ITEM 3.5 Beacon GISot1�eF MINNrSOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty March 12, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Attorney MacArthur 3.5 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff is recommending that the City Council approve the Independent Contractor Agreement between the City and Beacon GIS. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: In December 2017, the City released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model. The deadline for consultants to submit a proposal was January 16, 2018. The City received significant interest from the RFP and received a total of eight proposals. The proposals were distributed to the City Council on January 22. The City Council thoroughly reviewed and discussed the proposals during public meetings on February 12 and February 26. At the February 26 meeting, the City Council voted 5-0 to award the proposal from Beacon GIS. City Staff in conjunction with the City Attorney have drafted the attached Independent Contractor Agreement. The agreement has been reviewed by Mr. Robert McNally from Beacon GIS, whom is agreeable to the agreement as written. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Independent Contractor Agreement POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the Independent Contractor Agreement between the City and Beacon GIS. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: ' BUDGETED: Fund #214 — Fire Reserve Yes City of Otsego - Independent Contractor Agreement This contract (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this 12th day of March, 2018, between: 1.) The City of Otsego, Minnesota (the "City"); and 2.) Beacon GIS (the "Contractor"). The City and the Contractor are referred to herein individually as a Party and collectively as the "Parties." 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions under which the Contractor will provide certain services to the City. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Contractor shall perform the work (the "Services) as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement which is incorporated herein by reference. The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the Services to be performed under this Agreement, including all safety standards. The Contractor will furnish labor, materials, and other services necessary to complete the Services for the City. The City will provide to the Contractor the information, data, and assistance required as specified in Exhibit A. Contractor is not responsible for lack of data or quality of information to be provided by the City or the City's contracted entities to complete the work. The Contractor shall perform office work at its own facility and any other sites deemed necessary by the Contractor. The Contractor represents and warrants that it has the requisite training, skills, and experience necessary to provide the Services and is appropriately licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities and will perform the Services with reasonable care and skill. The Contractor shall not perform any additional Services without the express written permission of the City. 3. TERM: This Agreement shall be effective on the date hereof and shall continue, unless terminated sooner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, until the Completion Date. The Contractor shall complete the Services by July 31, 2018. If the Contractor refuses or fails to complete the Services, or to complete the Services in a manner consistent with generally acceptable standards for the industry, the City may, by written notice to the Contractor, give notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement. After such notice, the Contractor shall have ten (10) days to cure, to the satisfaction of the City. If the Contractor fails to cure, the City shall send the Contractor a written termination letter which shall be effective upon deposit in the United States mail to the Contractor. The Contractor may terminate this Agreement if the City is in breach of any material obligation contained in this Agreement, which is not remedied by the City within ten (10) days of written notice. The Parties may voluntarily terminate this Agreement at anytime by mutual agreement. In the event of termination, the City shall only be responsible to pay for the Services satisfactorily performed by the Contractor to the effective date of termination, as described in the final invoice to the City. 4. COMPENSATION: As consideration for the provision of the Services, the City agrees to pay the Contractor a sum not to exceed $21,300.00 upon a schedule as outlined in Exhibit A- 35% payment due upon contract signing, 35% payment due upon receipt of draft report and 30% due upon receipt of final report, plus any unexpected expenses. Expected expense estimated within the not to exceed fee are anticipated to include travel, lodging, meals, postage, and copying. Travel, meals, and lodging arrangements are completed by contractor. The Contractor shall submit a written invoice to the City upon completion of the Services, except for the initial payment. The invoice shall be submitted to the City Council for approval at the first City Council meeting following receipt of the invoice. The City shall pay Contractor within one (1) week after the invoice has been approved for payment by the City Council. Late fees of 1.5% per month for invoices unpaid over 30 days from original date. If the City objects to all or any portion of any invoice, the City shall notify the Contractor of the dispute with ten (10) days from the date of receipt and shall pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. Any dispute shall be settled in accordance with this Agreement. 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP: It is expressly understood that the Contractor is an "independent contractor" and not an employee of the City. The Contractor shall have control over the manner in which the Services are performed under this Agreement. The Contractor shall supply, at its own expense, all materials, supplies, equipment, and tools required to accomplish the Services contemplated by this Agreement. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any benefits from the City, including, without limitation, insurance benefits, sick and vacation leave, workers' compensation benefits, unemployment compensation, disability, severance pay, or retirement benefits. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between the Parties. Contractor reserves the rights for artistic and creative aspects of the cartographic representations, data analysis, and report delivered, to utilize them for marketing purposes. All information, records, documents and data of the City shall be maintained in strictest confidence by Contractor and any information obtained by Contractor in the course of performing its services , shall be held in strictest confidence subject to statutory Minnesota Data requirements. 6. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor, at its expense, shall procure and maintain in force for the duration of this Agreement, general liability, automobile, professional, and worker's compensation insurance. The Contractor shall, prior to commencing the Services, deliver to the City a Certificate of Insurance as evidence that the above coverages are in full force and effect. 7. INDEMNIFICATION: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold -harmless the City and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of the Contractor's negligence or the Contractor's performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement. The Contractor's indemnification obligation shall apply to the Contractor's subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by the Contractor, or anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. The Contractor agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Agreement. 8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: The Parties shall cooperate and use their best efforts to ensure that the various provisions of the Agreement are fulfilled. The Parties agree to act in good faith to undertake resolution of disputes in an equitable and timely manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If disputes cannot be resolved informally by the Parties, the following procedures shall be used: A. Whenever there is a failure between the Parties to resolve a dispute on their own, the Parties shall first attempt to mediate the dispute. The parties shall agree upon a mediator, or if they cannot agree, shall obtain a list of court -approved mediators from the Wright County District Court Administrator and select a mediator by alternately striking names until one remains. The City shall strike the first name, followed by the Contractor, and shall continue in that order until one name remains. B. If the dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) days after the end of mediation proceedings, the Parties may pursue any legal remedy. C. Attorney Fees: If suit, action, or arbitration is brought either directly or indirectly to enforce the terms of this agreement, the prevailing party shall recover, and the losing party hereby agrees to pay, reasonable attorney's fees incurred in such proceeding, in the trial and appellate courts, as well as costs and disbursements as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior or contemporaneous representations or agreements, whether written or oral, between the Parties and contains the entire agreement. B. Assignment. The Contractor may not assign this Agreement to any other person unless written consent is obtained from the City. C. Amendments. Any modification or amendment to this Agreement shall require a written agreement signed by both Parties. D. Nondiscrimination. In the hiring of employees to perform work under this Agreement, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any person by reason of any characteristic or classification protected by state or federal law. E. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. All proceedings related to this Agreement shall be venues in Wright County, Minnesota. F. Ownership of Documents. All reports, plans, specifications, data, maps, and other documents produced by the Contractor in the performance of Services under this Agreement shall be the property of the City, subject to Contractor's use for marketing purposes. G. Government Data/Privacy. The Contractor agrees to abide by the applicable provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practice Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, HIPAA requirements, and all other applicable state or federal rules, regulations, or orders pertaining to privacy or confidentiality. The Contractor understands that all of the data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Contractor in performing those functions that the City would perform is subject to the requirements of Chapter 13, and the Contractor must comply with those requirements as if it were a government entity. This does not create a duty on the part of the Contractor to provide the public with access to public data if the public data is available from the City, except as required by the terms of this Agreement. H. Waiver. The waiver by either party of any breach or failure to comply with any provision of this Agreement by the other Party shall not be construed as or constitute a continuing waiver of such provision or a waiver of any other breach of or failure to comply with any other provision of this Agreement. I. Notices. All notices and other communications pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing and must be given by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or delivered by hand at the addresses set forth below: Notice to City: City Administrator 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Notice to Contractor: Beacon GIS 3801 Zebulon Williams Road Monroe, NC 2811 Force Majeure. Except for payment of sums due, neither Party shall be liable to the other or deemed in default under this Agreement if and to the extent that Party's performance is prevented by reason of force majeure. "Force majeure" includes war, an act of terrorism, fire, earthquake, flood, and other circumstances, which are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Party affected and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the Party affected was unable to prevent. K. Savings Clause. If any court finds any portion of this Agreement to be contrary to law, invalid, or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. L. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and which taken together shall be deemed to be one and the same document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, have caused this Agreement to be approved on the date above. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Its: Mayor And: Its: City Clerk BEACON GIS By: Its: EXHIBIT A 1) City of Otsego —Request for Proposals —Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model 2) Beacon GIS - Proposal TY OF t Cl efTo • Request for Proposals Response Time Improvement Fire Service Model Proposals Due: January 16, 2018 By 4:00 PM Request The City of Otsego is accepting proposals from qualified and experienced fire service consulting firms to provide a fire service response model for the City. The purpose of the study is to create a complete and transparent fire service response model to be used by elected officials in making decisions. The study will also be used to map and analyze current fire response times and to provide a planning tool for use in determining the number of and location of future fire stations within our growing City. City Overview Located at the northwest corner of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the City of Otsego covers an area of approximately 30 square miles. The City was incorporated in 1990 after being an established township since 1958. Since incorporation, the City has experienced significant growth and is the fastest growing City in Wright County and among the top 10 for new development within the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area. The State Demographer's most recent population estimate is 16,019. Current growth forecasts anticipate the City's population to increase to 25,000 within the next 20 years, and anticipate a final build -out population in excess of 60,000. City Structure The City operates under the "Optional Plan A" form of government as defined in Minnesota Statutes. Under this plan, the government of the City is directed by a City Council consisting of an elected Mayor and four elected Councilmembers at large. The City Council exercises legislative authority and determines all matters of policy. The City Council appoints personnel responsible for the proper administration of all affairs relating to the City. The Mayor and Councilmembers serve four year terms with two Councilmembers elected to four year terms every two years. Current Contractual Partners The City of Otsego currently contracts for fire protection services from fire departments located in our neighboring communities of Albertville, Elk River and Rogers. Each of the three departments has full- time Fire Chiefs with the remaining firefighters being paid on-call volunteers. Each department covers specific geographic boundaries based upon contractually defined service areas; however all three departments have a great working relationship and provide mutual aid whenever the instance warrants. A map indicating the geographic boundaries is located on the City's website. Scope of Services The City of Otsego is seeking qualified and experienced fire service consulting firms to provide a fire service response model for the City utilizing our existing fire service contracts. The scope of services includes the following: 1) Generate GIS mapping for the City of Otsego. Specific mapping shall include: a. All emergency response calls beginning January 1, 2015 to current day. b. Response times based on current locations of fire stations for all contractual partners. c. Location of any and all firefighters from all contractual partners. d. Population density. e. Land use. f. Any additional mapping required to adequately support any recommendations. 2) Work with Otsego City staff and within the City's Comprehensive Plan to update mapping to include expectations of future growth for 15 years into the future. 3) Generate a gap analysis and make recommendations for response time improvements that could be made independently, prior to, or between the constructions of future fire station facilities. Identify implementation timeframes for each respective recommendation. 4) Make recommendations for locations of fire station facilities using compliance with NFPA 1720 as the guideline. This study is NOT intended to prove compliance with NFPA 1720 in all of its aspects. Recommendations should include placement to meet current needs and changes that might be expected to occur to meet the 15 year planning period needs. Each recommendation should be accompanied by GIS mapping indicating where current and/or future fire fighters would be responding from. 5) Make recommendations regarding the prioritization and sequencing of construction of the recommended fire station facility locations. 6) Generate a space needs and capital equipment needs analysis for all recommended fire station facilities including a recommendation for adequate land acquisition for each recommended fire station facility. This should include estimates of probable costs for the recommended fire station facilities and respective capital equipment. Assumptions Each fire service consulting firm shall develop their proposal with the following assumptions included: 1) Base GIS mapping will be provided by the City of Otsego. Consultant to verify conditions. 2) Emergency response call data will be made available by each Fire Department currently serving the City of Otsego. Successful consultant will be responsible for contacting each Fire Department and gathering the data required. 3) Existing service contracts will remain in place following the study. This study is not intended to develop an independent Fire Department for the City of Otsego. In other words, the City of Otsego will construct any future fire station facilities, and the current contracted Fire Departments will staff and operate the respective fire station facilities. 4) Fire Departments will meet with the successful consultant to provide the necessary data at the cost of the City of Otsego. 5) All GIS mapping data will be delivered to the City of Otsego at the completion of the study for their use in future planning efforts. Study Timeframe The City of Otsego expects that the successful consultant will complete the study, meet all required meetings and provide all deliverables by July 31, 2018. Required Meetings The consultant shall propose a meeting schedule based on the aforementioned scope of services. The City of Otsego, at a minimum, expects the following meetings: 1) Initiation meeting with City staff. 2) Onsite community visit and evaluation of existing facilities and equipment with each Fire Department. 3) Meeting with City staff to review the preliminary (draft) results of the study. 4) Work session (evening) meeting with the City Council, Public Safety Commission and City Staff to review the preliminary (draft) results of the study. This meeting needs to include adequate time for thorough review and questions. 5) Formal presentation of the final results of the study at a City Council meeting (evening). This meeting needs to include adequate time for thorough review and questions. Deliverables Each fire service consulting firm shall deliver the final results of the study and GIS data electronically in a format useable by the City of Otsego. All data becomes property of the City of Otsego, citing the fire service consulting firm as the source. Proposal Each fire service consulting firm submitting a proposal must include: 1) A letter outlining the firm's background. 2) A list of five similar studies completed in the past three years. This should include contact information for the respective persons. 3) A project outline detailing the strategy your firm will use for completing the study. 4) A statement identifying in detail the items your study will include, referencing the aforementioned scope of services. 5) The name and professional biography for the manager assigned to this study. 6) The names and professional biographies for the staff whom will be assigned to this study. 7) A meeting schedule in accordance with the aforementioned required meetings. 8) A cost for each additional meeting. 9) A timeline for completion of the study. 10) A "not -to -exceed" cost. 11) A list of additional and/or recommended study options not included within the aforementioned scope of services and with individual costs per additional study option. Costs of Proposal All costs incurred for the preparation of a proposal in response to this request for proposals shall be borne by the proposing fire service consulting firm. Award Criteria The City of Otsego will award a contract to the fire service consulting firm whose qualifications are deemed to best provide the services desired, taking into account the requirements, terms and conditions contained within this request for proposals. The City will consider conformity with the scope of services, the performance period, the delivery terms, and the proposed price as factors in making its award decision. The City has the absolute and sole discretion in making an award under this request for proposals. The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, decide to not issue an award if the City deems it to be in the best interest of the City. Questions Any and all questions relating to this request for proposals should be directed via email to Adam Flaherty, City Administrator. Email contact information is indicated below. Proposal Submission The City of Otsego requests seven hard copies of the proposal and one electronic copy. Both versions of the proposals shall be submitted to: City of Otsego Attn: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Email: aflaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us PROPOSALS DUE: January 16, 2018 By 4:00 PM LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Response Time Improvement Fire Service Model CITY OF Ot e 0 MINNESOTA March 30, 2017 Submitted by: Beacon GIS Charlotte, NC www.BeaconGIS.net + (704) 607-5882 3801 Zebulon Williams Road, Monroe, NC, 2811 ��. BEACONGI First Responder Planning Services Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Ostego, Minnesota January 16, 2018 Adam Flaherty, City Administrator City of Ostego 13400 90th Street NE Ostego, MN, 55330 RE: RFP — City of Ostego Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Dear Mr. Flaherty, IBEACONG IS Flm aespo,Hmr w.�.,mu spa. Beacon GIS is pleased to submit the accompanying proposal in response to the City of Otsego's Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct a Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model. The RFP has been reviewed in every detail and I am confident the study's scope or work is well within our qualifications and abilities. The firm is highly qualified to provide this service due to being deeply versed in fire department deployment and station location. Similar projects that examine the location of current stations, facilities, and the deployment of personnel and resources have been completed with the skills and talents of Beacon GIS's services. The following is a brief overview of our qualifications. Fire Service Deployment Analysis. Collectively, we have participated in a combination of more than 170 projects similar to the study of your community. The projects have ranged from comprehensive assessments of fire and emergency services encompassing strategic planning to those that are specific to fire station location analysis. Much of our work encompasses tasks which are part of the proposed study of the Ostego community such as community risk analysis, staffing and apparatus deployment, and future growth and potential impact on services. Our work experience is coupled with qualifications and experience in the fire service deployment and planning. National Guidelines and Standards. The benchmarks of many studies are the nationally recognized fire station deployment related initiatives such as the National Fire Protection Association's committee for Standard 1710 and 1720. Beacon GIS has applied related deployment criteria developed by the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), Insurance Services Office (ISO) and the Commission on Fire Accreditation International's (CFAI) Standard of Cover. While using these benchmarks, each community is unique and alternate deployment methods are proposed as well. These experiences make Beacon GIS well suited to serve as a specialist in the fire station location and deployment. Fire Station Functionality and Design. We are well versed in how the modern fire station should function. This expertise has been gained through working with architectural firm's specializing in fire station design and participation in fire station design workshops and conferences. In 2016, Beacon GIS successfully coordinated with an architectural firm and city officials in a project that included a spatial need assessment for a new fire department headquarters, site selection, and the securing of funding for the station's design and construction while serving as technical advisor to the architect. Proposal. Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model ° 1BEACONG I S Ostego, Minnesota Our Clients. Our clients and their needs are important to us. We approach all of our projects through a close collaboration with our clients including stakeholders within the fire department as well others. Much of this collaboration is conducted through work onsite in order to gain as much of a realistic view of the community and its unique challenges. We keep our clients informed throughout the course of our work to ensure issues specific to their community is always kept in the forefront of our work. Objectivity. We are an objective -based firm that has no formal collaboration with outside organizations such as city or fire labor and management associations. Work is conducted through the collection and analysis of data, review of special local conditions with an end result of a report to provide a roadmap that for future implementation of policies and related initiates that allows for the most optimum level of deployment of personnel and resources. I am certain you will find our qualifications meets your department's expectations and is of a high quality while within the funding constraints of your community. Our accompanying proposal consists of an overview of our firm, project methodology, work plan and approach, deliverables and cost estimate and details regarding the Beacon GIS qualifications. Our firm proposes a lump sum price of $ 21,300.00 for the study. The proposed fixed cost includes all costs for labor, insurance, travel, report preparation, and all associated costs. Beacon GIS looks forward to assisting your department in this important project. Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding our proposal. Sincerely, Robert McNally, Principal Beacon GIS, LLC (704) 607-5882 BeaconGlS@gmail.com Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Ostego, Minnesota ']BBACONGIS F4.I Reape.MwPla�nMa Servins 1.0 OVERVIEW AND EXPERIENCE............................................................................................... 1 2.0 RESUME................................................................................................................................3 3.0 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY........................................................................................ 4 4.0 COST PROPOSAL................................................................................................................... 9 5.0 DISCLOSURES AND PRACTICES........................................................................................... 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement& Fire Service ModelpdBEiACON(AS, Osteao, Minnesota F .n=,POMur, m�servm>= 1.1 The Firm's Overview Founded in 2005, Beacon GIS is a Limited Liability subsidiary of a North Carolina Corporation. Its mission is to be the leader in public safety location intelligence and planning through objective perspectives. We have conducted independently and with other firms on more than 170 emergency services studies across the US and Canada. Beacon GIS, LLC is now emerging as a fresh, pioneering competitor in the market with practical emergency service experience coupled with academic, analytical, and innovative solutions for fire and EMS agencies. The City of Ostego desires to have an independent examination and planning tool for the city fire services. The purpose of the study is to ensure the efficient delivery of fire services as community growth is occurring. The broad scope of work is ideally suited to our firm due to an extensive experience providing services such as analysis of fire service effectiveness and efficiency based upon geographic, demographic, and risk coverage. 1.2 Focus and Experience Fire Department Studies. Since its incorporation, Beacon GIS has successfully completed projects that range from Strategic Planning, Standards of Cover, fire station location studies, consolidations, cooperative services, service assessments, developmental impact studies, and comprehensive fire department master plans. Much of our work is in conjunction with a department's desire to improve its ISO rating, compliance with NFPA 1710 or 1720, or the CFAI's Self -Assessment and Accreditation. Education and Experience. We are an independently owned and managed firm without ties to any interest group and devoted to ethical, open, and defensible analysis. We have an unparalleled combination of experience working with cities and towns and similar forms of local government. As you will see in our references, we have a number of recent and ongoing projects with other jurisdictions. We are a small firm; each engagement gets our full attention. We are committed to technical excellence and client satisfaction and our project team is highly experienced and has numerous projects behind them, including experience with fire station location and feasibility analyses. Public Interest. We believe that a fair study, conveyed in plain language, reflects the public interest. We keep in mind that it is the public served by our work and we strive to demonstrate that with objective analysis. By also learning the local unique character and needs, we consider multiple options before recommending a solution. 1.3 Previous Work Since 2005, the Beacon GIS team has applied nationally recognized standards such as NFPA 1710 and 1720 to over 180 fire station location and related organization studies; most as a subcontractor with other firms who require our expertise and skills. The following consists of an itemized list of relevant studies. Grand Junction, CO Fort Lauderdale, FL Fire Station Location Analysis Fire Station Location Study Page 1 of 10 Endwell, NY Fire Station Location Study Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Osteao, Minnesota Des Moines, IA Fire Station Location Study Des Plaines, IL Fire Station Deployment Topeka, KS Fire Station Deployment Gloucester, MA Fire Station Relocation Analysis Belgrade/Central Valley Fire, MT Fire Station Location Study Deptford, NJ Fire Station Location/Master Plan 1.4 References '-'IBEACONGIS First Respandx Planning 5ervkes St Charles, IL McMinnville, OR Fire Station Location Study Fire Station Location Analysis Plainfield, IN Washington Terrace, LIT Fire Station Deployment EMS Feasibility Lexington, KY Spokane FPD 13, WA Fire Station Location Study Fire Station Deployment Westford, MA Bainbridge, OH Fire Station Relocation Analysis Facility Deployment Study Davidson, NC Fire Station Location Study Laramie, WY Fire Station Location Study Danville, VA Fire Station Location New Hanover County, NC Fire Station Location Assessment The below reference list includes recent fire station location related projects Beacon GIS has conducted on behalf of local communities. The list provides contact information of each project's primary point of contact. If desired by Ostego officials, additional references may be provided related to similar work we have conducted while serving as a subcontractor. Spartanburg, South Carolina 2015 Fire Station Location Study and current Technical Consulting Chief Marion Blackwell, (864) 596-2083 mblacl(well@cityofspartanburg.org Greenville, South Carolina 2017 Standards of Cover Capt. Kevin Henson (864) 467-6637 kthenson@greenvillesc.gov Naples, Florida 2015 Fire Department Evaluation Bill Moss, City Manager (239)213-1030 In conjunction with Public Safety Solutions, Inc. Les Adams (410) 604-0650 Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 2016 Fire Station Location Study In conjunction with Krug Architects Steve Krug, (610) 299-3353 Jean Krack, Borough Manager, (610) 933-8801 ejkracl<@phoenixville.org Chief John Buckwalter, (610) 960-0693 jbucl<walter@phoenixville.org Rapids Fire Dept., New York 2016 Regional Fire Services Study Chief Barry Kobrin In conjunction with Mike D' Allessandro & Associates. (716) 816-8395 Page 2 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model � BEAC ONG I S' Osteao, Minnesota " F t1?e p-d.,P1 1.gS—me, ROBERT MCNALLY Charlotte, North Carolina # Beacon GIS@gmail.com SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Mr. McNally brings 20 years of public safety experience in Fire and EMS management and deployment. Early in his career he served as a firefighter/paramedic, manager, and instructor and was awarded twice for his service to the communities that he served. He has participated in over 170 fire service studies for fire and EMS agencies of various sizes and has helped communities with a range of projects including master planning, service level evaluation, fire/EMS consolidation, station location, response time analysis, and analyzing community risks using the CFAI Standards of Cover methodology. He serves as an instructor in emergency response as well as geographic information sciences. He has delivered several presentations at national and regional conferences and has been published on the subject of public safety and homeland security. His experience includes serving as an adjunct faculty at FEMA's National Training Center for both the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and the National Fire Academy (NFA). Along with using ESRI's GIS platform and several extension software modules, Robert is also adept at using GIS for natural disaster damage loss and estimation tools. Experience • GIS mapping and analysis • Incident data analysis & reporting • Emergency Medical Services Organization and Deployment • NFPA 1710 and 1720 • CFAI Self -Assessment and Accreditation • Fire station location, staffing, and deployment FORMAL EDUCATION • Bachelor's Degree, magna cum laude, Public Administration, Kean University, New Jersey • Master's Degree, Geography specializing in Urban and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina Charlotte • Firefighter/Paramedic Affiliations Contract Instructor, FEMA Emergency Management Institute and National Fire Academy (NFA) Certifications ESRI: ArcGIS, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, Model Builder Microsoft: Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Project FEMA HAZUS Professional Certificate CAMEO, ALOHA, MARPLOT Self -Assessment and Standards of Cover Certification — Commission on Fire Accreditation (CFAI) Page 3 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service ModelF IBEACON('iS' Ostego, Minnesota "Mrt V-d.,PI, 1, 9S-1— 3.1 Scope of Work 1, Operational Evaluation and Analysis. Beacon GIS will conduct an operational efficiency evaluation and analysis of existing fire services for the City of Ostego. The analysis will include an inspection of existing conditions of the fire stations, apparatus, and staffing levels. This may include staffing capabilities from alternate address if not duty staffed. The capabilities of the current fire service to travel into the city, insurance distance coverages, and the level of demand for services by type and location will be temporally examined from January 2015 to study date commencement. The performance of response times and level of staffing on incidents will be analyzed in relation to the NFPA 1720 benchmark guidelines. 2. Future Fire Service. Identify recommended future fire service strategies and a integration plan based on but not limited to the following for the next 15 years: a. Land use b. Population patterns c. Structural Density d. Physical or natural barriers e. Future residential and commercial development f. Transportation infrastructure, including the ability for on-call firefighters to respond to the fire station(s) g. Station location, apparatus and equipment deployment based upon gap analysis h. Timetable for station construction and estimated costs 3. Findings and Recommendations. The project team will prepare a draft report for review and comment by the City before completing a final report. The final report will be presented to the City Administrator and Council. 3.2 Project Outline The Beacon GIS project team has carefully reviewed the RFP's scope of work and required tasks. Subsequent to this review, the team proposes the following 5 -step process as the strategy for the Ostego study. Step 1: Project Kickoff a. Project initiation b. I<ickoff meeting with Ostego officials c. Conduct meetings with Stakeholders (Fire Service Providers) d. Onsite review of community layout and risks e. Collect data, records and associated material Step 2: Current Conditions Assessment Page 4 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Osteao, Minnesota a. Review internal and external information b. Identify fire department method of operation c. Create base maps and travel time models for coverage d. Review dispatch incident volumes e. Assess fire service current capabilities Step 3: Jurisdictional Assessment a. Examine demographics, housing, and socioeconomics b. Conduct structural risk assessment and ISO insurance rating c. Review community strategic and comprehensive plans "IIBEACONGIS ���_� fResponda Ptanntng Servkes Step 4: Future Needs Planning a. Review population growth forecast b. Review developmental plans (residential and commercial) including transportation changes c. Develop fire department workload forecast d. Determine if locations are suitable or new location(s) are needed e. Determine apparatus needs f. Space needs estimates g. Capital cost estimation Step 5: Recommendations & Final Report a. Present preliminary finds and recommendations b. Develop draft report c. Present final report Project Assistance. The successful completion of each step of the process is dependent upon the timely assistance of City offices. Specific support by fire departments and other relevant City staff including the collection of documents, data, and other relevant material is crucial to the success and timeliness of the project. It is proposed the specific details of roles and responsibilities for each city office will be formalized during Step 1. 3.3 Methodology The project team uses an objective -based approach to each project they undertake that is independent from any organization or special interest group. In doing so, they will reference nationally recognized standards, concepts, and best practices coupled with local needs. This includes utilizing relevant standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) including Standard 1710 or 1720 as identified by the community, self-assessment and standards of cover guidelines as provided by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI), and the 2012 Edition of the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule applied by the Insurance Services Office (ISO). The following provides a detailed overview of the teams typical methodology used to identify the current delivery model, its response times and projected growth. Onsite Field Work — 1. Conduct meetings with fire department and city officials a. Develop description of the community served b. Review of the services provided within the existing deployment and baseline performance Review of community expectations Page 5 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire service Model "'� BEACON Cir [ �`i Osteao. Minnesota w" Frst Re,pooda PI—t V$ml,,, d. Collect data and information e. Conduct review of the area and the fire facilities f. Conduct stakeholder meetings Our approach to these tasks builds on our experience in performing these studies as well as our deep understanding of the dynamics of community fire protection. We begin by analyzing current conditions with regard to services delivered, response time performance, and demand for service. Current Conditions Analysis — 1. Create a base map illustrating the city limits, transportation network, physical and natural barriers as they relate to current fire station locations. 2. Examine ISO distance requirements for engine and truck apparatus to determine any gaps in coverage in relation to high risk properties (see next section # 1 below). 3. Geographically plot historic emergency incident locations to determine intensity of requests by area. 4. Model response travel time geographic capability to determine any gaps or redundant coverage areas in relation to service demand levels. Mileage/population/service demand coverage statistics. Including mutual aid departments. 5. Examine current population levels, geographic density, historical growth, and age composition as it relates to provision of fire services. 6. Examine current housing use by occupancy and geographically represent areas in relation to fire/ems travel coverage. 7. Review the functionality of current facilities with regard to operational efficiency 8. Review current infrastructure and land use in regards to risk to the community. Future Needs Planning — 1. Examine future land use, development, and transportation plans and develop rough population scenarios, including impacts on workload or fire response needs. 2. Based upon review of facilities; suggest relocations, renovations, or reconstruction based upon current conditions assessment results. 3. Determine three strategies if new station locations or the relocation of an existing station/unit is necessary. a. Determine apparatus type needed in station b. Realignment of first due areas c. Integration of mutual or automatic aid departments d. Space needs and capital cost estimates 3.4 Meetings/Deliverables All meetings and conferencing will be coordinated by the Beacon GIS project team. The team will utilize various methods of conducting meetings with Ostego officials including onsite meetings, conference calls and web -based conferencing. Web -Based Conferencing. Beacon GIS uses web conferencing technology that allows not only visual communication of speakers, but also the ability to view maps, data, charts, and tables so that a seamless coordination of referenced materials can be achieved. This allows our clients to realize cost savings of travel expenses. We also utilize digital transfer technology so that the client project coordinator can provide information in a timely fashion. Page 6 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement& Fire Service Model 1BEAC0NG1S Osteao, Minnesota Firsf Reepo dz Ps ning Servkez 1. Project Initiation. (on site / in-person) estimated 3-4 days a. Project Kickoff with City project liaison b. Fire Departments Senior Staff c. City staff for data collection (GIS, planning, transportation, utilities) d. Facility & apparatus inspection/review 2. Draft Report. (on site / in-person) estimated 2-3 days Beacon GIS will develop and produce a draft version of the written report for review by the city staff, city council, and Beacon GIS. Client feedback is a critical part of this project and adequate opportunity will be provided for review and discussion of the draft report prior to finalization. The report will include: ' Detailed narrative analysis of each report component structured in easy -to -read sections and accompanied by explanatory support to encourage understanding by both staff and civilian readers ' Clearly designated recommendations highlighted for easy reference and catalogued as necessary in a report appendix ' Supportive charts, graphs, and diagrams, where appropriate ' Supportive maps utilizing GIS analysis. 3. Final Report and Presentation. (on site / in-person) estimated 1 day Beacon GIS will complete any necessary revisions of the draft and produce an electronic version in pdf file format. Beacon GIS will make a formal in person presentation of the project report to a joint meeting of the community leaders and/or organizations included in this project. The final report and presentation will include the following: ' A summary of the nature of the project, the methods of analysis, the primary findings, and critical recommendations including: — Identification, description, and summary of current operations, policies, regulations, service levels, response times, staffing, equipment and facilities of each department. — Identification of any compliance with best practices and industry standards and any deficiencies. — A detailed and itemized analysis of the current efficiencies and/or inefficiencies of each department and recommendations for each department to meet any or all of the objectives while remaining independent in their operations. — An evaluation, and if applicable, the identification and estimates the projected financial impact of each recommendation. ' Supportive audio-visual presentation Review and explanation of primary supportive charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps, where appropriate ' Opportunity for questions and answers, as needed Note: Presentation materials, files, graphics, and written material will be provided to the client at the conclusion of the final presentation (s). Page 7 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Osteao, Minnesota 3.5 Project Schedule ", IBEACONGIS FrntRespondu %annMg 5ervkes The timeline is subject to change based upon mutual agreement of parties representing City of Ostego and Beacon GIS during the project work plan development. A timeframe of four months (120 days) is estimated to complete the project starting with the kickoff meeting and initial fieldwork. It is recognized that the deliverables are desired by the City by July 31, 2018. Page 8 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Ostego, Minnesota m IBEACONGIS F+ni Reepom7rr PlanMng 5ervkes 4.1 Cost Proposal Beacon GIS, LLC proposes the below fixed Not to Exceed price fee. The total fee includes professional fees and services, travel, and printing and other administrative expenses. Professional Fees and Services ................................................. 1 $16,225.00 Travel and Expenses .............. .................................... 5,045.00 Total Lump Sum Bid Amount, Not to Exceed .................................... $21,300.00 Additional Change Orders will be charged at $150 per hour. Note: Cost proposal is valid for ninety (90) calendar days from date of proposal submittal to the City of Ostego. 4.2 Proposal Invoice Schedule We propose billings to be in three installments, with the last payment being withheld pending approval of the final reports and project documents. Invoice of 35% upon contract signing Invoice of 35% upon submittal of draft report Invoice of 30% upon submittal of final report 4.3 Related Fee and Cost Information Not included in the above cost detail are additional local expenses that Beacon GIS may incur associated with the project such as local taxes, fees, insurance coverage beyond current level, and business license. 4.4 Project Data Dependency Providing its clients with quality and timely work is important to Beacon GIS. Timely response by Ostego officials of the project team's request for data and related material is vital to ensuring the project stays on schedule and within cost. Timely response by City officials, preferably within five business days, to the Beacon GIS project manager data, information, and materials is necessary for the complete and timely completion of the study. Much of the project's analyses require data provided by the City. Incomplete data could greatly affect the study's analysis and final report. Page 9 of 10 Proposal: Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model I$EAC ON(iIS' Osteao, Minnesota `� rr+=,Pond=�W=nnmg$-k- 5.0 DISCLOSURES AND PRACTICES 5.1 Conflict of Interest Statement Beacon GIS, LLC has neither directly nor indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion or collusion activity, or otherwise taken any action which in any way restricts or restraints the competitive nature of this solicitation including but not limited to the prior discussion of terms, conditions, pricing or other offer parameters required by this solicitation. Beacon GIS, LLC is not presently suspended or otherwise prohibited by any government from participation in this solicitation or any other contracting to follow thereafter. Neither Beacon GIS, LLC nor anyone associated with the firm has any potential conflict of interest because of or due to any other clients, contracts, or property interests in this solicitation or the resulting project. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, Beacon GIS, LLC will immediately notify the client in writing. 5.2 Insurance Beacon GIS is protected with professional liability, commercial, worker's compensation, and vehicular insurance. Upon the request of the City, additional coverage may be provided for the duration of the study. Certificates of insurance can be provided upon request and at award of contract. 5.3 Requirements and Licenses Beacon GIS, LLC, without additional expense to the city, shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and for complying with any applicable federal, state, and municipal laws, codes and regulations in connection with the prosecution of the services. 5.4 Litigation Beacon GIS, LLC has no past and/or pending litigation or unresolved lawsuits. 5.5 Employment Practices Beacon GIS, LLC is an equal opportunity employer. The firm is guided by recognized industry standards, policies, and procedures. When applicable, Beacon GIS, LLC offers a wide range of employee benefits and ongoing training opportunities that has enabled Beacon GIS, LLC to attract and retain quality consultants who are recognized as experts in emergency service organization, management, and service delivery. Beacon GIS, LLC will not refuse to hire, discharge, promote, demote, or otherwise discriminate in matters of compensation against any person otherwise qualified, because of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, or handicap. Page 10 of 10