ITEM 4.1 Martin Farms 5th AdditionOtsTY F O MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 26 March 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #-. City Planner Licht City Administrator Flaherty City Engineer Wagner 4.1— Martin Farms 5th Add. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a resolution vacating existing drainage and utility easements within the area to be final platted as Martin Farms 5th Addition. AREXOU.SEEKING ARPROVALOFACONTRACT? JSAPUBLIC, HEARING REQUIRED? . No Yes BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: US Home Corporation (d/b/a Lennar) applied for and received approval of the final plat for Martin Farms 5th Addition on 13 November 2017. The Wright County Surveyors office identified drainage and utility easements dedicated within Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition that would affect lots within the Martin Farms 5th Addition final plat. Current practice is to vacate existing drainage and utility easements from within an outlot intended to be developed as future phases before those final plats are recorded. A public hearing to consider the vacation request has been noticed for the City Council meeting on 26 March 2018. In making a decision on the vacation request, the City Council must find that the existing drainage and utility easements within Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition no longer serve a public purpose. The Martin Farms 5th Addition final plat will dedicate drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed drainage and utility easements to be dedicated with Martin Farms 5th Addition have been reviewed by the City Engineer and approved. As the drainage and utility easements to be dedicated with the Martin Farms 5th Addition final plat supersede the existing drainage and utility easements, the easements previously dedicated within Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition no longer serve a public purpose. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Site Location Map • Resolution 2018-28 • Martin Farms 5th Addition Final Plat POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-28 vacating existing drainage and utility easements within Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA Ml �7717,1 RESOLUTION NO.: 2018 - 28 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION VACATING EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN OUTLOT B, MARTIN FARMS 4T" ADDITION. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego on 10 October 2016 approved a final plat for land legally described as Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition, City of Otsego, Wright County, State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, the Martin Farms 4th Addition Final Plat included dedication to the City of drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, U.S. Home Corporation has received approval to plat Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition as Martin Farms 5th Addition; and, WHEREAS, the final plat of Martin Farms 5th Addition would establish those drainage and utility easements required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the easements shown on the Martin Farms 5th Addition Final Plat would supersede and make unnecessary those drainage and utility easements previously dedicated with the plat of Martin Farms 4th Addition described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, U.S. Home Corporation has applied for vacation of the drainage and utility easements dedicated within Outlot B, Martin Farms 4th Addition; and, WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 26 March 2018 to consider the vacation, preceded by required published and mailed legal notice; and, WHEREAS, the City Council heard all parties interested therein and closed the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A serve no useful public purpose upon concurrent recording of a final plat for Martin Farms 5th Addition; and, WHEREAS, the City Council having considered all information received related to the proposed vacation and easement dedication finds that vacating a portion of the existing right-of-way as described by Exhibit A would be in the public interest; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego hereby orders: That the drainage and utility easement located in the City of Otsego, Wright County, State of Minnesota described by Exhibit A is hereby vacated. 2. The vacation of said drainage and utility easement shall be effective upon the recording of a final plat for Martin Farms 5th Addition. 3. The City Council hereby determines that the vacation of said drainage and utility easement shall cause no damage to any abutting or nearby property owners and therefore no damages are awarded to any such property owners. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of March, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk r J—'60 I I II I( Z0.00I DRAINAGE & — �I o° U7LITY u' EASEMENT S TO BE VACA7ED Q 10.00 \ DRAINAGE & UMITY ((� EASEMENT TO BE VACATED L 50 00J f— 0 0 -L_; Il A d A Ll T I A I do II /Vl /-I I\ l l I V DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE VACATED Westwood Phone (952)937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite "'0 Fan (952) 93 .5822 Minnetonka, AN 55343 TdIF (888) 937-5150 westwoodp—nn Westwood iliofesslonal Services, Inc. K• 'AWS: J r- A 1 ) A d I /I l \ IVl .� A T7 I 4- / n A rlI-, ITln Al SIV L/l I /L/I V lona smEET AE Crew: Prepared for. Unnar Corporation thaws BTW 16WS 36th Avenue North, Suite 600 Beamd Dra�bv/date Mymouth, Minnesota, 55446-4690 Basement Wagon. DeaslpOnn The Drainage and Utility Easements contained in Outlot B, MAR77N FARMS 47H ADD/7/0N, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Denotes - Drainage and Utility Easements to be vacated x 0' 200' 400' 1 Date 03/01/18 sheet: 1 oa 1 Martin Farms 4th Addition Easement Vacation otseao. Minnesota Sketch MARTIN FARMS 5TH ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: M.t U.S. Home CarporatMn, o Delaware com.ralho , he owner of the VI-1ng desvlb.d property sheeted !n the County of Wrighf, Stat. of Mlnnesvta, to wit O tMt A and Mdlal B, MARRN FARMS 41H ADDIRM,, according Iv fhe recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Mlnnesvta. Has caused fhe some to be surveyed and platted vs MARTIN FARMS 5TH ADNVON and does hereby dadfcam to M. publlc hr pvblla use Me publlc w and the dminvge and ufllfty easements os creafsd by fhfs plot. In witness whereof sold U.S Home Caf tfan, o Delaware carpomtlon, hos caused these presents to be signed by Its proper INer Mls day of , 20_. U.S. HOME CORPORARON By Jonathon A— DMslan Y P— & - STATE OF COUNTY OF this instrument was veknow/edged before me this day of 20_, by dvnvfhan A—DiMslon Nce President of U.S. Home CwpwaB_ a Delaware carporaflan, on 6ehaff of M. coma'affon. ft—y Pablla, My Cvmmt 1. Evt— SURIEYRRS CERHRCATE I, Gr.lg W. Morse, . hereby certify Nat M. plot was prepared by me ar — my dffecf superWsfon; that l om o duly Licensed Land Surveyor In the SE. of Mlnneaofa; that Mfa plat fs 0 correct repr.sent.v- o! fhe boundary survey, Nat .11%h data and I ab Us are comecfly desfgnoted an this plot; ,I monuments dep/efed an fhfs plot have been, '7,Illbe mmecfly set wlMln one yrear. Mat elf water b...dmfes and rvat lands, as defined fn Minnesota Sfpfufes, Sectfon 50501, SLbd. 3, vs of the date o! fhfs certi0cata ore M.. and labeled On MM plot; and al/ publlc w � are shown and labeled an this plot. Dated thls _ day of Ciofg W. Marne, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota L, tens. Na 23021 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing Sarwyar's Certificate was acknowledged be/rce me Mla day o1 , 24—, by Crofg W. Morse, Land Surveyor, Minneaot. Llcensa - 25021. Notary Public, My Espfres (slgnatwef rMfM) Caunly, CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGq MINNESOTA )Ills plat v! MARTIN FARMS 57H AMMO.N was apprarod and accepted by the Clfy Council of fhe City v! Otsego, Minnesota, vt v regular mesffng (hereof held fhfs day v! , 20_, and said plot Is in campllancs Wth fhe provisions of Mlnnesvta Statutes, Sectfon 505.03, Subd. 2. MIGHT COUNTY 5URYEYOR I hereby certffy that fn aac.rdance with Mlnneaofa Sfafutes, Section 505021, Subd It, Ihls plat has been rsN.w.d and app—d this day o! 20 . Wlghf Cavnty Surveyor MIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER MM plat was reW—d and recommended for app— this day o1 20 Wright County Englneer ARIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/MEASURER Pursuant to Mfnnesoto Statutes, ..U.. 505021, Subd. g, foxes payvMe fw fhe year 20_ on fhe rand herelnbel— —,, lbed ha p.ld. Also, pumuanf to Mlnneaofa Statutes, Secfisn 272.12, there ore no dell Vmt foxes and f —kl elta d MIs _ day of By : Wrfghf Co un ty Audita usurer DIPufy MIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this Instrument was fled M the oftof fhs County Recorder fw record vn this day of 20 , ut _ o clock .M., and was duly r—ded In Cabinet No. , Sleeve as Document Number Wrlght Cavnty Recorder Westwood Professional S—Ices, Inc. sheet I of J shears Drainage and Utlllty Easements are shown thus: MARTIN FARMS 5TH ADDI TIONi i. 00 �4,5� 5 �;:: tl �� R B II II II (No Scale) Being 5 feet h,1 'dth, amass otherwise indicated, and adb, Ing latli— and 10feet in width and adf0ln/ng N9hr-of-wayl 00 shaven Dn the plot BEARING ORIENIA RON. the West line 0i OWot B, MARON FARMS 4171 ADDITION, is assumed f0 bear N 00°4935• W ° OenDles i/2 Inch by 14 MM Aon rebar set and 00& by License No. 23021 D > >B. i6 T R=1032.84 I 'w psi BO9�a1�B I I W m 11 pwy f° a 1 \ o,Nooi 1 • Denotes Lound monument II - Ia°•]fi �� �R h ma st eer na th r ded/catetl an the final I I "° o I \ 1 36/W P2E9f Druw �. plat of MARTIN FARMS 41N ADDIBON as LOrob- I ?o O 5 hr- FASENEar / •kro�Po _ I Avenue Ntv Lasalle Avenue NE °fid Ul Avenue n,F 719 - NE, how bean chan9ad 10 LaSalle Avenue NE�� rvl n /'"- VIVO Avenue NE s d L]tlla Avenue NE respect/w/Y P_ Document Number 1357292_L L NO alM�age a uNney Easements as shown In OI.Not — N85'7907W 232.88 °0 1I B, MARLIN FARM54,N ADOI,LGN how been r-- ----__ 1 w ted p- Document Na `� ••81 r>zee ry 3 Jaoa �I^ $IrD La w 50 0 50 100 Iso I !1"RP^ p,, Ji ����'�ak,- /K° 5 L� °eesnwmrr l ' "ik L-- -/° -_ �- J-- '= m1 J_'-°D,"A,"r`FAseJrir 5ca/e N /eet -- — — / 4°,130' , rDl-______________ NB5°39'0]'W 167.01 7 �I 12 wale: 1 /nch = so Fear o $I I "141 rv� "Iry I n V I `I�'7 / °/ 10W °oo nl 2 N>_IBs,w Jsa> �I,D rI�JD ___ _� n V 3 _`� 3 L -----------_J °g el (l __`� Q T� 712 j �Poiwi _ fid` _ — J y ui r• n i'=� I`ve ,i� g �_--__ _ _ N jam. 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Sheet 2 of 3 sheet U9e -d °'°"yE°r`m`°'s "` rh°w°'b°x- MARTIN FARMS 5TH ADDITION _ - _- s +a ----------------------------------- --- -- — — — — — — — e,5. — i� NeJ°18'09•E sea°1,'S6•E ,.a°° MATCH LINE ,°ar00 x0" i o55, Naa°21'41•W 00.23 s»^,�. °}p qt E - 80.86 59.45 - a zil'E '1>Ya•8- (SEE SNEET 2 CF 3 SHEE15) Nle°i"'s3•[ JI% R s74°j3'f5'W 18q,e5 1` \ ________ d / 11 W M., 51180.6, ---__7 o S Qag°Y' N1186 a2 lOs.>s - -' ,no __ x1260.*" ' / was rescv�N �Sp W \ / / / f IzlJa N18°142J \ _ \ U N. 1-1.) \\v 2 // n4aR q/ / > cte $ �' a Red adbb,/, ll°twlin Us Id 10/eet1, Wdth°Dad N'j2°JO121E141 kt \\�0 \ a�\� olti� ad,bin/n9 rl9hf-°Fw°Y liner °s shown on the Plaf. �> \'m \m- / / 3/ / 4 / o°E 6 v./i / rnguN,r I i F /. r� .- '> >o\ \\ /// ^/ / 13 / / / j9 / '`Yn. / �m 1'�EASEucNr/E/A'1� D^e\qP \\ei� `•/<ii;;n^^ 01/7LOTB i5 BEARING ORIENTARON: \/ �/ ] J, y / / w�-p / FMA. West Ilna °f Ou0°! B, MAR°N 190/ p\\P `+ FARMS 41N 0-4925N, Is assumed \ ` \ q �,/ -4\ / / / /' is / \ 1 - E\ f1=14°4s'11'a t° bear N 00°4925' W / � � pb � � <=54>2 JA03 44S4(� y ° Oen°t I/2 Inch by 14 inch Z reb s t d mucked by '6£ \� / $- Glcease Na 23021 °m°ter r °°e \,�j�° °L i /d0 / °>.� r�slo �° 'qP••/\ a-_____—ao.o3 tri ,. - r7 T 9rr- a'k </yiry f0� i hnAl 'i n 12 V _- 0 z2az A / RAINA � h7 OUTLOT r _ EAsa"w[in okz :u °r°9 sal / 1 __-______ ____ F_ Donor o _ _ r °56'z9'W Hi18' . 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Westwood Profeslonal Services, I— OU7LOT D [' A A A IV/ ATI I 4In } ea p N Op °� \U DRAINAGE & – U77LITY EA EASEMENT W TO BE VACATED Z p� I S O A Fl rl lTI/)Al nL1Lll l l v, v 70TH S"iWr W sew: hepaw for. Lennar Corporation D=w= HPty 16305 %th Avenue North, Suite 600 Rem d. Drawing by/dam Plymouth, Minnesota, 55446-4710 A,$= nt Vacation Deactiptton The Drainage and Utility Easements contained in Outlot B, MAR77N FARMS 4TH ADD/TION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Denotes - Drainage and Utility Easements to be vacated x 0' 200' 400' 1 Date 03/01/18 sheet 1 of 1 Martin Farms 4th Addition Easement Vacation otsew, Minnesota Sketch