Guide for the Election of Parks and Recreation
Commission Officers
There are two officer positions to be voted for:
o Chair
o Vice- Chair
All Park and Recreation Commissioners are eligible for an officer position; 'Alternate'
Commissioners are not eligible.
The Chair opens nominations:
o Nominations for Chair are first.
o A seated Parks and Recreation Commissioner may nominate another eligible
member; a Commissioner may not nominate themselves.
o Nominations do not need to be seconded.
o The Chair repeats the name of the nominee after each nomination.
o The Chair will ask "Is there any other nominations for Chair?"; if there are no other
nominations for the Chair position, the Chair will ask for nominations for Vice -Chair.
o After nominations for Vice -Chair are complete following the same process, the Chair
declares nominations are closed.
o A Commissioner may decline the nomination during the process.
o The Chair will continue presiding during the voting process even if they are one of
the nominees.
Voting is done by voice:
o The Chair will name the first nominee for Chair.
o The Chair will ask "all those in favor of [NAME] for the position of Parks and
Recreation Commission Chair say aye"
o This procedure is followed for each of the nominees in order of their nomination.
o If there is a tie, the process repeats until one nominee receives a majority vote.
o A nominee may withdraw from the ballot voluntarily at any time.
o Once there is a majority vote for a nominee, the Chair declares the person with the
majority vote as the winner.
o The vote process is repeated for the Vice -Chair position.
Once voting is complete and a winner declared for both Chair and Vice -Chair, those
persons assume their positions before proceeding with the rest of the meeting.
Source: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition