ITEM 3.3B PSC 3.13.18 MinutesITEM 3_3S 3/13/18 Public Safety Commission Meeting Minutes 1. Call to order by Bill Abderhalden at 6:32pm Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime, Public Safety Commissioners: Bill Abderhalden, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, Greg Hubbard and alternate Melissa Westervelt. Others present: Rogers Fire Chief Brad Fiest and Wright County Sheriff Deputy Burton. 2. Approve Agenda- Jim Breitbach moved to approve the agenda, second by Paul Fields. The motion carried unanimously 3. Approve February 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes- Bill Abderhalden moved to approve Agenda, second by Paul Fields. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open forum- Nothing 5. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates: a. Brad Fiest- 7-8 runs in Otsego, nothing serious, routine type calls. b. Deputy Burton- lots of calls, nothing unusual, several mental health crisis, substance abuse type calls involving juvenile and adults. Several calls from Nystroms and Riverwood. Lots of patrol on 39 because they are training a new hire on routine traffic. The extra 8 hours we have contracted for will most likely fall on the 1400-2200 shift as that is the high volume call time. 6. Old business - a. Council approved Beacon to handle the fire study and the grant will cover. Beacon will use approximately half of the grant money. 7. New Business- nothing 8. Council Updates: a. Paul Fields attended nothing to report. 9. Meeting assignments a. Paul will likely attend 10. Adjourn- Motion by Bill Abderhalden to adjourn, second by Greg Hubbard. The meeting adjourned at 7:02pm Submitted by Melissa Westervelt- Commission alternate.