ITEM 5.1 46' Street Option 2CITY OF V CITY o MINNESOTA 46' Streets - Option 2 State Aid -CIP Year 2014 • $1,614,798 70th St SA Reimbursement #1 -. Cost ($104,382) Projected Revenue $493,335 70th St SA Reimbursement #2 ($258,929) Nashua Ave MS SA Reimbursement #1 ($165,411) 70th St SA Reimbursement #3 ($158,051) 2015 $1,421,360 70th St SA Reimbursement #4 ($286,154) $546,225 70th St SA Reimbursement #5 ($794,850) 2016 $886,581 70th St SA Reimbursement #6 ($442,509) $560,677 2017 $1,004,749 70th St SA Reimbursement #7 ($430,779) $589,483 85th St (Page to 84th St) Reclaim ($365,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Design ($100,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave) ROW ($775,000) 2018 ($76,547) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($2,000,000) $655,706 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave)Design, Observation, Staking and Contract Admin ($500,000) 2019 ($1,920,841) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($2,100,000) $688,491 2020 ($3,332,349) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($200,000) $722,916 2021 ($2,809,434) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Page Ave) Microsurface ($140,000) $759,062 2022 ($2,190,372) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $797,015 2023 ($1,393,357) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $828,895 2024 ($564,462) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $862,051 2025 $297,589 No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $896,533 2026 $1,194,123 Queens Ave Reclaim ($300,000) $932,395 2027 $1,826,517 Assumption on revenue of 5% increase per year based on population growth of City through 2022 then 4% Project Costs of projects inflated for inflation at a rate of 3% per year ** City is allowed to advance encumber upto 5 times their annual allotment 2/12/20185:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\315\2018\2018 CIP State Aid2018 CIP State Aid 3,278,530.00 85th St and MacIver Funding Max. Project Cost $7,020,500 State Aid Street Funds $5,475,000 Water and Sewer Trunk Funds $1,039,500 Otsego Creek Fund $506,000 As Shown Project Cost $0 Minimum Project Cost $5,706,000 State Aid Street Funds $5,475,000 Otsego Creek Fund $231,000 $0 As Shown Project Cost $5,981,000 State Aid Street Funds $5,475,000 Otsego Creek Fund $506,000 $0