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SRF Proposal for Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan
�zrrrr�: �7-1 -��SIX 6 I Y� , �� •y v�Y}e� i � I 1 Mr. Ross Demant Otsego Parks and Recreation Director 13400 90th Street Northeast Otsego, MN 55330 Proposal for: Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Dear Mr. Demant and Members of the Selection Committee, April 5, 2018 The City of Otsego has an evolving parks and recreation system that serves a wide variety of user group needs. Development of the City's first comprehensive park and recreation system plan should define howfuture park and recreation amenities and facilities can be planned and implemented to meet the needs of current and future residents. Development of the Parks and Recreation System Plan should begin by understanding the community's values and recreational needs; it should then resolve voids or inconsistencies that may exist today, and into the future. The plan update must also: Provide all City residents, stakeholders, and policy decision -makers with an opportunity to participate in the planning process, and establish a strong commitment to the plan's recommendations. Determine the community's priorities and identify park development issues that will be addressed within the current system. Respond to the need to identify up-to-date and evolving recreation user group preferences. Leverage partnerships with other agencies for recreational programming, facilities, and funding. Engage policy makers in a discussion of priorities, values, and fiscal tools to guide park and recreation initiatives. SRF Consulting Group offers extensive experience and broad skills in developing comprehensive park and recreation systems plans, and understands the importance of engaging all stakeholders in the planning process. We will contribute to the success of the Plan by providing: Commitment of Senior Staff. SRF has assembled a highly -qualified team to address all areas of the Parks and Recreation Systems Plan. Tim Wold, PLA, ASLA, will serve as project manager and be the primary SRF contact. He will provide oversight for integrating current and proposed park development initiatives into the plan document using stakeholder comments and feedback to determine final plan recommendations. Tim will be supported by Project Principal Ken Grieshaber, PLA, ASLA. Ken will facilitate discussion with your community advisory team, stakeholder groups, and policy makers. Demonstrated Experience. SRF's park and trail planning experience spans comprehensive planning, master planning, design, implementation, and in -construction services. We have assisted numerous communities with the development of comprehensive park system plans in urban, suburban, and rural settings. We bring to the City a record of completing successful projects for many city, county and state agencies demonstrating our commitment to Otsego and providing exceptional park system planning services. Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement Process. Our team has extensive experience facilitating public processes, leading to creative and consensus -driven plans that strive to meet the needs of all user groups. We believe the best park system plans are often the result www.srfconsuIting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 1 Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 1763.475.0010 Fax: 763.475.2429 of many stakeholders being involved in the planning process - participants should be able to present their ideas and opinions, which can ultimately be reflected in final plan recommendations. Process and Communication. We are committed to working closely with City staff and stakeholder groups during all phases of this park system planning effort. Commu- nication is the key to every assignment - reinforcing the trust and support needed to successfully plan, and ultimately implement, site improvements. Enthusiasm and Efficiency. The SRF team will bring enthusiasm and energy to the planning process and make it an enjoyable process for stakeholders. We are commit- ted to completing tasks on time with high-quality and creative outcomes. SRF believes that comprehensive system plans have two products: a stakeholder -driven decision making process and the written recommendations that guide implementation and operation over time. It is imperative that all stakeholders and policy makers partic- ipate in the planning process to contribute local knowledge and perspective to ensure current and future needs are addressed as a part of this planning effort. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can assist you with the develop- ment of your Parks and Recreation System Plan. If you have additional questions about the scope of work to be undertaken as part of this planning process, please contact Project ManagerTim Wold at 763.452.4755 or twold@srfconsulting.com. Sincerely, +�6a Timothy Wold, PLA, ASLA Senior Associate OCO& Ken Grieshaber, PLA, ASLA Principal M. - Aj 4 If w 3t ►r . o I � y ",. a +. ,,, ry ' tf � • I -id T 8 's,�A s y4i�� � ` "� t .A 4t 60 it 1*4 Ar k , • fn r ,� t L - �- { i. •13rL �P ... '� r,;1R est •' .w r f "n -a; ` p !•"rL �' , ++�` '•ter � - � �++++++RRRRRR# i t I l-. 'tea' ,� �� �S L f�il►1 a5 � ,�� rf�y-� .'9r . 11��� F �' � �, ��� �` � � • �,�'Yr +"JI �"' , � ;1� 'sem►� '..� ` • '� �Es� s ��}v '�,� � - '!� � �' !!; �i � # p tr � a 4� f � •yy' � � a '� s � l � a #.r Ci "ir y /L a'g . i' � .�� rr � r�„fj j�'+'�r •�. �ti `�"T � • ice, . ,.ate ... Y} %�•�� ,tee ' l V4.ff4L lop ` ��k4•y Y e � � 9 1 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. The City of Otsego has an evolving park and trail system that strives to meet the needs of a wide variety of user groups. These recreational facil- ities also play a key role in bringing people of different ages and back- grounds together to create a sense of community for residents. City of Otsego I Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Project Philosophy and Understanding The City of Otsego is an evolving suburban community with large concentrations of undeveloped land designated for future growth and develop ment.This park systems plan will playa key role in establishing key initiatives for guiding the development of park and recreation facilities in the City to ensure public land resources can be programmed and utilized to best meet the needs of residents. The following focus areas will be key components to address as part of this park and recreation system plan. Engaging the Community and Stakeholder Groups With a wide range of stakeholders anticipated to be engaged in the planning process, it will be important to establish a framework for soliciting and recording comments and feedback from all stake- holders with a consistent format that can easily be documented and tracked throughout the planning process. Working closely with City Staff, SRF will ensure all stakeholder comments and feedback can be assessed and documented and be reflected within plan out- comes and recommendations. Responding to New Development Initiatives With new housing and commercial development moving forward in the City, planning efforts for integrating park, trail and open space systems within these new development areas should be addressed as part of this parks systems plan. Opportunities for acquiring park land should also be identified as needed if it provides a high value benefit for the community. Embracing Natural Resource Amenities Natural resource environments today are recognized as high value assets with residents desiring convenient access to natural resource water and vegetation areas. Promoting regional amenities like the Mississippi River and the Otsego Creek corridor can offer residents more exposure to high value natural resource areas, with new park amenities, programming, education and interpretive oppor- tunities. Establishing more convenient trail connections to these destinations through new identified greenway connections and other natural resource areas within the City will begin to provide easier access for areas currently underserved with natural resource amenities. Developing proactive recommendations for protecting remaining high quality vegetation and water resource areas should also be considered as part of this comprehensive planning process. Increasing Connectivity Whilethere are some sidewalk and trail systems already established throughout the City, many gaps exist within the current system that do not connect with high value destinations like schools, parks, and other city destinations. Identifying local trail connections to County trail systems should also be considered to further enhance trail con- nections to surrounding communities. Identifying New Recreation Opportunities With some of today's park user group needs changing to meet rec- reational trends and preferences, exploring the possibilities for integrating new types of special use park amenities and facilities should be explored as part of this comprehensive park system plan- ning effort. Accommodating growing field sports, such as soccer and lacrosse, or responding to the growing popularity of pickleball should be reviewed and discussed with recreation user groups to better understand current service area needs within all parts of the City. 3 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Identify natural resource areas Issues Map Evaluate need for acquiring additional land future to be preserved as part of for new park development greenway corridor or park property s MississippJRiver — -'L_ 19 7 7W"' 'w',_ *- K,„ 4 60th Sti Legend Wright County ParksFuture Bituminous Trail :' Riverfront Access _ Sites of Biodiversity Future Greenway Corridor 4 _ DNR Wildlife Existing Trail ❑ Future Park Property Search Area Management Areas MRRT Park Service Area Road Barrier Identify potential loca- Identify opportunities for tions for a new com- improving the connecting munity park location of greenway corridors Identifv or)raortunities for imrarovina access City of Otsego I Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 4 Identify opportunities for collabo- ion and connection with Wright unty Park and Trail System IUCI Ill ly r t=y yCl F,J Wlll III I CnIJLII ly ll C111 >YJlC111 which can improve connectivity to parks, schools, and residential neighborhoods RK AND OPEN SPACE OPERTIES Norin Landing Lily Pond Park Kittredge Crossing Park Beaudry Meadows Park Zimmer Farm Park Prairie Park Otsego County Park School Knoll Park Lefebvre Creek Park Soccer Fields Northwood Park Rice Lake Preserve Frankfort Park Carrick Waterfront Park Identify opportunities for improving trail connec- tions across road barriers IUCllllly LICIil connections to be made within adjacent communities 5 SRF Consulting Group, Inc Project Approach and Deliverables SRF proposes to undertake the following tasks to prepare a Parks and Recreation System Plan. Task 1 - Review and Assess Past and Current Planning Efforts and Community Demographics Objective: Gain an understanding of the City's current park, recreation, and trail system. Review the City's 2012 comprehensive plan and 2018-2028 CIP and identify initiatives which have impacts on future park plan- ning activities. Review historical, cultural, and natural resource areas within the City and their implications for recreational programming and user groups. Analyze demographic information provided by City Staff (U.S. Census, school district data, and community development) for insight into age groups, races, ethnicities, households, and geo- graphic distribution of residents and how this will impact future provisions of park facilities and recreation programming. Deliverables Attend project kick-off meeting. Demographic charts, tables, maps and text narrative that com- municate existing and forecasted demographic conditions and potential implications for park and recreation services. Assumptions City will provide demographic information and any available community development forecasts and school district student demographic forecasts. City Involvement Assist in review of and confirming existing park and trail conditions. Task 2 - Community Engagement Objective: Solicit meaningful stakeholder comments, estab- lish priorities, and gain approvals on plan recommenda- tions. Stakeholder engagement must occur at key junctures throughout the process to provide information, solicit input and feedback, and establish plan recommendations. This will be accomplished using the following approaches: Community at Large Meetings Prepareforand solicitinputand feedbackfrom community residents at up to two community events or open houses located throughout the City. Another potential opportunity is to go where the commu- nity is already congregating - this allows for incorporating input from a broader range of residents who normally would not attend an organized meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission Work Session Meetings Prepare for and attend up to four (4) work session meetings with the Parks and Recreation Commission: Meeting #1 - Share results of public engagement surveys, cur- rent demographics, and trends in park and recreation program- ming and facilities Meeting #2 - Discuss level of service analyses and identify gaps in the current system. Meeting #3 - Review park, recreation facility, and trail improve- ment recommendation plan, land acquisition, and integration of regional improvements. Meeting #4 - Review Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan, cost estimates and funding. Website and On Line Surveys A planning -specific website will be an important resource for sharing information with stakeholders and the public through the planning process. Website content could include a planning overview, key updates and milestones, information and meet- ing materials, and outline opportunities to become involved and ways to provide input. The website would be compatible with mobile phones and tablets and adhere to ADA accessible guidelines, including graphics and all other materials. Links to on-line surveys using Survey Monkey will also be posted on the web site to solicit additional comment and feedback from the community. Task 3 - Inventory and Analyze the Current Park c'e`y, and Recreation System Objective: Create individual park inventory mapping to ensure the City has a current, comprehen- sive listing of park resources that can be used as an infor- mation source for guiding `- the ten-year CIP plan. The latest park inventory _ identifies thirteen individ- ual parks to be mapped City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 6 using the City's existing GIS database. SRF will complete the following: Hold a work session with appropriate City staff to review the existing inventory and confirm current amenities and facilities at each park. Assemble individual park profile sheets using aerial photogra- phy with overlaid color graphics Create or update matrix of existing park facilities Identify undeveloped acreage which currently exists in the park system Identify potential land parcels to be acquired for park use Compare City's park and recreation data with five peer commu- nities and national averages to assist in evaluating the adequacy of the existing park system using up to ten evaluation criteria. Analyze current trends in park and recreation facilities and programming. Deliverables Update park matrix that lists existing park facilities. Individual park profile plan mapping. Update park designation definitions and standards narrative. Assumptions City will provide the GIS files to create the inventory mapping. Site visits to each park will not be performed as part of this task. Updated park amenity and facility information will be provided by City staff. Inventory mapping will not be created for non -city park land or recreational facilities. 7 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. City Involvement Provide most recent aerial imagery available to the City. Provide revisions to be made to the inventory profile sheets. Review draft of park profile sheets and provide suggested revisions. Provide insight and available data on current recreation trends observed in community. City will assist with selecting representative peer communities for evaluation. Review and comment on draft deliverables. Task 4 - Identify Current and Future Needs in the Parks and Recreation System Objective: Examine the park system from various vantage points to assess the adequacy of the park and recreation system to meet existing and future needs by completing a level of ser- vice evaluation and identifying gaps within the current system. Review proposed land use modifications, planned develop- ment projects, and current park improvement plans. Based upon known and anticipated development patterns, trends can be interpreted to indicate areas where demand for recreation facilities may be high or where unique natural features may be appropriate to be preserved for recreational use. Special popu- lations, such as athletic associations, special interest organiza- tions (e.g., art organizations, teens, or seniors) may be identified and solicited to determine how they may influence recreational needs. Analyze how physical features, cultural and natural resources, or other elements of Otsego may shape future park and recreation programming opportunities. Evaluate park service area coverages. Items to be considered include land use, development, the transportation network (including highways, local streets, and trail systems) and other man-made or natural barriers. Review and discuss current adequacies and inadequacies of exist- ing park facilities and recreation programming with City Staff. Reaffirm or reconsider service areas to ensure equitable distri- bution and access to facilities. Deliverables Provide text narrative, charts, tables, and mapping that clearly communicate existing or potential future parksystem deficiencies. Update park service area analysis maps. City Involvement Assist in identifying proposed development activity that may influence the provision of parks, trails, and recreation programming. Review and comment on draft task product. Task 5 - Prepare Final Park System Plan Document Objective: Prepare Parks and Recreation System Master Plan document that defines purpose, intent and vision for develop- ing park and trail system over the next twenty years and out- lines clear steps to maintain and enhance the current system. Address new park and trail improvements, priorities, and phas- ing as part of a Ten -Year plan initiative. Establish a clear course of action to identify capital costs to grow the park system and keep it up to date and safe for park users. Provide narrative summary on the benefits of parks and recre- ation and the important benefits it provides to the economic, environmental, and overall health of the community. Provide written summaries of City park system which includes demographics, status of existing park system, natural, cultural and historical features, gaps in the current system, and recom- mendations for new improvements. Provide recommendations for natural resource areas to be pre- served and protected as a park and open space amenity. Review and provide updates to the City's trail system map and identify intercommunity trail development opportunities with adjacent cities and regional agencies. Deliverables Prepare draft and final version of master plan parks and recre- ation system master plan document Develop Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan which includes cost estimates for physical improvement initiatives investments for years 2019 to 2028. Prepare Updated Trails System Map Provide one (1) color, printed, and bound copy of the draft docu- ment and an electronic copy (PDF) on a flash of cd drive. Assumptions Cost estimating does not include addressing land acquisition costs for new park development Final plan recommendations include identifying new park loca- tions and trail alignments but does not include developing con- cept plans for new park development Natural resource areas to be preserved in the City will be iden- tified in the plan but no specific recommendations will be pro- vided for their restoration and management. Project Schedule City of Otsego I Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 8 After completing the entire draft plan, SRF will complete two sets of revisions. One set of revisions will be undertaken based on City staff review and a second set of revisions will incorporate comments and feedback generated from Park and Recreation Commission review. City Involvement Provide all existing electronic mapping, images, and text nar- rative from previous planning documents that will provide the basis for mapping revisions and report formatting. Distribute draft materials to reviewers and coordinate schedule for review comment submission. Provide current development status of citywide trail systems and assist in evaluating potential trail linkages as they relate to proposed development and facilities. Assist in describing current Capital Improvement Plan methodology. Provide review and comment on draft deliverables. Meeting the project schedule requires a skilled project manager with experience managing multi -jurisdictional, multi -agency projects with a wide range of stakeholders. Project ManagerTim Wold has significant experience with similar projects and understands the unique needs of this project, the affected stakeholders, and the proposed schedule.The combined experience of ourtalented team members, and shared commitment to the City of Otsego give us the ability to complete the Park System Master Plan. Review and Assess Current Planning Efforts and Demographics Inventory and Analyze Existing Park and Trail System Identify Current and Future Park and Recreation Needs Draft Final — Prepare Draft and Final Plan Recommendations I I I I I I I I I I Stakeholder Engagement • City Staff OKick Off O O O 1 O • Park and Rec Commission 0 06/19 07/17 08 21 09/' • City Council Community Pop -Up Meetings/Engagement • Online Survey • Crusin the City 5/15 • JumpJamboree *619 • Prairie Festival 9/15 • 10/8 N The development of this park and rec system plan provides the opportunity to collabora- tively plan and create a com- munity's vision working with City Staff, residents, and pol- icy makers to guide the future - of Otsego's Park and Recre- ation System. - Tim Wold, Project Manager City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 10 Firm Background SRF has a long tradition of responding to park and recreation client needs and exceeding their expectations. Since 1961, we have been a highly respected member of the Midwestern consulting community. SRF's award-winning landscape architecture studio has the diverse skills and depth of knowledge to provide cli- ents with carefully crafted planning and design responses across a wide spectrum of project types. Whether it is developing the strong vision to guide a planning effort, or providing a thoughtful response to the intricacies of site design, SRF's landscape architects provide creative sustainability and innovation by collaborating with clients and allied professionals to create valued community amenities. By skillfully blending planning, technical, artistic, and environmental aspects of the profession, SRF excels at delivering the broad range of expertise that is demanded of projects large and small. Core Services Master planning Parks and recreation system plans Streetscape design Civic placemaking Bicycle and pedestrian facilities Key Personnel Park and athletic field planning and design Site planning and design Water resources: ecological design & green infrastructure Public engagement The SRF Team is committed to supporting the City of Otsego and have assembled a team of professionals who have extensive experience in stakeholder facilitation; planning and design of park, open space, trail and rec- reation facilities; needs assessment; recreational programming; operations and maintenance; funding; and implementation. Our key personnel are outlined in our organizational chart below; resumes follow. 11 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Timothy Wold, PLA, ASLA I Project Manager Tim has been practicing landscape architecture and urban design for 20 years. He has a wide range of project experience that includes neighborhood and community park planning and design, athletic complexes, trail sys- tem planning, site design, urban streetscapes and plazas, and natural resource-based state and regional parks. Tim has successfully managed a number of multi-million dol- lar park and athletic complex projects, leading multidis- ciplinary teams from the initial planning stages through implementation. He works with a wide variety of clients and enjoys collaborating with design professionals from other disciplines. Education Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Architecture, North Dakota State U n iversity, 1998 Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design, North Dakota State U n iversity, 1997 City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 12 Managed design and development of six neighborhood parks and the splash pad at ® Prairie Park. Worked with Otsego staff on nine projects. • Currently working with Otsego staff on the city's first boat launch at Norin Landing. Relevant Project Experience City of Otsego Parks, Otsego, Minnesota. Tim has assisted the City with development of numerous park properties including several neigh- borhood parks, a splash pad within Prairie Park, and development of a boat launch within a special use park on the Mississippi River. Services provided have spanned the full spectrum from programming and development of concepts, stakeholder engagement, design development, preparation of construction documents, to construction oversight. West St. Paul Sports Complex, West St. Paul, Minnesota. Tim developed the master plan for this park and managed the first phase of site improvements, from conceptual design through construction. Phase II improvements are currently in schematic design, with construc- tion slated for summer of 2017. Big Marine Park Reserve, Washington County, Minnesota. SRF collaborated with Washington County Parks in development of a mas- ter plan and Phase I improvements for this 1,700 acre regional park reserve. Key elements identified within the master plan include establishment of trail systems to accommodate equestrian, nature, and multi -use trails, camping experiences ranging from primitive to group settings, and opportunities for natural resource interpretation and preservation. Tim provided master planning and site design services during the planning phase. He also led the preparation of construction documents and provided in -construction services through implementation of the first phase of improvements. Lilleskogen Park, Scandia, Minnesota. The City of Scandia commissioned SRF to create a unique natural resource-based community park for their residents with a focus on restoring the woodland and wetland areas within the park. The park development will also provide an opportunity to create and expand a unique interpretive and learning environment for children as well as adults who visit the park. A three-phase implementation plan was created to allow for site improvements to be completed in a logical sequence as funding sources become available. Harmon Park, West St. Paul, Minnesota. West St. Paul commissioned SRF to develop a master plan for the redevelopment of Harmon Park, the city's oldest park. As project manager,Tim led the design process, oversaw preparation of construction documents, and provided in -construction services with completion in August 2015. Lake Vermilion State Park Campground, Soudan, Minnesota. SRF worked with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on the planning and development of the new campground in Lake Vermilion -Soudan Underground Mine State Park. The initial planning efforts for the 3,000 -acre park included developing a north and south campground, camper cabin accommodations, an adventure play area, water access, and approximately five miles of natural surface hiking trails. Many site constraints including exposed bedrock, steep topog- raphy, and wetlands required extensive onsite field reconnaissance to determine the most suitable locations for roadways, trail circulation, and campsite development. The campground will open summer of 2017. 13 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Ken Grieshaber, PLA, ASLA I Principal Role: Stakeholder Engagement Ken has more than 30 years of landscape architecture and urban design experience, with an emphasis on park and trail improvements. He has been involved in the planning and design of more than 60 neighborhood, community, and regional parks. Ken's skills include stakeholder engagement, project management, conceptual and detailed design, and preparation of construction drawings and cost estimates. His work is mindful of operations and maintenance consid- erations and emphasizes sustainability. In addition, Ken is known for his skill in fostering an open, collaborative design process that includes residents, city officials, and design professionals. Prior to joining SRF, he served as a Landscape Architect with the Minne- apolis Park and Recreation Board's Planning Department. His responsibilities included planning and managing park improvement projects and working with neighborhood groups, consultants and contractors. Education Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, 1987 Relevant Project Experience • Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Willmar, Minnesota. Ken was the project manager and primary author for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a project that focused on two regional parks and six neighborhood parks in Willmar. Ken led all meet- ings including four with the Technical Advisory Committee and two open houses. City of St. Michael Comprehensive Plan Update, Minnesota. As part of a comprehensive planning team, SRF developed a parks, trails, and open space systems plan for the City with an emphasis on developing new goals and policies for preserving and connecting natural resource corridors and open space sys- tems as development occurs. Service areas and targeted land resources were also identified for new park properties as well as improving connections to adjacent regional parks and DNR open space properties. 10 -Year Park System Plan, City of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. SRF developed a Ten -Year Parks and Recreation System Plan for the City of Brooklyn Park, the sixth largest city in the state, and one of the most diverse cities in Minnesota, that was highly focused on community engagement and ensuring equitable dis- tribution to facilities and services throughout the community. As project manager, Ken was involved in all aspects of the project including community engagement, leading a charrette design for priority parks, crafting final recommendations for all 60 parks within the system, and developing the master plan document. • Eagan Park System Plan Update, Eagan, Minnesota. As project manager to update the Park System Plan, Ken facilitated stake- holder discussions, evaluated park system needs and demands, and generated consensus on priority projects forthe community. Town Center Park, St. Michael, Minnesota. SRF is currently working with the City of St. Michael on the planning and devel- opment of their civic gathering and special event campus. Park programming elements will include a large multi-purpose open lawn space that will be used for special City events and large group picnicking, a water splash pad and destination play area, a restroom and changing room building, and picnic shelters which can be reserved for small group gatherings. Other ame- nities include pickleball courts, a synthetic turf lawn court area, and an expanded patio and seating area to meet the needs of senior center visitors. A looped one -mile trail system is also planned and will be developed around the perimeter of an existing storm pond adjacent to the park. City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 14 Sean Jergens, PLA, AS LAI Senior Associate Landscape Architecture Role: Nature Reserves Sean has 16 years of experience practicing landscape architecture, with an emphasis on the use of native plantings, low impact development strategies, and integration with water resources engineering. He has experience in the use of native plants in a variety of applications, including shoreline stabilization, natural areas restoration, and integra- tion with storm water best management practices. Sean's experience also includes natural resources planning, ecological design, vegetation surveys, and use of native vegetation plantings. Additionally, he has experience with the entire design process from conceptual design to design development, construction document preparation, and project construction management. He joined SRF as a graduate landscape architect after receiving his master's degree from the University of Min- nesota in 2004. Education Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, 2004; Bachelor of Environmental Design, University of Minnesota, 2002 Relevant Project Experience • Silverwood Park Development Plan, St. Anthony, Minnesota. Sean was responsible for native landscape plantings in stormwa- ter BMPs, design of a previous paver parking lot area, and coordi- nated with the design team on the overall site restoration. • Minnesota DNR Tettegouche State Park Visitor Center and Rest Area. As part of a new gateway entry experience for Tette- gouche State Park and a new Visitor Center and Rest Area, SRF in collaboration with the architect, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Minnesota Department of Transportation)designed an extensive landscape of native plantings that were integrated throughout the site to provide year round visual interest and blend with the surrounding landscape. New outdoor amenities such as pedestrian walks, bike trails, overlooks, and outdoor patio areas are placed in a setting of restored native woodlands and wetlands with panoramic views of Lake Superior. Sean worked with DNR staff to design custom native seed mixes that reflect the plant diversity of the north shore region and showcase the natural beauty of the north shore plant communities in all seasons. Lake Vermilion State Park, Soudan, Minnesota. SRF is currently working with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to develop a new state park on the shores of Lake Vermilion. The first phase of site improvements in the 3,000 acre park consists of developing a north and south campground, adventure play area, water access, and natural surface trails. Many site constraints such as steep slopes, exposed bedrock, and numerous wetlands required extensive site reconnaissance and in -field natural resource assessment. Sean designed the landscape plan using vegetation native to the site. MPRB Natural Areas Inventory Phase 1, Minneapolis, Min- nesota. Sean is currently working with AES and the MPRB on a project to identify all of the native vegetation areas on park land within the City of Minneapolis. The classification system will be based on the MLCCS, but with specific adjustments tailored forthe management needs of the MPRB. Also included is an inventory of current storm water BMPs, as well as analysis and identification of the best locations for future stormwater improvements. CSAH 14 Vegetation Survey, Anoka County, Minnesota. Con- ducted a survey of all existing trees and identified noxious inva- sive herbaceous vegetation along a two-mile stretch of CSAH 14 in Anoka County. Used Trimble GIS unit to document and pho- tograph all significant trees and noxious weed instances in the corridor and worked with design -build team to coordinate and minimize the impact to noteworthy vegetation. 15 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Stewart Crosby, PLA, AS LAI Senior Associate Landscape Architecture Role: Trail Systems Stewart as 16 years of experience in landscape architecture and urban design, including conceptual design, design development construction doc- ument preparation, and construction administration. He brings innovative design solutions to a variety of projects that include park and trail master plans and youth camp site design. Stewart has also conducted visual impact assessments for roads and trails and has worked on urban streetscape projects. Stewart excels at managing park planning and design projects, while fostering an open, collaborative design process that includes agencies, residents, design professionals, and other interested stakeholders. His work is mindful of operations and maintenance considerations and emphasizes sustainability. Education Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, 2002; Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, 2001; Bachelor of Arts, International Affairs, Lewis and Clark College, 1991 Relevant Project Experience • Otter Tail County Trail and Master Plan, Minnesota. Stewart is the project manager for the county -wide trail plan. The mas- ter plan will incorporate public input and regional trail analysis to develop a comprehensive plan for future trail development throughout OtterTail County. • City of Plymouth Park and Trail Plan, Minnesota. To update to the City's Comprehensive Park and Trail System Plan, Stewart cre- ated analysis maps of all parks, trails, sidewalks and on -road bike routes. Additional data was incorporated to show deficient roadway crossings and movement barriers, such as rail lines. Using the anal- ysis mapping, Stewart developed a comprehensive trail and side- walk plan to identify gaps in the trail and sidewalk system, future connectionsto City parks and regional trails.The map and data were incorporated into the Comprehensive Park and Trail System Plan. Intercity Regional Trail Master Plan, Hennepin County, Minne- sota. Stewart was the primary author for the Intercity Regional Trail Master Plan and was actively involved in the public process associ- ated with the planning process. The Intercity Regional Trail Master • Plan required coordination between three regional trail providers and three cities including Minneapolis, Richfield and Bloomington. houses and in individual landowner meetings held in commu- nities along the trail corridor. He assisted in the design develop- ment for the trail with a focus on amenities such as trail heads, rest stops, and rain gardens. During construction, Stewart served as both project engineer and as construction administrator and was responsible for coordinating between the contractors and the client throughout the four years of trail construction. Stearns County Regional Trail Feasibility Study, Minnesota. Stewart worked closely with Stearns County staff and various local agencies to assess right of way needs, compatibility issues, and safety concerns to develop proposed routes for two important regional trail extensions into St. Cloud.This involved multiple site visits to become familiar with the communities and several meet- ings with community stakeholders. The results of these efforts are two proposed trail alignments that balance the need for regional trail connections with railroad activity and provide a safe environ- ment for trail users. Three Rivers Park District Crystal Lake Regional Trail Mas- ter Plan, Minnesota. Stewart assisted in identifying the trail alignment and worked on the site analysis for the Crystal Lake • Three Rivers Park District Dakota Rail Regional Trail, Minne- Regional Trail. sota. Stewart was a primary author for the Dakota Rail Regional Trail Master Plan and was actively involved in all public open City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 16 Rachel Burand I Planner/Designer - Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Role: Park System Phasing Rachel is an experienced landscape planner and designer, with completed work ranging from park system master plans to urban site design to riverfront landscape restoration. She has provided site design, parks and trail planning, writing and graphics support, and community input analysis on several master planning efforts in Brooklyn Park, Duluth, and Eagan. Her expertise in GIS site anal- ysis and inventory lends a detail -oriented and pragmatic approach to design evident in many of her projects, including the Eagan Park System Master Plan Update, Fargo -Moorhead Flood Diversion Land- scape, and Oxbow Park Relocation. Rachel has several years of expe- rience in design, including web and graphic design. Her work at SRF focuses on site design, master planning, and graphics support. Education Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, 2015; Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies and Electronic Arts, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, 2010 Relevant Project Experience City of Eagan Park System Master Plan Update, Minnesota. Prepared presentations and conducted GIS analysis for workshop sessions with City of Eagan staff and board members. Compiled final document and assisted with written recommendations. City of Duluth Lincoln and Memorial Parks Mini -Master Plans, Minnesota. Assisted with design development and created plan graphics for two existing city parks in Duluth. • 10 -Year Park System Plan, City of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Brooklyn Park is the sixth largest city in the state of Minnesota and is one of the most diverse cities in Minnesota, with over 50% of the population being persons of color and 20% born outside of the US. SRF developed a Ten -Year Parks and Recreation Sys- tem Plan for Brooklyn Park that is highly focused on community engagement and ensuring equitable distribution to facilities and services throughout the community. Rachel helped with writing and graphics support while crafting final recommendations for all 60 parks within the system. play area, a restroom and changing room building, and picnic shelters which can be reserved for small group gatherings. Kensington Rune Stone County Park Master Plan, Douglas County, Minnesota. After doubling in size over the last decade, the park required additional design and planning to incorporate a new property into the park plan. The park master plan focused on identifying a site and conceptfora new visitor centerand updating the pedestrian a vehicular circulation throughout the park. Rachel assisted with design development, and created plan graphics for county park master plan. Dakota County Mississippi River Regional Trail Pine Bend Bluffs Trailhead, Minnesota. SRF worked closely with Dakota Countyand Minnesota Departmentof Natural Resources(MnDNR) SNAstaffto design a trailhead thatwas both aesthetically pleasing and function for trail users and visitors. It was also important that it met the requirements of the DNR for establishing a trail facility within the boundaries of an SNA. Rachel provided graphics and • Town Center Park, St. Michael, Minnesota. Working with the City construction document support for the project. of St. Michael, Rachel assisted with the park design, graphics, and • public engagement on the planning and development of a new signature park. Park programming elements will include a large multi-purpose open lawn space to be used for special City events and large group picnicking, a water splash pad and destination Meadows Park, Plymouth, Minnesota. Rachel provided park design, construction document support, facilitated group discus- sions, and assisted at public open house meetings. 17 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Iseyo •',,�ff A f/ _I i r_. tvill I j Rogers i Legend 11111 Greenway snowmooile r,aus DNR BlotlNe My S,c Wldlite Managemen c,a:alma Bnrw Decitluaus Forest open Water K c, w-eaesanaaeam� � varx e, open Bpa� I� 1 Municipal Bountlarie St. Michael Comprehensive Plan Update - Park, Trail, and Open Space Plan St. Michael, Minnesota As part of the City's 2012 Comprehen- sive omprehen sive Plan Update, SRF prepared the City's park, trail and open system plan which established guiding principles p ° , for development of its future park sys- tem. Areas of focus included address- - ing preserving the City's existing nat- ural at ural resource areas, and establishing a network of future trail and greenway systems, neighborhood, and commu- nity parks within projected growth areas in the City. Access barriers were also identified with roadway corridors and river systems and new crossings identified to establish connections with regional park properties and F adjacent community trail systems. a- 41;r { Reference Marc Weigle City of St. Michael 763.497.2041 mweigle@ci.st-michael.mn.us Willmar Parks and Recreation Master Plan Willmar, Minnesota The City of Willmar's well-established park system serves a variety of user groups and activities. Based on the outcomes of the City's Phase One Park Plan that was prepared in 2014, SRF was hired to expand the park planning efforts for several priority parks includ- ing two "signature" regional park complexes and five community parks. SRF prepared comprehensive master plans for the Robbins Island Regional Park Complex and Swansson Field Regional Park Complex, Northside Park, Rice Park, Miller Park, Lincoln Park and Ramblewood Park. SRF's process included an extensive review of existing background and demographic information and an inventory of existing park facilities. SRF met with several stakeholder groups to gather input on the community needs and desires for future park development. SRF then prepared an issues and opportunities map and two con- cepts for each park that were presented at a public open house. Final park concepts and preliminary cost estimates were then pre- pared and included in a report that was submitted to the Willmar City Council for approval. Reference Steve Brisendine, Community Education and Recreation Director City of Willmar 320.231.8494 brisendines@willmar.k12.mn.us City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 18 1^ 19 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. #18: SHERIDAN PARK 1 000®000 0 #14: MONROE PARK 000900® 0 #10: JEFFERSON PARK ®000©00 #6: FAIRW000 PARN moo (500 3: MADISON PARK #8: GARFIELD PARK 00©00 Fe #15: NICOLLET PARK #19: TAFT PARK 000660 0069600000 #16: RICHFIELD LAKE PARK 0 m0 000 0 #20: VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK f#2 APPLE BLOSSOM PARK 0066060@00 0 0 #12: LITTLE BOB'S PARK © #9: HEREDIA PARK 0 ®00®0 S #22: WOOD LAKE NATURE CENTER 00000 #1 ADAMS HILL PARK #5: DONALDSON PARK 80000©0000 (5 OR 0 f#7: FREMONT PARK ©®O #3: AUGSBURG PARK 00000000000 0m #11: LINCOLN FIELD 00®00 00 #17: ROOSEVELT PARK 00®®®0 City of Richfield 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update Richfield, Minnesota As part of the comprehensive plan update, SRF developed an inventory of the City's existing park system and provided recom- mendations for updating and adding new accommodations to bet- ter meet the needs of user groups. A wide variety of stakeholders were engaged throughout the planning process to provide com- ments and feedback. Part of the robust public engagement efforts included a series of "pop-up" events, open houses, online mapping tools, and outreach to underrepresented populations. These activi- ties helped guide the team in updating all of the plan's elements (e.g., land use, housing, parks and trails, and transportation). The result was an action -oriented 10 -year Parks Master Plan which pro- vides recommendations, costing, and mapping for each individual park reflecting the system -wide context and emerging trends for the City's changing demographic. Reference Jim Topitzhofer City of Richfield 612.861.9394 jtopitzhofer@richfieldmn.gov #4: CHRISTIAN PARK 000®00000 000 #21: WASHINGTON P1 0000000 0 EXISTING FACILITY TO BE IMPROVED/REPLACED 0 NEW FACILITY 0 EXISTING FACILITY TO BE REMOVED ICON KEY ® BASEBALL HELD BASKETBALL COURT Q COMMUNITY GARDEN/ORCHARD CRICKET ® CROSS COUNTRY SKI TRAILS '0 DISK GOLF DOG PARK ® EXERCISE LOOP ® FISHING PIER ® SOCCER/FOOTBALL FIELD ® HOCKEY RINK LAWN GAME 8 MINIGOLF MULTI -USE FIELD (SOCCER, LACROSSE, FOOTBALL) 0 NO AMENITIES ® OUTDOOR POOL 0 PARK BUILDING 0 PARKING 0 PICKELBALL 0 PICNIC SHELTER 0 PLAY EQUIPMENT 0 PLEASURE RINK 0 SKATE FACILITY City of Otsego I Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 20 Eagan 2040 Comprehensive Plan Park and Open Space Chapter Update Eagan, Minnesota SRF recently worked with the City to update Eagan's 2040 Age Distribution Projections Comprehensive Plan Park 20% and Open Space Chapter 18% with a focus on evaluating 16% current demographic and 14% census information, project - Us ing current and future needs based on emerging trends in 10% park use and recreation, and 8% determining highest priority 6% and best use investments to 4% be made in their park facil- ities over the next 10 years. 0% Under 5 5 to 14 15 m 74 25 to 34 35 t.: Stakeholder groups actively ear, Year' ea. ear, yea engaged in the plan update included City Park and Recreation Staff, and the Advisory Park and Recreation Commission. Over the course of the study, workshops were held with a broad cross section of parks and recreation staff that allowed staff to have focused discussions regarding park programming and facilities. This resulted in a shared understanding of issues and opportuni- ties and consensus on future priorities and park improvements to be made in the City. Reference Age Group Percentage of Total Population 2010 2020 2030 2040 Under Iin III 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 to e4 85 and Over years years 11% years years 15 to 24 Reference Age Group Percentage of Total Population 2010 2020 2030 2040 Under years 6% 5% 6% 5% 5 to 14 years 14% 11% 10% 11% 15 to 24 years 13% 11% 9% 8% 25 to 34 years 14% 16% 14% 12% 35 to 44 years 14% 12% 14% 12% 5 to 54 years 19% 13% 11% 14% 55 to 64 years 12% 16% 11% 10% 65 to 74 years 5% 9% 13% 9% 75 to 84 years 2% 4% 8% 12% 85 and Over 1% 2% 3% 7% •Percentage of Total Population 2010 Percentage of Total Population 2020 •Percentage o1 Total Population 2030 •Percentage of Total Population 2040 Jared Flewellen, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director City of Eagan 651.675.5505 jflewellen@cityofeagan.com 21 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. .. (+20 Capacity) , ''., y y.� XPickleball Courts r r —_ FRANKFORTPKWYNE�, {"y_ -— r Large Picnic Shelter z (± 75 Capacity) / Stage I r r I > Multipurpose Lawn o `•' i ppp, o Patio Seating o _ 3: FUTURE Restroom Changing Room Building DEVELOPMENT 9ILK PARCEL Splash Pad � � -�-� �. Park Plaza Entry & Entrance Sign Patio Seating PONDS , I41�1� a - PJ_rJE AL I CLINIC f PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Future Expanded Parking (± 80 Spaces) '� - Pre -K Play Container ° IT AL / •ts K-5 Play Container. - j' _ f I Swing Container _ + I`*� Spray Fountain 'Existing Parking LIBRARY SENIo Dock Overlook U z� CENTER r,; - -Small Picnic Shelter .. y.:. . , . _(± 20 Capacity) Town Center Park Concept Plan St. Michael, Minnesota SRF is currently working with the City of St. Michael on the planning and development of a new signature destination park adjacent to the their City Hall, Library, and Senior Center as part of their new civic center campus. Park programming elements will include a large multi-purpose open lawn space that will be used for special City events and large group picnicking, a water splash pad and des- tination play area, a restroom and changing room building, and picnic shelters which can be reserved for small group gatherings. Other amenities that will be added to the park include pickleball courts, a synthetic turf lawn court area, and an expanded patio and seating area to meet the needs of senior center visitors. A looped one -mile trail system is also planned and will be developed around the perimeter of an existing storm pond adjacent to the park - this will be restored as a natural preserve as another feature for visitors to experience at the park. Reference Marc Weigle, Community Development Director City of St. Michael 763.497.2041 mweigle@ci.st-michael.mn.us City of Otsego i Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 22 Af Brooklyn Park 10 Year Parks and Recreation Systems Plan Brooklyn Park, Minnesota SRF assisted the City of Brooklyn Park in developing a community driven planning process to develop an action -oriented park system plan to guide the City's development and funding over the next 10 years. Visioning themes were developed to guide park and trail improvement initiatives and incorporated within eight priority park focus areas. Cost estimates were prepared and incorporated into funding models which were used to evaluate and determine prior- ities for implementation. Other tools used included benchmarking comparable communities to determine which types of amenities were needed in the City, along with completing an equity analy- sis to determine whether any parts of the City were underserved to meet user group needs. Focus areas for improvements included building or expanding special use facilities, increase connectivity of the existing trail system, adding/ improving athletic field/court facilities, improving access and connections to natural amenities, and improving the safety/conveniences for park users. Primary components of the park system plan included: Inventory of 60 park system and improvement recommendations Trail system inventory, gap analysis, and improvement recommendations High level conceptual design for redevelopment of 8 "signa- ture" parkfacilities aa— System reinvestment plan Natural resource management framework Identification of key corridors and park properties best suited for natural resource management Reference Jody Yungers, Director of Recreation and Parks City of Brooklyn Park 763.493.8337 jody.yungers@brooklynpark.org 23 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Northwest Greenway Concept Plymouth, Minnesota The development of the Northwest Greenway master plan evolved from completing an update of the City of Plymouth's Comprehen- sive Plan. That update included an analysis of the City's current park, trail, recreation and open space systems. Through an analy- sis of forecasting future trail and recreation needs, the Northwest Greenway corridor was identified as a way to meet the recreational needs of a growing population in the area. The Northwest Greenway master plan explores using existing parks, wetland buffers, easements and potential open space acquisitions to create an ecological and recreational corridor in a primarily rural portion of the city. The Northwest Greenway will circulate around a large wetland system associated with Elm Creek and connect to trail systems around Mud and Pomerleau Lakes. Since 2014, more than two miles of the trail system has been con- structed including boardwalks and bridges, rest stops, and local trail connections. SRF had designed the trail segments, boardwalks and bridges that extend the newly developed system through old agri- cultural fields and remnant Big Woods landscapes. Over the next several years, the Northwest Greenwaywill continue to develop into an invaluable amenity that preserves natural resources and wildlife habitat, and meets the recreational needs of current and future res - idents of Plymouth for many years to come. ,IN, Reference Diane Evans, Director of Parks & Recreation City of Plymouth 763.509.5201 devans@plymouthmn.gov City of Otsego I Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 24 Budget We have thoroughly reviewed the project description and requirements in the RFP to develop our work plan. Our total, itemized project budget is outlined below. Assumptions This proposal is based on SRF's current understanding of scope of work to be completed after reviewing scope of work outlined in the Request For Proposal. Some assumptions have been made on the anticipated level of effort needed to complete identified work tasks that will be shared between City Staff and the consultant team. SRF can make adjustment to the scope of work or level of effort necessary for completing any of the above work tasks based on additional discussion with City Staff to determine the best approach for developing identified components of the park system plan. _ 4 R •"rte, I i IT, k. Z> ?� � •��,`-� •_..'gip •"rte, I Lr r