03-13-18 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes3-13-18 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, and
Council Corey Tanner
Meeting called to order at 7:05pm. Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed
and approved with one change: “Corey suggested we may wish to either work
with the Parks and Rec staff or suggest to them that they have a T-shirt build your
own with an Otsego theme, name on back like soccer teams often have.”
Park Signs: Signs have been approved and will be installed in the spring. There
are currently 11 and two need to be prepared yet: one for Lefebvre Creek Park
and the other for the old School Dist. 10/City Hall which shows the layout of the
original Main Street in Otsego about 1920 (as remembered by Sarah Connett).
Chris will interview Jim Lefebvre regarding the history of that area. Chris will also
see if she can get enough of an interview with Jim to put together an article for
the next Otsego View. Toni and Gail will re-interview Sarah Connett re the layout
of the Otsego Township area.
Old Computer: The Commission agreed that the old computer should be recycled
in a responsible way.
Otsego Festival: We discussed having the new Park signs represented individually
and tied into the map of Otsego showing where each Park is. Chris will bring
paper of possible sizing to see which size works best for our purposes for our
Archives: Toni intends to ask Zonja to work on scanning pictures as she has in the
past. We also need to work on the books and publications, published or non-
published. We discussed how to gain access to the office on Fridays or weekends.
Jessica is willing to let us in or if we come on a Friday before noon to come over
and lock up when we are done. Gary Connett has an historical court docket to
return to the City and Corey will check in with him about obtaining that.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Gail Anderson, Recorder