01-09-18 Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes1-9-18 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Present: Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Toni Seroshek;
Dan Licht, City Planner; Jessica Stockamp, Mayor; Corey Tanner, City Councilman.
Meeting called to order by Toni Seroshek at 7:08pm. Minutes of the last meeting
were approved.
Park Signs: Dan Licht presented the park sign for Northwood Park. There is no
available picture of the metal polish made in the town of Northwood so we
cannot feature that. Toni suggested getting some representation of the
organization of the Grange, which Oliver Kelley started. It was the first farming
cooperative effort to collectively made life in farming more favorable. Images
were identified online and which Dan will choose one and incorporate it into the
Northwood Park sign. Next the completed signs will go to the Council for
approval at the January 22 meeting.
Next Otsego View Article:
Discussion of the content for the next Otsego View article which is soon due
narrowed down to the Park theme, noting that the parks are named according to
historical events/places/themes/people by the Otsego Heritage Preservation
Commission with the approval of the Parks and Rec Board and the City Council.
Dan will write the article re: the Parks and informing the City residents to look for
the new Park signs and identify special features of the Parks. Mayor Jessica
suggested featuring the Wilson Preserve since it is a recent Park and the most
unique of all the Parks in her opinion. We can then educate Otsego residents to
look for the signs and possibly look to other parks besides the one in their own
neighborhood. The Commissioners endorsed her opinion.
Festival Project:
We brainstormed about Festival Project ideas. Here are a few of the ideas:
1. What is the history significant to you during the time you have lived in
2. A cutout or cutouts which hide bodies but allow for heads in a prairie
setting, or Grant Wood’s American Gothic- style cutout or other.
3. Dan imagined a map of Otsego and people put pins in the map where they
live. Then there is a huge stickpin with a red head which identifies our
tent’s location, and a big sign which says: You are Here! This would also be
helpful for anyone who has a booth to identify from where people are
coming. We liked this idea!
4. Could we stick with the Park theme since the signs will have just been
Because Council Member Corey Tanner has a deep interest in history, he will be
coming to our meetings as our liaison with the Council. Jessica will also be
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night,
February 13, 2018 at Prairie Center.
Gail Anderson, Recorder