ITEM 1 Draft WasteWater Master Plan4'.) CITY F 0 ot MINNESOTA OTSEGO WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN (DRAFT) m JANUARY 2018 y Executive Summary: Otsego Wastewater Treatment Master Planning 1 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AE2S performed an evaluation of the City of Otsego's West and East Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTFs), including short-term and long-term projections of future needs, projects, and costs for each facility to meet treatment capacity and regulatory requirements. 1.1 LONG-TERM PLANNING AND PROJECTIONS AE2S prepared a Basis of Design for the West and East WWTFs based on available data, land use and population projections, and typical wastewater characteristics. These values were used as the basis for the long-term projections for future regulatory projections and capacity phasing needs of each WWTF. Details on the preparation of these values is included in the Basis of Design Technical Memorandum (TM). A summary of the service populations used with these projections is included in Table 1.1.1. Population equivalents have been used in the wastewater planning process to relate the projected flow to the current flows. The table also includes a "true" population number that corresponds with the City's population growth documents. Table 1.1.1 — Existing and Projected Service Populations for West and East WWTFs pulation Condition Total Service West Service East Service Population Population Population w-l� 1-1 [PEI [PEI [PEI [PEI [PEI [PEI Existing [PE] 6,144 3,468 2,676 - - - Projected [PE] 82,003 39,856 42,147 37,258 642 4,247 Existing 4,495 2,538 1,958 - - - [Population (Approx.)]* Projected291 162 30,838 27,261 470 3,108 [Population (Approx.)]* 60�000L MMMM-NEEM *Corrected from PE and assuming consistent population distribution between all areas. A screening of reasonable liquid and solids treatment alternatives was performed, and several alternatives selected for further, in-depth analysis based on the results. The pre-screened alternatives were evaluated based on cost (capital, operations & maintenance, and net present worth) and non - cost criteria through a Kepner-Tregoe analysis to provide weighted scoring. The results of the Kepner-Tregoe analysis aligned with the cost analysis for recommended alternatives. The total cost summaries for each liquid and solids alternative are presented in Figures 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. Additional details for each alternative and the respective evaluation are located in their respective TMs. Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. AE2S www.ae2s.com �t MBR - WEST CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN WITH CONSOLIDATED SOLIDS O o C4 H 50' 0 50, 100' LEGEND DADMINISTRATIVE LIQUID TRAIN SOLIDS TRAIN LIQUIDS PIPE SOLIDS PIPE -- EXISTING PIPE PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS MARK DESCRIPTION 1� NEW PTB BUILDING �2 CONVERSION TO ANAEROBIC SELECTORS / FERMENTER TERTIARY TREATMENT BUILDING -DE-NITRIFICATION FILTERS (FUTURE) -EFFLUENT AERATION -BLOWERS -CHEMICAL FEED -UV DISINFECTION ® EXPAND EXISTING SLUDGE THICKENING BUILDING -BLOWERS -WAS/TWASPUMPS -THICKENERS -EXPANDED WAS /TWAS STORAGE C RE -PURPOSE AS THICKENED WAS STORAGE MEMBRANE BIO REACTOR (MBR) -FLOW SPLITTER -ANOXIC CHAMBER -AERATION CHAMBER -POST-ANOXIC CHAMBER -MEMBRANE CASSETTE CHAMBER �7 REPURPOSE AS WAS STORAGE MBR PROCESS BUILDING BIOFILTER 10 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (f) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com z Q J 0'0< W Lu O U) � Z Q O Z LL 00- 0>- o Of- C W U O U) H O DRAWING TYPE PRELIMINARY PREPARED BY SAS CHECKED/APPROVED ### i ### DATE MARCH 2017 PROJECT NUMBER '05409-2013-00 SHEET 4 of 14 DRAWING C4 1 MBR - EAST CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN WITH CHEMICAL 13)50. 0 50' 100' STABILIZATION CONSOLIDATED +'0 T H Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 • (t) 763-463-5036 (f) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com Q F C J - O Of W W O H U) z QO2I p 0- 0 >- (DIF—U) t W U o U) O DRAWINGTYPE ' PRELIMINARY PREPARED BY SAS CHECKED/APPROVED DATE MARCH 2017 PROJECT NUMBER '05409-2013-00. SHEET 13 a 14 DRAWING C13 LEGEND I..I ADMINISTRATIVE LIQUID TRAIN � w ~ SOLIDS TRAIN f LIQUIDS PIPE rr 1 � SOLIDS PIPE ^I � RECYCLE PIPE , ----- EXISTING PIPE PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS MARK DESCRIPTION RE -PURPOSE INTO ANAEROBIC SELECTOR STRUCTURE �2 EXPANSION OF PRE-TREATMENT BUILDING W1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ® TERTIARY TREATMENT BUILDING (FUTURE DE -NITRIFICATION FILTERS, ULTRA VIOLET DISINFECTION, EFFLUENT AERATION, BLOWERS, AND CHEMICAL FEED) �5 RE -PURPOSE INTO WAS STORAGE © SOLIDS PROCESSING AND EQUIPMENT BUILDING �7 TRUCK LOADOUT © BIOFILTER O MEMBRANE BIO REACTOR (MBR) - PART 1 -ANOXIC CHAMBER -AERATION CHAMBER -POST-ANOXIC CHAMBER 1p MEMBRANE BIO REACTOR (MBR) - PART 2 -MEMBRANE CASSETTE CHAMBER L F -MBR PROCESS BUILDING 11 ' EXISTING BLOWER BUILDING CONVERTED TO ADDITIONAL THICKENING AND TWAS STORAGE C 12 EXISTING THICKENING BUILDING TO REMAIN C Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 • (t) 763-463-5036 (f) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com Q F C J - O Of W W O H U) z QO2I p 0- 0 >- (DIF—U) t W U o U) O DRAWINGTYPE ' PRELIMINARY PREPARED BY SAS CHECKED/APPROVED DATE MARCH 2017 PROJECT NUMBER '05409-2013-00. SHEET 13 a 14 DRAWING C13 AE2S recommends the construction of phased membrane bioreactor (MBR) liquid treatment at each WWTF, and the construction of consolidated biosolids chemical (lime) stabilization at the East WWTF for biosolids from both WWTFs. Figures 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 detail phasing initiation and operation triggers for years 2017-2037. For the line labels: • First letter indicates facility: W = West WWTF; E = East WWTF • Second letter indicates liquid or solids improvement: L = Liquid; S = Solids • Number indicates phase number • Example: WS2 = West WWTF Solids Phase 2 Phase initiation is assumed to occur when 80 percent of process capacity has been achieved. Operational requirements assume three years from initiation and should be confirmed with growth conditions at the time the initiation trigger is reached. The corresponding TM regarding phasing contains additional details. Additionally, AE2S recommends performing a pilot study of the recommended lime stabilization system with biosolids from the existing facilities to confirm sizing, cost, and operation of the recommended system. Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. (IE2S www.ae2s.com $180.0 $160.0 $140.0 $120.0 $100.0 $80.0 $60.0 $40.0 $20.0 $0.0 $100.0 $90.0 $80.0 $70.0 $60.0 $50.0 $4[x.0 $30.0 $20.0 $10.0 $0.0 $161.7 $159.9 $145.6 $56.1 $58.4 $66.4 $53.4 $42.3 $SI.8 00 MBR IFAS WEST CAPITAL ■ EAST CAPFCAL O&M NP'W Figure 1.1.1 - Alternative Cost Summary - Liquid Treatment ($millions) $91.7 $83.4 $37.7 $38.8 0- 294 $77.9 $11 11 Independent Biosolids -Aerobic Consolidated Biosolids -Aerobic Consolidated Biosolids -Chemical Digestion Digestion (Lime) Stabilization West Capital Cost ■ East Capital Cost O&M N PW Figure 1.1.2 - Alternative Cost Summary - Solids Treatment ($millions) Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. �J A www.ae2s.com W W West WWTF - Phase Initiation and Operational Triggers (2017-2037) 8,000 WL -2 Operational W52 {Initiation] — 5,755 RECs = 5 908 RECs WL2 {Initiation] = 5,865 RECs 300 RECs/year/WWTF W51 {Operational] = 3 887 RECs W52 (Operational) 7,000 6,808 RECs W51 {Initiation] = 2,987 RECs WL1 {Initiation] = 2,4D2 RECs 6,000 i i i i i 200 RECs/year/WTF 5,000 150 RECs/year/WTF RECs 4,000 100 RECs/year/WWTF 80 RECs/year/WWTF 60 RECs/year/WWTFW 3,000 40 RECs/year/WTF 20 RECs/year/WWTF 2,000 1,000 0 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 Year W W = WL -2 Operational W52 {Initiation] — 5,755 RECs = 5 908 RECs WL2 {Initiation] = 5,865 RECs W51 {Operational] = 3 887 RECs WL1 {Operational] = 3,302 RECs W51 {Initiation] = 2,987 RECs WL1 {Initiation] = 2,4D2 RECs Figure 1.1.3 - West WWTF - Phase Initiation and Operational Triggers (2017-2037) Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. (Iwww.ae2s.com East WWTF - Phase Initiation and Operational Triggers (2017-2037) 8,000 7,000 5,. RECs 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2017 300 RECs/year/WWTF 200 RECs/year/WWTF 150RECs/year/WWTF 100 RECs/year/WWTF SO RECs/year/WV%fTF 60 RECs/year/WWTF 40 RECs/year/WWTF 20 RECs/year/WWTF 2022 2027 2032 2037 Year Figure 1.1.4 - East WWTF - Phase Initiation and Operational Triggers (2017-2037) Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond.j FIEZS www.ae2s.com ES2 (operational) = 7,069 RECs ES2 (Initiation) = 6,169 RECs EL2 (Operational) = 6,169 RECs EL2 (Initiation) = 6,041 RECs EL1(operational) = 4,564 RECs E51b (Operational) = 3,664 RECs = 3,664 RECs _ _ _ — _ _ — — — ES1aOperational-- — _ = 3,640 RECs ES1b (Initiation) = 3,201 RECs ES1a (Initiation -Odor) E51a = 2,740 RECs Initiation -Capacity) E51a (Operati nal -Capacity) = 2,740 RECs = 3,34 RECs 0 2017 300 RECs/year/WWTF 200 RECs/year/WWTF 150RECs/year/WWTF 100 RECs/year/WWTF SO RECs/year/WV%fTF 60 RECs/year/WWTF 40 RECs/year/WWTF 20 RECs/year/WWTF 2022 2027 2032 2037 Year Figure 1.1.4 - East WWTF - Phase Initiation and Operational Triggers (2017-2037) Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond.j FIEZS www.ae2s.com 1.2 SHORT-TERM PLANNING AND PROJECTIONS (2017-2037) A phasing plan was developed for the selected MBR liquid and consolidated chemical stabilization of biosolids alternatives. Complete phasing plans and details of the improvements are included in the respective TMs. Table 1.2.1 details the projected phases and improvements to occur within the 20 -year planning horizon based on population growth projections, as well as projected project initiation dates and costs. Table 1.2.1 — Opinion of Probable Project Capital Costs — 2017-2037 ProjeNed _W Project Design Projected Cost MW I Initiation Year (2017 D. East Solids — Interim Digester Improvements 2018 $35,000 East Solids Phase 1 (ES1) Phase 1a Only (ES1a) 2018-2021 $7,500,000 ' Phase 1b Only (ES1b) 2026 $4,750,000 ' Phase 1a+1b (ES1 — Constructed 2018-2026 $12,100,000 in Single Phase) West Liquid Phase 1 (WL1) 2021 (2024) $22,300,000 East Liquids Phase 1 (EL1) 2030 (2047) $20,750,000 Years in parentheses indicated "slow growth" projection of 75 RECs/year/WWTF AE2S also evaluated existing equipment at each WWTF based on existing equipment age, condition, and projected life. Based on the analysis, AE2S projected the following short-term (2017-2020) improvements to be completed to maintain satisfactory operation of each facility (Figures 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, and Table 1.2.2). The following notes apply to these short-term, rehabilitation and replacement (R&R) projections: • The analysis and projections apply only to the WWTFs. No street, fleet, or other facilities or equipment were included. • R&R curves are independent of capital phasing. Changes to these costs may also occur due to large capital projects if the projects may incorporate planned R&R items, or eliminate items entirely if specific equipment is removed from use. This also means that new equipment may be added. • Like all projections in the Master Plan, the R&R values may vary if growth occurs faster or slower than projected rates. This can result in the potential for equipment to undergo more or less wear than typical, or require removal/replacement due to new capital projects occurring prior to R&R requirements. • Additional notes and assumptions for the short-term R&R projections are included in the respective TM. Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. AE2S www.ae2s.com Table 1.2.2 - Short -Term Equipment Replacement Priority List (2017 Dollars) 1 East SCADA & Controls Rehabilitation/Replacement - $150,000 2 East Preliminary Treatment Building Mechanical HVAC 1 $50,000 (Specific unit cost TBD) 3 East Effluent Sampler 1 $30,000 4 West Influent Sampler 1 $30,000 5 East Sludge Storage Tank No. 1 thru 4 Submersible Mixers 4 $40,000 6 East Drain Lift Station Pumps 2 $20,000 7 East Effluent DO Probe 1 $2,500 8 East Preliminary Treatment Building Odor Control Unit 1 $100,000 9 West RAS Pumps 3 $30,000 10 West + Polymer Feed System 1 each $160,000 East 11 East Grit Equipment - Pump and Cyclone 1 $125,000 Other West+ East Post -Aeration Tank No. 1 Fine Bubble Diffusers; - $315,000 East East Post -Aeration Blowers; West Rotary Screen; aggregate West Thickened Sludge Pump $1,000,000 1 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 0 a r $600,000 0 tV 41 $500,000 z rc v u $900,000 Q $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Year --- Total (West +East) -Total (West Only) -Process -Structural/Architectural Mechanical - Electrical - I&C -Site / Miscellaneous Figure 1.2.1 - Short -Term Equipment Replacement - West WWTF (2017 Dollars) West WWTF - Planned Annualized R&R Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond.J FIE www.ae2s.com $1,0o0,00a $9oo,000 $800,000 $700,000 0 0 n $600,000 ti 0 U $500,000 o7J $400,000 C Q $300,000 $2oo'000 $100,000 $0 2017 East WWTF - Planned Annualized R&R 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202' Year --- Total (West +East) —Total (East Only) —Process — Structural/Architectural — Mechanical — Electrical — I&C • Site / Miscellaneous Figure 1.2.2 - Short -Term Equipment Replacement - East WWTF (2017 Dollars) Executive Summary City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. (]E2S www.ae2s.com P\\4 n EIS Acronym List Otsego Wastewater Treatment Master Planning AACE Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering International ADF Average Daily Flow ADWDF Average Dry Weather Daily Flow Ammonia -N Ammonia as nitrogen (also NH3-N) AnMBR Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors AWW/AWWF/ Average Wet Weather/Average Wet Weather Flow/Average Wet AWWDF/PM Weather Daily Flow/Peak Month (All Meanings Equivalent) BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand cBOD Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand cfs Cubic Feet per Second CY Cubic Yards ELI East Liquid Phase 1 EL2 East Liquid Phase 2 EL3 East Liquid Phase 3 EPA Environmental Protection Agency ES 1 a East Solids Phase la ES lb East Solids Phase lb ES2 East Solids Phase 2 ES3 East Solids Phase 3 ES4 East Solids Phase 4 ES5 East Solids Phase 5 DMR Discharge Monitoring Report DO Dissolved Oxygen gpcd Gallons per capita per day gpd Gallons per day gpm Gallons per minute IFAS Integrated Fixed -film Activated Sludge I/I Infiltration and Inflow kg Kilogram kW Kilowatt L Liter Ib. Pound MBR Membrane Bioreactor MGD Million Gallons per Day mg/L Milligram per Liter mJ Millij oule Acronym List City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. (IE2S www.ae2s.com P\\4 REIS Acronym List (continued) Otsego Wastewater Treatment Master Planning ML Megaliter MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids MITI Millimeter MOP Manual of Practice MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ng Nanogram NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPW Net Present Worth OD Oxidation Ditch O&M Operations and Maintenance OM&R Operations, Maintenance, and Repair org Organisms PE Population Equivalent PEL Preliminary Effluent Limits pH Negative Logarithm of the Hydronium Ion (Acidity) ppcd Pounds per capita per day ppd Pounds per day PH Peak Hour PTB Preliminary Treatment Building Q Flow R&R Rehabilitation and Replacement RAS Return Activated Sludge RECs Residential Equivalent Connections SBR Sequencing Batch Reactors SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SRT Solids Retention Time TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TKN-N Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as Nitrogen TM Technical Memorandum TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TN Total Nitrogen TP Total Phosphorus TSS Total Suspended Solids TWAS Thickened Waste Activated Sludge um Microns UV Ultraviolet Acronym List City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. (IE2S www.ae2s.com Acronym List (continued) Otsego Wastewater Treatment Master Planning VSS Volatile Suspended Solids WAS Waste Activated Sludge WEF Water Environment Federation WL1 West Liquid Phase 1 WL2 West Liquid Phase 2 WU West Liquid Phase 3 WS0 West Solids Phase 0 WS1 West Solids Phase 1 WS2 West Solids Phase 2 WS3 West Solids Phase 3 WWTF Wastewater Treatment Facility Acronym List City of Otsego, MN P05409-2013-002 Think Big. Go Beyond. J FIE www.ae2s.com