02-13-18 Public Safety Commission MinutesOTSEGO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER FEBRUARY 12, 2018 6:30 PM 1. Call to Order Public Safety Commission Chair Chuck Schauss called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime Public Safety Commissioners: Bill Abderhalden, John Braun, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, and Deb Schreiner Others Present: Albertville Fire Chief Eric Bullen; Elk River Fire Department Deputy Chief Aaron Surratt, Wright County Sheriff Deputy Eric Thole Not Present: Public Safety Commissioners Greg Hubbard and Alternate Melissa Westerveldt and Rogers Fire Chief Brad Feist 2. Approve Agenda Breitbach moved to approve the Agenda, seconded by Abderhalden. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve 1/9/18 Meeting Minutes Schauss moved to approve the January 9, 2018 Public Safety Commission Meeting minutes, seconded by Abderhalden. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum Nothing was brought forward for discussion. 5. Public Safety Police / Fire / Ambulance Updates a) Wright County Sheriff: Deputy Thole said there have been a number of calls to the Riverwood Motel. The owners have been in touch with the Sheriff’s Department. The rest of the month was quiet. b) Albertville: Fire Chief Eric Bullen said January and February were both busy. There have been 48 calls so far this year. On January 24th there was a cooking fire in a duplex on 74th Lane. The unit had a sprinkler system, and one sprinkler head put out the fire. There was some water damage in the basement; otherwise, damage was minimal, thanks to the sprinkler system. Bullen said a residential sprinkler system costs about one percent of the value of the home, and insurance rates usually decrease as a result. c) Elk River: Deputy Fire Chief Aaron Surrat said they had nearly 60 calls in January. Most of the calls have been the usual variety, except for an elevator rescue at the Xcel Power Plant in Becker. 2 The Fire Academy Graduation will be on April 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM at Elk River High Scho ol. Twenty-six fire fighters will graduate. Everyone is invited. The new Engine 1 has arrived. The old Engine 1 was sold for $46,000 to the Wishek North Dakota Fire Department. 6. Old Business – City Council Member Jason Warehime reported that the City received eight responses to the Fire Study Request for Proposals. The City Council selected four for further review at the meeting on 2/12/18. The bid award will be announced early next week. 7. New Business – Public Safety Commissioner Deb Schreiner is stepping down from the Commission. She has submitted a letter to City Clerk Tami Loff. 8. City Council Meeting Updates and 9. City Council Meeting Assignments Commission Chair Schauss proposed that instead of assigning Commission members to certain City Council meetings, everyone should do their best to attend whenever possible. Council Member Warehime said as liaison to the Commission, he can speak with a member of the public who comes to the City Council meeting with a concern. They will be referr ed to the Public Safety Commission. However, whenever a law enforcement-related issue is on the City Council Agenda, members of this Commission should attend. 10. Adjourn Breitbach moved, seconded by Abderhalden, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM. Submitted by Deb Schreiner, Commission Secretary