09-11-12 OPC Minutes Otsego Police Commission Minutes September 11, 2012 Present: Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Rob VanDenBerg, Meghan Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Police Officer: Andrew Minta Meeting called to order at: 6:30p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED – Corrected/ Approved to add Interview for Police Commission position Sally Dupner MINUTES from: May meeting- Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): Updated on Jam Fest – Saturday night Wright County assisted on some assaults/ possibly next year have more officers there. There was a concern of parking on Cty Rd 39 during a track meet at the Vintage Golf course with Monticello School. Wright County will contact the school and address any issues and discuss th parking. There was a car break in on 77 St. It is being investigated. OLD BUISNESS: Police Commission Vacancy- Interview Sally Dupner McGruff Volunteers – Meghan provided us a list of possible volunteers for McGruff. National Night Out: Denise said it went well. Denise will have new forms to fill out for next year. th NEW BUSINESS: October 9 will be a special meeting as we will be doing road clean up. Paul will pick up supplies for road clean up. Motion to approve Sally Dupner as new member of Police Commission- All approved. Tami will notify Sally of her acceptance. City Council Meeting Updates:  July 23, 2012- Jason –Nothing to note  August 13, 2012 – Denise – Nothing to note  August 27, 2012 – Rob- Monticello Hospital reported to the city council that they intent to do another tax levy of 1.2 million dollars. City Council Meeting assignments:  September 24, 2012 at 6 p.m.- Paul October 8, 2012 - Meghan  Meeting Adjourned 8:00 p.m. th No meeting on October 9 due to road clean up, weather permitting. th Motion to have November 13, and December 11 regular meetings- all approved.