ITEM 3.2B SSC 8.12.2013 MinutesI T RE M 3.2 B SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER August 1,, 2013 Cali to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockar p called the meeting to order at 8:12 PM4 Roll Call: [payor Jessica Stockamp; ouncilmember : vera Heldner, Jason War hime and Toni Darkenwald. Excused absence: Councilmember Doug Schroeder. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator and Tari Loff, City Clerk. 1, 2014 Bug . City Administrator Johnson presented an overview of the preliminary 2014 budget and tax levy and other iters included in the staff report. She reviewed in detail the charges in bond levies and reserve fund cash flog and projected levy amounts. She stated that the Stora Water out of District levy was most likely not adequate and would need to be increased, if not this year, in future years. The Council did not recommend changes to the reserve fund levies. The City Council reviewed the proposed 2014 budget as presented. City Administrator Johnson reviewed each of the sterns included in the staff memo and reviewed the General Government budgets. Reins to motet The City Council agreed not to levy for the EDA at this time. The City Council agreed to the L serl`iche v eblink recommendation and the Code Enforcement software proposed. The City Council also agreed to a temporary hire for to complete the l serfiche project. The Council agreed with the increase in recreation administrative assistance due to the expanded use of Prairie Center. No other changes to the budget were recommended by the Council. City Administrator Johnson said the react budget meeting will focus on Public Works and Parks and Recreation Departments; both department heads will be present to discuss their- requests and to answer questions. Additionally, adjustments to staff levels will be reviewed. The City Council asked for a breakdown of the recreation fees and expenditures for the next meeting. The fleet management/vehicle replacement policy was discussed. City Administrator Johnson stated this is included on the list of projects that will begin after the Administrative Service Director starts net week. CIS Heidner ~motioned to call a Special City Council Meeting at City Hall on August f 2013 directly filwing the regular scheduled City Council Meeting at 7:00 Pf. Seconded by CM Warehilme,, All in favor. Lotion carried. City Administrator Johnson said she was recently made aware that many newsletters get returned to the city because the addressee no longer lives at the address and the forwarding address has expired or isn't it existence. She stated changing the address from a name to "current resident"' instead would ensure that all business owners and residents receive a copy of the newsletter. Now some of the newsletters go to the property owner who may not lire or do business in Otsego and the business or resi request from Hakanson Anderson for ars engineering rate increase to the next City Council consent agenda for approval. 2. 'ern CM ar[ viald motioned to adjourn. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:24 PMN ATTEST: Tani Loff, City Clerk 2 Mayor Jessica Stockamp