ITEM 3.2A 8.12.2013 MinutesI`rE M 3.2 ► OTSEGO CITE` COUNCIL [MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER August 1, 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. Myr Jessica St ck mp called the meeting t order at 7:00 PM11 Roll II: mayor Jessica St ck r p; uncilrn rnl r ; Vern H ldn r, Jason W r him and Tom D rk n r ld. Excused absence: Councilmember Doug Schroeder. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur., City Attorney; Bass D mant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Tani Luff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 erg FrFur. Dominic Palmer, 8246 Packard Ave, spoke regarding the city noise ordinance related to barbing dogs, radios etc.; Mr. Palmer read a portion of the ordinance and said he doesn't feel the ordinance addresses the issue and said that when he calls the deputies are not enforcing the ordinance. City Planner Licht said it is addressed in another section of the ordinance. H recommended Mr. Palmer call city hall the next t time and city staff can send a letter to the offender and follow up with the deputies. Mayor Stockamp recommended Mr. Palmer attend a Police Commission Meeting. Mr. Palmer said he did a couple of years ago regarding the same issuer 2, Consider agenda approval_. CM H idn r motioned to approve as written, Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in fro* Motion carried. . Consent Agenda, (Non -controversial item .1 Approve Claims List. .2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutesl Al July 1, 2013 Special Meetings B. July 22,, 2013 Meeting. C, July 22, 2013 Special Meeting. Dt July 29, 2013 Special Meeting. E. August 1, 2013 Special Meeting. 3.3 Pay Estimates/Requests: A. Approve Final Pay Request for roof & siding repair in the amount of $31,652.07 to Erickson Builders. B. Approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $914.85 and Pay Request in the amount of$463,759.52 for the 2013 Street Maintenance Project to Pearson Brothers. 3.4 Approve Resolution 2013-43 approving use of the official City of Otsego logo on signs for the 2013 Olathe 101 Market Harvest Cora Maze and Fall Festival special event. M Heldner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Community Development. .1 Waterfront East P rl in . City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Cid Hldnr asked if there is an all or nothing clause. City Attorney MacArthur said yes. CM D rk n r ld asked if this is two PIUS and if the property owner will have to acquire more land for parking if needed. City Planner Licht said yes and the developer has considered acquiring Oudot K to the south that could add additional parking, CM ar enwald motioned to approve an agreement with Main street Otsego Development LLC regarding construction of addI'tionar parking for Lot 1, Brock 1. Otsego Waterfront East 2nd Addition as presented. Seconded by CM Heidner. All i favor. [lotion carried. 51 Parks and Recreation. .1 Prairie Center Proi Parks and Recreation Manager D m nt presented the staff report and Kinghorn rn Construction Representative Grady Kinghorn was presented for questions. Parks and Recreation Manager Dent said the landscaping is not included; he has a potential Eagle Scout he will work with to complete landscaping as was done with the splash pad. Once a plan is drafted it will be brought back to the city council. He stated the exterior building signage is being reviewed. CM Heidner questioned the alternates on the project cost summary. Parks and Recreation Manager D mant said Kinghorn had provided an estimate for the instead of carpet in the hallway but city staff is recommending carpet. City Administrator 3 has n stated the monument ent signage is being rooked at to rake sure it is consistent with the proposed campus signage; therefore, neither bid alternates is recommended. Mr. Kinghorn stated there will be no change orders to the project. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve the contracts as stated in Kinghorn"s Project Cost Summary dated August 71r 2013, for $383,,000.63 and to approve the proposal from HTG for construction Document Services for $9,.500,. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor, Motion carried. Public Works, .1 Needham Avenue Storm Sever Improvement. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Darken ald asked ghat the cost estimate is for phase 2, City Engineer Wagner said around $39,000-40,,000. CM Heidner asked if a public hearing is required before authorizing the project. City Attorney MacArthur said all that is needed is to certify the assessment at a meeting probably in late Septembert M Warehime motioned to approve Resolution 2013-44 to award contract for Needham Avenue Stora serer Improvement- Phase 1 to Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. of Ramsey. SIN, in the amount of $39,234,00. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. .2 L B aux Avenue Project. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report and stated that 10 out of 16 easements have been signed. City staff is expecting more. City staff= noted the help from resident Kathy War in er with obtaining the signed easements; the City Council and City staff= thanked her. Mayor stokarp asked what what happens if all the property owners do not sign. City Attorney MacArthur said they could be obstructing the drainage and the city could enforce as a vioraton,CM Warehime asked of the pathway discussed for the bus stop is included. City Engineer Wagner said that is estimated at $2,500 that is not included; he stated the City has not yet received the required written request by the school district and Transportation Company. CM Heidner said stated since the city has received a majority of the signed easements, he will make a notion to apron the project. CM Heldner motioned to approve Resolution 2013-45 awarding contract for the LaBeaux Avenue Improvement Project to Fehn Companies for the amount of $183,048.82. Seconded by CM Darkenwaid. All In favor. Motion carried. City Attorney MacArthur said he spoke with property owner Ray Slavik regarding acquiring property for the cul do sac and Mr. Slavik will accept the appraised amount for the easement. He, does grant a letter from the City threatening condemnation. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve letter of condemnation to Raymond lavi . Seconded by CM Heldner. All In favor. Motion carried. City Attorney MacArthur Arthur asked for a motion approving appraisal and payment to Raymond Slavik. M Heldner motioned to approve appraisal and payment to Raymond Slavik In the amount of $6,930.00. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Notion carried. 6.3 7&Street Noise study._ City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. Cil Heidner motioned to approve for the City of Otsego to award a contract for additional 70th street Noise study (COP -13-01) in the amount of $4,750 to SBP Associates, Inc. seconded by CM Warehime. All In favor. Notion carried. City Council Reports and Updates._ Mayor Stockamp asked for any updates on Jamfest st and also on the two fatalities within the city. City Administrator Johnson reviewed a Ja nF st update from Wright County Lt. Todd Sandin in which he explainedthat there were no issues. The Sheriff's department was pleased with hoer it went and had just minor suggestions for the future. Ms. Johnson further expressed sympathy to the families of the recent accident victims. She stated she had no additional information on the fatalities. The Mayor, City Council and staff expressed their sympathy to the families, r Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson noted the final payment er t t PeopleService was included on the claims list approved earlier tonight. The payment was recommended for payment after completion of property and supply inventory review to the City's satisfaction, City Engineer Wagner said that the Kadler Avenue storm grater project is complete. 91 Adjourn,.. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM War hime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:42 P[ . ATTEST: 'ami Loff, City Clerk 3 Mayor Jessica st cl amp