ITEM 3.7 Adopt a Street Policy0tsego F MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Clerk Loff April 23, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty Street Operations Manager Lamson 3.7 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: X Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. No Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. • Changed submittal of application from City Clerk to Street Operations Manager Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. • The City Council will thank the participants in the City Newsletter annually and they will also be Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the amended Adopt -A -Street Policy. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: City Staff recommends the following updates to the Adopt -A -Street Policy: • Changed submittal of application from City Clerk to Street Operations Manager • Updated all reference of Public Works Supervisor to Street Operations Manager • The City Council will thank the participants in the City Newsletter annually and they will also be listed on the City website. • Quarterly progress reports were eliminated. These changes correspond with the process the City is already following. These updates were reviewed at the April Administrative Subcommittee meeting and recommended for approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Adopt -A -Street Policy POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the attached Adopt -A -Street Policy as amended. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A POLICY 2 ADOPT -A -STREET Section: 2.01: Purpose 2.02: Participation 2.03: Program 2.04: Agreement 2.05: Waiver of Liability 2.01: PURPOSE: The purpose of the Otsego Adopt -A -Street program is to encourage business, civic groups or individuals to assist, on a volunteer basis, in improving and maintaining boulevard areas along City streets to provide for an attractive streetscape within the community. 2.02: PARTICIPATION: A. Eligible Participants: 1. All persons eighteen (18) years of age or older. 2. Persons ten (10) years old, but under the age of eighteen (18) years may participate provided that at least one person eighteen (18) years of age or older is present as the primary responsible person to supervise any work or service performed under the Adopt -A -Street program. 3. The number of persons within a group participating in the Adopt -A - Street program shall be sufficient to complete the activities set forth by the approved program the group has committed to. F,100VA•• 1. Requests to participate in the Otsego Adopt -A -Street program shall be submitted to the Street Operations Manager using the form provided by the City and shall include the following information: a. Name of organization. b. Name, address and phone number of a primary contact person at least eighteen (18) years of age or older. 1 C. Names and addresses for all participants; ages for any participants under the age of eighteen (18) years. d. Choice of City street segment to adopt. 2. The Street Operations Manager shall review the application and proposed program activities and make recommendation for approval of the application as set forth by this Policy. C. Participant Commitment: 1. Participants will be a positive representative of the City of Otsego and a good role model for public service within the community. 2. Participants agree to a two (2) year commitment to the Adopt -A - Street program; a two (2) year commitment shall not be required for special projects approved under this Policy. 3. Participation in the Adopt -A -Street program may be renewed at the end of the commitment period upon request of the participant. 4. The City Council may terminate a participant in the Adopt -A -Street program at any time. D. City Support: 1. A sign identifying the participants will be placed at each approach to the Street segment. a. The name on the sign shall be limited to two lines of eighteen characters. b. The City reserves the right to approve, edit and/or amend content displayed on the sign. 2. The City Council will thank the participant in the City newsletter annually and will list the participant on the City website. 3. Public works staff will coordinate and oversee participant activities. 4. The City will provide: a. Trash bags and trash pick-up/disposal. b. Safety vests. 6 2.03: Q W C C. Other hand tools or safety equipment as determined by the Street Operations Manager. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Areas to adopt may include: 1. City streets or segments of City streets. 2. Major intersections involving at least one (1) City Street. Adopt -A -Street program activities may include: 1. Inspection of the adopted street segment a minimum of one (1) time per month to identify needed repairs, light replacement and report graffiti or vandalism. 2. Boulevard or ditch maintenance a minimum of two (2) times per year for trash pickup, clean signs or other activities as approved by the Street Operations Manager. 3. Planting of flowers, shrubs and/or trees. a. Plants to be installed must be of a type and size approved by the Street Operations Manager. b. Participants are required to maintain and water installed plants for a minimum of one growing season. C. The scope of work may be limited to adoption of one or more planting beds along a City street segment. Activity Rules: 1. Work or service shall be limited to the approved activity within the designated area of the City public right-of-way: a. No work or service shall be performed within the traveled portion of roadway or paved/gravel shoulder. b. Work or service shall be confined to the outside edge of the shoulder or curb and the right-of-way boundary unless specifically approved by the Street Operations Manager. K3 2. Work or service shall be performed only in accordance with a schedule approved by the Street Operations Manager only during daylight hours and in no case shall extend beyond the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM. 3. Participants shall wear gloves and closed toe shoes while doing the work or service. 4. The use of power tools, equipment and machinery by participants is prohibited, unless approved by the Street Operations Manager. 5. Participants shall not attempt repair of City owned property and will report any needed repairs to the Street Operations Manager, unless set forth as part of a participant's approved Adopt -A -Street program. 6. Participants shall not attempt removal of any hazardous or unreasonably large or heavy items and will report any such material to the Street Operations Manager. E. All activities shall be coordinated with the Public Works Department: 1. The participant must contact the Street Operations Manager at least seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled activity. 2.04: AGREEMENT: Participants shall enter into an informal agreement with the City of Otsego for volunteer services to maintain and make improvements within City right-of-way in accordance with a work program reviewed and approved by the Street Operations Manager and agreeing to waive liabilities as set forth by this Policy. 2.05: WAIVER OF LIABILITY: All participants in the Otsego Adopt -A - Street program engaged in any work or service performed under this policy shall agree to the following: A. All participants shall assume liability for and save the City of Otsego, its agents and employees, harmless from and fully indemnify the City for any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action of any nature arising out of the work or service to be done under the Adopt -A -Street program. B. All participants shall not be considered employees, agents or contractors of the City of Otsego and any and all claims made by the participants or other party engaged in work or services to be done under the Adopt -A- CI Street program shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City of Otsego. C. All participants shall provide a signed waiver of liability in the form provided by the City prior to any work or service activity being performed under the Adopt -A -Street program. Updated April 23, 2018 61