ITEM 3.5 Resolution 2018-30OtSTY F O MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner April 9, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.5 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Avenue and Quaday Avenue Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Wright County has secured a Federal Grant from Region 7W to pay for a portion of the costs to improve Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. within City jurisdictions to be approved by the City. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 2018-30 Approving Plans for reconstruction of CSAH 38 (70th Street) between Odean Avenue and Quaday Avenue ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Wright County has secured a Federal Grant from Region 7W to pay for a portion of the costs to improve CSAH 38 (70th Street) from Odean Avenue to Quaday Avenue. Federal funding requires County projects within City jurisdictions to be approved by the City. CSAH 38 is an important east/west corridor across the southern portion of Otsego connecting CSAH 19, TH101 and CSAH 42 and this project is the 2 d stage of a three stage project to improve this important corridor. The 1St stage of the corridor improvement was completed in 2016 by the City of Otsego from Martin Farms Avenue to Odean Avenue. The third stage from MacIver Avenue to CSAH 19 is proposed for 2019 or 2020 and is to be completed by Wright County. All stages received Federal funding due to the importance of this regional street. CSAH 38 currently does not meet State Aid standards for width of street, vertical curves for sight distances, and minimum grade of ditch slopes. These create safety hazards for the traveling public. Traffic currently has a daily count of 4,785 and is anticipated to increase to 10,490 in 20 years. The intersection of Odean Avenue with 70th Street will be converted to a roundabout and the Quaday Avenue intersection with 701h Street will be signalized. These changes will increase efficiency and safety of the street. An off street trail will be constructed on the north side of the street connecting existing trails on Odean Avenue, 70th Street and Quaday Avenue to one another. This will allow for safer travel of pedestrians and bicyclists along this route. A detour around the project site is planned and the route will use Quam Avenue, CSAH 42, CSAH 39 and CSAH 19. Construction is planned to start this year. Attached is a portion of the plans showing plan and profile and the detour route. A complete set is not included in the packet due to the number of sheets but will be available at the council meeting for review. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Plan and Profile Sheets • Resolution 2018-30 • Detour Route POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to Approve Resolution 2018-30 Approving Plans for reconstruction of CSAH 38 (70th Street) between Odean Avenue and Quaday Avenue. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: Fund #414 — Capital Improvement Revolving I Yes RESOLUTION NO. 2018-30 RESOLUTION APPROVING COUNTY PROJECT WITHIN MUNICIPAL CORPORATE LIMITS WHEREAS, plans for Project No. 086-638-006 showing proposed alignment, profiles grades and cross-sections for the reconstruction of County State -Aid Highway No. 38 within the limits of the City of Otsego as a Federal Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA, the Council hereby approves the plans for reconstruction of CSAH 38 (70th Street) between Odean Avenue and Quaday Avenue — Project No. 086-638-006 as presented. Dated this 9th day of April, 2018. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Wright City of Otsego I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Otsego at a meeting therefore held in the City of Otsego, Minnesota, on the 9th day of April, 2018, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. City Clerk (Seal) Res 18-30 Approving County Project -IF 7::.-- _F SCALE % 0 Lo eA 13 Pk MA is] v V_ "RCS' - ' r$ aL E'u-°FL _ _ T—W AJL-KgLI V_FL it j, �s •d kt •gr R} � Qr Cr ^¢ N n * 1.L Li (Vl af V) UsI U PVI STA: 268+ 4.95 PVI ELEV: 90.62 E 960 LVC:1520.0 HIGH PT. STA; 26 +54.02 m ,960 a M Q) + m w a N + ar mN N U a PVI Si 261+10.99 W us L?Wll PVI E EV: 931.74 S rii v K: 166.55 U Ll roI 950 LVC 850.00 W _ m n LOW4rPT. A 2611.19.02 mn �® m m `7 (� 0 co I M v W + m r — — — — uv I N -. � _ t � 940 --- _- 040 o -- r 930 0 930 o 920 920 256+00 257+00 258+00 259+00 260+00 261+00 263+00 263+00 264+00 265+00 266+00 267+00 268+00 269+00 DESIGN ENGINEER) HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT — DESIGNBY COMPBY THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNUER MY DIRECT SUPERMIOU AND THAT IAMA I DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONALEHOINEER PLAN & PROFILE STA 256+00-269+00 DATE: 3-2T-1 DRAWNBY CHECKED BY UNDER THE OF THE STATE OF CERTIFIED BY A--' -------UC, 3-a- �� 4�V V�U��® 61 ����� �� ©F P� CNJ uc,rlo.4osao ��/�611-FT DATE; -27-18 ZCI�AA4 , P OF IONAL ENGINEER DATE / J a' N 100' x--- / 1 SCALE `u ° a 244° ` / /\� a f XWA WELL 57221t " I uWAT— LL a a ty I e E� � It II z. a 5A 6199 N � I x �'A uWAT_W L C? u LL w i U .L 950 950 a N N rn U) O N N 0_01 of + O 3 a PVI irk 275+24.95 ao �- -� ELEV. 935.62 �-. K: 250.00 tic.. 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GHADHAUSMANN, PR FES,91 NAL ENGINEER DATE �1't L,�l 6)� ®1' VG7 Y CTP 'N— VVr__L0 / loo, I � 1 SCALE I I'7 � - 00 3877 77 Efi8 122 � — ____ ._-- E�_T1�E�T1�M�24— Lj �a c� o M Li cnl M U N 920 PVI TA: 294+24.96 920 I 4194-S14,66-- K: 113.64 U VC: 500.00 0 3 PVI STA 285+ 4.95 ~' "� m to d o PVI ELEV: 922.0 �� y r 910 K: 78.57 LVG: 220.00 BVCS: 283+94,95co �� -- ± �--- v rn ds �- • �— — -- — — + rn c� rf FJVCE: 920.94 m Q o EVCS: 286+14.95 UIEVCE: 921.38 E LOW PT. STA: LOW PT ELEV: .?? o HIGH PT. STA: 65+20.67 HIGH PT ELEV: 921.94 ` 900 900 N 890 890 \ 1 CD (� to OF® 880 rnrn 0000 0000 285+00 286+00 287+00 288+00 289+00 290+00 291+00 292+00 293+00 294+00 295+00 296+00 297+00 298+00 DESIGII DY C01�1P BY DESIGN ENGINEER IHEREBY CERTIFYTNAT 7H18 PLAN WAB PREIONAN)THATI NA rT I F�dO-PROJECT3PAOSlACAD135GOPP01.WrG DRAWN BY CHECKED BY MYDIRENYMSREPARDDYMETIA1.1A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGNEER CERTIFIED BY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF i ( LIC. NO. 40988 r r FUTI C, PROFILE `TA 265¢00 TO 29©ifl tEfj�r I N a �+ 5�i��I ®� DATE: a2TnB MINNESOTA CHAD HAU MANN, PROF SSIONALENOINEER PATE �� ���m���e��� 21331 I W — .-FL 0"rW7_CULV_FL SCALE d Z -------- 00 _ rry 305 z { EM 7 I _ r.l `` END SP 086-638-006 STA 312+00.00 'l � I N U L E 910 910 co co Q0 os L Lr I— � 900 T- o PVI STA: 293+89.96 PVI ELEV; 85.62 PVI STN-. 311+14.96 PVI EV: 888.28 9 ( J 00 I U [ K: 111,11 LVC: 40).00 LV : 170.00 �I 11 Obto i qtoj h m Do °O PVI STA: 03+99.96 m to + °c� + oo $+ PVI El 875.42 K: 1 12.11 — -- LVC: 40.00 Ci _ .� ry �JO m ro LOW PT. 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'No, 409002 -/-0- CID r AVE PLAN P 03. 9 PROFILE STA 1001+44.22 TO 10 24 WIN, MINNESOTA CHAD RMAILISMAta), FESSIONAL ENGINEER DATE SP 086-638-006 SHEET 66 OF 68 Cu TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DEiOVR wEeT Ynuxr X38 SVRIGHi °� f 00 COUNTY WRIOHT �` �T couNTy DEfOVn � "� OEIWR 9+urt FIST \ EAsr cn YrY 38 � 38 Cu+M �yyyR Row aa� I DnEA1F/b LccuTr-v{LQLT WRIGHT 19 COUNTY worn Ol09ED DEioiw nxeAD EAST DETOUR � `�""`' oETDup ouR / DErgp EABT FAST WRIGHT 38 i COUNTY DESIGN ENOINEER: I HERTBYCERTIFYTHAT DESIGNBY GOMPBY TKS PLANWA9 PREPARED BYMEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IMIA FA00PR0JE0TMXM8 D'D"rLAVt io THJOiWCADWM TFO_CTL_PIAN.DWG DULY LICENSED PROFESSIOWLLENCINEER DATH; DRAVIN BY CHECKED BY UNDERTHE LASYSOF THESTATEOF CERTIFIED MINNESOTA w z w 0 0 DROLIR Yi AHEAD J` \/ DEfOVR LLI Ld >Row CL IhlF FYEJD IDL+1TAucb w• Q US 94 3g �� w W I--- ST, > �11 WRIGHT QJ 37 WAIGHT COUNTY 1 q 7 DEr°uR � COUNTY „�,r 38 ��tOSEO 13RVEfA1FJo CaiY corm uS 94 DESIGN ENOINEER: I HERTBYCERTIFYTHAT DESIGNBY GOMPBY TKS PLANWA9 PREPARED BYMEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IMIA FA00PR0JE0TMXM8 D'D"rLAVt io THJOiWCADWM TFO_CTL_PIAN.DWG DULY LICENSED PROFESSIOWLLENCINEER DATH; DRAVIN BY CHECKED BY UNDERTHE LASYSOF THESTATEOF CERTIFIED MINNESOTA w z w 0 0 DROLIR Yi AHEAD J` \/ ROw CLOS IueEAnFAD � r/�'IL'fTMpotaY 1 0 0 60TH ST, DETDun 42 WERT CWNTY CpU1ry DErouR EA4T 38 „M, DeroDR EAST Nlaprt 38 CRY � II a w r END � �' DETQUR Q C7 c ROID \\� NiEw NO.40890 3'Z7r12 DATE MINNESOTA 101 NO SCALE LEGEND DETOUR ROUTE — — — — — CONSTRUCTION ZONE APPROX. SIGN LOC . .................. NOTE * CONTRACTOR TO STAKE FIELD LOCATION OF SIGNS WITH ENGINEER OR HIS DESIGNEE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION DET.. V.E6T NrE'nCErOVR +art 38 CLOSED rtr,RY/ NrEAo pow CLOOOT iuuE,V�o i L �I� 111 ltll CW� 42 MINNESOTA WAION. 101 36 SP 086-638-006 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Id� SHEET 68 OF 68 SHEETS