92-32Council File # " -S 2— Green Sheet # y RESOLUTION CITY OF OTSEGO , MINNESOTA Presented By Norman F Freske, Mayor,City of Otsego Referred To Committee: Date 9/28/92 1 Resolution Concerning a Constitutional Amendment to Create a New Property Taxpayers' Trust Fund in Minnesota 4 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota enacted a 3% State sales tax in 1967 with the promise to voters 5 that the money would be returned to them in the in the form of lower property tax relief for property 6 tax payers; and 7 WHEREAS, in 1991 the Governor and State Legislature approved the addition of a h% increase in 8 the State sales tax, raising it from 6% to 6k% with 2e dedicated to fund the Local Government Trust 9 Fund which was created to continue the State's commitment to local property tax relief; and 10 WHEREAS, in 1992, the Governor and State Legislature extended the 64% sales tax to local 11 government purchases with the promise of continued property tax relief through the Local 12 Government Trust Fund; and 3 WHEREAS, each year local governments are forced to combat continued attempts to reduce the 14 levels of State revenue dedicated to local property tax relief through cuts in programs such as Local 15 Government Aid; and 16 WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the State will face another budget deficit in 1993, making cuts in 17 local property tax relief programs tempting ways to solve the State's budget problems; and 18 WHEREAS, Governor Carlson has already publicly announced that he will concentrate on eliminating 19 local property tax relief programs during the upcoming legislative session; and 20 WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities have 21 taken positions supporting a constitutional amendment dedicating 2e of each 6he collected from the 22 State sales tax to the Local Government Trust Fund if such dedication cannot be assured statutorily; 23 now, therefore, be it 24 RESOLVED, that the City of Otsego calls upon the State Legislature to support a 25 constitutional amendment dedicating 2e of each 61W collected by the State sales tax to a new Property 26 Taxpayers' Trust Fund, to guarantee continued property tax relief from the current Local Government 27 Trust Fund; and be it further 28 RESOLVED, that the City of Ots eaostrongly urges that the League of Minnesota Cities and the 29 Association of Metropolitan Municipalities make one of their 1993 priorities support for a constitutional amendment dedicating 2e of each 61-,e collected by the State sales tax to a new Property j 1 Taxpayers' Trust Fund; and be it further RESOLVED, that the City requests that the League of Minnesota Cities begin coordinating a ser, es of state-wide 'Truth in Taxation" meetings with property taxpayers, to be held this fall, to educate the public and candidates for State elected offices on the issues regarding the need for a constitutional amendment dedicating 2¢ of each 6ke collected by the State sales tax a new Property Taxpayers' Trust Fund to protect local property tax relief funds from budget cuts during the 1993 Legislative Session. Adopted by Council: Date 9/28/92 Adoption Certif eid, b '•Council Secretary By: E la -VE' g Approved 'by Pt yt"Pato. Adm. By: No lyor Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �y Norman F Freske, Mayor THE MINNESOTA PROPERTY TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION The Minnesota Property Taxpayers' Association is a non-profit organization committed to protecting the interests of residential and commercial property taxpayers in Minnesota and preserving the state's property tax relief programs which have been funded since 1967 with state sales tax revenue. The Minnesota Property Taxpayers Association supports a state Constitutional Amendment to dedicate 20 of each 6kO of sales tax collected by the state to a new Property Taxpayers r- Trust Fund to guarantee future property tax relief payments to Minnesota's property taxpayers. `11�; We the undersigned do hereby become a member of the Minnesota Property Taxpayers' Association and indicate our individual support for a Constitutional Amendment dedicating 2(,' of each 6h4 sales tax collected by the state to a Property Taxpayers' Trust Fund to protect our property tax relief payments in the future. NAME(signature) ADDRESS PHONE 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 10.