ITEM 3.10 Wellhead Protection Plan0TY F o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Utility Manager Neidermeier February 26, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.10 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff is recommending the City Council accept the 2018 Wellhead Protection Plan report of progress. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City maintains a Wellhead Protection Plan, (Plan) established in 2005; amended in 2016. The Plan reviews source water origination and underground movement to establish Drinking Water Supply Management Areas. Protection of these source waters are complete through the management strategies and efforts identified in the Plan. The Public Works Subcommittee reviewed the Wellhead Protection Plan report of progress at the February meeting and recommends acceptance of the report. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Annual Wellhead Protection Update • Management Area Map POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to accept the 2018 Wellhead Protection Plan report of progress. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A ots T Y F O MINNESOTA TO: City of Otsego Mayor and Council FROM: Kurt Neidermeier DATE: February 26th, 2018 RE: Wellhead Protection Plan annual update The Wellhead Protection Plan (WHP) serving the Otsego Public Water System received Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approval in 2016. The approved plan assessed source water vulnerability and provides management strategies to protect these sources effective through 2025. Included is the review of management strategies and progress report as an annual update to the full Council. Reporting and Evaluation Action Items: Complete an annual report and brief the Council on management priorities for the upcoming year and the status of implementation. Due annually — This report Previous reporting — March 16th 2017 Public Works Subcommittee March 26th 2017 Council Consent February 21St 2018 Public Works Subcommittee Conduct a self-evaluation every 2.5 years on the wellhead protection progress and submit the report to the MDH Planner. Due 2018, 2021 & 2024 Status — Submittal scheduled for April 2018 Inner Wellhead Management Zone (IWMI) Action Items: Assist MDH staff in completing the IWMZ Inventory for the Public Water Supply wells. Due 2021 Status — No additional action required since completion in 2015 Follow all setback requirements for new potential contaminant sources within the IWMZ. Continuously monitored 2016 — Monitored and followed 2017 — Monitored and followed 2018 - Monitoring Implement the WHP Measures and Findings in the IWMZ inventory and requirements of the Sanitary Survey Report. 1 I Page 2016 — Monitored and followed 2017 — Monitored and followed 2018 - Monitoring Contact the MDH Planner if changes to the locations or construction of potential contaminant sources are proposed in the IWMZ. Status — Continuously monitored 2016 — No changes to locations or construction of potential contaminant sources proposed in the IWMZ. 2017 — No changes to locations or construction of potential contaminant sources proposed in the IWMZ. 2018 — Monitoring Land Use Controls and Management Action Items: The City will explore options to strengthen language in the cross -connection ordinance. Status Complete - Cross -connection ordinance in place and properly regulate cross connections. The City maintains and enforces a backflow prevention program. The City will evaluate their zoning ordinances and make necessary changes to strengthen controls in regards to properly managing wells and storage tanks within City limits and the Drinking Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMA). Status Complete — Zoning ordinances are in place and properly support management areas. Data Collection Action Items: Work in cooperation with MDH, collect tritium sample from the public supply wells as directed by MDH. Status — MDH has not requested tritium sampling during this Plan cycle as it is in a 10 year cycle; sampling and anticipated in 2022. The aquifer vulnerability score is low based on previous sampling. Incorporate instrumentation within Well#6 in order to provide more detailed water quantity information. Status Complete — equipment was installed for level monitoring during 2016 well inspection and maintenance. Cooperate with MDH to ensure the City manages radium levels providing safe drinking water to their residents. Operations Staff conducts routine monitoring per MDH direction supporting safe drinking water. A Memorandum of Agreement is in place and reviewed annually 2 1 P a g e for radium concentrations to mitigate radium levels and maintain water quality within set standards. The City will contact the MDH Hydrologist and ask for their assistance in helping to select an alternative site for drilling a new public supply well in the case one is needed in the future. The City can apply for MDH grants to help offset the cost of exploratory drilling and water quality sampling etc.... Status — Operations and Engineering review water supply needs on an annual basis to ensure demands are met. Irrigation Restrictions have been implemented and educational water conservation material is available on the City website and reminded within the Utility Billings. 2016 — Capital Planning for Water System Interconnect — Kadler Ave. Watermain — Capital Planning for Well 7 Pump Upsizing and Well House 4 improvements 2017 — Interconnect West System Complete — Kadler Ave. Watermain Project — Water Supply Plan completed and adopted — Well 5 Maintenance — Pump & Motor replaced — Water Tower 1 refurbished for added storage support, East Public System 2018 — Well 7 upsized and installed to support the West Public Water System — Well House 4 improvements in process. Public Water Supply needs are currently satisfied. Potential Contaminant Source Management Action Items: The City will apply for a grant via MDH to secure funds to seal any unused, unsealed wells located within the DWSMAs. If funding is not available via MDH, the City will work cooperatively with local units of governments to provide as much cost share as possible to help seal the wells. The City will request MDH Well Management assistance with locating wells on properties where the City feels there might be unused unsealed wells. Status — no unused unsealed wells identified at this time. As new developments are considered, wells within that property are identified and reviewed for closure or system separation. The Wellhead Protection Team/Manager will continually attempt to locate potential contaminant sources in the DWSMA. This will be accomplished through direct contact with landowners and through visual observation as the WHP team travels through the DWSMA. Status - Ongoing Cooperate with MDH & DNR Hydrologists as requested to help assess any potential impacts on the public water supply well(s) or 1.5 miles of the DWSMA boundary. If impacts are identified cooperatively work with the high capacity well owner, DNR and MDH Hydrologist to identify and resolve any potential negative impacts. Status — Ongoing 3 1 P a a e The City will share information regarding the location of any potential Class V well(s) with the MDH if any well(s) are located within the DWSMA in the future. Status — No Class V wells have been identified by the WHP team. The City will contact the MPCA tank program and ask MPCA to update them on the Leaky Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) site located within their Central DWSMA and communicate the risk this site may have on the City's drinking water supply. Status Complete — communications with MPCA have occurred with official request for information complete. It is always difficult to foresee or plan for the future. If a critical issue or potential contaminant threat becomes an issue in the future for the City, the City will promptly take actions to prevent this contaminant source from polluting their drinking water supply. Public Education and Outreach Action Items: The City will provide a short summary of the new wellhead protection amendment in the City's newsletter and direct residents to the City's website for detailed education materials. 2017 — A short summary of the Wellhead Protection amendment was added to the City Website and linked to the MDH "'Well Owner's Handbook - A Consumer's Guide to Water Wells in Minnesota" Fourth Edition updatedJanuary2014to provide a reference for well maintenance and water safety. Post WHP educational materials on the city website dealing with proper well management, water conservation etc...... Completed — water conservation ideas and suggestions are available on the City website along with linked MDH reference information on well management. Provide the MRWA Essay and Poster contest information to the school yearly and encourage participation. Due and completed annually each winter MRWA classroom activities are distributed to all three Otsego schools for consideration to include in lesson plans of the 4t" grade students. Members of the Wellhead Protection Team include Ron Wagner, Seth Wilkes, Reese Carstens, Nick Beste, Robert Small and Wellhead Protection Manager Kurt Neidermeier. 41Paa,e V vl?GlJ.4 IVIt11111 pdI vvell ED Otsego DW5MA F= Municipal Boundary Aquifer Vulnerability High Moderate Low C:—.-- 7 /-%I-- __ 7T['KFCIT N A T 11,61 - Feet 6.000 0 S.00G Meters 9,000 0 1,000 .&-- . , --5- " rr vAvi— ilvlilluaLlGA x lu L VV oivizi V uineraDiiaies 4 W Figure 13 AQUIFER VULNERABILITY Otsego WHPP Amendment City of Otsego, MN