04-10-12 OPC Minutes Otsego Police Commission Minutes April 10, 2012 PRESENT: Jessica Stockamp, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Meghan Anderson, Rob VanDenBerg. Road Clean Up cancelled due to weather. Meeting called to order at 6:43 p.m. ADGENDA - approved Minutes from March 13 – approved OPEN FORUM: Fire reported at residence on Needham Ave. Garage burned only. Rockwoods Jamfest is scheduled for Aug 3 & 4. Rockwoods will provide and organize police & traffic control at their expense. Complaint of no visible address at a residence on Ochoa Ave. Residents will be advised to post address. Law Enforcement Update - None OLD BUSINESS: Road Clean Up will be rescheduled for May 8. Paul will get trash bags and bring along. Police Commission Vacancy – Current commission will ask John Hinnencamp to recommend a new member from his area. NEW BUSINESS: In need of volunteer to wear McGruff costume at Otsego Elementary Carnival on April 27. Commissioners will ask for volunteers and e-mail names. Meghan volunteered her husband and possible relative. Rob will pick up costume that Friday. National Night Out – Will discuss getting donations at the May 8 meeting. Need to add to agenda. Meghan will begin to compile a list of possible donators. City Council Meeting Report: March 26, 2012 – Nothing to report April 9, 2012 – Nothing to report City Council Meeting Assignments: April 23, 2012 - Paul May 14, 2012 - Meghan Next meeting – May 8, 2012 Meeting adjourned - 7:37 PM