09-32RESOLUTION NO. 2009 - 32 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT WHEREAS, effective August 8, 2009 the new Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) rules are implemented, WHEREAS, with in these changes are several alteration to Local Government (LGU) duties and procedures, WHEREAS, the new rule states that the LGU must provide, by resolution, trained and knowledgeable staff with expertise in water resource management to manage the WCA program, however; administrative duties may rest with non -water resource management qualified staff. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THAT: Hakanson Anderson Associates be appointed to perform the administrative duties and manage the WCA program for the City of Otsego: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hakanson Anderson Associates be the duly appointed consultant with qualified staff in water resource management to provide technical input for the administration of the WCA program including the decision authority for exemption, no loss, wetland boundary and type, sequencing determinations, replacement plans, and wetland banking determinations. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of September, 2009. Motion by: CM HEIDNER Second by: CM S ER All in Favor: MAYOR STOCKAMP; COUNCII,MFmERS: HEIDNER, SCHARBER, THORSTED AND DARKENWALD. Those Opposed: NONE. Attest: 'l runt -m dQV�t Tami Loff, Clerk ot901 Resregarding the administration of the wetl