ITEM 4.1 RFP's from other CitiesCity of Merriam RFP for Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan III. Project Description The City has a strong commitment to provide high quality parks, recreation facilities and programming for all citizens of the community. Utilizing previous studies by Susan Richards Johnson & Associates and Larkin and Associates, the City of Merriam is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional services to the City to develop a Merriam Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. The consultant will work closely with City staff and the Parks and Recreation Steering Committee in preparing the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. The consultant will collect and analyze data to develop a clear set of goals, policies, program pricing strategy and best practice standards for the City's recreation facilities and program development for the next five years. The consultant will create a final document that is accessible to both city leaders and citizens. Suggested items to include in the study are: A. Scope of Work Public Process • Identify, describe and implement a comprehensive strategy and methodology for citizen involvement in this Master Plan development process • Assure the residents, user groups, associations, and other stakeholders are provided an opportunity to participate in the development of this plan • A minimum of three (3) meetings with the Parks and Recreation Steering Committee to provide progress reports • Conduct at least two (2) public community meetings • Act as professional facilitators to gather specific information about services, uses, preferences and any agency strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats • Provide well organized and directed activities, techniques and formats that will ensure that a positive, open and proactive public participation process is achieved • Provide written records and summaries of the results of all public process and communication strategies • Help to build consensus and agreement on the plan and if consensus in not possible, provide information for informed decision making for City Council • Provide methods to hear from as many people as possible, including users and non users of the services and facilities Statistically Valid Survey • Using multiple communication methods provide a city-wide statistically -valid community needs assessment survey with a return rate that accurately represents a sampling of the community population. This survey will be used as a baseline to determine needs, desires and willingness to pay. Demographic Trends • Review and interpret current and future demographic trends and characteristics of the City of Merriam using information from the City of Merriam Comprehensive General Plan and other regional, national and local services. Existing and Future Facilities — Analysis of Level of Service City of Merriam RFP for Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan Compile an inventory and assessment of current facilities. The assessment will include a comparative analysis to regional communities of similar size and density and use nationally accepted standards. The analysis should consider the capacity of each facility found within the Merriam system as well as functionality, accessibility, condition, comfort and convenience. Evaluation criteria should be based on the expressed values of the community. The analysis will also include identification of best possible providers of recreation services and recommendations for enhancing possibilities for partnerships and minimizing duplication where appropriate. Prioritize recommendations for needs regarding land acquisition, if any, for recreation facilities. Site Analysis • Provide an assessment and analysis of potential site locations to include topography, soil composition and impact on immediate surrounding facilities Deliverables • Collect analyze demographic information for the community • Collect and analyze information on participation, needs, desires, operations, programming and land use trends and make Level of Service recommendations • Identify areas of service shortfalls and projected impact of future trends • Provide useable and workable definitions and recommendations for designated facilities and parameters defined as appropriate • Develop recommendations for operations, staffing, maintenance programming and funding needs • Provide a clear plan for development of programming direction based on standards and demand analysis • Develop a definitive program for acquisition and development of recreation facilities and administration of facilities for the future • Provide conceptual layout and design • Provide a maintenance and operation analysis • Identify opportunities for available funding and acquisition alternatives • Develop an action plan which includes strategies, priorities and an analysis of budget support and funding mechanisms for the short term, mid-term and long term for park facilities and recreation programs and services Development of Final Plans and Supporting Materials • The Facilities Master Plan must include phased goals, plans, objectives and policy statements that articulate a clear vision and "road map" and model for the Parks and Recreation Department's future • A summary of existing conditions, inventories and Level of Service analysis • Charts, graphs, maps and other data as needed to support the plan and its presentation to the appropriate audiences • A Financial Plan • An Action Plan • One (1) joint meeting with Parks and Recreation Steering Committee and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board at the time of adoption of the Master Plan 4 City of Merriam RFP for Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan One (1) meeting with the City Council for final presentation of the Master Plan for recommendation to accept A color version of the draft Master Plan document consisting of one (1) printed and bound color copy and an electronic copy in PDF A color version of the final master Plan document consisting of three (3) printed and bound color copies and an electronic copy in PDF All proposals should include the following background information: • A Letter of Submission shall include the name, address, telephone number and email address of the person(s) who is authorized to legally represent the firm. Any confidential material contained in the proposal shall be clearly indicated and marked as "Confidential." • Background on the firm and its experience in preparing Facilities Master Plans for public agencies. Of particular interest are engagements involving communities that have characteristics similar to the City of Merriam. • A narrative that presents the services the firm would provide detailing the approach, methodology, deliverables and client meetings to be provided. • Identification of the personnel to be assigned to this engagement including a resume of related experience. • A timeline for preparation and implementation of the Facilities Master Plan and its components. • A summary of professional liability and errors and omission insurance coverage the firm maintains. • A minimum of three (3) public agency references for projects of a similar nature to include client, location, contact person, contact information (telephone / email address), and a brief summary description of the project. • Provide in a separate sealed envelope the project cost for services in an itemized work format. The project cost for services shall be a "not -to -exceed cost for services." Proposal Response Consultant shall submit one (1) unbound original, one digital copy and four (4) copies of their Proposal to the City. Proposals shall be received no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, February 19, 2016, at the following address: City of Merriam Attn: Julianna Pinnick, City Clerk 9001 W 62nd Street Merriam, KS 66202-2815 Inquiries concerning this RFP or questions about Irene B. French Community Center or Merriam Aquatic Center should be directed to: City of Merriam Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Anna Slocum, Director Parks and Recreation 5701 Merriam Drive Merriam, KS 66203-2523 annas(a-)merriam.orq 913.322.5556 Late submittals will be rejected and not returned. City of Merriam RFP for Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan The submittal of a proposal shall be taken as prima facie evidence that the proposing individual / firm has full knowledge of the scope, nature, quality, and quantity of the project to be performed and the detailed requirements and conditions under which the project is to be performed. This solicitation does not commit the City of Merriam to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred with the preparation of a proposal, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The City of Merriam reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received in response to this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or cancel in whole or part this proposal process if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. Subsequent to the contract negotiations, prospective consultants may be required to submit revisions to their proposals. All proposers should note that any contract pursuant to this solicitation is dependent upon the recommendation of the City staff and the approval of the Merriam City Council. Project Budget Range A budget of $150,000 has been approved by City Council as part of the 2016 Capital Improvement Budget. Preliminary Schedule The anticipated schedule of activities related to this RFP is as follows: RFP Issued..........................................................January 13, 2016 Final date for inquires.............................................February 10, 2016 Proposal Submittal Deadline....................................February 19, 2016 Notice to Proceed..................................................April 2016 Instructions All proposals must be delivered to the City of Douglasville, 6695 Church Street, Douglasville Georgia 30134, no later than the time and date indicated above. Any Bid received after that time will not be considered for award. 2. The City of Douglasville reserves the right to waive any and all technicalities, formalities or irregularities. The City may reject the Bid of any vendor that has previously failed to perform properly or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature with the City of Douglasville. 3. All proposals must be submitted on the Pricing Form attached to this invitation. All information regarding consultants name, address, telephone and contact person must be provided. 4. All proposals must be accompanied by a Certificate of Liability Insurance to include worker's compensation. Proposals may be withdrawn by written or faxed request, provided such withdrawals are received prior to the time and date of the opening. Prior to Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall present a Liability Insurance Certificate naming the City of Douglasville as an Additional Insured. Contractor shall be responsible for all injuries or damages of any kind resulting from work, to persons or property. 5. All proposals must be submitted with one original and two (2) copies, unless otherwise stated in the Scope of Work. Please note: The City of Douglasville encourages you to save paper. It is not necessary to return this entire document with your response. Please return only the relevant pages on which your company has included a response, along with other required documentation. 6. Invoicing for The City of Douglasville is Net 30 once the project is completed. A valid W-9 form is required. 7. Required Submissions a. All proposals must be submitted with one original and two (2) copies, unless otherwise stated. All copies must contain all required documents, pricing forms, Contractor's Oath, the Contractors and Subcontractors affidavits of compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Act, a current occupational/business license, and a current and valid Certificate of Liability Insurance showing liability insurance coverage and to include workers' compensation. SCOPE OF PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION The City of Douglasville is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional services to the City to develop a Douglasville Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The City has a strong commitment to provide high quality parks and recreation facilities and programs for citizens of the community. The consultant will collect and analyze data to develop a clear set of goals, policies and standards for the City's park system, open space, trails, recreation facilities and program development for the next ten years. The consultant will work closely with City staff in preparing the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The consultant will create a document for distribution to the public. According to the 2016 US Census population estimate the City of Douglasville is a community of some 33,000 residents living within Douglas County, GA. According to the 2010 US Census update for Douglas County, Douglasville demographic make-up is as follows: White: 36% Black: 56% Hispanic: 7% Asian: 2% Two or more races: 3% This process is to include developing a comprehensive inventory, an analysis of forecasted needs and implementation strategies. Specific items to include in the study, but not limited to, are: SCOPE OF WORK Public Process Identify, describe and implement a comprehensive strategy and methodology for citizen involvement in this Master Plan process Assure the residents, user groups, associations, and other stakeholders are provided an opportunity to participate in the development of this plan Conduct at least three (3) public community meetings and a minimum of two (2) focus group (participants to be determined) and individual stakeholder interviews • Act as professional facilitators to gather specific information about services, use, preferences and any agency strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats • Provide well -organized and directed activities, techniques and formats that will ensure that a positive, open and proactive public participation process is achieved • Provide written records and summaries of the results of all public process and communications strategies • Help to build consensus and agreement on the plan and if consensus is not possible, provide information for informed decision making • Provide methods to hear from as many people as possible, including users and non-users of the services and facilities Statistically Valid Survey ❑Provide a city-wide statistically -valid community needs assessment survey with a return rate that accurately represents a sampling of the community population to identify community needs and issues on the recreation and park programs and facilities. This survey will be used as a baseline to determine needs, desires and willingness to pay Demographic Trends ❑Review and interpret demographic trends and characteristics of the City of Douglasville using City of Douglasville Comprehensive General Plan and other regional and local sources Existing and Future Facilities -Analysis of Level of Service ❑Compile an inventory and assessment of the existing parks, trails, open space and facilities. This assessment will include a comparative analysis to communities of similar size and density regionally and using nationally accepted standards. The analysis should consider the capacity of each amenity found within the system (playgrounds, ball fields, trails, natural areas, special facilities, etc.) as well as functionality, accessibility, condition, comfort and convenience. Each amenity should be evaluated regarding its service from both a resident and visitor perspective. Evaluation criteria should be based on the expressed values of the community. The analysis will also include identification of best possible providers of community and recreation services and recommendations for minimizing duplication and enhancing possibilities for partnerships where appropriate Rank and Prioritize Demand and Opportunities Provide an assessment and analysis of the Parks and Recreation Department's current level of recreation programs, services, maintenance and staffing in relation to present and future goals, objectives and directives Provide a user fee analysis for facilities, programs and services Provide an analysis of the best possible providers for programs and services. Identify and discern any unnecessary duplication of services through public and private program providers Provide recommendations for minimizing duplications or enhancing possibilities for collaborative partnerships where appropriate Progress Reporting ❑The consultant and the City's Project Manager shall hold progress meetings as often as necessary, but in no case less than twice per month until the final plan is approved by the City Council for the purpose of progress reporting. The consultant shall supply the Project Manager with at least one (1) copy of all completed or partially completed reports, studies, forecasts, maps or plans as deemed necessary by the Project Manager at least three (3) working days before each progress meeting. The Project Manager shall schedule the meetings, as necessary, at key times during the development of the Master Plan. Action Plan • Collect and analyze demographic information for the community • Collect and analyze information on participation, needs, desires, operations, programming and land use trends and make Level of Service recommendations • Identify areas of service shortfalls and projected impact of future trends • Provide usable and workable definitions and recommendations for designated park and open space with acreages and parameters defined as appropriate • Develop recommendations for operations, staffing, maintenance, programming, and funding needs • Provide a clear plan for development of programming direction based on standards and demands analysis • Develop a definitive program for acquisition and development of parkland, recreational facilities, open space, trails and parks maintenance and administration of facilities for the future • Provide a maintenance and operation analysis • Identify opportunities for available funding and acquisition alternatives • Develop an action plan which includes strategies, priorities and an analysis of budget support and funding mechanisms for the short-term, mid-term, and long- term for the parks system, open space, trails, and recreation programs and services Development of Final plan and Supporting Materials • The Master Plan must include written goals, plans, objectives, and policy statements that articulate a clear vision and "road map" and model for the Parks and Recreation Department's future • A summary of existing conditions, inventories and Level of Service analysis • Charts, graphs, maps and other data as needed to support the plan and its presentation to the appropriate audiences • A Financial Plan • An Action Plan • A minimum of two (2) meetings with the City Council, one at the time of the presentation of the draft Master Plan, and one at the adoption of the final Master Plan • Appropriate written material and graphics (maps, charts, etc.) to be used for public presentations, to include a current map and a Final Map Plan outlining future park development opportunities • A color version of the draft Master Plan document consisting of ten (10) printed and bound color copy and an electronic copy in a format compatible with the City's software • A color version of the final Master Plan document consisting of sixteen (16) printed and bound color copies and an electronic copy in a format compatible with the City's software • A color version of the final Executive Summary consisting of sixteen (16) printed copies and an electronic version in a format compatible with the City's software All written materials, graphics and data shall be delivered in paper, camera ready and in digital format consistent with the City's software. Note: The City shall be responsible for the arrangement, notice and any other costs associated with the above meeting schedule. The consultant shall review with the City's Project Manager all prepared information for the public meeting at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meetings. Items to be provided by the City of Douglasville • Project Manager — Parks and Recreation Director • Copies of all existing studies, plans, programs, maps and other data and access to all applicable records • Assistance with on-going community meetings All proposals should include the following background information: Those firms interested in providing professional services for this project should submit an original and five 5 copies of the following: • A letter of Submission shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the person (s) authorized to legally represent the firm. Any confidential material contained in the proposal shall be clearly indicated and marked as "Confidential." • Background on the firm and its experience in preparing Master Plans for public agencies. Of particular interest are engagements involving communities that have characteristics similar to the City of Douglasville. • A narrative that presents the services the firm would provide detailing the approach, methodology, deliverables and client meetings to be provided. • Identification of the personnel to be assigned to this engagement including a resume of the related experience. • A timeline for preparation and implementation of the Master Plan and its components. • A summary of professional liability and errors and omission insurance coverage the firm maintains. A minimum of five (5) public agency references for projects of a similar nature to this project and a description of the projects shall be described and minimally include client, location, contact person, contact information (telephone / email address), and a brief summary description of the project. • Lump sum amount to perform the completed project scope on the Bid Pricing Form included. PERFORMANCE TIMELINE & MILESTONES 1. The consultant will provide the City with a final work plan including timeline within 15 business days of the award of the contract. 2. Within five (5) business days following approval of the Detailed Work plan, Consultant shall conduct one (1) orientation meeting with Project Manager to review the work plan, timeline and details of the Master Plan process. 3. The consultant will hold regular monthly in person meetings with Project Manager to review progress, present information, and recommend direction for the remaining portions of the project. Completed portions of the project shall be submitted in draft form to Project Manager for review. These meetings will occur as needed but not less than twice a month throughout the project period. 4. A minimum of one (1) meeting with the Mayor, individual City Council Members and City and Assistant City Administrator during a scheduled Committees meeting. RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA All proposals received will be reviewed by the City Manager's Department to ensure that all administrative requirements of the RFP have been met. Failure to meet these requirements may be cause for rejection. All proposals that meet the administrative requirements will be submitted to the Evaluation Committee for further evaluation. The Evaluation Committee will review qualified proposals and determine a ranking based on the proposals submitted. The Evaluation Committee may at its discretion and in the course of its evaluation, arrange a site visit and/or presentation with a short list of selected vendors. Evaluation of written proposals shall be at the discretion of the City of Douglasville. Each submittal will be evaluated to determine the ability of each proposer to provide the required services. The following weighted criteria will be used to evaluate proposals: EVALUATION CRITERIA Weight A. Demonstrated understanding of the project scope 20% B. Team Organization, Project Lead, Management and Technical approach to the project 20% C. Qualifications, demonstrated previous experience and familiarity with Parks and Recreation subject matter and standards to complete the project 20% D. Project Schedule/Timeline 15% E. Cost 20% F. References 5% Request for Proposal Add Alternate Please submit a separate proposal for the following items. In addition, please provide an individual price breakdown for each of the four (3) components. The City of Douglasville reserves the right to accept individual components, multiple components and / or reject all components. All specifications in the City of Douglasville Parks and Recreation Master Plan will apply. Facility Maintenance Management Plan The Facility Maintenance Management Plan will be for Recreation Centers, and other built structures within the Parks and Recreation Department. This plan will identify recommendations for routine and preventative maintenance programs, work management, asset lifecycle management, customer feedback program, performance measurements, staffing levels and equipment management. Grounds Maintenance Management Plan Prepare the Grounds Maintenance Management Plan for the grounds maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department. The plan will identify recommendations for routine and preventative maintenance programs, work management, asset lifecycle management, customer feedback program, performance measurements, staffing levels and equipment managements. Departmental Fee Philosophy Review departmental fees and develop a departmental fee philosophy through benchmarking best practices in comparable cities, community and departmental input, etc. A DULUTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE STUDY, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A PARKS & RECREATION MASTERPLAN All responses are due by 2:00 p.m., May 26, 2009 I. BACKGROUND: The City of Duluth is seeking a consultant to conduct a Parks & Recreation Master Plan & Service Needs Assessment in an effort to modernize its offerings and provide safe & efficient programming in each of the City's districts. Over the years, Parks & Recreation, along with Parks Maintenance, has been challenged to maintain services at its parks and community centers due to reduced resources, manpower and population. while we continue to strive to provide an environment where all children and adults involved in programs which are conducted in our facilities and grounds, feel safe and welcome, we are feeling the constraints of reduced manpower and budget and feel our efforts would be better served in consolidating and redefining our goals, objectives and mission. While our facilities and programs continue to assist our citizenry, the appropriateness and locations in which they are delivered provide us opportunity to upgrade and offer current programs to the public. Our parks, playgrounds and community centers play an important role in promoting a sustainable and livable community. This vital Parks & Recreation component of the facilities needs assessment will be to analyze our Parks & Recreation Department, inclusive of Park Maintenance to evaluate and forecast current, short term and long term facility space needs, conditions and recommended improvements with estimated costs associated with the assembled results. In addition to the above, the City of Duluth is experiencing many demographic changes. The ethnic and cultural diversity of the community is expanding. The education and income levels are also changing. As the community changes, the City of Duluth wants to be prepared to serve all residents and determine how to better engage them in programs, services and the public input process. Therefore, funds have been secured through the Community Development Block Grant Program to conduct this vital facility needs and program assessment. II. PROJECT: The City of Duluth is requesting proposals from qualified firms for the preparation of the Park & Recreation Master Plan Study and Service Needs Assessment. The City of Duluth will gain a community based, statistically valid, description of recreational program issues, needs and facility recommendations that will be the basis for creation of a Strategic Plan. The expected outcomes of this assessment are to: 1) Assess satisfaction levels with the quality, quantity and management of existing parks, programs, facilities and services. I:\ARCHITECT PROJECTS\2009\09-17 Parks & Recreation Master Plan\PARK MASTER PLAN DOCUMENT.doc Page 1 of 8 RFP: A COMPREHENSIVE AND STRATEGIC LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN Data shall use standard and consistent address formats so that data can be geo-coded by City staff to interface with the City of Duluth's GIS system. 3) Data analysis component where the data is analyzed in a scientifically valid manner which represents the standard of the industry for this type of information collection. 4) Data interpretation component that takes the analyzed data and then provides a simple interpretation in the form of recommendations and action plan statements. 5) Data access component where the data that has been collected is returned to the city in a form the City can continue to analyze the data. In order to complete the intended Scope of Work the consultant's proposal should minimally include the following services: 1) Meetings and workshops with City staff. 2) Moderation of focus group meetings. Provide for one in each of the 11 districts located within the City of Duluth. 3) Moderation of community open meetings. Provide for a minimum of four (4) such meetings. 4) Survey &Questionnaire design and formulation. 5) Statistical sampling. Collection, gathering and formulation/compilation of same. 6) Data collection and entry. 7) Data analysis. 8) Data interpretation in the form of both a draft and final report. 9) Presentation of results to a Parks &Recreation Citizens Advisory Commission and the City Council. 10) Compilation and deliverance of all data in compatible, digital form. TASK 1: Inventory &Identification of Existing Deficiencies For this task, the Consultant shall include the following services: A. Population & Development: 1) Acquire from City Planning &other agencies as required, information relating to existing and future population and land development. This information will be made available in the form of information compiled for the current Comprehensive Plan. 2) Meet with designated City staff to clarify the information as necessary. Page 3 of 8 RFP: A COMPREHENSIVE AND STRATEGIC LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN 3) Prepare an inventory of existing and projected future population and land uses for an anticipated 20 year planning period in the format to be included in the public facilities needs assessment report. B. Parks & Recreation: 1) Acquire from the City of Duluth and review information relating to park & recreation facilities and service levels, including the Parks & Recreation open space plan, old master plan, current programming plan, information pertaining to existing park facility fee structure(s), current budget, create/obtain existing facility base drawings and any other necessary documentation. 2) Meet with designated City staff to review existing deficiencies and planned future expansions or program changes. 3) Review the inventory of existing parks and recreation facilities and existing deficiencies in the number and kind of facilities in the format to be included in the facilities needs assessment report. 4) Conduct public meetings and interviews to ascertain usage and future activities the community may require for the future direction of recreational activities within the City of Duluth. TASK 2: Needs Assessment &Identification of Costs Attributable to Future Development For this task, the consultant shall include the following services: 1) Based on the general recommendations of the City of Duluth's Parks & Recreation existing master -plan and internal study as conducted in 1995-6. Develop more specific recommendations for Park & Recreation facilities beyond the 5 year, Capital Improvement Program. The recommendations should be specific to the level of describing the approximate size and general location of each recommended park and a list of the types of and numbers of facilities that should be included. It would be beneficial to develop conceptual design plans for anticipated changes, consolidations and uses. 2) Based on the recommendations for additional or varied park development, project future vehicle and equipment needs of the Park & Recreation Department, inclusive of Park Maintenance. 3) Develop preliminary recommendations for the approximate size and locations of any additional storage facilities. The recommendations should be specific to the level of describing the rooms and approximate size that will be needed for each park and recreation function. 4) Develop an estimate of the probable cost associated with the facilities identified in this facility needs assessment. 5) Determine the proportionate share of the costs of facilities in the 5 year CIP and the recommended long-term facilities plan that is attributable to the need to serve any future development. 6) Conduct thorough reviews of relevant previous studies, reports & master pians. Coordination and considerations given to current Comprehensive Plan and ISD #709 "Red Plan" conception and implementation. Page 4 of 8 RFP: A COMPREHENSIVE AND STRATEGIC LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN TASK 3: Develop Recommended Impact Fees For this task, the Consultant shall include the following services: 1) For Parks & Recreation facilities, make recommendations regarding the continuation or abolishment of the existing `site based programming' and implementation of parkland improvement fee or new development fee which assists in supporting park maintenance, 2) Determine the amount of the cost for the facilities evaluated in Task 2 that can be recovered through `impact fees' charged to residential and/or commercial and industrial development. For park & recreation facilities, identify those capital costs that are recommended to be funded from existing fund balances. If it is recommended to continue the CIP funding in lieu of a dedicated park improvement fee, identify which capital costs are recommended to be paid from future CIP and which are recommended to be funded with newly created impact fees. 3) Develop a methodology to allocate new development the proportionate share of capital costs attributable to future development for each of the facilities. 4) Prepare recommended impact fee schedules for residential, commercial and industrial development within the City of Duluth. 5) Make recommendations for each fee as to the timing and procedures for collecting the fee (i.e., time of subdivision plat versus time of building permit). 6) Evaluate the impacts on housing affordability in the City of Duluth of imposing any new fees. TASK 4: Report Preparation For this task, the Consultant shall: 1) Draft a report(s) summarizing the Parks &Recreation Master Plan and Impact Fee Study. 2) Submit twenty (20) draft copies of the report for City staff review and comment. 3) Attend two (2) meetings with City staff to review the draft report. 4) Make all agreed upon revisions to the draft report and make necessary corrections to same. 5) Prepare thirty (30) bound copies of the Final Report and submit to the City of Duluth. Make a final presentation to the Administration and to City Council and Public. 6) Formulate and compile all documentation contained in the Final Report into digital medium compatible with the City of Duluth's web site. TASK 5: Implementation Assistance For this task, the Consultant shall: 1) Attend two (2) meetings with the City Chief Financial Officer (or designee) to present the study and answer questions. 2) Attend two (2) meetings of the Duluth City Council to answer questions related to the proposed Impact Fees. 3) Draft an ordinance to implement the recommended fees, and submit the draft ordinance to the City of Duluth, Attorneys office for their review, edit and approval. Page 5 of 8 RFP: A COMPREHENSIVE AND STRATEGIC LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN 4) Attend all public hearings associated with the presentation of the Final FNA Report and any necessary or required public hearing prior adopting any proposed Impact Fees in order to answer any questions which may arise from same. TASK 6: Meetings & Presentations For this task, the Consultant shall: 1) Meetings with City staff as needed to review and clarify information provide by the City or its agencies. 2) Attend two (2) meetings with the City Chief Financial Officer (or designee) to present the study and answer questions. 3) Attend two (2) meetings with City staff to review the draft report. 4) Attend two (2) meetings of the Duluth City Council to answer questions related to the proposed Impact Fees. 5) Attend all public hearings associated with the presentation of the Final Report and any necessary or required public hearing prior to adopting any proposed Impact Fees in order to answer any questions which may arise from same. If additional services are necessary to complete the scope of work, please include those items you feel are pertinent in performing these services in your submittal. IV. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION: Proposals should include the following information, in a clear, comprehensive and concise manner to illustrate the firm's capabilities and technical approach to the work. 1) The cover sheet should contain: the date submitted, title; "RFP: Professional Services for the Study, Development and Implementation of a Parks & Recreation Master Plan, " firm's name, address and telephone number of the firm making the proposal, and the name of the contact person responsible for the proposal. 2) Identify the team who will be assigned to perform services required for various aspects of the project. Include the education, degrees, professional registration and resume' of experience for all principle team members. If multiple firms or individuals are joining for this project, please indicate the name of a person who is most likely to perform the role of lead project manager (the person who will be directly responsible for organizing the major elements of the work and serve as the City of Duluth's primary contact). 3) State your firm's or individual experience in performing this type of service, with special emphasis on governmental and school districts projects. Include the name, address and telephone numbers of other school districts for which you have performed similar services. 4) State the fee your firm believes will be reasonable for providing the services outlined above in Section II &III. Include as an appendix to this submittal, a schedule of hourly rates and reimbursable costs associated with the work for additional services. Page 6 of 8 RFP: A COMPREHENSIVE AND STRATEGIC LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN 5) Selection of the Consultant will be done based upon a scored, ranking system. Firms will be first ranked based upon their submitted, written proposals. Interviews may be conducted with one or more of the top ranked firms if needed after the above. The City of Duluth will solicit a contract from the top ranked firm. If an agreement cannot be reached, the City of Duluth will solicit a contract from the next highest ranked firm and so on, until an agreement is reached. The City of Duluth reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. See Section V for further criteria and submittal requirements. 6) The successful firm will be expected to commence work within ten (10) days of a City Council approved contract and be completed within six (6) months from contract award. V. ANTICIPATED PROJECT APPROACH: 1) Provide a maximum five (5) -page statement to describe the approach your firm anticipates it will promote in completing this project. Please summarize all phases, organization, and basic processes. VI. DELIVERABLES: 1) Provisions of materials for meetings, workshops and submission of written notes following each meeting. 2) An interim report following the quantitative and qualitative project components. 3) A camera ready and electronic version of the final questionnaire/survey tool. 4) A `Draft' report and a `Final' report presented in both hard copy and in electronic format. 5) A `Final Executive Summary' presented in both hard copy and electronic format. Medium shall be in a publicly distributable format such as a web page or pdf file. 6) The entire data set along with computerized method of continuing data analysis. 7) Graphics of all data concluded. Comprehensive Master Plan showing all conclusions reached. Shall be in digital format which can be updated for continued and future use. VII. STATEMENT RESPONSE CONSIDERATION: The City of Duluth reserves the right to accept or reject any or all statements or proposals received if such action is deemed in the best interest of the District. Page 7 of 8