02-13-18 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes2-13-18 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson Liaisons with City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Corey Tanner (City email: ctanner@ci.otsego.mn.us) Agenda; Minutes review. Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Zonja Matushenko at 7:05pm. Upon reviewing the agenda, we decided to add a sixth item: Archiving of Commission materials. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Park Signs Jessica announces that the City Council approved the eleven park signs which have been prepared. Another two signs need to be prepared: The Lefebvre Creek sign and one of the original Otsego main street. Toni is working on that. Festival Project We favor highlighting the Park Signs in their debut. We will use the large scale Map of Otsego in our office, adding the parks where they exist on the map and Extending a string to a board which shows the inscriptions of each Park sign. We will also have a large you are here sign with a big replica Pin at our booth. Corey suggested we may wish to either work with the Parks and Recs or suggest to them that they have a T-shirt build your own with an Otsego theme, name on back like soccer teams often have. Jessica will contact her supplier and inquire and talk with Ross about the idea of clothing. Archiving We discussed that we need a method by which to archive our collection of materials. We will table a discussion on archiving until Toni is present since she has some ideas about a system that would be most efficient. We might want to schedule times for us all to work on this together or set up individual sessions if joint sessions don’t work. Article for next newsletter needs to be chosen and executed. Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder