not required under Minatesota. Statutes Section 282.01, Subdivlsion Ibtb), the Board of County Commissioners offt County of Wright, State of Minnesota, hal. recommended to the CommWalonor of Revenue by resolution adopted an the 24th day of August, 194W., that such cortveyanw be made, IYOW, TH p.1 00M the State ofMirmesola, pi n;uantto said latus and in consideration, of the. promises, does hcreby grant or convey unto the party of the second part, all the tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of lVrighl, State or Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit Parcel #118-IiOO.231IOi, �Y 2207t of E 1290 n of N 49611 as meas. along N & E In thereof. of N 1/2 or Section 25, Township 121, Range 2¢ subJ, to easementfor road over the W 33 ft thereof andoverAY'33Rthercof. SecUon25,Towns11tp12l,Rangc24, Further, the lands conveyed bytbis deed are not eltglblefor enrollment in a.State. of Minnesota funded program providing compensation for comervatian of marginal land or wetlands. TO HAVE AM TO HOLD TEN SAMr-, together with Ali the hereditaments and appurtenances {hereunto belonging or hl anytvtse appartaintng, to the said party or the second part so long as it shalt continue to use said land Cor thelturpose aforesaid, and upon Condition that If such use sha11 cease said land shall revert to the party or the List part as provided by late. THE OAMTOR CERTihWS that the eventorlmaws of one or more wells located on the described real properly. 'rile Stale of Minnesota is issuing Ibis deed for the county and other taxing Jurisdictions and in reliance an theAudkofs Ccrillieate statingthat one or more veils arcloeated on the above described property. IN TESTIMO_z1X WaEREOO, the State of Minnesota, party of the first part, has caused this deed to be exeeuLed in.its name in the City ofSt. Pani, Ramsey Couu(:, Mhmosotn, tha day and year ftrst. above wrliten. lulrreesnee oft i STATE 00 1SOTA, ) ) ssf County ofRsmsey ) 30 2 9 1533 STATE Or AUNr=tYi`A 1SG t A"LIR N Comm tltev nue �� B: On this 22nd day of January, 1998. before me personally app eoredhUCQHI1,LP. ;DAZiDMP,.CHER. the dulyappointed representative, of the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Mnnesota, to me known to be'the pperson who executed the foregoing conveyance la behalf or the State of Minnesota, and aohnowledged (-bathe executed the same as the free act and deed oC sold state pursuant to the statutes In such case madeand provided. rill •'r�'•'" " 14...1( ;F.4`x.1'.>;.•i'f�Li , fGf.'xt"+.—ter, ,tl l 1 � Nt t.�::-. ... , •` The total consideration o>'4�1i3s"Crarisfex zs less than $500.110 7hq In;IluMart viii t7Nllad6/ 7F9Cd•nmli4G,151 of HR.wa $Idled I�fnn9Sm3 afpx,im'.ui nlAK�:nue $1 Pr�I, ilwnasma b5;bb / 520AE? cc��77� ,1313 J&� 27 m r !I MARCIA Ama