04-10-18 Public Safety Commission Minutes4/10/18 Public Safety Commission Meeting Minutes 1. Call to order by Bill Abderhalden at 6:30pm Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime, Public Safety Commissioners: Bill Abderhalden, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, Greg Hubbard, Chuck Schauss and alternate Melissa Westervelt. Others present: Elk River Deputy Fire Chief- Aaron Surratt, Albertville Chief Bullen, Wright County Sheriff Deputy Rob Mossman, and Steve Dittbennel- Elk River EMS 2. Approve Agenda- Jim Breitbach moved to approve the agenda, second by Paul Fields. The motion carried unanimously 3. Approve March 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes- Bill Abderhalden moved to approve Agenda, second by Paul Fields. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open forum- Nothing 5. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates: a. Deputy Mossman- most calls are Nystroms, Riverwood with Domestic, check the welfare, agency assist and chemical dependency issues. Owners are cooperative with law enforcement. Also had 3 burglary calls this past month. All officers now carry Narcon on them in case of an overdose call. b. Elk River EMS- New dispatch coordinator, 198 response calls and 134 transports. They are working on a mental health policy getting on the same page for them to transport vs police. They also have 2 new ambulances in their fleet. 6. Old business- a. The fire station study is happening. Adam will fly in and meet with the City Administrator and planner and all 5 Chiefs. Will take about 5 months to finish this part. 7. Annual Business a. Chair- Chuck Schauss nominates Bill Abderhalden, Greg Hubbard 2nd, Bill accepts, unanimous vote. b. Vice Chair- Bill Abderhalden nominates Chuck Schauss, Jim Breitbach 2nd- Chuck accepts, unanimous vote. c. Secretary- Chuck Schauss nominates Melissa Westervelt, Bill Abderhalden 2 nd- Melissa accepts, unanimous vote. 8. New Business- a. There are trenches going in around the city for various utilities, etc. b. Meet at 6:00pm on 5/8/18 to clean up the road. 9. Council Updates: a. Nothing to report 10. Adjourn- Motion by Jim Breitbach to adjourn, second by Bill Abderhalden. The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm Submitted by Melissa Westervelt- Secretary