ITEM 4.1 Otsego RFP Parks and Rec System Master Plan• Bill To: Row Dernant 13400 90th St NE Otsego MN 55330-7259 Lire No Mateerat No 7 Description UOM U. s 000010 65232692 EA Acrobat Pro Subs CC ALL MLP DSP Pat Imr 01 rrcmth MUN 1 MO PARKS Recreation Otsego Park & Recreation Master Plan RFP Introduction The Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking a professional services team to provide the necessary planning services to create the Department's first Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. This plan will provide guidance for both short and long- range planning for the Department by integrating community input and current services and infrastructure with best practices in recreation and park planning standards. The City anticipates the development of the final draft plan will take approximately 8 months from initiation. The Otsego Parks and Recreation Department serves a mid-sized community of approximately 16,000 residents located in Central Minnesota along the Mississippi and Crow Rivers. The demographic profile is mostly young families and retiring baby boomers. The Parks and Recreation Department employs 4 full time and 8-10 seasonal positions and maintains 13 parks, 160 developed acres, 80 undeveloped acres and 22 miles of trail. The City is committed to its core values and uses these values as a guide for current and future decision making: The City is: 1. a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovation communication. 2. proactively expanding infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. 3. committed to the delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. 4. a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. 5. a distinctive community known for its beauty and natural resources. Proposed Schedule RFP Review P&R Commission: RFP Review City Council: RFP Posting: Proposals due: Interviews: Contract Award: February 20, 2018 February 26, 2018 February 28, 2018 April 6, 2018 (4:00 pm local time) April 24, 2018 May 7, 2018 1 PARKS Recreation Scope of Work The project is expected to include the following tasks: 1. Review and Assess Past and Current Planning Efforts and Community Demographics 2. Community Engagement 3. Inventory and Analyze the Current Park and Recreation System 4. Identify Current and Future Needs in the Parks and Recreation System 5. Prepare Final Document. Specific Tasks The scope of work is organized into tasks associated for work activity in support of each area of the plan. The breakdown of tasks and categories may allow the City to choose items to be completed by the consultant or items that City Staff may complete or other ways of phasing the project for maximum efficiency. Tasks Task 1: Review and Assess Past and Current Planning Efforts and Community Demographics: Review current City documents 0 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan 0 2018-2028 Capital Improvement Plan Provide a summary of the City and park and recreation system to include demographical information, geographical features, history, and developmental standards. Task 2: Community Engagement: Solicit public input through a variety of engagement methods to include surveys, public meetings, and City sponsored events. Provide a project website that is kept up to date Incorporate information collected by City staff from meetings with specific community partners and user groups. Engagement questions should include but not be limited to the following information: o Program service gaps o Satisfaction with current levels of service o Financing options for future park and facility improvements and acquisitions o Identify potential community partners for future improvements and initiatives 2 PARKS Recreation Task 3: Inventory and Analyze the Current Park and Recreation System: Include individual illustrated park property maps which will include but not be limited to: o Trail mapping o Park Amenities o Natural Resources o Illustrations will include park overlays on a current satellite image o Inventory current park amenities to include developed and undeveloped acreage currently in the park system Incorporate current natural areas within the Plan and within specific park concept plans to be proactively managed (e.g. prairie and oak savannah restoration, removal of evasive species, shoreline restoration, etc.). Compare the Parks and Recreation Department's organizational structure, staffing, and funding levels in relation to national averages and to other cities of similar size, demographics, and tax base. o Provide a recommendation for future staffing and levels of service. Task 4: Identify Current and Future Needs in the Parks and Recreation System: Provide a gap analysis that would identify current parks, programs, and facility needs. Recommend system -wide improvements to include but not be limited to: o Acquiring and/or developing new park sites and natural resource areas o Developing new program and recreation opportunities in relation to current national trends and demographics. Task 5: Prepare Final Document Establish a 20 -year Parks and Recreation System Plan. The Plan shall represent a clear vision for the future of the Otsego system of parks, facilities, open space, cultural, and trail systems to include, but not be limited to the following: a. Summary of the project goals, community engagement process and overall project approach. b. Reference research on the benefits of parks and recreation and the importance to the economic, environmental and overall health for the community. c. Provide a summary of the City and City park system, including population/demographics, community characteristics previous studies, natural features, historical sites, development controls, history of the park system and demands for service levels. 3 PARKS Recreation d. Identify community priorities and current parks and facility gaps based on the Parks and Recreation Commission and staff feedback and community engagement input. e. Include individual illustrated park property maps that will include but not be limited to: a. Trail mapping b. Natural resources c. Illustrations to include park overlays on a current satellite image d. Inventory current park amenities to include developed and undeveloped acreage currently in the park system f. Incorporate within the Plan and within specific park concept plans, specific natural areas within the system to be proactively managed to enhance the natural landscape (e.g., removal of invasive species, prairie and oak savanna restoration, shoreline restoration, etc.). g. Identify and incorporate within the Plan trail system gap and future land acquisition potential and funding recommendations. h. Establish a detailed Ten-year Capital Funding Implantation Plan to include estimates to incorporate into the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Firms interested in being considered for providing the services described in this RFP shall submit eight (8) bound copies of their submittal along with the following information to: Ross Demant Otsego Parks and Recreation Director 13400 90th Street Northeast Otsego, MN 55330 rdemant@ci.otsego.mn.us 763-235-3155 All Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Thursday, April 5th 2018 in order to be considered. Proposals received after this deadline will be rejected. Teams composed of two or more firms should combine their statements into one package. Proposals should include the following information for evaluation: 1. Title Sheet 2. Cover Letter 3. Table of Contents 4. Background Information for Each Firm Included on the Team Including Resumes and Professional References 5. Qualifications of Firm(s) and Key Staff Comprising the Team 4 PARKS Recreation Including Profiles of Similar Projects 6. Team Composition 7. Statement of Project Philosophy, Understanding and Approach 8. Overall Project Schedule including Project Milestones 9. Itemized Project Budget 10. Deliverables CRITERIA FOR AWARD / EVALUATION The following factors will be used in evaluating Consultant's proposals and awarding of the contract: 1. Technical Approach and Understanding of Comprehensive Planning for a growing rural area -10 points. 2. Experience and knowledge in developing similar plans -10 points. 3. Ability to involve partners and stakeholders in the planning process - 10 points. 4. Ability to complete the plan within the given timeframe -10 points. 5. Ability to maintain communication on plan development -10 points. 6. Ability of the firm to perform the proposed work -10 points. 7. Qualifications and References -10 points. 8. Budget -30 points. SELECTION PROCESS A selection committee will review the proposals. Interviews with the top three firms will be scheduled for April 24th, 2018. The selection committee's recommendation will be presented to the City Council for action on May 7, 2018. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. CONTACT Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be directed to: Ross Demant, Otsego Parks and Recreation Director rdemant@ci.otsego.mn.us 763-235-3155 5