ITEM 3.4B PSC 1.9.2018 MinutesITEM 3_4B 1/9/18 Public Safety Commission Meeting Minutes 1. Call to order by Chair Chuck Schauss at 6:32pm Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime, Public Safety Commissioners: Bill Abderhalden, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, Greg Hubbard and alternate Melissa Westervelt. Others present: Albertville Fire Chief Eric Bullen, Rogers, Brad Fiest and Wright County Sheriff Deputy Burton. 2. Approve Agenda- Chuck Schauss moved to approve the agenda, second by Jim Breitbach. The motion carried unanimously 3. Approve 12/12/17 Meeting Minutes- Greg Hubbard moved to approve Agenda, second by Bill Abderhalden. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open forum- Nothing 5. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates: a. Brad Fiest- Rogers had lots of medicals, no fires and one overdose on 12/31, status of patient is unknown. They are hiring 3 additional firefighters will be at 39 (in April will hire an additional 2 for a total of 42). They are getting a new tanker estimated delivery is 9/18. b. Deputy Burton- very busy with routine things nothing new. c. Eric Bullen- Year in review sheet- 30 current firefighters. Grass fire in December which was odd. Several smoke detectors going off around tam, need to replace your detectors every 10 years, they have had 14 calls for service for this already in Jan. Need to replace your Cot detector every 3-5 years. WE SHOULD DO A PSA ON FACEBOOK ABOUT THIS. 6. Old business - a. Jessica- RFP/combo meeting 2/12/18, 3 total have come in so far. The grant is due 1/31/18 to fund the study. b. Timothy's has a hotel license so they can rent out rooms the way they are. 7. Council Updates: a. Paul Fields- Target is getting a face lift. 8. Meeting assignments a. Paul will likely attend 9. Adjourn- Motion by Chuck Schauss to adjourn, second by Greg Hubbard. The meeting adjourned at 6:57pm Submitted by Melissa Westervelt- Commission alternate.