ITEM 3.5 Updates of Engineering Manualr' 0tsP TY o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner March 26, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.5 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approval the 2018 updates to the City of Otsego Engineering Manual. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City of Otsego Engineering Manual is updated every few years in order to update best management practices or incorporate new procedures and technology. Since the last Engineering Manual update MnDOT has updated their specifications in 2016 and 2018. Much of the City's standards and specifications refer to the MnDOT specifications. The Engineering Manual now includes the most recent changes made by MnDOT. Hakanson Anderson has met with the City's Street and Utilities department staff as well as consulted with various industry professionals to determine recommended changes. The supporting documents attached outlines the changes proposed to the manual. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • 2018 Engineering Manual Update — Summary of Revisions POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the 2018 updates to the City of Otsego Engineering Manual BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: n/a n/a 2018 ENGINEERING MANUAL UPDATE Summary of Revisions City of Otsego ENGINEERING MANUAL I. Engineering Requirements I.10, Initial City Acceptance: revised to "Upon completion of all the work required, the developer must schedule a walk-thru. The developer, the contractor, the City street maintenance department, City utility department, and the City Engineer or their representative ..." 2. I.10.e, revised to "...These as-builts shall be submitted prior to the initial acceptance walk-thru within 30 days after the eomp=etion of is and be f fe ^ seetifity_is ..010^se 7 " 3. 1. 13.b revised to "...equipment furnished by him for a period of two years from the date of written acceptance of the work or project, unless the wearing course is placed during the same construction season as the base course. In those instances, the contractor shall guarantee all work including street construction, concrete curb and gutter, material and equipment furnished by him for a period of three years from the date of written acceptance..." II. Erosion Control Policy 1. II.2.i, revised to "...The subdivider's obligations under this paragraph shall end upon final city acceptance. -P a of one (` year f+em when the stme have been eompleted and aeeepted by the G4y." 2. 11.3J, revised to "...the subdivision from sediment and debris from the subdivision until final city acceptance.. f a fiod of one (1` f+oin the stivets have been eeffipleted atid aeeepted by the City." III. City Standard Plans 111. Lin, revised to: Right of way and pavement or curb and gutter alignment data shall be shown. Right of way shall be rounded at intersections (as follows) (min 10' to allow for utility installation; i. Minimum 4' radius ROW at intersections for local to local roadways. SAMunicipal\AOTSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doc ii. Minimum 3' radius ROW at intersections for collector to local roadways. IV. City Standard Materials Storm Sewer and Drainage Pipe IV.2.a, revised to the following; a. All storm sewer pipe within any street right-of-way shall be; i. Reinforced concrete pipe of the class as shown on the plans. Pipe shall meet Mn/DOT 3236 Specification. Joints shall be flexible watertight meeting ASTM C-443. Required minimum cover as shown in Appendix C section 5.G. ii. Polypropylene (PP) dual -wall pipe with couplings and fittings meeting the requirements of MnDOT 2503 and Technical Memorandum No. 17-05-B-02. Required minimum cover as shown in Appendix C section 5.G. 2. IV.2.c, revised to "Articulated concrete block or cable concrete ...Selected material shall be sized to meet the designed bed shear and in accordance with MnDOT Table 3604-1 (minimum Type B, 15 lb/sq.ft. bed design shear). withstand „ ,,,;,,;mum of 24 ps f sheat! stress and 19 fps veleeity. blanket conforming to..." 3. IV.2.g, revised to "Draintile pipe shall be perforated solid smooth PVC pipe (perforated or unperforated) conforming to MnDOT 3245 7Thertn,,plasti p pe or Ger-Fugated Polyethylene Drainage bing-eanf6H�to T' n4 DOT 32,15 OF 3279 respeetively, and shall be installed..." Metal Sewer Frames and Castings — 2621.2B 4. IV.3.a revised to Castings for sanitary sewer manholes shall be H mi fte Kent Lifespan Syste,,, Neenah R-1642 or approved equal Manhole and Catchbasin Structure IV.4.b revised "... catchbasins identified on the plans as slab top shall •be eanstrueted 4em pipe manufaetared to meet MnDOT 4022 and/or ASTM C- 76 Standards. M;,,,.r,,,,, Class 3 stre ig4y. Removed all of IV.4.c. Watermain and Appurtenances: 7. IV.5.c, add the following SAMunicipal\AOTSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL SUMMARY.doc "All valve boxes shall require the installation of a valve box alignment device. Valve box alignment device shall be Gate Valve Adaptor or the Valve Box Adaptor #6 Base as manufactured by Adaptor Inc. or approved equal. The Gate Valve Adaptor shall be used for installations above the water table and Valve Box Adaptor #6 Base shall be used for installations below the water table." Tracer Wire 8. IV.7. added the following; IV.7.c Tracer wire access box shall be one of three listed below, as determined by the City Engineer: i. Non -Roadway access box - Grade level Copperhead adjustable lite duty Part # LD14*TP ii. Concrete / Driveway access box - Grade level Copperhead Part # CD14*TP 14" iii. Fire hydrant access box - Above ground two terminal Cobra Test Station, denoting "F" includes hydrant mounting flange. Copperhead part # T2*-FLPKG-5/8 to fit hydrants with 5/8" bolts and T2*FLPKG-3/4 to fit hydrants with 3/4" bolts. IV.7.d See Otsego Standard Detail 4209 for tracer wire installation requirements. V. Testing Requirements Class 3 or 4 Aggregate V.3.b, revised to revised to "Gradation Test: 1 test per source of material or minimum I test daily while placing." Street Base Aggregate 2. V.4.d, revised to "Test Rolling: Required on full Class 5 section (i.e. not under curb) As FeEltil as 1.., G,fi, OF -JeGA Bituminous Tests V.5.a, revised to "...One core will be taken for every 500 tons placed ...At discretion of the City Engineer, bituminous paths may be tested by quality/ordinary compaction." SA\Municipal\AOTSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doe 4. V.5.c, revised to "Thickness: All cores shall be measured for in-place thickness at the time the cores are taken." Tracer Wire 5. V.I Li, revised to "All new tracer wire shall be located using typical low frequency (512Hz) line tracing equipment. Continuity testing in lieu of actual line tracing shall not be accepted. Testing shall be performed on all tracer wire within 7 days of satisfactory completion of the all other required testing on the associated utility." VI. Construction Requirements Storm Sewer Add VI.2 revised to "Pipe sewers shall be installed in accordance with CEAM 2621 and MnDOT 2501, except as modified herein (See Appendix C section 5.g for additional storm sewer requirements." Cold Weather Construction 2. VI.6.d.iii, revised to "Inlet protection (i.e. Wimco's) shall remain in place throughout the winter unless the inlet protection is causing flooding or other safety hazard. The contractor/developer shall remedy the issue using methods allowed by the NPDES permit.h d f+e+n eateh basins a4er the g nd has f+azen. They shall be reinstalled i, the spFin X. Miscellaneous 1. X.10, revised to "...On Saturdays, the hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 g 98 p.m..." APPENDIX A - STANDARD PLATES Revised the following Standard Plates: 100 Local Residential Rural Street Section — 9 Ton 101 Local Residential (Pre 2003) Urban Street Section — 9 Ton 102 Local Commercial/Industrial Rural Street Section — 10 Ton 103 MSA Collector Urban Street Section — 10 Ton 109 Typical Driveway 110 Local Residential PUD Private Street — 9 Ton 111 Private Commercial/Industrial Urban Street Section — 10 Ton 112 Local Residential Urban Street Section — 9 Ton 113 Industrial Collector Urban Street Section —10 Ton 114 Local Industrial Urban Street Section — 10 Ton 115 Local Commercial Urban Street Section — 10 Ton S:\Municipa1\A0TSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doc 201 Water Service Detail (Greater than 2") 203 Pacer Traffic Flange Hydrant 204 Hydrant & Hydrant Gate Valve Detail 205 Typical Resilient Wedge Valve & Box Installation — 10" & under Waterrnain 206 Typical Butterfly Valve & Box Installation — 12" & over Watermain 208 Seepage Pit 209 Tracer Wire (NEW) 210 Irrigation Service (NEW) 300 Sanitary Sewer Standard Manhole 301 Typical Water Tight Seals 305 Standard Monolithic Drop Manhole 307 Sanitary Manhole Frame and Casting 312 Forcemain Air/Vacuum Valve 313 Forcemain Cleanout 400 Slab -Top Manhole 401 Storm Sewer Standard Manhole 408 Standard Storm Manhole — Yard Inlet 409 27" Precast Catch Basin Yard Inlet 411 Transverse Permeable Aggregate Base (P.A.B) Drain 412 Longitudinal Permeable Aggregate Base (P.A.B) Drain 413 Rear Yard Drain Tile 707 Typical Section — Bike Trail APPENDIX C - STORMWATER DRAINAGE POLICY 5.0 Calculations and Considerations 5.B, updated 24-hour rainfall amounts for 2 year, 25 year, 50 year, and 100 year events to match Tables 2 & 3 of Appendix C. 2. 5.E.1, added "...On linear street projects, the required dead storage volume may be reduced to meet only the current MCPA NDPES required volume 5.G.2. revised to require all pipe from the water's edge to the first structure to be RCP and to require all pipe outlets/inlets shall have aprons. Also defined required minimum cover, where and when reinforced concrete (RCP), Polypropylene pipe (PP), and high density polyethelyne pipe (HDPE) can be used. APPENDIX D - STREET CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LOLA, revised to reference the 2018 edition of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction and the latest edition of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNUTCD). 2. 1.01.13, revised to reference the latest edition of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNUTCD). SAMunicipal\AOTSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doc -3-: 2.04.C, revised turf establishment to "permanent erosion control measures shall be achieved in accordance with current City of Otsego MS4 Permit and NPDES General Construction Permit." "fit Management Praetice-s f^��'Minnesota", o*,dated Oetaber 1999 as prepared by the Minnesota Pellution Gentrol Ageney, Div of `xi rrr a eF QuaW. 4. 3.01, added "Mn/DOT Grading and Base Form 104 shall be submitted 1 week in advance." 5. 3.04, revised to reference current MnDOT Super Pave (SP) mixture designations. Also added "Minimum asphalt binder grade shall be "C". No RAP material shall be allowed in the top lift of bituminous." 6. 4.02, added second paragraph "Minimum 4 foot radius ROW shall be used at intersections for local to local streets, and minimum 3 foot radius ROW shalt be used at intersections for collector to local streets." 7. Updated design consideration dimensions for Urban and Rural roadway design to match current Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances as follows: Urban Desiqn Rural Design Pavement Back to Back Street RNV Width Width Curb Width Arterial 100' 54' 55.34' Collector 80' 41.7' 46' Local (residential) 60' 23.3' 28' Local 80' 41.7' 46' (commercial/industrial) Cul-de-sac turnaround 60' radius 47'7 radius 50' radius (commercial/industrial) Rural Design (commercial/industrial) SA\Municipal\A0TSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doc Pavement Paved Street RNV Width Width Shoulder Width Arterial 120' 48' 4' Collector 84' 40' 2' Local (residential) 60' 24' 4' Local 84' 40' 2' (commercial/industrial) Cul-de-sac turnaround 60' radius 50' radius 4' (commercial/industrial) SA\Municipal\A0TSEG0\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL_SUMMARY.doc 8. 4.02, Added to 4th paragraph "a minimum 250' horizontal curve shall be used for all local residential streets except where a 90' curve is allowed by the City Engineer. A minimum 40' vertical curve will be allowed at intersections on the stopping street to allow for better drainage." 9. 4.02, Added 9th paragraph "corner radii: Roadways of street intersections shall be rounded by a radius of not less than twenty (20) feet. Corners at entrances to the turnaround portions of cul-de-sacs shall be rounded by a radius of not less than twenty (20) feet. Corner radius to arterial and collector streets shall be no less than fifty (50) feet." APPENDIX E - LIFT STATION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. 1.0I.A.1, revised to "Current edition of "Standard Specifications for Trench Excavation and Backfill / Surface Restoration, Watermain and Service Line Installation, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Installation" as published by the City Engineers Association of Minnesota, (CEAM) 1999 Editie . 2. 2.06, Revised to require lift station electrical service be 480vac three-phase power only. 2.07,K.6, Added "runtime meters shall be located in top 20% of control panel" 4. 2.10, Added that control panel lights shall be LED and runtime meters shall be located in top 20% of control panel. Changed spare part requirements to only include "impeller, trimmed for the correct operating point or parts pre City Engineer's request. 6. Changed operation and maintenance manual requirements from 5 hard copies to 3 hard copies and an electronic cop (.pdf). Also, O&M manuals shall be specific to products used at this lift station. S:\Municipa1\AOTSEGO\920\2018 Eng Manual\2018 ENG MANUAL SUMMARY.doc