ITEM 8 HUELIFE retreat follow upIntroduction: The Otsego City Council, Mayor and senior staff participated in a February 2018 Strategic Planning Retreat. At the end of the retreat, it was planned to have a facilitated follow-up with staff of the City forthe purposes of integrating the action plan and to gain understanding/buy-in of the vision. Aims of the engagement: Engage the employees at all levels to ensure the plan is understood and that a plan is generated for implementation. • Facilitate an all -staff Strategic Planning Integration Process o Mission: Review the Mission o Gain clarity and develop a shared understanding of outcomes of staff work and how it fits and aligns with the vision. Process steps • Prepare a session interaction for staff (4 hours consultant time) • Hold a staff workshop (4-5 hours) Consultants will be available for 8 hours to continue with those who desire extra help • Draft report Preliminary Agenda: • Strategic Plan Staff Implementation (4 hours) o Introductions -Setting Context o Review of strategic plan with action items o Express concerns, excitement of plan implementation o Identify links between current and future work with vision o Create department and personal action plans o Closing Project Deliverables 1. Report(s)— captures the information from the visioning session Schedule: One 4 -hour workshop with as many staff as possible. We will work with the City to establish a date for the workshop. Fees: For meeting prep, facilitation and reporting: $2,100 Otsego Staff Retreat I 1